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Mormon Battalion flag from 1846-1847
Mormon Battalion Flag 1846-1847
San Diego, CA
Mormon Battalion flag revised 1999
Mormon Battalion Flag on display at "This is the Place" Monument in SLC 1999.

The U. S. Army Mormon Battalion

U.S. Mormon Battalion Mexican War medal

500+ Mormon Volunteers and 35+ Wives and Children
"The battalion comprised approximately 559 men, including officers, non-commissioned officers, privates, guides, aides to officers, and teamsters, plus 35 women and 42 children who physically participated in the march."
--Larry C. Porter, BYU professor 1992

The group called the Mormon Battalion was comprised of men recruited from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often called Mormons. It was a regular infantry battalion comprised of five companies with about 100 men in each company. It was commanded by non-Mormon, regular United States Army officers who in turn chose regular Army officers as Battalion staff.
Many young boys and older men wanted to serve in the Mormon Battalion even though they did not meet the age requirements of eighteen to forty-five. This could attribute to the differing numbers in various accounts of the total men in the Battalion. Men who were too old signed on as wagon masters or guides. Boys who were too young to be officially enlisted went as cattle and oxen drivers, wagon drivers, servants to the officers, drummers and fifers, herding cattle and sheep, milking cows, chopping wood, drawing water, cutting grass, pitching and stacking hay.and other types of work so they could be with their families.
Examples are Zemira Palmer (1831-1880), William Byron Pace (1832-1907), Wilson Daniel Pace (1831-1899), Nelson Daniel Higgins (1835-1890), Charles Edwin Colton (1834-1916), James Mowrey (1830-1878), and Elisha Smith.

March of Mormon Battalion 1846-1847Mormon Battalion at the Gila River
Painting by George M. Ottinger

The Mormon Battalion (1846-1847 & 1848) Roster

When the Mormon Battalion was called in 1846, LDS church leaders selected most of the officers, they also placed them in charge of all religious and social affairs of the battalion.  Among the almost entirely Mormon unit only the cadre leadership of battalion commanders Lieutenant James Allen, Lieutenant Andrew Jackson Smith, and Colonel Philip St. George Cooke plus Lieutenant George Stoneman [Coray Journal Nov. 29, 1846, and Dec. 11, 1846 during attack by bulls shot his thumb nearly off. Also at http://petruzzi.wordpress.com/2007/02/] and surgeon Dr. George B. Sanderson were non-Mormons.


Kearny, Stephen Watts, Brig. Gen., Commander, Army of the West, to May 1847.

Stevenson, Jonathan D., COL, Comander of the Army in California, appointed by Kearny, May 10, 1847.


Listed in order of appointment or of assuming command.

Allen, James D., LCL, Battalion Commander, July to 23 Aug 1846.

Smith, Andrew Jackson, 1LT, Acting Commander.

Cooke, Phillip St.George, LCL, Battalion Commander, from 13 Oct 1846.

Cloud, Jeremiah H., MAJ, Paymaster.

Stoneman, George, 2LT, Assistant Quartermaster.

Dykes, George Parker, 1LT, Adjutant, to 1 Nov 1846.

Merrill, Philemon Christopher, 2LT, Adjutant, from 1 Nov 1846.

Glines, James Haravey, SGT-MAJ, to 16 Oct 1846.

Ferguson, James, SGT-MAJ, From 16 Oct 1846.

Allred, Reddick Newton, QM.Sgt.

McKissock, M.D., Assistant Quartermaster.

Sanderson, George, MD, Surgeon.

McIntyre, William L., Assistant Surgeon, he was not a Private.




Charboneauz, Jean Baptiste

Foster, Stephen G.


Hall, Willard P.


Thompson, Phillip

Weaver, Pauline W.

There were also five women who completed the trek from Council Bluffs, Iowa to San Diego, California: Lydia Hunter, Melissa Burton Coray, Susan Davis, Nancy Brown Davis, and Phebe Draper Palmer Brown. William Coray wrote on October 19, 1846 while in Santa Fe that 5 women continued with the Mormon Battalion on to California.

Company A


Charles Jefferson Hunt, Captain (George David Black's father-in-law)

George W. Oman, 1st Lieutenant

Lorenzo Clark, 2nd Lieutenant

William W. Willis, 3rd Lieutenant (1st Sergeant at Muster In)( Coray Journal - Nov. 10, 1846 at Rio Delnort, Willis took command of 55 men detached from main A.J. Cook contingent)

James Ferguson, Sergeant Major (later General, married Lucy Nutting)
Mustered out with Company July 16, 1847, at Los Angeles, Cal

Phinehas R. Wright, 1st Sergeant (Private at Muster Out)

Ebenezer Brown 1802-1878, 2nd Sergeant (Phebe Draper Palmer Brown's husband)
Mustered out with Company July 16, 1847, at Los Angeles, Cal. Died at Draperville, Salt Lake County, Utah, January 25, 1878. (Church Encyclopedia, Historical Record, Vol. 8, pag 950)

Reddick N. Allred, 3rd Sergeant

Alexander McCord, 4th Sergeant

Gilbert Hunt, 1st Corporal

Lafayette N. Frost, 2nd Corporal

Thomas Weir, 3rd Corporal (Private at Muster Out)

William S. Muir, 4th Corpoal (Private at Muster In, 1st Sergeant at Muster Out)

Elisha Averett, Musician (See Bliss Journal, June 20, 1847 arrived at San Diego from Purbelo)  Married to Cherizade Grimes.

Joseph W. Richards, Musician (died at Pueblo)


A1. Allen, Rufus C.

A2. Allred, James, R.

A3. Allred, James T. S.

A4. Allred, Reuben W.

A5. Allen, Albern or Alburn

A6. Bailey, James

A7. Beckstead, Gordon S.

A8. Beckstead, Orin M.

A9. Bevan, James

A10. Bickmore, Gilbert

A11. Blanchard, Mervin S. -died along the trek

A12. Brown, John

A13. Brown, William W.

A14. Brass, Benjamin

A15. Brunson, Clinton D

A16. Bryant, John S.

A17. Butterfield, Jacob Kemp. Married Louisa Butterfield Walker.

A18. Curtis, Josiah

A19. Cox, Henderson

A20. Chase, Hiram B.

A21. Calkins, Alva C. (see (See Bliss Journal, March 12, 1848)

A22. Casper, William Wallace. Married to Sarah Ann Bean.

A23. Calkins, James W.

A24. Calkins, Sylvanus

A25. Calkins, Edwin R.

A26. Coleman, George Moroni -b. 2 Mar 1817; recorded death Dec 18, 1846 from dysentery, short distance from Turley Ranch, near Pueblo, Colorado. As part of Pueblo group sent to

A27. Clark, Joseph

A28. Clark, Riley G.

A29. Decker, Zechariah B.

A30. Dobson, Joseph Married to Caroline Murdock.

A31. Dobson or Dodson, Eli - died along the trek

A32. Earl, James C.

A33. Egbert, Robert C.

A34. Fairbanks, Henry

A35. Frederick, David

A36. Glines, James H. (Q. M. Sergeant at M. I., Private at M. O.)

A37. Garner, David --Private. On detached service since October 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847.

A38. Gordon, Gilman

A39. Goodwin, Andrew Jackson. Married to Elizabeth Wimmer.

