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Orson Pratt Brown's Relation through several lines
Mormon Battalion Company D

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Nathaniel Vary Jones 1822-1863

Nathaniel Vary Jones

Born: October 13, 1822 at Brighton, Rochester, Monroe, New York
Died: February 15, 1863 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

Compiled by Lucy Brown Archer

Nathaniel Vary Jones is the son of Samuel Jones (1773-1846) and Lucinda Kingsley (1798-?).
Nathaniel married Rebecca Maria Burton on March 14, 1845 at Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois. They had either 9 or 10 children. Rebecca Burton is the daughter of Samuel Burton and Hannah "Anna" Shipley Burton; and the sister of Melissa Burton Coray Kimball, Mary Burton White, and Charles Edward Burton.

Nathaniel Vary Jones also married Eliza Read on March 21, 1857, Caroline Martin Garr on July 7, 1856, and Mary Eliza Brown on May 31, 1857. Some data has Mary Eliza Brown as formerly married to James Stephens Brown, her biography states that she was married to James Andrew Brown. Nathaniel adopted JAB's two daughters, Eliza Frances Brown Jones and Mary Emily Brown Jones.

Nathaniel Vary Jones, known as N.V. Jones, lived a short but very significant, historical life.


(July 16, 1846-August 24, 1847) is a 25-page carbon copy typescript of his notes. Jones enlisted in the battalion at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and was a sergeant of Company D. The battalion marched to Upper California by way of Santa Fe under the command of Col. Phillip St. George Cooke. The company left Fort Leavenworth on September 17 and reached Santa Fe in October. Jones gives a brief description of the Spanish settlement, which they left on October 19.

Daily diary entries commence on November 13. On February l, 1847, the battalion arrived at the San Diego Mission, having "opened a road through impassable mountains, trackless deserts, without wood, water, or grass, and almost without provisions." Jones describes the area and the San Diego Mission, and notes that the same day of their arrival the party marched north. On February 2, they were at present Mule Hill, and Jones describes what is now known as the battle of San Pasqual (December 6, 1846). Continuing the march, Jones describes the camps at Mission San Luis Rey and at the Pueblo de Los Angeles. On April 28, he notes that 28 men were ordered to work on the "fort on the hill." On May 8, Jones was ordered, as one of twenty men, to "take some Indians in the mountains."

On May 10 an order was issued to detail three men from each battalion company to serve as an escort for General Kearney as he traveled to Fort Leavenworth. Jones was detailed, and on May 13 left Los Angeles. On May 27, the detachment met General Kearney at Monterey. They "fit out" in preparation for the trip east. Jones describes the marches, the countryside, the camps, the river crossings, the Indian inhabitants, and the animal life.

At Fort Sutter, the company met up with Colonel Fremont, whom Kearney had under arrest and was escorting back to Ft. Leavenworth. Here, they learned also that Sam Brannan had gone east to meet Brigham Young's party to pilot them into the Salt Lake Valley. On June 22, Jones describes General Kearney detailing five men to bury the cannibalized remains of the Donner party that they had come upon at a cabin in the Sierras. After they buried the bones of the dead, the men set fire to the cabin.

The detachment then traveled down the Truckee River. By June 30, they were traveling up the Mary's River, and the journalist "had not seen one tree in 150 miles." On July 9, Jones notes, "we are now in Oregon." By July 15, they reached Fort Hall, passing Oregon emigrants along the way. They went on to the Bear River, to the Green River, to the Big Sandy, to the Sweetwater, to the Platte, and to Fort Laramie. From there Jones had permission to meet up with a company of Mormons, and obtained news of his family and friends from that group on August 4. On Sunday, August 8, they camped on the South Platte River. Buffalo was plentiful. By Friday August 20, they were crossing the prairie. On August 23, they reached Fort Leavenworth, turned over their "public property," and received pay of "only $8.60" for their "extra service." Tuesday, they "got some clothes . . . and started at noon. Came to St. Joe . . . Camped with Brother Colton at Savannah."

Sgt. Major James Ferguson, Captain Jefferson Hunt of Company A, Sgt. Nathaniel Vary Jones Company A

Nathaniel Vary Jones (1822-1863) was born in Rochester, New York. He worked as a ship carpenter until about age seventeen. He joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and in the spring of 1842 went to Nauvoo. He served on a mission to the eastern states from 1843 to 1844. In 1845 he married Rebecca M. Burton in Nauvoo. After working on the Nauvoo temple, he moved with the Saints to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he joined the Mormon Battalion on July 16, 1846, and marched to California under the command of Col. Cooke. After his discharge at Fort Leavenworth on August 24, 1847, he met his wife and child in Far West, Missouri. On May 6, 1849, they left Council Bluffs, Iowa, and arrived in Salt Lake City in August 1849. He served in the Nauvoo Legion, served as a Salt Lake City alderman, was bishop of the LDS 15th Ward, and served an LDS mission in Hindoostan, India, from 1852 to 1855. In the spring of 1856, Jones was called to go to Las Vegas to bring back lead. He returned to Salt Lake City in 1857 and served in the militia during the "Echo Canyon War." He served a mission to England from 1859 to 1861. In the fall of 1861, he was sent to Iron County to set up iron smelting systems, but was called back to Salt Lake in 1862 to set up plants nearer Salt Lake City.
On February 15, 1863, Jones died of pneumonia. He left four wives and ten children. Size: 1 folder.

This inventory was prepared by Dorothy Mortensen in December 1996. Accn 40
Bx 1 Fd 1 - Nathaniel Jones Journal, 1846-1847

Nathaniel Vary Jones 1822-1863
Right Click mouse on image to view enlarged photo

By his wife, Rebecca M. Burton Jones

From the Utah Historical Quarterly Volume 4 Number 1 Pages 3-6

Nathaniel Vary Jones, was born on the 13th of October, 1822, in the town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York. He was the son of Samuel and Lucinda Kingsley Jones. When he reached the age of seventeen years, he felt unaccountably drawn towards the western country, and although young and inexperienced, he made his way to Potosi, Wisconsin. He there became acquainted with Albert Carrington, in whose family he resided for many months. About this time a branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, and he became a ;member. He was baptized by Elder William O. Clark, and on April 6, 1842, was ordained a teacher under the hand of Zera, H. Gurly and Albert Carrington.

In the spring of 1843, he went to Nauvoo, Illinois, where he was ordained an elder on June 11, 1843, and was sent on a mis­sion to Ohio. He left Nauvoo on the 19th of June in company with Elder Robert T. Burton with whom he labored in the minis­try until about the 15th of June, 1844, bringing a number into the church. From there he was , sent to labor in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, where he held several meetings; visited his relations and friends, and bore a faithful testimony to them of the truth of the great Latter-day work.

