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Jim Zemira Palmer 1831-1880

Zemira "Jim" Palmer

Born: 9 August 1831 at Loughborough, Frontenac, Midland, Upper Canada
Died:  22 October1880 at Orderville, Kane, Utah

U. S. Mormon Battalion Mexican War 1846-1848

Compiled by Lucy Brown Archer

Zemira "Jim" Palmer
Zemira Palmer was born August 9, 1831at W. Loughborough, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada, the son of Phebe Draper and George Palmer IV.  Zemira was the sixth of seven (perhaps 8) children.

After the death of his father in 1833 his mother married Ebenezer Brown on August 26, 1842, and when she was given the privilege of accompanying her husband on the march of the Mormon Battalion, Zemira asked to go with them. Although he was not old enough to be a soldier he was given permission by the officers in charge to go provided he could carry a gun and all the other necessary equipment. His mother, knowing the need of a growing boy for extra food, often purposely burned the bread served to the officers so that they would cut off the blackened crusts. These she saved for Zemira who said they tasted better than a piece of pie under other circumstances.

In "A Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War" Sergeant Daniel Tyler states that Zemira served the Mormon Battalion as a servant to Colonel James Allen until Allen's death. He then served Dr. George B. Sanderson from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fe; then served Lieutenant Lorenzo Clark until the corps were discharged in San Diego.

After the disbanding of the Battalion in Los Angeles, Zemira helped his parents pan gold in order to get an outfit and enough provisions to join the Saints in Utah.

. .George Palmer 1795-1833 .Sally Knight Palmer1836-1916
Phebe Draper Palmer Brown George Palmer IV Sally Knight Palmer

On December 1, 1851 Zemira married Sally Knight, daughter of Newel Knight and Lydia Goldthwaite Knight. They were the parents of twelve or fourteen children, Alma Zemira Palmer, Emma Palmer, Newell Palmer, Lydia Palmer, Phebe Palmer, James Palmer, William Palmer, George Palmer, Asael Palmer, Jesse Milo Palmer, Mary Palmer, Martha Palmer, Joseph Palmer, and Chloe Palmer. In his later years he was called to live in the United Order in southern Utah where he served as one of the leaders. Sally died in 1916 in Orderville, Kane, Utah

On March 30, 1856 he married (2) Caroline Jacques, they had eight children. Caroline died in 1877 in Orderville, Kane, Utah.

Zemira Palmer 1831-1880

Zemira died at the age of 49 years in Orderville, Utah in the year 1880.

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Zemira Palmer was born 9 Aug 1831 in Family Record, Handwritten, by his mother, Phebe Draper Palmer; Given in Pre-Endowment House b.9 Aug 1831, place-Upper Canada. (FHL Film #183,393 Bk A, #l987), he gave born on 9 Aug 1831 & place as Upper Canada; also have Sealing record #l83,394, Bk B, p.33), witnesses M. J. Grant & W.W. Phelps for Sally & Zemira.

!45th Quorum of Seventy gave he was born E. Loughborough: and more can be read in Bk THE DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE PALMER & PHEBE DRAPER, 929.273 P182c p.10c, 444-941 & FHL Film #1321,355.

Municipal Records of Toronto, purchased 5/2000, and recorded by the Clerks of the Peace, for Cramahe & Haldimand County,Northumberland County, read and recorded by two researchers, tell us that Zemira's father is George Palmer Jr. His grandfather is George Palmer who went to live in Cramahe Township, Northumberland County, Upper Canada in l793, as a settler along with 40 other families.

Zemira gave he was born 9 Aug 1831 in Loughborough, a township in Frontenac County, Midland District, Upper Canada, Ontario; also in Family Record, handwritten, by his mother, Phebe Draper Palmer, & on Pre-Endowment House FHL Film #183,393 Bk A, #1987; His & Sally's Sealing record #l83,394, Bk B, p.33, witnesses M.J.Grant & W.W. Phelps.

Explanation for any who might call up their PAF Palmer Pedigree chart from the Internet or any Church record, and find this ancestor listed as with a nickname (Jim) Zemira Palmer can know that a descendant has made a terrible mistake of using a nick-name he supposed was used by our Zemira Palmer, which is very wrong, he is written only as Zemira in all records found of him & in his letters he signed Zemira or just Z.

Municipal Records of Toronto, purchased 5/2000, and searched, tell us that Zemira's father is George Palmer Jr and his mother is Phebe Draper, that they lived first in Cramahe, Northumberland County, were married there where Lovina Palmer [b. 20 July 1816] & Asahel Palmer [b. 26 Jan 1819] were born.

His father, called George Palmer Junior, sold his Grant land and moved to Haldimand Twp, where his bro William George Palmer was born 25 August l821. They moved out of Haldimand before 25 Apr 1823, (copy obtained) & they removed over 100 kilometers east to near Kingston, at Loughborough Township, Frontenac County, Midland District, Ontario, Canada, where his sisters Eliza Palmer [b.31 May 1824] and Lydia Palmer [b. 15 Oct 1826], & Zemira Palmer [b. 9 Aug 1831] were born, and his sister, Rhoda Palmer was born there on March 15, 1834; and where his father died in Dec. 1833.

Zemira spent only 2 years & 4 months in Loughborough with his family, and his grandparents, William Draper & Lydia Lathrop Draper & his grand uncle Thomas Draper Jr. & Mary Mosier Draper & their children; 2/l819 Census of Loughborough Township shows names of this Thomas Draper, wife as Hannah (Mary) & one son, William Carey, who is not his son, but born to his wife Mary Mosier who md lst to Carey; A son Thomas, probably Reuben, the only son b.before 1819, also named were their daus Viny, Mary, Ruth & Anne.