A40. Hulett, Schuyler

A41. Holden, Elijah E.

A42. Hampton, James (died at camp on Rio Grande Nov. 4, 1846, See Bliss Journal, Coray Journal (Nov. 3, 1846), and Hyde Bio)

A43. Hawkins, Benjamin

A44. Hickenlooper, Wm. F.

A45. Hunt, Martial (Marshall)

A46. Hewett, Eli B.

A47. Hudson, Wilford

A48. Hoyt, Henry Pike (See Bliss Journal Sept. 7, 1847, died in California mtns on return to SL)

A49. Hoyt, Timothy S..

A50. Ivy, Richard A.

A51. Jackson, Charles A.

A52. Johnson, Henry

A53. Kelly, William

A54. Kelley, Milton (died of pneumonia Nov. 4, 1846 at Pueblo, Colorado)

A55. Kelley, Nicholas (enlisted at Council Grove August 31, 1846. With wife Sarah Ann Price and son Parley Kelley, went to Pueblo with Higgins Sick Detachment on September 1846. (2)md Minerva A. Jordan 4 Mar 1869)

A56. Kibley, James

A57. Lemon, James W.

A58. Lake, Barnabas

A59. Moss, David

A60. Maxwell, Maxie

A61. Mayfield, Benjamin F.

A62. Naile, Conrad

A63. Oyler, Melcher - died along the trek

A64. Packard, Henry (M. O. as Corporal)

A65. Persons, Ebenezer

A66. Roe, Cariatat C.

A67. Riter, John

A68. Steele, George E.

A69. Steele, Isaiah C.

A70. Sessions, Richard 1799-1879

A71. Shepherd, Lafayette (M. O. as Corporal)

A72. Swartout, Hamilton

A73. Sexton, George

A74. Sessions, John 1821-1896 died in Heber City, Wasatch, Utah

A75. Sessions, William Bradford 1827-1889

A76. Taylor, Joseph

A77. Thompson, John Crow Married to Ann Broyhill Clark.

A78. Vrandenburg, Adna

A79. Weaver, Miles, son of Martha Raymer Weaver Draper

A80. Wriston, John P.

A81. Wriston, Isaac N.

A82. Weaver, Franklin (Moroni Brown's relative and son of Martha Raymer Weaver Draper)

A83. Wilson, Alfred G.

A84. Wheeler, Merrill W.

A85. White, Samuel S. (Samuel F. on original Co. register)

A86. Webb, Charles Young (http://users.lasvegas.net/~wmpl/H_Margaret%20Allen.htm)

A87. Winn, Dennis

A88. Woodworth, Lysander ; worked at Bent's Fort along with Jackson and John Mayfield and William D. Kartchner. (see Kartchner journal)

A89. White. Joseph

AB90. Willey, Jeremiah -Married to Samantha Call; and to Sarah Ann Ward


  • Allred, Elizabeth Briget Manwaring,Wife of JamesT.S. Allred, son Fent.
  • Allred, Elzadie Emeline Ford, Wife of Reuben Warren Allred.
  • Brown, Phebe Draper Palmer, wife of Ebenezer Brown.
  • Hunt, John, son of Jefferson Hunt
  • Hunt, Celia Mounts, Wife of Jefferson Hunt.
  • Hunt, Matilda Jane Nease, Wife of Jefferson Hunt.
  • Hunt, Marshall, son of Jefferson Hunt.
  • Hunt, Mary, two year old child of Jefferson Hunt; later married George David Black.
  • Harriet, Hyrum, Jane, Joseph, John, Mary, Parley Hunt. Children of Jefferson Hunt.
  • Ellen Nease, Peter Nease, sister and brother of Matilda Nease.
  • Kelley, Malinda Allison, wife of Milton Kelley. Malinda Catherine Kelley. Milton died of pneumonia 4 Nov 1846 at Pueblo, Colorado. He was the son of Jefferson Hunt's older sister Jane Catherine Hunt Kelley.
  • Kelley, Sarah, Wife of Nickolas Kelley. Parley Kelley.
  • Palmer, Zemira "Jim" (16 year old son of Phebe Draper Palmer Brown)
  • Sessions, Emmeline, wife of John Sessions.
  • Weaver, Martha Elizabeth, 9 yrs old, sister of Miles Weaver and Franklin Weaver.

Company B


Jesse D. Hunter, Captain (In January1847 Diego Hunter, son of Captain and Mrs. Jesse Hunter, Mormons, was born at Fort Stockton, San Diego, Ca.  and spoken of as "the first child of American parents born in San Diego." http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/68july/images.htm#54)

Elam Luddington, 1st Lieutenant

Ruel Barris or Barrus, 2nd Lieutenant (see Coray Journal, Dec. 6, 1846)

Philemon Christopher Merrill, 3rd Lieutenant when m.i. (see Coray Journal, Feb. 2, 1847) 9', one ton bronze statue of 2nd Lt. Merrill (when m.o.), was unveiled on the 160th Anniversary of the MB march, overlooks the Yuma Wetlands Park.

William Coray, 1st Orderly Sergeant (husband of Melissa Burton Coray)

William Hyde, 2nd Orderly Sergeant

Albert Smith, 3rd Orderly Sergeant (see Coray Journal, Dec. 11, 1846, attacked and trapped between the bull’s horns and had three ribs partially severed from his backbone.) Married to Esther Dutcher.

David P. Rainey, 1st Corporal

Thomas Dunne, 2nd Corporal

John Darwin Chase 1815-1902, 3rd Corporal; md. near Pueblo, Colorado, 17 Feb1847 Almira Higgins, dau of Nelson Higgins

William Hunter, Musician

George Taggart, Musician


B1. Allen, George

B2. Allen, Elijah

B3. Alexander, Horace M.

B4. Allen, Franklin Married to Rebecca Myers.

B5. Bush, Richard

B6. Bird, William

B7. Bingham, Erastus

B8. Bingham, Thomas (See Bliss Journal, Oct. 24, 1847) Married to Caron or Karen Happuch Holladay.

B9. Billings, Orson

B10. Bigler, Henry W.

B11. Boley, Samuel (died at Missouri River)

B12. Borrowman, John {court-martialed)

B13. Brackenberry, Benj. B.

B14. Brown, Francis, Private. Mustered out with Company B July 16, 1847, at Los Angeles, Cal.

B15. Bliss, Robert Stanton Married to

B16. Bybee, John McCan.

B17. Clark, George S.

B18. Colton, Philander

B19. Cheney, Zacheus

B20. Callahan, Thomas W.

B21. Church, Haden W. (see Coray Journal, Aug. 14, 1846).

B22. Camp, J. G.

B23. Carter, P. J.

B24. Curtis, Dorr Purdy. Married Catherine Adelia Haight.

B25. Carter, Richard Harrison- died 28 Nov 1846 Socorro, Socorro, NM on Rio Grande. His wife, Hannah Parker died at Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa on 12 Apr 1852, leaving 4 children

B26. Dayton, William J.

B27. Dutcher, Thomas P.

B28. Dolton, Henry S.

B29. Dunham, Albert - died along the trek

B30. Evans, Israel

B31. Evans, William

B32. Eastman, Marcus N.

B33. Freeman, Elijah N. - died along the trek

B34. Follett, William A.