He was about this time afflicted with inflammation of the eyes, which was so severe that for several weeks he was blind; but through the blessing of the Lord he was able to get home to Nauvoo on the 17th of September. When his eyes were better he went to Potosi and remained until the following spring. He returned to Nauvoo, and on the 14th day of March was married to Rebecca M. Burton. He remained there about one year as­sisting on the temple, and acting as a guard or minute-man; until May, 1846, when he left with the Saints for Council Bluffs.

About the time of his arrival there the call was made for the Mormon Battalion and he was counselled to enlist, which he did, not yielding to his own feelings in the matter but desiring to obey the counsel of those who were placed at the head to direct. He performed the journey and reached California with his brethren. Just before his term of enlistment expired, he, with nine of his comrades, was chosen as a guard for Col. John C. Fremont, who was called to Washington owing to some difficulty. They reached the Missouri River on the 22nd of August, after a very hard and perilous journey.

After finding his family safe in Atchison, Missouri, in the fall of 1847, he went to Ohio to visit his aged mother and brothers. He remained there during the winter and succeeded in getting two of his brothers to come west with him; one of whom was believing in the truths of the Gospel. But they were all obliged to stop in St. Joseph, Missouri, until the spring of 1849, when on the 8th day of May they started for the Salt Lake valley. During the journey, one brother accidently shot himself as he was preparing his gun to go hunting. This occurred at North Platte Forge, [Lincoln County, Nebraska] on the 4th of July. He was carried into the river on a sheet and baptised at his earnest request and died on the 8th. The other brother went to California.

On the 8th of August Nathaniel reached Salt Lake, and on the 20th of November, 1850, he was elected to the office of First Lieutenant of Cavalry, in the Battalion of Life Guards of the Nauvoo Legion, and of the Militia of the Territory of Utah. In April, 1851, he was elected Alderman of Salt Lake City. On the 14th of September, 1852, he was ordained into the High Priests Quorum, and was also ordained to the Bishopric, acting as Bishop of the 15th Ward.

At a special conference held August 28, 1852, he was ap­pointed to go on a mission to Hindostan. He started in company with a number of others October 19, and went southwest across the desert to San Bernardino, thence to San Pedro, and to San Francisco where they tarried until the 29th of January. They arrived at Calucutta on the 26th day of April, 1853. At a conference held there on the 29th of April, he was appointed presi­dent of that mission. He returned to Salt Lake via San Francisco on the morning of October 4, 1855, making his absence from home three years.

In the spring of 1856, he was called to go to Las Vegas, New Mexico [Nevada], for the purpose of manufacturing lead. He returned to this city in March, 1857, having accomplished all that he was desired to do. On the 9th day of April, 1857, he was elected Councilor of Great Salt Lake City by unanimous vote of the people.

On the 1st of June he was required and authorized to carry the mail from this city as far east as Deer Creek, on the way to Independence, Missouri. About this time, the word came that the President of the United States was sending an army to Utah, in consequence of which on the 11th day of August, 1857, President Young advised Mr. Jones to come home. As soon as he reached home he was sent to Echo, and was acting Colonel during the Utah war; and in connection with his brethren, suffered many hardships and privations which told very much on his constitution.

In the spring of 1858, when the city was vacated, he was one who was told to remain as guard over the property. On July 2, all things being settled, and peaceable, the families and friends began to return home together. But a constant watch had to be kept up day and night so that his duties did not slacken in the least, but he, in turn with his brethren, stood guard during the summer. At the election held on the 4th of August, 1858, he was elected Selectman for three years, in and for Salt Lake County. In the fall of 1859, he was called to go on a mission to England, where he labored faithfully until he was released.

Shortly after he returned home in the fall of 1861, the subject of making iron was discussed, and Mr. Jones being of the opinion that it could be done, was sent to Iron County. He reached Parowan about the 12th of November, 1861, when he immediately set to work putting up the machinery and getting out the ore. By a letter and specimen sent to President Young, which reached here January 22, 1862, it was seen that he succeeded. The iron was handed to James Lawson of this city for examination. Mr. Lawson tested its qualities and found its tensile strength to be ten per cent better than the best quality of States iron. Mr. Lawson says, "Good cast steel can be manufactured from it." The ore was obtained near Pinto Creek."


G. S. L. City, July 11, 1862

Elder N. V. Jones, Rocky Ford, Beaver County, UT.

Dear Brother; Yours of June 14 is to hand, and the scarcity of stock with us obliges me to state that we are at present unable to accommodate you in the matter of wheat as you request. We can, however, should you wish it, let you have a hundred bushels of tithing wheat at Beaver, or at Minersville if you prefer, and it is there, for a hundred bushels of your wheat here; and more than that on the same terms, if you have the wheat here and wish to exchange.

As to the iron at Nephi, its situation is such that I do not feel like doing anything about purchasing it, and I also think it best for you to leave it where it is.

I now propose starting for the southern settlements on or about the 1st of September, and presume I can take the castings with me, which will probably be as soon as you will want them.

Affairs here are progressing as usual, and many emigrants are now passing through in a very orderly manner.

Your Brother in the Gospel,


Nathaneil spent the winter and until late in the spring before he suited himself in point of location, but about the lst of June, he became located at Rocky Ford, Beaver County; put up some buildings and prepared for the coming winter. President Young thought that if he could find the same class of ore nearer Salt Lake City he had better put up works as near as practicable; as here was the principal demand. Accordingly, Mr. Jones came back and found the ore in two different localities, and it was decided that he return to this city. By the time he had brought his family back it was late in November and in going to the mountains for wood he was overtaken in a very severe storm and came very near perishing. He took a heavy cold and never felt well afterward. On the morning of the 8th of February he was taken ill with inflammation of the lungs and brain, and on the morning of the 15th 1863, he died at his home in the 15th Ward, Salt Lake City at age of 40 years.


Council Bluffs, Missouri River, July 16, 1846.

This day I enlisted in the Mormon Battalion, which is to march to upper California by the way of Santa Fe, under the command of Lieut. Col. Allen, by order of the President of the United States. Our company was this day organized with Nel­son Higgins, Captain. I was appointed third Sergeant of the Company. The Company was marched six miles from here to the river flat, to a trading house, where we drew our blankets, etc. ; and on the nineteenth we received many rich instructions from Brigham Young and others of the Twelve, pertaining to this campaign, and the future designs of the Church. On Monday we left this. place and ;moved down the river four miles.

On the 22nd took up line of march for Fort Leavenworth.

Arkansas River, September 17, 1846: On the 16th we camped at this place. 17th still continued our march, leaving the road that goes to Ft. Benton to the right and taking the nearest road to Santa Fe.