Zemira's mother joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on 17 February 1833 in Loughborough where a Branch of the Church was organized in 1833. Also Thomas Jr & Mary Mosier Draper, along with Wm & Lydia Lathrop Draper, all leave Canada by late l834 or l835 and are found living in Kirtland, Geauga, Ohio. This great uncle Thomas died in Pike Co.IL. l841.

Mother Phebe Palmer with her children Asahel, William George, Lydia, Zemira and baby Rhoda move with her Drapers to Kirtland, Geauga, now Lake County, Ohio, U.S.

Zemira not five by the 28th March 1836, when his mother received her Patriarchal Blessing there, and Zemira's grandfather, William Draper Sr was ordained a Priest by D.C.Smith. No doubt all were partakers of the great Dedication of that great Kirtland Temple. First temple built, and visited by the Savior, the ancient prophets, Elijah and others.

1838, Mar to Sept 10th, Zemira with his mother Phebe Draper Palmer, his bro. William & sisters Lydia & Rhoda (not listed by name, but under his uncle Zemira Draper-6 persons), listed with Kirtland Camp of Saints travelling to Missouri Read of others of that camp group named in The History of the Church Vol.III, pgs.92 thur 138).

The Drapers start with this group, but drop out rather than go to Missouri about l0th Sept 1838 in Edgar County, IL, 494 miles from Kirtland, Ohio, because of funds and elderly age of his grandfather, William Draper Sr. & Lydia; Also his sister with husband Henry Munroe, two aunts with Vanleuven husbands; and Thomas Draper (Jr family) and others names.

His brother Asahel Palmer's 2nd child, Emaline Palmer gave her birth place as Sangamon Co, IL, where they may have contacted each other then or sooner.

1840 June U.S. Census of Pleasantvale (see map), Pike, IL, Zemira age 9 is shown in household of his uncle Zemira Draper & grandparents, William & Lydia Lathrop Draper Sr. In the Next house was his mother, and his brother William George 19, sisters Lydia 13, Rhoda 6; next house uncle William Draper, next house uncle Alfred R. Draper, all at Pleasantvale, a precinct in Pike County, IL. Pg.96 shows his uncle Marvin Draper & gd uncle Thomas Draper Jr's family, (Films 007,645, Pike County, IL).

Feb 24, l842, his brother William George Palmer was married to his grand uncle Thomas Draper's daughter Susan Draper. Nothing more found about Susan, said to have died soon & William George is not found again until he is with the Philamon Merrill Company in 1856 going to Great SL City, with his 2nd wife, Ellen Perdun/Purdun.

!1839-42 a Nauvoo, Hancock Co.,IL. census shows his brother Asahel (written as Asel) & wife Evaline PARMER, part tax & members of a Ward, also his mother as P(hebe) D(raper), Palmer, a member of the Church there (probably only a visit for her to be with Asahel). Phebe had married Ebenezer.Brown [1802-1878] 28 August l842 [at Pleasantville, Pike County, Illinois].

By 1844, Zemira is with his uncle Zemira Draper & his grandparents at Morley Hancock County, IL, a settlement in "Spokes on the Wheel", named by the Prophet. Mother now Phebe Draper Palmer Brown has moved into a settlement called Bear Creek, with her daughters Lydia & Rhoda Brown, [not given as Palmer because of 1942 marriage to Ebenezer Brown]; also Lovina Palmer with her husband, Henry Munroe. The mobs had driven the saints from their lovely homes in Pleasantvale,

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Pike County, IL. although they formerly were treated as good neighbors. One history item read by Newel Palmer gave that our Newel Knight was sent by the Prophet Joseph Smith to organized this branch into a Stake as it had become that large.

1844, Apr. 8th, Phebe D. Palmer Brown is at Bear Creek settlement some miles south of Carthage & far distance more from Nauvoo, but she goes to the temple and is baptised for her deceased husband, George PALMER (father of Zemira). We find her back to the temple on 24 Dec 1845, for her endowment, & his Uncle Zemira Draper and grandparents are at NV temple on 25 Dec 1845.

The prophet, Joseph Smith & his bro. Hyrum are murdered at Cathage, Hancock, IL, 6/27/1844

!The Saints are driven from these places and from Nauvoo, where their beautiful Temple was destroyed. (June 27, 2002, Nauvoo Temple again built & dedicated) Zemira's bros Asahel & William George Palmer remained & found in Sangamon Co., IL, where Church History (Vol.3) speaks of the Drapers. Grandmother, Lydia dies at or near Montrose, Lee, Iowa, where Zemira Draper remains for a time, but Phebe Draper PalmerBrown & Ebenezer Brown are with her daus near Garden Grove, Iowa, dau. Lovina Munro where Henry Munro dies in l847; and dau Lydia md Anthony Bruno 1846 & both remain in Iowa until after their husband's deaths, then go to Utah.

Zemira along with his mother at Mt.Pisgah hears that the Government want 500 men as soldiers for the War with Mexico. At Council Bluffs, Iowa, Ebenezer.Brown signs up, as does his mother, who goes entire march one of 4 women; and Zemira as Orderly for the officers, although only l4 until August l846, all in that Mormon Battalion, the only Battalion with names rather than a number.

Military Service: Zemira, was an orderly to Lt Col. James Allen until his death, 23 Aug 1846, then other officers.

Zemira was only 14 until 9 Aug 1846, when the Battalion left Council Bluffs, Iowa Territory, on 6 July l846, to the conclusion of its March of over 2000 miles. Zemira was entitled to much praise for his patriotism & bravery. They were discharged 16 Jan 1847, at San Diego. 81 officers & men reenlisted, performed garrison service at San Diego.