B35. Fife, Peter

B36. Green, Ephraim

B37. Garner, William A (see (See Bliss Journal, March 12, 1848) .
[b. 22 Jan 1817] (Tyler’s list, WILLIAM A. GARNER) Private. Mustered out with Company July 16, 1847, at Los Angeles, Cal. Returned to Pottawattamie County, Iowa, and became a large land proprietor, and highly respected citizen. [md. Sarah Saria Grady Workman on 28 Sep 1842; d. 29 Mar 1892]. (Hon. D.C. BLOOMER, in Annals of Iowa, Third Series, Vol. III, page 594)

B38. Garner, Phillip Sr. (father of Martha Ann Garner Critchlow)
[b. 11 Oct 1808] Private. On detached service since Oct. 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment to date July 16, 1847 [md. Mary Hendrick/Hedrick on 4 Apr 1830]

B39. Hawk, Nathan

B40. Huntsman, Isaiah 1826-1878; md. Rebecca Carter Ames (1830-1915); Orval Kay Draper + Theo Huntsman Draper - Theo's paternal great-grandfather.

B41. Hoffheins, Jacob

B42. Hanks, Ephraim K.

B43. Hawk, William

B44. Hinkley, Azra E. (Ezra on original Co. register)

B45. Hunter, Edward

B46. Haskell, George

B47. Harris, Silas

B48. Jones, David H.

B49. Keyser, Guy M.

B50. King, John Morris. Married to Sarah Ann Jewell.

B51. Kirk, Thomas

B52. Lawson, John

B53. Morris, Thomas

B54. McCarty, Nelson Married to Mary Jane Morris.

B55. Mount, Hiram B.

B56. Martin, Jesse B.

B57. Murdock, John R.

B58. Murdock, Price

B59. Myers, Samuel

B60. Miles, Samuel

B61. Noler, Christian

B62. Owens, Robert

B63. Pearson, Ephraim J.

B64. Persons, Harmon D.

B65. Prouse, William Cook

B66. Park, James 1st

B67. Park, James 2nd

B68. Richards, Peter F.

B69. Rogers, Samuel Holister - find his journal

B70. Study, David

B71. Smith, Azariah

B72. Stevens, Lyman Married to Martha Durfee.

B73. Stoddard, John Rufus, (and his later to be wife, Martha Elizabeth Weaver Stoddard married Oct. 1853

B74. Simmons, William A.

B75. Sly, James C.

B76. Steers, Andrew J.

B77. Stillman, Dexter 1804-after 1860, father of Clark Stillman of Company D

B78. Workman, Andrew J.

B79. Walker, William

B80. Willes, Ira Jones

B81. Workman, Oliver G.

B82. Willes, William Sidney Smith

B83. Watts, John

B84. Whitney, Francis T.

B85. Wright, Charles

B86. Wilcox, Edward

B87. Wilcox, Henry

B88. Wheeler, John L.

B89. Winters, Jacob

B90. Zabriskie, Jerome (see Coray Journal, Jan. 20, 1847)


  • Coray, Melissa Burton, wife of William Coray, sister in law of Sgt. N.V. Jones.
  • Hunter, Lydia Edmonds, wife of Jesse D. Hunter. Died in San Diego [April 26, 1847 See Bliss Journal, April 13, 1847 son born in California.]
  • Luddington, Mary Eliza Clark, wife of Elam Ludington.
  • At least two children were in the Ludington family.
  • Luddington, Lena Monger, mother of Elam Ludington


Captain James Brown Jr. James Brown, Captain 1801-1863
Captain. On detached service since Oct. 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847. He was appointed to take command of a sick detachment sent by Colonel Doniphan from Santa Fe to Pueblo. They marched from Santa Fe Oct. 18, 1846, and arrived at Pueblo Nov. 17, following, where they joined Captain HIGGINS’ detachment, which had been sent from the Arkansas River. He died in Ogden, Utah, Sept 30, 1863.

George W. Rosecrans, 1st Lieutenant. Married to Eliza Leonard. After Company C was re-organized at Santa Fe, he assumed command. The company marched from Los Angeles toward Cajon Pass under the leadership of Lt. George W. Rosecrans. (http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/59october/fortrosecrans.htm The San Diego fort was named for Maj. Gen. William Starke Rosecrans)

Samuel Thompson, 2nd Lieutenant

Robert Clift (promoted from Orderly Sergeant to 3rd Lieutenant)

Orson Bennett Adams, 1st Sergeant at M. I., and 2nd Sergeant at M. O.

Elijah Elmer, 2nd Sergeant at M. I., 1st Sergeant at M. O.

Joel J. Terrill, 3rd Sergeant (Private at M. O.)

David Wilken, 4th Sergeant (Private at M. O.)

Jabez Townsend Nowlin, 1st Corporal (Private at M. O.) Married Amanda Thomas.

Alexander Brown 1826-1910, 2nd Corporal
Corporal. On detached service since Oct. 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847

Edward Martin, 3rd Corporal (2nd Sergeant at M. O.) Married to Alice Clayton.

Daniel Tyler, 4th Corporal (3rd Sergeant at M. O.)

Richard D. Sprague, Musician

Ezra Hela Allen, Musician

Russell Gideon Brownell,1818-1895 Musician (Corporal at M. O.) Married to Melissa Cynthia Call on 24 March 1846 at Pottawattamie, Iowa.  He died in Fresno, Fresno, CA.


C1. Adair, George John Wesley 1820-1903, Married to Harriet C. Williams.

C2. Babcock, Lorenzo

C3. Bailey, Addison

C4. Bailey, Jefferson

C5. Barney, Walter

C6. Beckstead, William Ezra

C7. . Blackburn, Abner (See Bliss Journal, March 12, 1848) See "Frontiersman: Abner Blackburn's Narrative" representing a edited version of Blackburn's journal. Blackburn's Big Meadows is now the site of Reno, NV.

C8. Boyle, Henry Green (Henry B. Miller on original Co. register)

C9. Brimhall, John b. 16 Apr 1824 at Steuben, NY. Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, page 734; d. 18 Dec 1906 at Glendale, Kane, Utah; md. Anna Retta Harris.

C10. Brown, Jesse Sowell 1828-1905
[one account shows JASON S. BROWN], (Tyler’s list, JESSE J. BROWN) Private. On detached service since Oct. 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847, as JESSE S. BROWN. Helped his father, Captain James Brown, to found and settle Brownsville, later Ogden, Utah.

C11. Burt, William 1810-1891

C12. Bybee, Henry G.

C13. Catlin, George W.

C14. Calvert, John Hamaker

C15. Carpenter, Isaac

C16. Carpenter, William Hiram.

C17. Clift, James

C18. Condit, Jeptha

C19. Covil, John Quincy Adams

C20. Dalton, Harry

C21. Dalton, Edward

C22. Donald, Neal - died along the trek

C23. Dunn, James

C24. Durphy or Durphee, Francillo (http://www.genealogy.com/users/d/u/r/Janis-Durfee/FILE/0001page.html)

C25. Dodge, Augustus E.

C26. Forbush, Loren Ezra

C27. Fellows, Hiram W.

C28. Fife, John
Private. Mustered out with Company July 16, 1847, at Los Angeles, Cal.

C29. Fifield, Joseph Levi or Levi Joseph (see Coray Journal, Dec. 11, 1846, attacked by bulls, dropped to ground so bull ran past him.) Married to Sarah Smith.