October 19; written at California, February 22, 1847: -Journal of the route from Santa Fe, Mexico to this place.

We left Santa Fe October 19, 1846. The face of the country was very broken, mountainous and barren, until we came to Del Norte, or called by some the Rio Grande. Here was a very large Spanish Settlement, the inhabitants of the country are a mixture of Spanish and Indians, and are quite inferior in their habits and customs, and a little below the average size. Their farms are very good for this country; they have no fences at all. Their land is all watered by ditches, and their cattle consists chiefly of herds of stock. There are some parts where grapes are abundant, out of which they make some wine and brandy.

We also went two hundred miles through the thick settlements and there were villages at intervals of from five to ten miles. They raise bitter herbs, also corn and beans and some wheat, although that is not very plenty. On the 13th of November we left the Rio Grande.

November 17: -In a small mountain which layed to the west, there was a gold mine which had been worked a great many years ago. Stopped here on the 18th and on the 19th we passed twenty-six miles and camped on the Membres, a branch of the Rio Grande.

November 20: We started in a nearly westerly course. We are now in the Territory of Chewawa (Chihuahua), Old Mexico.

November 21:-From this place to Cow Springs. Here we stayed one day. Purchased some mules from a party of Spaniards, who had been on a trading expedition to the Apache Nation of Indians, who inhabited the mountains, and lived chiefly by plunder.

At this place the track passed leading from Sonora to the copper mines. It was agreed upon by our officers that we would go to the State of Sonora. Accordingly in the morning we started a southerly course, when it should have been west, con­trary to the feelings of the two-thirds of the Battalion. We had not gone more than two or three miles before something stopped us. No person knew the cause of it, but some unforeseen power intercepted our course, and we turned to the west across theplains not knowing whither we went and camped four miles from water. Here one of our men was tied to a wagon wheel six hours in the night for purchasing a piece of pork from a negro servant belonging to Lt. A. J. Smith. By order of Lt. Col.

Cooke. Here was a hole that had about one barrel of water, and the Colonel and his clan let their mules drink that up from the men. We continued our march until ten o'clock that night before we found water. This place we called Dry Lake.

December 2: -The Indians brought into camp a large quantity of Mescal to sell, it being the most part of their living, but our good Col. Cooke would not allow us to buy any of it.

December 3: Remained in camp all day. In the evening there was one of our men come into camp, that had been out hunting wild cattle which were quite plenty, that had got scattered from the old Spanish settlement when this country was in a flourishing condition thirteen years ago. They owned forty thousand head of cattle, and mules and horses in abundance. The who came in from hunting had killed a wild bull about

thirteen miles from camp. I, with some others, started about dark for some of the beef. We arrived at the place sometime after midnight. We made some fires and immediately went to drawing it until we got as much as we could carry, and in the morning of the fourth we started for the camp, arriving there about the middle of the afternoon, after nearly killing ourselves with such heavy loads and behold, the camp had all gone. We found their trail and followed on as fast as possible until about ten at night then came into the camp. Then our fears were that our meat would be taken from us, but we smuggled away most of it.

On the morning of the fifth we found wild cattle plenty, but the Colonel would not let us kill them. After all was still in the night some of our men caught some of the mules and started after some beef which they had killed slyly during the day, which was some eight or ten miles back on the road. They arrived safe with the beef before morning.

December 6:-The sixth we lay in camp all day. On the night of the sixth, a brother by the name of Smith, died. He did not belong to the Battalion, but was a servant for Capt. Davis of Company "E". He was an old man. His wife had gone back from Santa Fe under Capt. J. Brown, by the way of Pueblo.

December 9:-We continued our march down the San Pedro stream and camped along near an old Spanish ranch that had been vacated for many years. Here I had a warm contest with Dykes about some of his meaness.

December 10:-About noon we had a regular pitched battle with the wild cattle of this valley. Some men had been out hunting them and drove them in towards the command. Several of them were shot, which had a tendency to make the rest more furious. They charged upon us strongly, killed two mules and wounded one man, named Cox. He belonged in the same mess that I did. He was unable to walk for several weeks.

December 12:-We waited all day for pilots to come back. Late in the evening one of them came bringing favorable news. Accordingly on the morning of the 13th we set off across a long sand plain. Just at night we camped near an Indian Still house where they made a kind of liquor from Mescal. There were some soldiers there from the Garrison of Tucson, a Spanish fort in the borders of Sonora, which we were abliged to pass through.

December 13: --We started across the plain for the fort. After we had traveled about three miles the Colonel ordered two of the Spanish soldiers under arrest, supposing they had one of our pilots confined in the Fort.

December 15: During the night our guide had come back. They had put him in confinement and it was fortunate that we had confined the two Spanish soldiers the day before or they would not have let him go. About six miles before we came into the Garrison we met several men from there who tried to have us pass around the fort, but the Colonel pushed on with double speed, until we came to the town, when on our arrival the soldiers fled, and many of the inhabitants with them, taking all their public arms, cannons, etc.

We marched through the town and camped on the west side of it. Here we were enabled to purchase, from the inhabitants that remained, a few beans and a little flour, by selling our clothing for it. There were about eighty soldiers and near twice that amount of inhabitants that fled with them.

December 16:-On the 16th we laid in camp. In the after­noon Col. Cooke called for fifty volunteers to go with him six miles to a small town where the soldiers and the inhabitants had fled to, and take away their public arms and supplies. Fifty men turned out immediately to go with him. They set off and went about three miles, called a halt expressed some fears turned around and came back. That night we placed out a strong guard through all the town and in the public roads. About midnight there were two guns fired. The Battalion was formed in line of battle. A detachment was sent out to scour though the town but they found nobody there. Accordingly all was still once more.

December 17 :-About nine in the morning we started on our journey.

December 18:-Started early, traveled until ten or eleven that night before we found water, and but very little then, not half enough for the men to drink. Our men had to do without entirely.

December 19:-Today about noon we found some water and camped for the day.

December 20:-Soon after we started we came in sight of the timber on the Gila River, where we were visited by a large number of Pima Indians, with beans and corn to trade.

December 21: Traveled down the river until about three in the afternoon and camped in their village. Their village extended some twenty-six miles down this river and was very thickly settled. They are almost entirely naked, both men and women, the most they have on is a piece of cloth of their own manufacture tied around their hips and sometimes not that. They appear to be the most healthy people I ever saw and the most children I ever saw in any country.

December 23 :-In the same place we purchased some meal and beans and sold our clothes off from our back to do that, and then our generous Colonel issued an order that there should not be any carried and we must leave it and Dykes was the man to enforce it in our company. Through the assistance of Lt. Hulett and some others we succeeded in carrying it along and no thanks to Dykes or the Colonel.

December 24: ---We started across a stretch of forty miles without water or anything else except prickles.