Then on to Los Reyes, Ciudad de Los Angeles. It is said that some arrived in Salt Lake Valley on 1 Oct 1847, but Zemira went with other young men later. It is noted here that Zemira was in the Army to seal our borders from Mexico;

His father had been a Soldier in the War of 1812, to seal the borders of Canada from U.S. but Canada called it, The War with the Americans.

Gold was discovered near Sutter's Mill on 24 Jan 1848. Sarah Arletta Palmer, writes as quoted from Harriet Esplin-6/1953: "Zemira worked as a Bar Tender in San Bernardino, where he went to school in the day, where he had a Spanish teacher. He went to Utah with a detachment of the Mormon Battalion who arrived in SLC later that year". It is told Zemira panned gold and obtained $500.00, then went to Great Salt Lake, Utah. His mother & Brown came to Utah later in l849, (read in Book pp 860-863).

At Salt Lake he went to school and worked at the carpenter trade. He wrote songs and poems for different occasions and was a great social leader. He loved to dance the old Reels & Quadrills, made a fine figure on the floor, being straight as an arrow and moving with grace & ease. When boardering at a lady's place he noticed that his white pillow slip got very dirty, so he made himself a nightcap which he was very careful that no one could see. He wore a mustache, which he kept trimmed very neatly".

1849, he in company with nine men to ferry California & Oregon Emmigration over the Green River.

!1850 Census, Zemira is listed in Great Salt Lake, Utah, age 19, with James Hibbard age 19, and George Stiles 22.

With his own team he crossed the plains to help gather the Saints. Counselor to Bishop William Draper, his uncle, in Willow Creek, now Draper, Utah, for a short time.

l Jan 1851, he had found his [1] Sally Knight. She writes in her history that they were married at Salt Lake City. Then a very special record tells that they were sealed at 2/5 p.m by H[eber] C[hase] Kimball on 18 Sep 1855, in the Endowment House; witnesses were J.M.Grant and W.W. Phelps. No temple dedicated in Utah until 6 Apr 1877. (Document in Film #l83, 394, Bk B, p.33, ENDOWMENT HOUSE).

By 30 March 1856 at 7:00 p.m, we read Zemira did marry [2] Caroline Jacques in the same document & witnesses were George W. Jacques & Israel Ivins). (7 March 1855, an Endowment House RECORD in FILM #183,393 (25165,pt.l3) shows #l987, for Zemira Palmer born in Upper Canada on 9 Aug 1831 & Sally Knight born at Gallatin a township in Clay County, MO. Then the St George Temple was ready and they lived near, when on 25 Oct l877 Zemira took Alma Zemira Palmer and had him and his twin sisters, Mary Palmer b. & d. 8 Jan 1855 & Martha Palmer b & d l Jan 1855, sealed to them. This tells me that as more revelation came and was understood, they complied, and lived by all new knowledge and commandments.

1856 Census of Provo, Utah, shows Zemira Palmer, Caroline Jakes (Jacques) & Sally Knight, her children-Alma, Mary & Martha, & dau Lydia (FHL Film 505,913, pg 963, & folder #32); p.962 a Thomas Jakes family & p.963 James

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Knight family. THEN 1856 Census of Utah, Davis County, North Kanyon Ward gave ZAMIRA Palmer with Phillis & Lavinia-same film p.87, JT. (Can this be our Zemira at Bountifull, Davis, Utah, which was called Cedar County at that time, Cedar county no longer exists, who are the two females? you find. Aug 4, 1856, Zemira is at the Church farm Salt Lake County, when he & Sally receive a Patriarchal Blessing by John Smith, Zemira scribe for her blessing of 20 Aug 1861, when both have another Blessing by John Young, Patriarch, at Provo Valley. Zemira gave he is son of George & Phebe Draper Palmer born in Province of Upper Canada 9 Aug 1831. Sally gave she is dau of Newel & Lydia Knight, b. Galliton Township, Clay County, Missouri. (Greg Collinwood 1/2000, shared these copies; which copies were sent to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. 6/2000 the Ensign said Patriarchal Blessings will go to the FHLibrary now (2002) for use by all.

1860, Oct. census Zemira (spelled Cemyra) age 26, Caroline age l7, b. New Brunswich, $200 personal property, dau Arletta p.886, #2875; Wife Sally as Sarah Palmer age 24, seamstress $200/150 in Provo City with son Alma Z. age 7 Lydia A. 4, & Phebe 2. They made a fine family & worked in the Church callings, & accomplished many great works thoughout Nevada & southern Utah. They made a fine combination and go forward to bless the lives of their children, accepted & fulfilled all callings from the Church authorities.

The Deseret Newspaper said of the 24th Celebration in l860 in Provo Valley, Zemira sang an appropriate song and the day ushered in by the firing of Musketry under the direction of Capt Zemira Palmer. Zemira has 3 or more pieces of property in Provo, which he donated to B. Young for the Church. About this time her brother, Jesse Knight, was blessed to find a Gold Mine, which got the Church out of debt & helped to keep the BYU going.

He lived in Heber City from 1861 to l865, where we find in Book "How Beautiful upon the Mountains, a Centennial History of Wasatch County", 1963 by Wm James Mortimor, quote:pg. 9, Zemira Palmer named on Fort Heber map; pg 15 gave West Side. Zemira Palmer spent the winter of l861 along with 15 other families named on that side, Zemira at top NW; pg. 17 gave Zemira Palmer Constable for precinct No.l; (Children shown born there were George A. l862, Susan l863, James Milo Dec l864 & Mary Dell l Sept l864). Page 467/8 gave a short history date & place of his birth, his mother's Pat. Blg mentioned & listed 9 names of Sally's 12 children & 5 names of Caroline's 8 children.