C Forbush, Lorin

C30. Gibson, Thomas

C31. Gould, John C.

C32. Gould, Samuel

C33. Green, John W. - died along the trek

C34. Hancock, Charles Bent

C35. Hancock, George Washington

C36. Harmon, Ebenezer

C37. Harmon, Lorenzo F.

C38. Hatch, Meltiar

C39. Hatch, Orin

C40. Hendrickson, James

C41. Holdaway, Shadrach

C42. Holt, William

C43. Ivie, Thomas Celton. Married to Amanda Jane Moore.

C44. Johnson, Jarvis

C45. Johnston, Jesse Walker

C46. Johnston, William James

C47. Layton, Christopher 1821-1898

C48. Landers, Ebenezer Married to Anna Farnam.

C49. Larson, Thurston

C50. Lewis, Samuel 1829-1911 (see (See Bliss Journal, March 12, 1848) son of Tarleton Lewis, one of the missionaries who baptized Captain James Brown and his wife. Borne Oct. 17, 1829 in Simpson County, Kentucky. After discharge he settled in southern Utah where he worked as a stonemason. In 1897 he moved to Colonia Juárez; he died Aug 31, 1911 in Thatcher, AZ.

C51. McCullough, Levi Hamilton.

C52. Morey, Harley

C53. Maggard, Benjamin

C54. Mead, Orlando Fish

C55. Moore, Calvin W.

C56. Morey, Harley

C56. Mowrey, John T

C57. Myler, James Married to Julia Ann Brownell.

C58. Olmstead, Hiram

C59. Peck, Isaac

C60. Peck, Thorit (Corporal at M. O.)

C61. Perkins, David

C62. Perkins, John - died along the trek

C63. Persons, Judson

C64. Pickup, George

C65. Pulsipher, David

C66. Reynolds, William

C67. Richie, Benjamin

C68. Richmond, Benjamin

C69. Riser, John J.

C70. Rust, William Walker

C71. Shipley, Joseph

C72. Shumway, Aurora

C73. Shupe, Andrew Jackson
(ANDREW I. SHUPE) Private. On detached service since Oct. 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847.

C74. Shupe, James Wright Private. On detached service since Oct. 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847 as JAMES W. SHUPE.

C75. Smith, Milton H. - died around April 12, 1847 at San Luis, California, noted in N.V. Jones Journal.. Spouse: Mary Jane Tatum Smith, b. May 16, 1829

C76. Smith, Richard

C77. Squire(s), William 1816-1885 (Corporal at M. O.) Married to Maria Morrell; and to Isabella Elizabeth White.

C78. Taylor, Norman

C79. Tindell, Solomon

C80. Thomas, Elijah

C81. Thompson, James Louis

C82. Thompson, Samuel

C83. Thomas, Nathan T.

C84. Truman, Jacob Mica 1825-1881 -

C85. Tuttle, Elanson

C86. Wade, Edward David

C87. Wade, Moses Married to Sarah Maria "Sally" Bundy.

C88. Welsh, Madison

C89. Wheeler, Henry

C90. White, John J.

C91. Wilcox, Matthew

C92. Wood, William


  • Adams, Susanna, wife of Orson Bennett Adams.
  • Brown, Mary McCree Black, wife of Captain James Brown, George David Black, son of Mary McCree and George Black.
  • Shupe, Sarah, wife of James Wright Shupe.  
  • Elizabeth Margaret
  • Wilkin, Isabella McNair Hunter Wilkin, wife of David Wilkin.

Company D


Nelson Higgins, Captain

George P. Dykes, 1st Lieutenant (See Bliss Journal, Feb 13, 1847) (Coray Journal - Nov. 1, 1846, Dykes resigned; see also Nov 12, 1846)

Sylvester Hulett, 2nd Lieutenant Married to Anna Whitmer Schott.

Cyrus Culver Canfield, 3rd Lieutenant Married to Clarissa Lora Jones.

Nathaniel Vary Jones, 1st Sergeant (Private at M. O.) Brother-in-law of Melissa Burton Coray

Thomas Williams, 2nd Sergeant

Luther T. Tuttle, 3rd Sergeant

Alpheus P. Haws, 4th Sergeant

Arnold Stephens -1846, 1st Corporal - died at Pueblo, around September 1846, fell from his animal and died in one week ( See Kartchner journal)

John Buchanan, 2nd Corporal (http://home.utah.edu/~joseph/genealogy/AWOBuchanan.html)

William Coon, 3rd Corporal

Lewis Lane, 4th Corporal (Private at M. O.)

Willard G. Smith, Musician

Henry Wells Jackson (Henry J. on original Co. register), Musician


D1. Abbott, Joshua Chandler 1804-1896
Private. On detached service since Oct. 17, 1846, by order of Colonel Doniphan, Commanding Army of the West. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847

D2. Averett, Judathan

D3. Brown, James Polly 1st, b. April 22, 1803; d. Nov. 6, 1871; md. to Eunice Reasor [Relsor -from daughter Sarah J. Brown Lowry's letter 12/27/1914] Brown.

D4. Brown, James Stephens 1828-1902
JAMES BROWN (2nd) (Tyler’s list, JAMES S. BROWN) Private. On detached service since Sept 17, 1846, by order of Acting Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Jackson SMITH. Mustered out with detachment, to date July 16, 1847

D5. Badlam or Badham, Samuel. Married to Mary D. Richards.

D6. Button, Montgomery

D7. Brizzee, Henry W.

D8. Boyd, George W.

D9. Boyd, William

D10. Barger, William W.

D11. Compton, Allen

D12. Cole, James B.

D13. Casto, William

D14. Casto, James

D15. Curtis Foster

D16. Clawson, John R.

D17. Cox, Amos (see Coray Journal Dec. 10, 1846, shooting bulls story) Married Philena Morley.

D18. Collins, Robert H. Married Mary Jane Mayberry.

D19. Chase, Abner - died along the trek

D20. Davis, Sterling

D21. Davis, Eleazer Private. Mustered out with Company July 16, 1847, at Los Angeles, Cal. Wife, Nancy Brown Davis, is mentioned on lists as "a child of Captain James Brown" or as one of two Mrs. Davis's. Eleazer and Nancy Davis first child, Martha Loella Davis, was born November 1849 in California (see census records and http://www.OrsonPrattBrown.org/CJB/1830-1925-Nancy/eleazer-davis.html).

D22. Davis, James

D23. Douglas, Ralph

D24. Douglas, James

D25. Fletcher, Philander

D26. Frazier, Thomas

D27. Fatoute, Ezra

D28. Forsgreen, John

D29. Finlay or Findlay, Thomas

D30. Gilbert, John

D31. Gifford, William W.

D32. Gribble, William b. 15 Aug 1817, Perce, Le Rocher Perce, Quebec, Canada; div. Aug 1847 from plural wife Huldah Sophia Smith; d.14 Oct 1866. Also married to Adelia Maria Clemons.

D33. Hoagland, Lucas

D34. Henrie, Daniel

D35. Hirons, James Pettyjohn Married to Mary Ann Jameson. They went to Pueblo with CJB. Later married Sarah Ann Ivie in 1850. In 1848 was part of Jefferson Hunt expedition from Salt Lake to San Bernardino, where he remained, turned to drink and gambling and refused to leave San Bernardino. Sarah Ann's brother James A. Ivie had to get her and her two children to take them back to Salt Lake. Sarah Ann had four husbands. Family story posted by Len Evans.