December 25:--We camped on the plains without water.

December 26:--Came to the river after dark.

December 31:--Started in good season this morning, and at night camped on the bank of the river. Here in consequence of the mismanagement of Dykes we had our rations of beef lowered.

January 2, 1847: Stayed in camp all day; here we left one wagon, and made boats of two wagon beds and put about twelve oxen in each boat and started down the river. We met one American and two Spaniards with three women going to Tucson. They informed us that General Kearney had fought one battle, and was then on his way to the Pueblo De Angeles, fighting his way into the place. We then pushed on in double quick.

January 4, 1847:-Camped near the foot of the mountain close to the river. Here we had a contest with Dykes.

January 5: Camped half a mile from the river near the Salt Lake. We had a weighing frolic. I weighed 128; weight when I enlisted, 198.

January 7:-Started early in the morning; traveled all day on a plain and camped three miles from the' mouth of the Gila River.

January 8:-Traveled all day across the plains of the Colo­rado; at night camped near the crossing.

January 9:--Stayed in camp all day preparing to cross the river. The evening of the 9th commenced crossing and it was nine the next morning before they all got across,

January 11 :-Left one of our wagons. Our road was all the way through the sand. We camped on the plain without water.

January 12:-Early in the morning started out and found it still all sand. About twelve in the day we came to water -- that is, to where we could get it by digging for it; it was salty. Here we left one of our wagons, it being the last.

January 14: We continued our march through the almost impassible sands until about twelve in the day, when we came to another place where we found water that is nearly half enough for the men. This place is called Posohonda. At the Posohonda we met some of our guides that had gone ahead for the purpose of fetching some fresh animals, mules and beef cattle. They brought about forty mules and eight or nine cattle.

January 15:-This morning we started through a rough, mountainous country and continued on until the next day, when we came to water and some grass. The men were scattered for fifteen or twenty miles along the road. Some sick and some given out for the want of water, and others with their feet so sore they could not walk. There were mules scattered from the Colorado to this place that had died or given out, for we have had no grass from the San Pedro to this place, a distance of four-hundred miles, and no water for the last hundred miles, except the little that we got by digging for it and that poison.

January 17:--Pursued our march through the Elpaso; that is, a long narrow pass through the mountains. About twelve in the day we came to the springs called the Pometo. Here we saw the palm trees growing. Here for the first time we camped at a large spring and found plenty of grass.

January 21:-Came to Warner's about two in the afternoon., the first settlement in California. Here we found one white man and about three hundred Indians. Warner was formerly from Burton.

January 23:-Started on our journey. In the morning, before we started, it was concluded that we would go to the Pueblo De Los Angeles to meet General Kearney. We camped in a small valley close in by the side of a small mountain. It commenced raining just at night and continued to rain all night. There was an Indian came to us that night who appeared very friendly and he would not leave us that night, but laid all night on the ground before our tent, and it rained and the wind blew a gale until morning, then we gave him some meat for which he appeared very thankful. The Indians, a few days before we came to Warner's had taken eleven Spaniards and killed them in cold blood. The Spaniards had killed some forty of the Indians for it. They probably thought that we were their friends and would kill off the Spaniards.

January 25: At night we passed through the valley of Indians. I call it this because the Indians turned out of their village to salute us and paraded themselves before us in single file across the valley.

January 26: In the evening of the day before there was an express came to us from San Diego, from General Kearney, for us to turn back that way. It came by a man by the name of Walker, a Dane, who had lived in this country three years. Accordingly in the morning we set off for San Diego. Traveled all day over a mountainous road and camped on San Louis River.

January 27:-Traveled down the river in a beautiful valley about twelve in the day when we came to the San Louis Mission. We went about one mile below the mission and turned upon the bluffs. There for the first time my natural eyes looked upon the ocean. Here we were about three miles from the great Pacific.

January 28: We traveled all day over a rough, broken country. Here I saw the wild oats of California, that I had heard so much talk about. The hills were covered with them and the flats with clover. No timber at all.

February 1:-At about four in the afternoon we came to the San Diego Mission, about four miles from the town in the same valley. Camped in the space between the vineyards in front of the Mission. I think the country has been misrepresented by every account that I ever read. There is no land fit for cultivation, except that in the valleys, and they are small and scarce, considering the amount of surface, and is fit for nothing but the thing it is used for mainly raising stock under the direction of capitalists.

Today General Kearney started for Monterey. Captain J. Hunt sent him a letter informing him of our situation and he agreed to see us in the course of three or four weeks at the San Louis Mission.

The Mission of the San Diego is beautifully situated on a gentle elevation of table land which is about three-fourths of a mile in length and half a mile in width and about half as high as the general bluffs along the streams. The building is about fourteen rods in front and is a little over one story high. The walls are of unburnt brick and white-washed outside and in. The building is covered with concave tile, which are laid on and lashed fast. The burying ground is on the east side, the church on the west. The church is nearly two stories high. The front has a rude representation of a steeple. This building is con­structed upon the same principle as the buildings of New Mexico, having a square in the center. The square here was nearly the west end in the rear of the church. The rooms are dark and damp with brick floors. There are two beautiful vineyards on the flat in front of the building. They are interspersed with olive trees in the front and in the front of the vineyard on the left are two beautiful palm trees with a large wine press in the front corner.

We have now been one hundred and three days from Santa Fe. We started with sixty pounds of flour to the man, thirty days rations of pork, two-thirds rations of sugar and coffee. It was all called sixty days rations, and we lost several hundred pounds of flour on the Gila. Thus we traveled under, greater embarrassments than it is possible to realize except by passing through them. We have opened roads through impassable mountains and trackless deserts, without wood, water, or grass, and almost without provisions. We now find ourselves without clothes and worn down with fatigue. For nearly thirty days we have had nothing but beef and not enough of that all the time.

On the first of February we started for San Louis Mission accompanied by one company of the dragoons.

February 2:-About two in the afternoon we arrived safe at San Louis Mission.

February 5 to 20:-Nothing but drill and beef.

February 13:-A detachment started to Robidoux' ranch, 70 miles north for flour. They returned on the 20th with 2,300 pounds of mashed wheat. Four days rations of that and the beans were issued to us in the evening. Two ounces of the coarse flour and two-thirds of a gill [equal to one-quarter of a pint or five fluid ounces (0.142 litre)] of beans for a day's rations:

February 21:-A detachment was sent to San Diego for provisions, and returned on the twenty-fifth, with flour, sugar, coffee, soap and candles.

February 28:-This day we were mustered for the first time in California.

March 17:-There was a great deal of dissatisfaction in con­sequence of the rations and I was misused on this occasion by Dykes.