Zemira kept a Diary of his activities. Many pages were missing by the time Lenna Cox Wilcock shared her 37 pages she had typed about 1954 from the original, then in possession of Inez Hoyt, dau of Emma P. Heaton. Lucile Brubaker, sent Lois Allen 37 pages of that copy. Much of the following items were learned from his Diary, dated l Jan l872 to 9 Oct l879.

His obituary notice gave date of 4/11/1865 when he was called to southern Utah and located by Pres. Snow at Meadow Valley. His Diary gave a date 1 Jan 1872, when he tells of his years at Panaca, Eagle Valley, Dry Valley in Lincoln County, Nevada, where he speaks of the many activities he did there, of paying his tithing and his taxes. This place was in Lincoln County, which became known as Nevada State, not Utah, and the saints were being charged taxes by 3 states. He moves his families to southern Utah. (read and Diary)

The winter of l873/74 they are at Panguitch, where his first child, son Alma Z. Palmer did go & had bought land. Zemira's Diary tells of teaching school in the kitchen of Bro. William D. Kartchner's home, to their children and his own.

11 Apr 1874, was requested by Pres. Young to move to Springdale on the Virgin River & take charge of that place, in Washington County, Utah

A quote from his Diary, p.90, "Oct 24, l877, in the Temple (St Geoge) had our son Alma Zemira & two twin daughters, Mary & Martha who were born before we had our sealing, sealed to us, being according to the Law of the Lord".

Nov 13, l877, he writes: "having been appointed to take charge of the Cotton farm, I, in company with Bishop Hogan, started for that place. (worked hard)

Feb 2, l878, Quote "Attended Priesthood meeting at St.George & was set apart as Presiding Priest at the Orderville Cotton farm, Branch of the Washington Ward under the hands of Pres. J.D.T. McAllister & his councillors, T. Jones & Henry Eyring. This place was a little above Washington City, Washington County, Utah, called the Orderville Order, but a long distance from town of Orderville, Kane, Utah.

At the Orderville Cotton Farm Dec 18, l878, he writes his mother (Phebe Draper Palmer Brown), who lived at Draper, Salt Lake County, Utah. He tells where he labored for what was part of the Orderville Order, but located a little above Washington City, Washington County, Utah. He worked hard, planted cotton, ordered and set up the cotton mill, and they did make cloth. He speaks of irrigating, picking cotton & even picked it in the house when weather bad. Also

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speaks of planting peach trees & peach pits, and other plants & much work for the order. He did a very fine work there. Caroline & family were at Orderville, Kane County, and where she died December 1877.

Dec 18, 1878 letter in his own handwriting, to his Mother (Phebe Palmer) 2nd letter to her dated l/30/l879, both from cotton farm. Then to his sister Lovina, (after his mother had died in Dec 1879), this Letter from Enterprize, June l880; on 6/l3/l880, now at Orderville, Kane, very interesting letters.

Zemira died 22 Oct 1880 & buried 23rd (although it reads as died on 23rd), this would be the buriel date, at Orderville, Kane, Utah. Caroline in grave #26 & a fine headstone by her great & gd children was made & set in July 200l & picture sent to Lois & given back to Lucile. Block l, Lot l, Sally is in grave #25, Caroline grave 26, & Zemira Palmer grave 27.

Elmer F. Cox, a great grandson, writes: "Zemira was neat and particular about his appearance. He was honest and very strict. When he spoke to his children, they knew he meant business and they responded accordingly, He was religious and held many responsible positions in the Church. He was intelligent & a real asset in helping to colonize several communities, such as Provo, Heber City, Dry Valley, Lincoln, Nevada, Panguitch & Springdale, Orderville.

Spoke of Wm D.Kartchner, whose dau, Alzada md son Alma Z. 1/l872 (we have copy of his Diary). He also hauled wood & sold it for $5.25 per cord to help with expenses. Other avocations were shoeing oxen & horses, mending harnesses, repairing wagons, mending shoes, fixing & working on roads, & many other things. While in Dry Valley, Nevada he was active in law & court proceedings. He was a member of a jury in Pioche [Penoche] and he had to travel there for court sessions.

In 4/1874 Pres. Brigham Young requested him to move to Springdale & organize the United Order there. In June of 1877 he was appointed to go to Leeds & appraise the property of 3 men who had joined order at Orderville. It was here he heard of the death of his wife Caroline. They decided to make a permanent headquarters of the United Order there in LEEDS?, so he moved his wife & 3 youngest children there. Here he worked on getting cotton production going & was later set apart as presiding elder of the Cotton Farm. His responsibilities at the farm were many and he was adept at almost anything he tried".

7/1877, Appointed by Pres, J.D.T. McAllister to take charge of Leeds Ward while Bishop Hogan goes north to Cache Co.

Went to Harrisbury in the afternoon, it being a part of the Ward, held meeting, was sustained by the people of both towns by unanimous vote, was released by 11/1877 when Bishop Hogan returned. Zemira's Diary speaks of being ill.

At the Orderville Cotton Farm Dec 18, 1878, he writes his mother (Phebe Draper Palmer Brown who lived at Draper) a letter. (copies of letters by him and extraction of his DIARY he kept may go into the Historical Dept or FHLibrary, after Lucile Brubaker typed and hands in, Ula has typed an Excerpt (& names added in some places as known by she & Lois).