D36. Huntington, Dimick Baker

D37. Hendricks, Wm. D.

D38. Holmes, Jonathan

D39. Higgins, Alfred

D40. Hunsaker, Abraham (1st Sergeant at M. O.)

D41. Jacobs, Sanford (Corporal at M. O.)

D42. Kenny or Kenney, Loren Edward. Married to Hannah Gott Nichols.

D43. Lamb, Lisbon

D44. Laughlin, David S.

D45. Maxwell, William

D46. Meeseek, Peter J.

D47. Meacham, Erastus

D48. Bingham, Erastus

D49. Merrill, Ferdinand

D50. McArthur, Henry

D51. Oakley, James

D52. Owen, James

D53. Peek, Edwin M.

D54. Perrin, Charles

D55. Pettegrew, James P.

D56. Rollins, John

D57. Rawson, Daniel Berry.

D58. Roberts, Benjamin

D59. Runyan, Levi

D60. Rowe, William

D61. Richmond, William

D62. Robinson, William

D63. Raymond, Alonzo Pierce or Pearis Married to Clarissa or Clarinda Cutler.

D64. Smith, John Glover.

D65. Stephens, Alexander 1813-1894; Captain James Brown's brother-in-law; one of the first five men to see gold at Sutters Fort.

D66. Spencer, William W. (see Coray Journal Dec. 10, 1846, shooting bulls story).

D67. Stewart, Benjamin

D68. Stewart, James

D69. Stewart, Robert B.

D70. Sargent, Abel M.

D71. Savage, Levi

D72. Stillman, Clark 1827-1890 [http://www.stillman.org/e428.htm]

D73. Swarthout, Nathan

D74. Sharp, Apbert

D75. Sharp, C. Norman - died 24/28 Sep 1846 from a gunshot wound before reaching Pueblo, Colorado. His wife Martha Jane Sargent Sharp continued to Pueblo with Higgins Sick Detachment where she delivered her baby daughter Sarah Ellen Sharp on 28 Nov 1846.

D76. Shelton, Sebert Crutcher

D77. Sanderson, Henry W.

D78. Steele, John Jr.

D79. Thompson, Henry

D80. Thompson, Miles

D81. Tanner, Myron (http://www.rootcellar.us/tanndisp.htm) md. Mary Jane Mount

D82. Twitchel, Anciel

D83. Tubbs, William Rockwell (Journal History for 4 Aug 1848 indicates Presidents Young, Kimball & Richards heard the case of Tubbs who was accused of "improper conduct with Harriat Brown", and adultery with Sophie Gribble, which led to her subsequent divorce from William Gribble. First Utah divorce.

D84. Treat, Thomas W. Married to Mary M. Sawyer.

D85. Hayward, Thomas

D86. Tippets, John (See Thomas Woolsey Journal)

D87. Walker, Edwin

D88. Woodward, Francis

D89. Whiting, Almon

DE90. Whiting, Edmond


  • Abbott, Ruth Markham, wife of Joshua Abbott.
  • Brown, Eunice Reasor, Wife of James "Polly" Brown.
  • Robert, Newman, John, Mary Ann, Sarah.
  • Button, Mary Bittles, Wife of Montgomery Button.
  • Charles, James, Jutson, Louisa.
  • Davis, Nancy Brown, wife of Eleazer Davis (The 1856 State Census for Calhoun, Harrison, Iowa, Page 412, shows Eleazer Davis, 29, born in New York, Nancy Davis, 26, born in North Carolina, and two children namely: Loella Davis, age 6, born in California 1849, and James Davis, age 3, born in Iowa.)
  • Higgins, Sarah Blackman, wife of Nelson Higgins, Capt.
  • Druzilla, Almira, Wealthy, Carlos Smith, Heber Kimball,
  • Gribble, Huldah Sophia Smith, plural wife of William Gribble (left him for William Tubbs. Sophia & Tubbs married August 1847. See Willis Sick Detachment )
  • Hirons, Mary Ann, wife of James P. Hirons.
  • Huntington, Fanny Maria Allen, wife of Dimick B. Huntington.
  • Martha Zina, Betsy Prescinda, Clark Allen, Lot.
  • Sharp, Martha Jane Sargent,wife of Norman Sharp. Sarah Ellen.
  • Caroline Sargent, daughter of Abel Sargent and sister to Martha Jane Sargent Sharp Mowrey.
  • Shelton, Elisabeth Trains Mayfield, wife of Sebert C. Shelton.
  • John Mayfield, Jackson Mayfield, Sarah Mayfield, Caroline
  • Shelton, Mariah Shelton.
  • Steele, Catherine Campbell, wife of John Steele. and Mary Steele.
  • Williams, Albina Marie Merrill, wife of Thomas Stephen Williams.
  • Caroline Marie, Ephriam
  • Merrill, Phoebe Lodema, sister of Albina Marie Williams, served as a nurse.
  • Jackman, Ami R., (see (See Bliss Journal, March 12, 1848, Note 14; see Hosea Stout Journal for May 3, 1848.).)
  • Stuart or Stewart, Davis, (see (See Bliss Journal, March 12, 1848, Note 14; see Hosea Stout Journal for May 3, 1848.)

Company E


Daniel Coon Davis, Captain: he died at Camp 41 miles west of Ft. Kearney, Otoe, Nebraska. His wife is Susanna Moses Davis.

James Edward Pace (1811-1888), 1st Lieutenant

Andrew Lytle, 2nd Lieutenant

Samuel L. Gully, 3rd Lieutenant Married to Jane Jones Frilick; and to Ovanda Fuller.

Samuel L. Brown, 1st Sergeant

Richard Brazier, 2nd Sergeant Married Sarah Luff.

Ebenezer Hanks, 3rd Sergeant

Daniel Browett, 4th Sergeant Married to Elizabeth Harris.

James A. Scott, Corporal (died at Pueblo)

Thomas R. Burns (1807-1888), 2nd Corporal at M.O., reduced to the ranks January 31, 1847. Thomas R. Burns joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was ordained a Seventy (Nauvoo Temple Register). On July 16, 1846 at Council Bluffs, Iowa he enlisted in the U.S. Mormon Battalion and was selected as 2nd corporal in Company E. He marched from Council Bluffs to Santa Fe where he was detached Nov. 10, 1846 with the sick under Lt. William Wesley Willis and traveled to Pueblo, Colorado. On 31 January 1847, while wintering at the Fort, he was reduced in rank to a private. He then migrated with the battalion to the Salt Lake Valley, arriving on 27 July 1847. He married Rebecca Smith, widow of Elisha Smith.

Levi Ward Hancock, Musician (See Bliss Journal, Feb 13, 1847); only General Authority to join. Married to Clarissa Reed.

Justice Jesse Earl, musician


E1. Allen, John ( see Coray Journal, Dec 1846, John was lost for several days in Sonora Mountains) Baptized at Fort Leavenworth. Released from service in 1847 in Los Angeles for desertion.

E2. Allen, George

E Beddome, William, enlisted with Whitworth, both around 16 years old.