March 18:-He carried false reports to the Colonel and through his false reports broke me of my office, which he had purposed on doing from the first, and he bragged of it.

March 19:-We left San Louis; however, I will give a description of this place. The whole front is about ten thousand two hundred feet in length. There was a beautiful piazza which was separated by beautiful turned arches about ten feet in width and two and a half feet thick. The front was beautifully finished, and the rooms were finished inside in fine style and decorated with birds painted on the walls. Over the doors and windows the colors were red and black. The building covered nearly four acres of ground with a square in the center of something near one and three-fourth acres, with a fig tree, an orange tree, and two pepper trees in the center. There was a beautiful piazza all around the square with a high battlement made of burned brick. The piazzas are covered with cement and the roof is covered with tile. The church is on the east. Taking it all through it is the best building I have seen in California.

There is a beautiful flat in front of the building covered with olive trees and several palm and fig trees and a beautiful spring all enclosed by a high adobie wall. On the west there is a large vineyard with some pepper and olive trees with a large reservoir for watering the whole. This also is enclosed by a high wall. This place is situated in a small valley on a rise of ground about four miles from the coast. It was built by the Indians about one hundred years ago, under the direction of the Catholics, with capital, from old Spain.

Today, the 19th, we left for Pueblo De Los Angeles. We left the sick and some well ones to take care of the public animals. Camped after night at a ranch on the edge of the plains of Domingo.

March 22:-At noon we came to the Pueblo De Los Angeles; camped at the east edge of the town.

March 27:-Moved camp about a mile north of where we first camped and three-quarters of a mile from the Pueblo on the bank of the stream.

March 29: --Commenced drill again.

April 2:-This morning an Indian was sent to San Louis Rey to have that detachment come to this place.

April 6:-Today there was a petition formed by brother Nerl, to be presented to our officers for our discharge. It was signed by a majority of the Battalion present, though the most part of. our officers went strongly against it, perhaps for the reason that they had been holding out inducements to Captain Turner, the general aid-de-camp, that we were wanting to get the privilege of building garrisons and forts under the pay and in the service of the United States, which was not in the minds of the men, and they did not feel free to contradict their former state­ments and went hard against it. A meeting was called and the men called "damned fools" and such like sayings.

April 7:-This evening the officers met and counselled together about the matter, and the honorable body threw the bill under the table.

April 12:-Today Col. Mason of the regiment of first dra­goons gave us the praise of being the best volunteers of any he had ever seen in the manual of arms. This afternoon that detachment came in from the Luis Rey. One of their number had died at San Luis and was buried in the garden between the building and the church as you go through the Tally Port in the northeast corner. His name was [Milton] Smith. He belonged to Company "C."

April l3:-Company "C" was ordered out east to guard the pass in the mountains about sixty miles from this place with nineteen days' rations.

April 18:-Today there was a meeting called of all the Seventies, and president H. John was chosen to preside. He then stated the object of the meeting. They then organized themselves into a quorum and proceeded to business. The first was John Allen, and he was cut off without a dissenting voice. They went strongly against the business of shading public property, and went against all kind of wickedness. Gave us good advice and dismissed us.

April 21:-A detachment was ordered out to relieve Company "C" and let them come in and get their pay. An equal number was taken from each company.

April 22:-Today they drew their money.

April 23:-This morning they started with Lieut. Pace at their head. They had bought themselves some horses and Col. Cooke came out just at the time they were starting, and ordered them all back, took all their horses from them, sent them off on foot and ordered their horses sold to the highest bidder, which was done accordingly.

April 24:-Today Company A was paid off.

April 25:-Today there was considerable excitement about the Spaniards. It was said that they were coming to give us a charge in the night, but nothing of the kind happened.

April 26:-This morning the order came for us to go down to get our pay. We drew for six months. Last night there was an express sent out to Company "C", Lieut. Pace's detachment, to come in. At twelve o'clock we had orders to move camp. We moved on the hill on the north side of town which has the command of the town; this day Company "A" went to work building a fort on the hill. They had moved the day before. The express came in from OC after having traveled one hundred twenty miles in sixteen hours.

April 28:-Today there was twenty-eight men ordered out to work on the fort from this company. Today "C" Company came in and Lieut. Pace.

April 29: --They got their pay.

April 30: We mustered and continued our work on the fort. There are now eighteen men detailed from each company. They work four days and are released. There was some ammunition fetched in from Santa Barbara by a detachment of Stevenson's regiment from New York City.

May 2: --Hard at work on the fort.

May 5:-News from San Diego. Captain J. D. Hunter's wife died on the thirteenth and left a small child about two weeks old. The particulars concerning her death I did not learn. Not a word from William and Melissa [Burton Coray, she being his wife's sister]. I fear they must be sick or they would have sent me some word. It cannot be that they have forgotten me.

May 7:-Today took an excursion out in the country in search of an outfit to go back to the States with, in consequence of the late revelation. Everything is very high and hard to get. This evening there was an order read from General Kearney ap­pointing Col. Stephenson to the command of the southern post. Two companies of his regiment are orderd to this place.

May 8:-Today news came that General Kearney had arrived at San Pedro. This morning there was a detachment of twenty ordered out to take some Indians in the mountains. I was detailed as one of the number. On the 9th, at the mouth of the canyon, we separated, eight of us went up on the mountain to cut off their escape in that way. We attacked them in the head of the canyon. We killed six of them. How many there were in the first place I do not know but there were some escaped certain. We then returned to camp just before night. There were two men wounded, one in the face and one in the thigh, though not dangerous. There was one Spaniard wounded in the leg. The Spaniards used the Indians very brutally, scalped them and cut off their ears and nose before we knew what they were about or we would have prevented them. We learned that General Kearney came into the Pueblo with Col. Stephenson.

May 10:-This morning the Battalion was paraded for Gen­eral Kearney and Stephenson to inspect. He made a great many remarks concerning us, and spoke of us in the highest terms, so much so that I thought it was flattery. He promised to repre­sent our conduct to the President and in the halls of congress, and give us the justice that we merited. He promised us some clothing and advised us to re-enlist into the service for twelve months, and many other things. Today there was an order issued to have three men detailed from each company to go to the States as an escort for him. I was detailed as one of that number.

May 13:-Left Los Angeles with a detachment of nine men; the other three are going round by water with the Gen. Lieut. Sherman. Three regiments of artillery has taken command of us.

May 15:-We came thirty miles and camped at the Mission of San Clare.

May 16:-We traveled all day on the coast. Came to Santa Barbara at night, a distance of thirty miles.

May 18:-Camped in a valley near a ranch, just at night. About twelve in the day we passed the Mission of San Tenara. Yesterday we took a prisoner that had deserted from Monterey, and today we took another at the Mission of Tenara.