"In l878 he had several periods of illness. He reports that the 3rd time he became ill in September with a strange, severe pain in his stomach. He nearly died during this illness which lasted until November. From then on until his death on 22 Oct. l800, he was occasionally unwell. He was a good man who left a rich heritage for those of us who follow. He was honest, hard working, inventive and was very instrumental in the development of the southern Utah area". (collected & arranged by Lenna Cox Wilcock on 2/24/l955. 6/2000 Lenna & her dau. Lucile Wilcock Brubaker sent to LPAllen a 37 page of Zemira's own Diary, the original obtained & typed up by Lenna about l954, from Ines

Hoyt.Articles in 1996 Church News, Sesquicentennial Year, are great. Kevin E. Palmer & others represented Zemira in the Battalion Commemoration at historic military post at Fort Leavenworth, KS; the Battalion mustering re-enactment Church News 7/20/1996 & Dec 14, 1996, Omaha, Nebraska, Mormon Trail Center Exhibit at Historic Winter Quarters in Omaha. Brigham Young tells the men of Zion's Camp of the need to join & serve their nation, which had just driven them from their beautiful homes the 3rd time.

A fine play was written & produced by Kevin & his mother Wanda Palmer about the members of the Battalion & the four women who went the entire March. It was shown Oct 9 (Phebe's 200th birthday) l0th & llth, l998, with Brigham Young, the officer, the mustering in of the men, the boys, Zemira age 14 with other young orderlies, even the drummer boy. The story of Preston Palmer who with his grandparents, A.Z. & Alzada Kartchner Palmer of Arizona, visit at Orderville, Kane, Utah, with Sally Knight Palmer, Zemira's wife, who tells Preston of Zemira's life, and death. It was excellently done & should be a Church wide production of that part of CHURCH History made by the Mormon Battalion.

His grandfather is GEORGE PALMER Sr & his Grandmother is HANNAH WILKINSON PALMER. You can read about them and their children in CD #18, Wesley Palmer Pin #902,931 & AFN:21 MT-RH, & the Church Website & Internet.

Also Book printed l997 in Mesa (with Family groups) & Salt Lake City Family History Library, called

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"THE DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE PALMER & PHEBE DRAPER, SUPPLEMENT, 929.273 Pl82c," only l2 pages, but in microfilm by 2000, FHL Film #2055,478. It was poorly cataloged & gave only Surnames from Sarah's BK, The Descendants of George Palmer & Phebe Draper, 929.273 Pl82c, l963, rather than the new surnames given, sad, and index given Kevin was dark and poorly submitted by Kevin E. Palmer, later. Also we find even in 2003 that his name was JIM, this must come off by the submitter, for there is no record of Zemira with such a name, please remove from all Records

In 6/2000 the MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF ONTARIO, TORONTO Archives were purchased and have brought to us fine records of Zemira's people, the Palmers and Drapers in Cramahe Township, Northumberland County, Newcastle District (District done away in 1848) in what was then called Upper Canada, after 1867

On 8/3/2000 A Pedigree Resource was submitted to the Familysearch.org Church program with Hannah as the dau of Joshua Wilkinson & Ann Turnville, and their last son, Annis added. This record is not to be changed as was Ancestral file by every submission sent to that file. It now 11/2002 can be seen by others on the Internet. D-Rom Disc #18, Wesley Palmer pin #903057 & 8 for George and Hannah Palmer Sr.

In Booklet "1975 to COMMEMORATE the ORDERVILLE UNITED ORDER 1875-1975, 100th Anniversary by Anna P. Seaman, quote: "ZEMIRA PALMER (S), 1831-1880, married Sally Knight (1836-1916) and Caroline Jacques (1841-1877). He was on the Board of Appraisers, in charge of stockyards, an overseer at the Cotton Farm. Recorded: One year there was 2700 lbs of lint cotton, and 5400 lbs of cotton seed. On July 24, 1880, at the Pioneer Day celebration, Zemira was Marshall of the Day, he died the following October.

Zemira & his wives were buried in Orderville". Photo 1999 of tombstones of Zemira & Sally taken by Ann Frost of Ula & Ken Julian by Sally's stone; then 2001 a fine picture from Lucile of the tombstone set for Caroline Jacques Palmer between Zemira & Sally.

1880 Census of Orderville Precinct, Kane, Utah, taken 18th June gave dwelling ll9/l36, Zemira Palmer age 48, Carpenter shop, b.Canada, father no place shown, mother N.Y. Sally age 43, milliner, b. Mo. father b. Vermont, Mother Mass, son George A. l7, dau Susan L. with hus. Benjamin Black 20, son Jesse M. 15, dau Emma age 12, son George E. age l3, son Newell K. age 9, son Joseph age 5, & Chloe, dau age 2. (Enumeration District #29, Film 1,255,336).

William Draper JR OR SR, was ordained a Priest by D.C.Smith. No doubt all were partakers of the great events of the Dedication of the Temple there.

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{All material on page 8 is a repeat of first pages.]

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James Milo Dec l864 & Mary Dell l Sept l864). Page 467/8 gave a short history date & place of his birth, his mother's Pat. Blg mentioned & listed 9 names of Sally's 12 children & 5 names of Caroline's 8 children. (copy 2000).

Zemira kept a Diary of his activities. Many pages were missing by the time Lenna Cox Wilcock shared her 37 pages she had typed about 1954 from the original, then in possession of Inez Hoyt, dau of Emma P. Heaton. Lenna's daughter, Lucile Brubaker, sent Lois Palmer Allen 37 pages of that copy. Much of the following items were learned from his Diary, dated l Jan l872 to 9 Oct l879.

His obituary notice gave date of 4/11/1865 when he was called to southern Utah and located by Pres. Snow at Meadow Valley. His Diary gave a date 1 Jan 1872, when he tells of his years at Panaca, Eagle Valley, Dry Valley in Lincoln County, Nevada, where he speaks of the many activities he did there, of paying his tithing and his taxes. This place was in Lincoln County, which became known as Nevada State, not Utah, and the saints were being charged taxes by both states. He moves his families to southern Utah.