E3. Bentley, John

E4. Beers, William

E5. Brown, Daniel born 2 Oct 1822 at Quebec, Canada, husband of Harriet St. John Brown

E6. Buckley, Newman

E7. Bunker, Edward 1822-1902 Private. Mustered out with Company July 16, 1847, at Los Angeles, Cal.

E8. Caldwell, Matthew Married to Barzilla Guymon.

E9. Campbell, Samuel

E10. Campbell, Jonathan Married to Charity Fuller.

E11. Cazier, James

E12. Cazier, John

E13. Clark, Samuel

E14. Clark, Albert

E15. Chapin, Samuel

E16. Cox, John Married to Eliza Roberts.

E17. Cummings, George Washington Married to Pheby Jane Ferguson.

E18. Day, Abraham, unofficial musician

E19. Dyke, Simon Married to Mary Ann Forney.

E20. Dennett, Daniel Q.

E21. Earl, Jacob

E22. Ewell, William

E23. Ewell, Martin F.

E24. Earl, Justice C.

E25. Findlay, John

E26. Follett, William T.

E27. Glazier, Luther W.

E28. Harmon, Oliver N.

E29. Harris, Robert Married to Hannah Maria Eagles.

E30. Harrison, Isaac

E31. Hart, James S.

E32. Harrison, Israel

E33. Hess, John W, (nephew of Jacob Foutz, cousin of Nancy Foutz Brown and Susan Foutz Brown and husband of Emeline Bigler Hess

E34. Hickmot, John

E35. Hopkins, Charles

E36. Hoskins, Henry

E37. Howell, Thomas Charles Davis. Married to Sarah Sally Stewart or Stuart.

E38. Howell, William

E39. Jacobs, Henry Bailey - 1809-1877. Married Lucy Ann Chandler

E40. Judd, Hiram Married to Lisania Fuller.

E41. Judd, Zadock Knapp (http://www.mormonbattalion.com/history/judd_experience.html w/photo)

E42. Jimmerson, Charles

E43. Knapp, Albert

E44. Kelley, George

E45. Karren, Thomas

E46. Lance, William

E47. McBride, Haslam

E48. McLelland, Wm. C.

E49. Miller, Daniel

E50. Miller, Miles

E51. Park, Wm. A.

E52. Pettegrew, David

E53. Pixton, Robert Married to Elizabeth Cooper.

E54. Phelps, Alva 1813-1846 (died 16 Sep 1846 near the Arkansas River, it is written by many who kept journals during the Mormon Battalion trek that Dr. Sanderson killed Phelps with his concocted medicine.)

E55. Porter, Sanford

E56. Pugmire, Jonathan, Jr.

E57. Rollins - -

E58. Richardson, Thomas

E59. Richards, L.

E60. Roberts, Levi Married to Harriet Ann Efford.

E61. Sanders, Richard T.

E62. Scott, Leonard M.

E63. Scott, James R.

E64. Skein, Joseph

E65. Spidle or Spidell, John (Tyler - June 12, 1847 -Spidle was thrown from his horse and badly hurt, but subsequently recovered.) Married to Margaret Smith.

E66. Slater, Richard Married to Ann Corbridge.

E67. Snyder, John

E68. Smith, Lot

E69. Smith, David

E70. Smith, Elisha (1798-1846) b.15 July 1798 in Milton, Tioga, New York. (Bliss Journal, died Dec 8, 1846) (Coray Journal, died Dec. 8, 1846, 6 o'clock). He was not an enlisted man but was hired by Captain Jefferson Davis as a teamster. Unless this is a son of Elisha's by the same name. Levi Hancock wrote a song in Elisha's memory. It depicted his death and burial, and was entitled. "Death And The Wolves."

E71. Smith, John

E72. St. John, Stephen Merritt., b. April 10, 1810 (See Bliss Journal, June 20, 1847 arrived at San Diego from Purbelo (Pueblo do los Angeles?) Married to Sally E. Stanton.

E73. Stephens, Roswell

E74. Standage, Henry

E75. Strong, William

E76. Tanner, Albert

E77. West, Benjamin

E78. Wilson, George Deliverance (Stephen Fairchild Wilson's Uncle)

E79. Woolsey, Thomas Ezra. Married to Mary Burrell; and to Elizabeth Ann Holdaway; and to Julia Ann Mitchell.

E80. Williams, James V.

E81. Whitworth, Robert William. His MB diary has been published.


  • Brown, Agnes, wife of Edmond Lee Brown.
  • Brown, Harriet St. John [Brown Swarthout DeWitt Akers](1829-1920), wife of Daniel Brown
  • Davis, Susannah Moses, wife of Captain Daniel Coon Davis, Daniel C. Davis, Jr.
  • Hanks, Jane Wells Cooper, wife of Ebenezer Hanks.
  • Hess, Emeline Bigler, wife of John W. Hess.
  • Pace, William Byron (1832-1907), servant to James Pace
  • Smith, Rebecca Bowen (?) b. 5 Dec 1815, wife of Elisha B. Smith (1798-1846), teamster for Capt. Davis, she later married in Utah to Thomas R. Burns of Company E. Was there an Elisha Smith, their son?

Grave of Elisha B. Smith
on the Christiansen Ranch at Ash Creek, 12 miles west of Douglas, Arizona, along Mexican border

  • Kearny Escort, 1847

    These 15 members escorted General Kearny back to Fort Leavenworth between 31 May and 23 August 1847 and were discharged there.

    Hulett, Sylvester, 2LT Company A Married to Anna Whitmer Schott
    Jones, Nathaniel Vary, SGT Company D
    Binley, John Wesley, CPL Company E
    Gordon, Gilman, PVT Company A Married to Sophia Jordon
    Taylor, Joseph, PVT  Company A
    Webb, Charles Young, PVT Company A
    Willey, Jeremiah, PVT Company A Married to Samantha Call; and to Sarah Ann Ward.
    Ivie, Thomas Celton, PVT Company C Married to Amanda Jane Moore.
    Landers, Ebenezer, PVT Company C
    Reynolds, William Fletcher, PVT Company C
    Tuttle, Elanson, PVT Company C
    Cox, Amos, PVT Company D
    Spencer, William W., PVT Company D
    Caldwell, Mathew, PVT  Company E
    Clark, Samuel Gilman, PVT Company E
     Rice, Asaph, COL. Married to Louisa Busenbark.
    Reed, Dr. Calvin Attorney Married to Mary Curtis


    • Bosco, John and Jane, traveling companions of Jefferson and Matilda Hunt. According to Robert Bliss Journal, "Jane Boscough (sp?) died on August 27, 1846... and her husband John died on August 30, 1846, they were buried side by side on the west bank of the creek near the MB encampment. Rocks were carried to build a 7' by 10' wall around their graves and covered the graves over with stone level with the wall..."
    • Milton and Malinda Allison Kelley and family, first cousins and traveling companions of Jefferson Hunt.
    • LCL Cooke's staff; Cook, Bugler, Teamster, etc.
    • Dr. George B. Sanderson had a black servant.
    • Dr. William Ludlow McIntyre, married to Roxannah Brown.
    • Sutlers and camp followers.
    • Major Jeremiah Huddleston Cloud, Jr. (See Coray Journal Dec. 13, 1847)
    • Lewis Dent, Civilian Assistant to Paymaster Major Jeremiah Huddleston Cloud, Jr. (See Bliss Journal, May 2, [Aug 2,] 1847).
    • Col. Price - at Santa Fe or Pueblo (See Coray Journal Nov. 4, 1846)
    • Dr. Foster - was a pilot/scout mentioned at ---bers Creek (See Coray Journal Nov. 18, 1846)
    • Shovinak - perhaps Indian guide (see Coray Journal Nov. 25, 1846 in Sonora; also Jan. 20, 1847)
    • William C. or S. Prows (See Coray Journal Dec. 11, 1846, attacked by bulls)
    • Bro. Mathews (See Coray Journal Aug.. 14, 1846)


    Lydia Hunter gave birth to the first white child born in California, Diego Hunter in January 1848, and then died from the effects of childbirth; Melissa Coray gave birth to a baby boy, William Coray Jr. on February 2, 1847 but he died a few days later. Nancy Brown Davis gave birth to a girl, Martha Lou Ella Davis, on November 1849 in California.