May 21:-This morning we traveled through the mountains seven miles, and came to the Mission of San Margaretha.

May 22:-Came down the same valley all day. About eleven in the day we came to the Mission of San Miguel.

May 23:-Still down "the same valley. The river is called Monterey River. Very little timber. The land is poor. Came forty miles and camped at the Mission of San Obispo.

May 25:-Traveled about fifteen miles through the mountains and came to Monterey about twelve in the day. Quartered in the south part of the town in a building that had been occupied by some of Col. Stephenson's regiment. Today there was sixty ordered out to fight the Indians in the mountains. The General had not come as we expected.

May 26:-I was herding mules all day.

May 27 ~I went on board the Columbus, a seventy-four gun ship. Her length is two hundred fourteen feet, from the top sail to the stern hold, forty-five feet. She has three decks and mounts ninety-eight guns, and has on board seven-hundred sailors and mariners. In every way it is a splendid, well-finished craft. Today the Frigate of war "Congress" came in from Stock­ton. Just at evening the Sloop "Lexington" came in with Gen­eral Kearney and Lieut Col. Cooke on board.

May 29:-We drew seventy-five days' rations, and some mules.

May 31:-Started. Came fifteen miles and camped with General Kearney.

June 3: Camped at night in the valley. It is called the valley of San Joaquin.

June 9:--This morning we prepared for crossing the Stanis laus. We had to swim the animals and carry our plunder across in skins. This morning I learned that there was a settlement of our people some six miles below on the river. We have been passing through the Indians for several days. They are very numerous and are called the "diggers." They live upon grass seed and roots, and go naked except a wisp of grass tied around them.

June 11:-About one in the afternoon we came to the best valley that I have seen in California. Here we found some Americans. Here I saw the first field of corn in California. Today we learned that there had been an express through from the church and that brother Brannan has gone back to pilot them through the mountains. This evening there was a brother came to see us by the name of Rhodes. He came here last October from Missouri. The brethren are settled in different places through this country.

June 13:-We came sixteen miles over a very good country. Came down the American Fork about four miles and crossed the river one and one half miles from the Sacramento. Here we found another man that was a Mormon. This is settled by Americans. Sutter's Fort is on and one-half miles from the crossing; there are twenty-five soldiers stationed at this place. Crossed the river just at night. This is called St. Clare Fort.

June 14: Today we received one horse more to every man. Dried some beef, baled some flour and pork. We are thirty-five miles from the head of the bay. Corn does not do so well unless it is watered. Mechanics wages are very high, also all kinds of common labor. Land can be bought for twenty-five cents per acre, wheat one dollar per bushel.

June 15:--We were all day fitting out, baling our packs and effects. We started late, came fifteen miles.

June 17:-Thursday, camped on Bear Creek at Johnson's ranch, the last house we expect this side of Fort Hall. It is called forty miles from this place to Sutter's.

Foot of California. Bear Creek, Friday, 18th. Started early in the morning. Came thirty-five miles through the mountains. Wood all the way. We passed a place where somebody had been buried.

June 20:-Sunday, 20th. Came through some snow-banks. Banks of snow lying all over on the tops of the mountains. The vegetation has just started. Stopped about three hours in Bear Creek valley. A small valley of about one-hundred fifty acres. Here we found a cabin that some emigrants had built last fall. From this place there were five women started for the settlement through the snow on foot, and those who did not die were relieved by a party that came out for that purpose. They left a great many things in the cabin. They were from the state of Missouri.

Monday, June 21:--Struck the head of Truckee River. Here is a small lake, one mile in width and three miles in length. We camped near the head of the lake.

June 22:-We came down the lake to some cabins that had been built by some emigrants last fall. They were overtaken in the snow. There were eighty of them in number, and only thirty of them that lived. The rest of them starved to death. The Gen­eral called a halt and detailed five men to bury the deserted bodies of the others. One man lived about four months on human flesh. He sawed their heads open, ate their brains and mangled up their bodies in a horrible manner. This place now goes by the name of Cannibal Camp. While we were stopped here the men came up with our pack mules. Col. Fremont passed us here, the first time we have seen him since we left Fort Sutter. After we had buried the bones of the dead, which were sawed and broken to pieces for the marrow, we set fire to the cabin. I started about two in the afternoon came seven miles and camped. One mile above here there was another cabin and more dead bodies but the General did not order them buried.

June 23:-This morning Jigly shot himself through the arm.

Thursday, June 24:-Left Col. Fremont at the crossing of the Truckee.

Friday, June 25:-Came twelve miles down the river from where we camped last. Indians plenty. About two miles from here up the river there had been one wagon and load cached. It was dug up by the Indians. They wasted everything.

Saturday, June 26:-We camped by an Indian Village (If it would be proper to call it such) for there were no signs of it except some brush which had been cut and stuck in the ground. There were about two-hundred Indians in number, some ran to the mountains and others laid in the brush. Some of them came out after we had been there a short time. Men and women go naked.

Sunday, June 27:-Then we came to the hot spring. It was a curiosity. The water was thrown out by steam in a solid column four feet high and sometimes higher. The steam could be seen three or four miles off. It would discharge one barrel in one minute. The ground all around there seemed to be hollow underneath, and it was hot for half a mile around. There was a mule broke through a half a mile or more from the spring. The stream came up very hot.

The place where we camped is called Mary's River. It is a sunken river. It sinks in the sand where we struck it. No wood and but little grass. The water is salty and bitter. It seems as though the curse of God rested upon this country. It is all a barren unfruitful waste. Some of our mules and horses gave out today.

Sunday, July 4:- One of our party by the name of Minek was left back very sick, did not come up till some time after we had camped, which was on the Mary's River.

Thursday, July 8:-Last night the Indians stole four of our horses. We followed them to the mountains. This tribe is very had; they are called the Snake Indians. Camped this afternoon at the head of Mary's River.

Friday, July 9: We are now in Oregon. One mile from camp there was a large hot spring, we came thirty miles, camped at the big springs. Yesterday we were two days' journey from the Salt Lake by the way of Hasting's cutoff-our day's journey fifty miles.

Saturday, July 10: Head waters of the Columbia river. Col. Fremont was just behind us.

Monday, July 12: Col. Fremont travels with us.

Tuesday, July 13: Camped for noon at the forks of the road; here the old Oregon trail turns off to our left. We came down the stream crossed over, struck across to the Columbia River, eight miles without water. The road is first rate.

Wednesday, July 14:-Met some Oregon emigrants, in company forty-three wagons. In the afternoon met some more emigrants.

Thursday, July 15:-Came fifteen miles to Fort Hall. Here we got some bacon. Started in the afternoon came sixteen miles. A great many emigrants. The road is full of them.

Friday, July 16: Today our enlistment is out. Camped in a branch of Bear Valley, on a small stream.