The winter of l873/74 they are at Panguitch, where his first child, son Alma Z. Palmer did go & had bought land.

Zemira's Diary tells of teaching school in the kitchen of Bro. Wm D. Kartchner's home, to their children and his own.

Zemira died 22 Oct 1880 & buried 23rd (although it reads as died on 23rd) this would be the buriel date, at Orderville,

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[Repeated information.]

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WIFE: Sally Knight

Birth:End.House rec Bk A F#183,393, #1987, & End.House F#183,394 Bk B p.33; Xerox copy 1982 of LDS form she filed in, at GS Archives, gave her genealogy on pp 87-90 written by herself, undated; l860 Provo Census her name as SARAH Palmer age 24 b. Mo., seamstress, Alma age 7, Lydia 4, Phoebe 2, p324, #2865, her mother's household #2883. Marr:1 Dec 1851 to Zemira Palmer, sealed 7 Mar l855 at Pres. Office. Endowed & sealed l8 Sep l855, at Endowment House, marr by H.C.Kimball at 2/5 p.m. p.33, in Film #l83,394, Bk B. xerox copy in poss.

Patriarchal blessing given by John Smith, Presiding Patriarch, on the head of Sally Palmer, the daughter of Newel Knight and Lydia Goldthwaite, born Galliton Township, Clay co.,Missouri, Dec 1st, 1836, given at the Church farm Salt Lake County, Aug. 4, l856. I seal a blessing upon you, even a Patriarchal Blessing and I pray God my Heavenly Father to prepare your mind so that you may receive the blessing that is laid up in store for you. I seal upon you power that you may be enabled to counsel those of your own sect in wisdom and that you may have power over the evil one that the destroyer may not have power to afflict thee or thy family and I seal upon thee every desire of by heart in righteousness. I say unto thee be faithful and listen to the counsel of thy companion, and I seal upon you all the blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant., Thou shalt have Power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection with all thy father's family even so, Amen. Scribe:Zemira Palmer. (a second blessing follows)

A blessing given at Provo Valley, Aug 20, 1861, by John Young, Patriarch on the head of Sally Palmer, daughter of Newel & Lydia Knight. born Galliton Twp, Clay Co.,MO, Dec lst, 1836. ..In connection with your husband you shall hold a fullness of the Holy Priesthood. Have power to administer in your own family and to those that are afflicted about you and your name shall be honorable among the daughters of Zion, you shall be an ornament to the holy religion of Jesus and have strength according to your day and never be tempted above that which you are able to bear. The fostering hand of your Heavenly Father shall be over you and the good things of the earth shall be multiplied unto you. Under all difficult circumstances which you may have to pass through, the angels of mercy shall be with you and the angels of health to administer health unto you...that you may live upon the earth as long as life is sweet unto you. You shall become a bright and shining light and do much good in your day and generation, have power to govern and control yourself and your household and no enemy shall have power over you nor wicked influence to lead you astray, but you shall be preserved in innocence before the heavens all the days of your pilgrimage. Live to be gathered up to Zion with your husband and kindred. Have power to secure to yourself in connection with your husband an inheritance which fadeth not away, you have grace according to your day..,.upon conditions of your faithfulness ..you shall come forth and stand upon mount Zion with palms of victory in yur hands and songs of everlasting joy in the midst of your friends and kindred and the great and good. S.O. Littlefield, Reporter.

Death: Obituary notice as printed in Salt Lake City Church newspaper. Reads:
Orderville: Mrs. Sally K.Palmer dead at Orderville (Kane, Utah). Special Correspondence from Orderville, Oct 8, l9l6-Mrs Sally Knight Palmer died here

Oct l, she was the eldest dau of Newel and Lydia Goldthwaite Knight, was born l Dec l836, was a devoted wife and mother and an active worker in the Church; crossed the plains in l850 & in 1851 she was married to Zemira Palmer.

They were both pioneers in northern and southern Utah. The last 20 yrs of her life she devoted to genealogical and temple work. She is survived by a brother, Jesse Knight of Provo & a sister, Artemisia White of Payson. Her posterity numbers 12 children, 84 grandchild, 136 ggdchildren, & two great great,great, grandchildren. Buried beside her husband, Zemira at Orderville, Utah.

Xerox copy obtained 8/l982 at Genealogical Society, 4th floor, pp 87,88,89 and 90, written by Sally Knight Palmer, not dated. It gave her data, She was living at room 225 Constitutional Bldg, SLC, gave her parents b & death, gave grandparents, gave she married Dec lst, l851 at Salt Lake City Utah, named her 12 children, Chloe married but it was annulled for lack of authority by one who performed the marriage. lst two girls, twins died, lst child, my ancestor

Alma Zemira Palmer b. 12, l853 at Provo City, Utah, married & moved to AZ Territory l787 to Snowflake, the other 8 children married, had families. She wrote: "Came across the plains in 1850 with Ox teams, was the Mother of 12 children raised 9 to be married. Spun & wove our clothes, made hats, shoes & most everything to raise my family, and now have over 80 Grandchildren, over 50 greatgrand children..been a worker in the Relief Society all the time of my life since being married and now am spending my time in hunting names and working in the temple. Been endowed for over 1264 and have been a widow about 30 years had 7 children home with me, & 3 married when he died, now living alone here close to the temple in Salt Lake City".