    Susan Davis and Phebe Draper Palmer Brown reenlisted with their husbands and helped build San Diego. Susan returned to the valley with the first wagon train that came up through the southern Utah trail.

    Phebe went with her husband Ebenezer Brown and Jim Zemira Palmer (16 year old son from her first marriage) on the trek and to the gold fields and panned gold and worked until 1849 when she rode a mule back to the Salt Lake Valley.

    She and Ebenezer were the first to make their home in the South Willow Creek/Draper area. Citizens had requested the name Brownsville but were denied because the name Brownsville was taken by Weber County in honor of Captain James Brown. Draper was named after Phebe's brother, William Draper Jr., who was the first presiding elder and first bishop in Draper.

    Phebe's life demonstrated her great faith in the Lord and her willingness, at the age of 49 to accompany her husband in the Mormon Battalion trek. Certainly, these women should have equal recognition with the men. Phebe was the oldest but probably the strongest of the four women and her maturity would suggest that she helped the others to carry on in the face of adversity, even nursing them when they were ill. Some of the journals noted that Phebe was kind to the soldiers and helped them, making the journey easier.

    Mary McRee Black Brown also made the trek with the Mormon Battalion, she accompanied her husband Captain James Brown of Company C, along with her 6 year old son, George David Black, from her first marriage.

    Nancy Brown Davis made the trek from Council Bluffs to San Diego with her husband Eleazer Davis. They remained in California until 1850. While there they had a daughter. See 1880 Census at Eagle Rock, Willow Creek, and Cedar Butte, Oneida, Idaho. Shows Ella Davis Wakefield as 30 years of age. Birthplace: California. Source Information: Census Place Eagle Rock, Willow Creek And Cedar Butte, Oneida, Idaho. Thus indicating that Nancy must have been in California to give birth to her daughter there on November 1849. Several other census records confirm this.
    Family History Library Film 1254173, NA Film Number T9-0173. Page Number 335B

    Included were these women of the battalion: Ruth Markham Abbott, Susan Smith Adams, Elizabeth Manwaring Allred, Ezadie Ford Allred, Harriet St. John Brown, Agnes Brown, Mary McCree Brown, Eunice Reasor Brown, Mary Bittels Button, Almira Higgins Chase, Nancy Brown Davis, Jane Wells Cooper Hanks, Emeline Bigler Hess, Sarah Blackman Higgins, Mary Ann Hirons, Celia Mounts Hunt, Matilda Nease Hunt, Fanny Maria Allen Huntington, Sarah Kelley, Martha Jane Sargent, Mary Emeline Sessions, Elizabeth Trains Shelton, Sarah Shupe, Catherine Campbell Steele, Hulda Sophia Smith Tubbs, and Isabella McNair Wilkin, and Albina M. Williams.

    The the battalion children included: Mary Ann Brown (five years), George David Black (Brown) (five years), John Taylor Brown (one month), Sarah Jane Brown (thirteen years), John Reed Hancock (five years) Nathan Hart, Louisa Button, Almira Higgins Drusilla Higgins (fourteen years), Wealthy Matilda Higgins, (two months), Mary Hunt (two years), Martha Zina Huntington (three years), Parley Kelly, Sarah Mayfield, Jackson Mayfield, John Mayfield, Palmer, Zemira "Jim" (Brown) (16 year old) , Andrew Duncan Park (two years), Caroline Sargent (eleven years), Sarah Ellen Sharp (eight months), Carolyne Shelton, Mariah Shelton, Elizabeth Margaret Shupe (four months), Mary Steele (six years), Caroline Marian Williams (four years), and Ephraim Thomas Williams (two years).

    From "The Women of Mormondom" by Edward William Tullidge, 1877, page 444:

    And here let us make a lasting and honorable record of the women of the battalion:
    Mrs. James Brown [Mary McRee Black Brown]
    Mrs. Albina Williams
    Mrs. Tubbs [Hulda Sophia Smith Tubbs, wife of William Tubbs]
    Mrs. D. Wilkin [Isabella McNair Hunter Wilkin wife of David Wilkin]
    Mrs. Fanny [Marie Allen] Huntington [wife of Dimick Baker Huntington]
    Mrs. J. Harmon and daughter [James Harmon was from the Mississippi saints at Pueblo]
    Mrs. U. Higgins [not found]
    Mrs. E. Hanks [Jane Wells Cooper Hanks wife of Ebenezer Hanks]
    Mrs. Melissa Corey [wife of William Coray]
    Mrs. O. Adams [Susan Smith Adams wife of Sgt. Orson B. Adams
    Mrs. J. Chase [Almira Higgins Chase wife of Cpl. John D. Chase]
    Mrs.  _____Sharp [Martha Jane Sargent Chase wife of C. Norman Sharp]
    Mrs. J. Hess [Emmeline Bigler Hess wife of John W. Hess]
    Mrs. John Steele [Catherine Campbell Steele]
    Mrs. C. Stillman [Amelia Ann Sperry Stillman wife of Clark Stillman]
    Mrs. ____Smith [Rebecca Smith wife of Elisha Smith]
    Mrs. M. Ballom [not found]
    Mrs. W. Smithson [not found; Willard G. Smith? ]
    Mrs. A. Smithson [not found; Azariah Smith? ]
    [Mrs. Eleazer Davis (Nancy Brown Davis, wife of Eleazer Davis, daughter of Captain James Brown)

    These are the noble Mormon women who accepted the uncertain fortunes of war, in the service of their country. Be their names imperishable in American history.

    Another, and different, list of the Women and Children Accompanying the Mormon Battalion can be found in Norman Baldwin Ricketts book "The Mormon Battalion" on pages 31-33.

    Hancock Company

    The Hancock Company went directly to Salt Lake Valley in 1847. This is the "half" that continued on with Levi Hancock to Salt Lake after meeting James Brown in the Sierras.