Saturday, July 17:-Came to the Soda Pool (Soda Springs) and five miles to Bear River. One mile and a half up the river is another Soda Spring, stronger than the other.

Monday, July 19:-Camped one mile from a trader by the name of Smith. There are about twenty Indian lodges here. They have a great many horses. I saw a man by the name of Smith, who came from California with Brother Brannan, and had been with our emigrants and gave us some valuable information concerning them.

Tuesday, July 20: Started very early in the morning, struck across the mountains without any road. Came twenty-five miles and struck the road again. Here were some more lodges. We got some more animals here.

Wednesday, July 21:-A great many emigrants.

Thursday, July 22:-I met Orlando Strickland, an old acquaintance. Stayed in camp until two in the afternoon. Eight miles to the river, it is called Green River. The road is rough. Left the river about :five in the afternoon, traveled nearly all night. Came to the Big Sandy about ten the next morning.

Saturday, July 24:-Came five miles on to the Little Sandy. Came through the pass and camped on the Sweetwater, making in all twenty-three miles.

Sunday, July 25: Came seventeen miles down the Sweet­water and camped for breakfast. Considerable game here. Buffalo and Antelope.

Monday, July 26:-We came through the Rocky Buttes and camped on the east side, making in all forty miles. This is called Rose Camp.

Tuesday, July 27:-Camped at Independence Rock,

Thursday, July 29: Here we found some brethren, that were camped and waiting for their families which were behind, and expected every hour. This was the first news that I have had correct, since I left. They left there in March. Here we left one party that was unwell, by the name of John Bindley.

Monday, August 2:-Camped on the Laramie Fork of the Platte, three miles up from the Fort.

Tuesday, August 3: Having heard from the people, I got permission from the General, to go with the others and meet them. We started this morning at sunrise and came twenty miles. and stopped to grass our horses.

Wednesday, August 4:-Started from Fort Laramie early this morning in company with two other men, to overtake the brethren. We rode twenty miles and met them. We found a great many of brethern, and we heard of our families, and a great deal of other good news. We camped by them at night, when the General came up. This morning we found a great many that I was acquainted with. I received a letter from Rebecca (my wife) the first that I have had since I left Fort Leavenworth. It was written on the 6th of June. We traveled down on the left hand side of the river on the trail that our people had made. The country on this side of the river is broken and rough. Distance today forty miles. Camped opposite Scotts Bluffs.

Thursday, August 5:-Stopped about five miles above the Chimney Rock.

Saturday, August 7:-Another rain last night: Came seventeen miles today. Col. Fremont's men killed two buffalo. Camped and cooked breakfast, then came twenty-three miles, making in all forty miles. Camped at Ash Hollow. There De Quigly was very sick and not able to ride. Matthew Caldwell, C. Webb, and W. W. Spencer, hospital steward. We gave them their rations and one animal apiece and two packs.

Sunday, August 8:-Left at sunrise. We here struck across the plain leaving the North Platte, twenty miles and camped on the South Platte.

Monday, August 9:-Left camp very early this morning. Buffalo very plentiful. Camped on an island and killed several buffalo.

Tuesday, August 10: Started very early. The buffalo are in innumerable herds. It is marvellous how they subsist in such vast herds. Came twenty miles and camped for breakfast.

Saturday, August 14:-Moved camp early this morning, left the Platte and made a cutoff today of several miles. Came thirty miles and camped on Little Blue Creek; it is fifty miles by the road to the Platte.

Wednesday, August 18:-Struck for the Big Blue. Arrived there after noon.

Thursday, August 19:~Made twenty miles and camped on the Wolf River.. This forenoon we overtook a brother by the name of` Davenport. He was on his way from the North Platte and traveled with some Oregon emigrants, among them was a missionary by the name of Little John. Then men from Oregon came in late at night.

Friday, August 20:-I bought a horse of the Oregon men, for which I gave twenty dollars.

Saturday, August 21:-Our rations are all gone. We ate the last this morning for breakfast and did not have half enough at that. Started at noon and struck the road about three miles from the camp, and followed it to the Independence Creek, which we reached late in the night. Here we got some flour from Major Sewards, for supper.

Sunday, August 22:-We drew our pay this forenoon and started for Weston. Arrived there just at night. Stayed at Brother Green's Hotel. Saw the wife of Sterling Davis, and Mother Covey.

Monday, August 23:-Moved early this morning, traveled eighteen miles and came to Fort Leavenworth. Turned over our public property this afternoon. Only received $8.60, eight dollars and sixty cents for our extra service.

Tuesday, August 24:-Today we got some clothes. for ourselves and started at noon. Came sixteen miles and put up at a house one mile this side of Bloomington. Started, came to St. Joe, traveled some there, started again at noon and met a man right from Waldon's Ferry. Camped with Brother Colton at Savannah.


I hereby certify that first Sergeant Nathaniel V. Jones of Captain Nelson Higgins' Company of the Mormon Battalion of Volunteers United States Army, born in the city of Rochester, State of New York, aged twenty four years, six feet one inch high, fair complexion, dark brown hair, grey eyes, and by profession a carpenter and joiner, was enlisted by Captain James Allen, first Dragoons, Council Bluffs, Missouri River on the sixteenth day of July one thousand eight hundred forty six to serve for one year, having served honestly and faithfully, to this present date, is now entitled to a discharge in consequence of the situation of his family needing his assistance and for the purpose of conveying information to the Mormon Community, the above named Nathaniel V. Jones was last paid by J. H. Cloud, paymaster, to include the thirty-first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty six, and has pay due from that time to the present date, and the amount due the sutler, one dollar.

Given in duplicate San Luis Rey this 17th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty seven.

--found in Utah Historical Quarterly, January 1931, Vol. 4, Number 1, Pages 3-24.