From a Booklet of l975," To COMMEMORATE the ORDERVILLE UNITED ORDER 1875 to 1885 QUOTE: "SALLY was appointed to assist Lydia Young who was foreman of the millinery department. In 1881 Eliza R. Snow & Zina D. Young arrived to organize the Primary Association, and finding so many children, they divided them into three groups,

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with a president & two counselors over each group. Sally was President of the Second Primary. Zemira and his wives were buried in Orderville. On July 24, 1880, at the Pioneer Day celebration, Zemira was Marshall of the Day, he died the following October". A picture of Orderville 1880, The first Orderville Co-op l906, Ward Meeting House 1901-1957, and the present Chapel dedicated 9/6/1959, and Narrows of E.Fork of the Virgin River, Fred W. Heaton with his Sunday School class 1908. Sally lived until 1816".

Her husband died young, age 49, she left with children to rear. 3/2000 I have been given a letter written by her to Lovina Palmer Munro, her sister-in-law, no date on one of them. She writes "I would like to see you & talk with you. It has been a long time since we seen any of you folks. Emily, Munro's sister lives close by me, she would like to know where William lives. She cant find them to write to them. I enjoy myself the best kind since in living in the order here we have plenty of work to do, but I do not have the care of providing food and clothes for the children and every little thing we need. It is true we have to do without some things we would like to have, but we have the most substantial things and when we have enough and good people to live with & to guide us. I feel that they are doing the best they know how and are praying & trying to be guided by the good spirit from day to day. I feel that we ought to be satisfied that is if we are living so that we are satisfied with ourselves then what more do we want. I have good health the most of the time, but not very stout to do hard work. My work is in the straw business. I feel thankful every day that my children are here where they can be taught the principles of the Gospel and Mormonism. Write often and tell us how your folks get along, Goodby for this time, Sally Palmer. No date, but would be after Zemira had died on 22 Oct. 1880.


Alma Zemira Palmer

Birth:EH Film #183,404 BK A.p 16 as he gave his information; Read in FHL Book 929.273 Pl82c,455-461, by S.P. Collinwood,l962/63. Blessed 8 Sep 1853 by James Baird, Provo 2nd Ward, Utah Stake. Ordained an Elder in l868 by John Wardswroth in Panaca, NV. Marr: his own personal Journal pp 19-30, & p 57-60 He gave his b.place, parents information, his grandparents & names of his children & page of his biography. Burial: Mesa City Cemetery 1925, Block 196, lot 4, space 2.Minni Margetts Card file, British Research Floor FHL Film 4l5,452. Ordained a High Priest Dec l8, l887 by John Henry Smith, Snowflake Stake, AZ, set apart at the same time as alternat member of the High Council of Snowflake Stake. Letter dated 23 Apr 1918, from Samuel F. Smith for this couple to receive their 2nd Anointings & properly signed for that purpose, did they go? Received into Taylor Wardfrom Snowflake Ward Dec l5 l895. He was Alternate & full Member in Snowflake Stake High Council. Record from Taylor Ward 30 Aug 1925, removed to Mesa 2nd Ward 17 APR 1932. He left a Journal that spoke of son, baby Jesse, born and died, buried at Taylor,

The St George Temple records show that Alma Zemira accompanies his parentsto that temple on 25 Oct l877, when he, his deceased twin sisters Mary and Martha were sealed to their parents, this being a law of the Church, Copied from a his father, Zemira's Diary pages, for that day. (Sarah gave her source of the Diary as in possession of Mrs. Inez Hoyt, copied March 1957. 6/2000 a copy of Zemira's Diary sent to LPA from Lucile Wilcock Brubaker & Lenna Cox Wilcock, who typed a copy about l953, from the original.

St.George temple records also gives the fact that Alma Z. visits the St. George Temple on 21st and 22nd of June l88l, and does the baptism and endowment for his grandfather, George Palmer,(Jr) who had died in Dec 1833 at Loughborough Twp.,Frontenac County,Ontario, Canada, and was not baptised along with his wife Phebe Draper Palmer, who was baptized on l7 February l833, at Loughborough, Frontenac County, Midland District, Ontario, Canada. We dont know why Zemira had not done his father, George's, temple work, but feel he may have known his mother did his baptism on 8 Apr 1844. (St George Temple, pp 548,549, gave George Palmer born 13 July l795, Canada, F#l70,852, Endowment next day 22 June 1881, gave b.l3 July l795, Film #l70,543, p.604/5.

His father, Zemira, tells in his Diary of hauling material for the St.George temple building. This was the first temple built in Utah, dedication had been completed April 6, l877, and temple blessings were beginning to be better understood. Zemira was a very busy man with much responsibility weighing heavy, two large families and he was ill too often. One item gave he had suffered from injuries sustained by a horse dragging him while he was in California with his Battalion group 1847-l848. he died October 22, l880.


James William Palmer

Jack Duane Palmers' book (abt 1992) on James William Palmer son of Zemira & Sally, thru his son William Zemira Palmer, but this son of Zemira into another family. Jack did a good job gathering & listing some of the descendants he could get together on his branch of Zemira Palmer line thru Zemira & Sally's son James Wm. Title of book, Jack's grandfather, but he traced the ancestry of George Palmer Jr. through Asahel Palmer & Mary Ann Holden, sad but disproved by the Book PALMER FAMILIES IN AMERICA, BY LT. WM PALMER IN BK 929.273 P182ph, where pg Page 13 of 16 1494-1496 in Film #0176580 gave their family, but which no George was shown as a child, for our George was born, lived, married & died in Upper Canada.