    Allen, Albern
    Allen, George A.
    Allen, Rufus C.
    Allred, Reddick N.
    Averett, Elisha
    Beckstead, Orin M.
    Beddome, William
    Bickmore, Gilbert
    Bliss, Robert S.
    Bronson, Clinton D.
    Brown, John
    Brownell, Russell Gideon.
    Bunker, Edward
    Bush, William
    Calkins, Sylvanus
    Campbell, Jonathan Jr.
    Casper, William W.
    Casto, James
    Catlin, George W.
    Chase, Hiram B.
    Clark, Joseph L.
    Clark, Lorenzo
    Cole, James B.
    Davis, Eleazer
    Davis, Sterling
    Davis, Walter L.
    Dodge, Augustus E.
    Dyke, Simon
    Dykes, George P.
    Egbert, Robert C.
    Ewell, John M.
    Ewell, William F.
    Fairbanks, Henry
    Fauney, Fredrick
    Fife, John
    Finlay, Thomas B.
    Forbush, Lorin E.
    Forsgreen, John E.
    Garner, William A.
    Gilbert, John R.
    Goodwin, Andrew Jackson
    Hancock, Charles B.
    Hancock, George W.
    Hancock, Levi W.
    Hanks, Ephraim K.
    Harris, Robert Jr.
    Haskell, George N.
    Haws, Alpheus
    Hendericks, William D.
    Hickmott, John
    Howell, Thomas Charles Davis
    * Hoyt, Henry
    Hunsaker, Abraham
    Hunt, Jefferson
    Hunt, Marshall
    Huntsman, Isaiah
    Hyde, William
    Ivie, Richard Anderson
    Jameson, Charles
    Johnson, Henry M.
    Judd, Hyrum
    King, John M.
    Kirk, Thomas
    Lane, Lewis
    Lawson, John
    Lytle, Andrew
    McArthur, Henry M.
    McCarty, Nelson
    McCord, Alexander
    McCullough, Levi Hamilton
    Martin, Edward
    Merrill, Ferdinand
    Merrill, Philemon Christopher
    Murdock, John R.
    Myler, James
    Olmstead, Hiram
    Oman, George W.
    Owen, Robert
    Pace, James
    Perrin, Charles
    Pettegrew, David
    Pettegrew, James P.
    Porter, Sanford
    Pulsipher, David
    Rainey, David P.
    Raymond, Alonzo Pearis
    Richmond, William
    Roberts, Levi
    Robinson, William J.
    Rosecrans, George W.
    St. John, Stephen
    Savage, Levi
    Scott, Leonard M.
    Sessions, Richard
    Sessions, William B.
    Smith, Albert
    Spidle, John
    Standage, Henry
    Stewart, Robert B.
    Study, David
    Swarthout, Hamilton (Harriet St. John's #2)
    Swarthout, Nathan
    Taggart, George W.
    Tanner, Albert M.
    Thompson, James L.
    Thompson, John Crow
    Tuttle, Luther T.
    Twitchell, Anciel
    Tyler, Daniel
    Vradenburg, Adna
    Wade, Moses
    Wheeler, Merrill W.
    White, Joseph
    Whitworth, Robert W.
    Wilcox, Henry
    Wilcox, Matthew
    Winn, Dennis W.

    *Died in Sierra Nevada



    PAF - Archer files = Captain James Brown and more than twenty members of the extended Brown Family.

    "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah" by Frank Esshom (published 1913 by Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Company, Salt Lake City, UT.

    "Heart Throbs of the West, Women of the Battalion", Vol. 2, 1940, Page 68-69, and 72. Volume 2 has many stories about the Mormon Battalion.

    http://www.mormonbattalion.com and the Brion Zion Mormon Battalion Roster project.

    http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/79summer/mormon.htm by John Vurtinus contains excerpts of various MB soldier journals.

    The Expeditions of John Charles Fremont, at http://books.google.com/books?id=1EDIQc-PbIEC&pg=RA2-

    source=web&ots=02lKEsHc91&sig=MTdkM5oB0ooBjBLrdk-CuFGCHII#PPP11,M1 Mexican War Veterans, Complete Roster by William Hugh Robarts, 1887.


    http://www.usarmyofthewest.org/enlistment.html  The US Army of the West - Mormon Battalion Committee in Yuma, Arizona is involved in a variety of activities including memorializing campsites along the Mormon Battalion trail that are located in Yuma County, assisting Boy Scouts in earning both the Historic Trails patch and the Mormon Battalion Trail patch, acknowledging Eagle Scouts during their Court of Honor and helping perpetuate the memory of the sacrifice and service of the Mormon Battalion. Source material for these lists is primarily the book written by Norma Ricketts entitled The Mormon Battalion, U.S. Army of the West, 1846-1848. These lists can now be found on five of the eight panels surrounding the base of the U.S. Army of the West / Mormon Battalion Monument erected in the West Wetlands Park of Yuma, Arizona on the 11th of January 2007.

    An adjutant is a staff officer assisting the commander; serving as an assistant .

    Copyright 2001 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org

    Captain James Brown (1801-1863) was in command of Company C and then the Pueblo Sick Detachment, he settled Brownsville later renamed Ogden, Utah. He also rode to Sacramento to pick up the Mormon Battalion pay for Brigham Young.
    James Polly Brown (1803-1871)was a guard with the laundresses and the children, later he went up and settled Brown's Hole in the Ogden area.



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    ... Easter 1986 through October 2005


    ... Published December 2007:
    By Erold C. Wiscombe

    ... Published March 2009:
    (unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
    and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
    after it was proofed by this author)
    Researched and Compiled by
    Erold C. Wiscombe

    ... Published 2012:
    "Finding Refuge in El Paso"
    By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
    Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
    and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

    ...Published 2012:
    "Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
    junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
    By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
    Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

    ...Published 2014:
    "The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
    By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
    Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

    ... To be Published Soon:
    "CAPTAIN JAMES BROWN 1801-1863:

    Send Comments and Information to: 




    ... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
    July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

    ...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

    Send Additions and Information to:

    ORSON PRATT BROWN 1863-1946

    ...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
    ...... Chronology
    ...... Photo Gallery of OPB
    ...... Letters


    ...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
    ...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
    ...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
    ...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
    ...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
    ...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
    ...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

    - Captain James Brown 1801-1863

    ...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
    ...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
    ...... Brown Family Memorabilia
    ...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
    ...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
    ...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

    - Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

    - Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


    - James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

    - Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

    - Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

    - Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

    - John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

    - Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


    - Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

    - Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

    - Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

    - Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

    - Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


    - (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

    - (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

    - (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

    - (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

    - (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

    - (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

    - (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

    - (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

    - (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

    - (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

    - (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

    - (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

    - (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

    - (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

    - (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

    - (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

    - (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

    - (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

    - (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

    - (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

    - (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

    - (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

    - (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

    - (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

    - (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

    - (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

    - (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

    - (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

    - (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

    - (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

    - (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

    - (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

    - (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

    - (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

    - (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


    - Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

    - Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

    - Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

    - (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

    - (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


    - (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

    (Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

    (Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

    - (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

    (Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

    (Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

    (Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

    (Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

    (Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

    - (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

    - (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

    - (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

    - (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

    - (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

    - (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

    - (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

    - (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

    - (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

    - (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

    - (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

    - (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

    - (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

    - (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

    - (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

    - (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

    - (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

    - (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

    - (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


    - (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

    - (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

    - (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

    - (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

    - (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

    - (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

    - (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

    - (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

    - (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

    - (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

    - (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

    - (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

    - (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

    - (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


    - (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

    - (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

    - (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

    - (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

    - (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

    - (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

    - (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

    - (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

    - (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

    - (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915









    BROWN's in AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 1861-1865

    BROWN's in WARS AFTER 1865


    Contact Us:
    Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
    P.O. Box 980111
    Park City, Utah 84098-0111