"The discovery of lead nearby, at what is now called Mount Potosi, Nevada, 30 miles southwest of the mission at Las Vegas Springs, caused problems within the Mormon Las Vegas mission.
      In May 1856, Nathaniel V. Jones arrived in Las Vegas bearing orders from Young himself, and claiming authority to take men from the mission to work the mines. Steele related, "Jones presented his letter of instruction to President Bringhurst and there was a great storm between them calling each other anything but gentlemen."
      Bringhurst refused to accept Jones' authority. When food grew short, Bringhurst refused supplies to Jones' mining party, encamped southwest of Las Vegas at the location which would later be named Potosi the "Mountain of Lead". He refused to send the mission blacksmith to the mines.
      Jones returned to Salt Lake City to buy suitable material for an ore smelter. Returning Dec. 4, he bore a letter from Young, notifying Bringhurst that he had been "dropped from the mission and disfellowshipped from the Church."
      One week later, Bringhurst started for California.  
Getting the lead out proved to be even more challenging than harvesting a corn crop. The ore proved complex, and could not be profitably mined by smelting alone, yet there was insufficient water at the site for other processes. In January 1857, after recovering 9,000 pounds of lead, the Jones group abandoned the mines. The Las Vegas missionaries were allowed to leave the mission in March, though a few remained voluntarily.
      The final blow to the Mormon settlement came in the fall of 1858, when Indians who had not yet accepted the Mormons' teachings swept down from the mountains and stole the harvest from the fields. At a special conference in Santa Clara, Utah, church officials officially abandoned the Las Vegas Mission. Potosi became the first abandoned mine in Nevada. In 1861
Yet the mission was not such a failure as it might appear. The local Indians' relations with whites improved immediately upon the Mormons' arrival, and remained better, after their departure, than in much of the desert West. Las Vegas Paiutes retained their identity, and also part of their original home territory near the fort. They regained more of it in recent years, the Snow Mountain reservation.
      The Mormons' buildings and irrigation trenches, though unable to support 100 missionaries, did support ranchers who took them over later. The Mormon Fort was the seed of European-style civilization in Las Vegas.
      [Bringhurst would soon regain good standing in the church. He served several years as bishop of the ward at Springville, Utah, and Young selected him as one the six founding trustees for Brigham Young Academy (now Brigham Young University). He died in February 1883.
      Standard directories of Utah pioneers, and a biography provided by the BYU public information office, do not mention his service at the Las Vegas Mission, though it consumed nearly two years of his life.]

http://library.usu.edu/specol/manuscript/collms158.html :

Box 1: Nathaniel V. Jones Papers.

Fd 1: Outgoing correspondence, 1860-1861 (five letters).
Fd 2: Incoming correspondence, 1847-1857 (four letters).
Fd 3: Third party correspondence, 1859 (one letter) and lead receipts.
Fd 4: Jones’s Certificate of Election to the Salt Lake City Council, 1858.
Fd 5: Certificates and proclamations, 1847-1859
Fd 6: Documents pertaining to the Jones and Burton families, 1840-1860.
Fd 7: Notebooks, written during Jones’ mission in England, 1859-1860.
Fd 8: Memorandum of Account of the Estate of Nathaniel V. Jones, 1864.
Fd 9: Biographical sketch of N. V. Jones, by Rebecca B. Jones.
Fd 10: Miscellaneous papers concerning Nathaniel V. Jones, 1840-1860.

"News arrived from San Diego that Lydia Hunter died. Nathaniel V. Jones was concerned about William and Melissa Coray. He had not heard from them and assumed that they must be sick."
section header - biography

Mary Eliza Brown Brown Jones 1836-1916

Mary Eliza Brown Brown Jones

Born: May 1, 1836 at Vinalhaven, Knox, Maine
Died: November 18, 1916 at East Mill Creek, Salt Lake, Utah

Mary Eliza's parents [Charles Brown 1804-1839 and Mary Arey Brown 1806-1875] heard the Gospel and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1837. In November of 1838, they left their relatives and comfortable home in Massachusetts and moved to Missouri.
At the age of two and a half, Mary traveled by wagon through the snows of winter in a company led by Brother Wilford Woodruff. When they were driven from Missouri, they went to Rochester on the Sangamon River in Illinois where her father and her sister, Rebecca, became ill and died. Two years later, she and her mother reached Nauvoo, Illinois.
Mary Eliza married James Andrew Brown in Kanesville, Iowa on April 12, 1851. Her husband became a drinker and gambler and left her destitute and without means to care for their two children., Eliza Frances Brown Chamberlin 1852-1930, and Mary Emma Brown (1854-1858) . James Andrew Brown died on November 17, 1908 in Lordsburg, Los Angeles, California.
(Adivergent lineage at familysearch.org tells us that Mary Eliza Brown was married to James Stephens Brown on March 12, 1851 in Kanesville, Iowa, naming the above two girls as their children. In this instance no mention is made of a James Andrew Brown, but does list Nathaniel Vary Jones as her second husband.)
Mary Eliza married Nathaniel Vary Jones as a plural wife on May 31, 1857. She was married by Brigham Young in his office in Salt Lake City. Two years later, Nathaniel was called to preside over the British Mission. They had two children: Charles Brown Jones 21 Dec 1859; and Seth Chauncey Jones 17 May 1862.
Upon Nathaniel's return, Brigham Young called them on a lead manufacturing mission to Las Vegas, Nevada and Parowan, Utah. Nathan was called back to Salt Lake City to undertake the manufacture of iron near Salt Lake City. He became ill with pneumonia and died at the young age of forty. Nathaniel died in 1863.
Mary Eliza kept herself busy night and day with labor and taking care of her three remaining children. She supported her children for many years by making dresses and doing all types of sewing for other people.  She always kept a neat and orderly home.
After the children were raised and married she moved to East Mill Creek. She lived with her daughter, Frances Chamberlain, until she had a three-room house built in East Mill Creek by her daughter's family where she remained until her death.

Nathaniel Vary Jones Jr. 1850-1921

N.V. Jones, Nathaniel Jones, Nathaniel V. Jones, Nat Jones, Nat V. Jones, N. Jones, Nathaniel Vary Jones


PAF - Archer files =

N.V. Jones wife, Rebecca Maria Burton is sister of Melissa Burton Coray Kimball.
N.V. Jones daughter Clara Lucinda Jones married John Willard Young, son of Brigham Young and Mary Ann Angell
N.V. Jones daughter Maria Anna Jones married Ebenezer Young Taylor, son of John Taylor and Margaret Young
N.V. Jones son Seth Chauncey Jones married Annie Barnes Layton, daughter of Christopher Layton and Sarah Barnes.
Other connections exist and will be added later.

Biographical sketch of N. V. Jones, by Rebecca B. Jones, Fd 9.

Photos of N.V. Jones and his son from "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah" page 179.

Photo and Biographical sketch of Mary Eliza Brown from "Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude" Vol. II Page 1618.

http://history.utah.gov/history_programs/utah_historic_quarterly/table_of_contents/index.html contains extended journal in 60 volumes.

Journal of N. V. Jones published in part in the Utah Historical Quarterly, 4:16.

Additions, photos, bold, [bracketed information], etc. added by Lucy Brown Archer.

Copyright 2001 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org



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... Easter 1986 through October 2005


... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by
Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

... To be Published Soon:

Send Comments and Information to: 




... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

Send Additions and Information to:


...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters


...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

- Captain James Brown 1801-1863

...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

- Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

- Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

(Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

(Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

(Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

(Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

(Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

(Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

(Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

- (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915












Contact Us:
Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
P.O. Box 980111
Park City, Utah 84098-0111