Zemira is the son of George Jr & Phebe Draper Palmer line, which he could have found in the Bk THE DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE PALMER JR & PHEBE DRAPER, 1963, by Sarah P. Collinwood, 929.273 P182c. Research in Newcastle district, Upper Canada (Ontario 2002) & CD disc #18 Pin #902931, Wesley Palmer (AFN 21MT-RH), by 8/2000; 200l FHL Film item l, No. 1,321,355, 2002 on LDS Church Internet, the Palmers in Canada from 1792 to death of GEORGE & HANNAH PALMER Sr, their 8 or 9 sons & 3 or 4 daughters. It would have been better had he followed up on the other Pedigree Chart he had in 1990, it needed research. A quote from a page collected by one of Zemira's descendants: Quote: James (Wm, Sally & Zemira's 2nd son) up the canyon to take care of the cows in the Order Dairy. James, Eva Black & I did all the milking. Mother & Myrtle, James'other wife skimmed the milk and made the butter. Then at 4 p.m. we loaded our milk and butter into a wagon and Joseph Allen took it to Orderville in time for supper. (where did they live? probably on the farm near Orderville & after Zemira's death) Is this part of one of another letter written by Zemira or Sally?

#1 letter: Beverly Thompson has sent a Letter written by Zemira to his mother (Phebe Palmer Brown) that she dated Dec 18, 1875 (but it would have to be dated 18 Dec l878) the letter tells of the death of his wife, CAROLINE, who did die on Dec. l6, 1877, & he tells of it & wrote: Suppose you have heard that Caroline is dead, she died one year ago day-before yesterday at Orderville. She gave birth to a little girl 3 days before & it died the same day, A telegram was sent to me but I did not get there in time to see her alive. I have been very sick & have not yet fully recovered.

Letter #2, l/30/l879 to his mother, Quote: "Your letter of 3rd inst.did not come to hadn till 25th, I was very glad to hear from you &Lovina,but sorry to learn you were still suffering severely, I hope it will not last long. Glad to hear from Wm & Rhoda. I should be very glad to pay you a visit & have a good talk before you leave us". Letter from Orderfille Cotton farm, a little above St. George, Washington County, Utah, as they had given it only as Orderville Order cotton farm, where & when Zemira writes in his Journal: Quote:"2 Feb 1878- Attended Priesthood meeting at St.George, was set apart as Presiding PRIEST at the Orderville Cotton farm. Branch of the Washington Ward, under the hand of Pres. J.D.T. McCAllister & his councillor T. J. Jones & Henry Eyring. Afternoon returned home (Leeds, Enterprise or whatever they named it besides an Orderville United Order experience-which they show in their l00th Anniversay gave it lasted l875-l885, Zemira d.Oct 20, 10, 1880, but wrote a letter, 3rd one found) from ENTERPRISE, WASHINGTON, UTAH TERRITORY. June 1, 1879 to his Sister Lovina (mother, Phebe, had died 28 Feb,1879), when he speaks of what mother willed me (could it be the watch that we see on his coat with a fine chain?).

#4 letter dated l3 June 1880 Orderville, Kane County,Utah, to Sister Lovina "But my joy was mingled with sadness to hear of the death of Rhoda (and George, although cut off in youht, is it not better than to be left to wander off from the church & follow in the path of sin". "you speak of trials, there are none of us without them, it is the object of our mission to this earth to learn by the apposite to realize the good, joy by sorrow, pleasure by pain, riches by poverty, contentment by disconet and the blessings of the spirit of god by being left to ourselves at times and in a measure subjected to the powers of evil. I have been sourly tried, I have had an ordeal in the United Order calculated to sift one to the bottom, which remainds me of a saying Joseph Smith, in Nauvoo, putting his had on the shoulder of a brother by the name Tubb, he said the day will come when every tubb will have to stand on his own bottom".

#5 Letter, 19 Sep 1880, to Sister Lovina: LYDIA's (their sister) return to Sanpete. What a strange life she is leading (her husb. Anthony Bruno had died & she moved to Utah, but ended up in Idaho area, TOMBSTONE Boise area) I have a mind to write to her & see if she ever things of mormonism. Who will her husband be in the next world or will she have any at all? How long has it been since you heard from ASAHEL AND WHERE WAS HE THEN? (he died betw.6/1880 & 4/1885, Carroll or Calhoun County,Iowa)


Emma Palmer

This Emma Palmer Heaton, along with other young people were early temple attenders at the newly built temple in St. George, & her endowment date shows Read fine Book written 1963, THE DESCENDANTS of GEORGE PALMER & PHEBE DRAPER, pp 810 thru 858, where also is mentioned the cotton farm. Her father, Zemira writes in his Journel (Diary) "2 Feb 1878 attended Priesthood meeting at St. George, was set apart as Presiding Priest of the Orderville Cotton farm, branch of the Washington ward, under the hand of Pres. J.D.T. McCallister & his councillors,

T. J. Jones & Henry Eyring. A typed copy of his diary was sent to LPAllen in 1998, which along with his letters we learn more of this great early settler, organizer and hard worker in Nevada & Utah, a pioneer who was born and had come from Loughborough Twp, Upper Canada, was in Kirtland with his mother, Phebe Palmer, before 28 Mar 1836, in Pike Co.,IL 1840, in Council Bluffs & since age l4 an orderly in the Mormon Battalion from July 1846 until abt l848, and by l850 in Gt Salt Lake, Utah.


Chloe Palmer The marriage for her to George Francis Hickman was annulled shortly after no date of the marriage was ever learned or recorded. No issue.


1. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints "Endowment House F#l83,393 Bk A, #l987, Zemira b.9 Aug l83l Upper Canada, Sally Knight Gallatin Twp, Clay, Mo. b. l Dec l836, March 7, 1855 at 2 1/2 pm this was Pre-Endowment House. On Sept l8 l855, Sealing in Endowment House by H.C. Kimball, Special Collections, F#l83,394 Bk B, page 33, 2/5 p.m., witnesses were J.M.Grant and W.W. Phelps, Zemia gave Upper Canada, Sally gaveGliton Twp, Clay County, Missouri."

2. Phebe Draper Palmer, His Mother's Handwritten Family Bible Page "His birth seen on page l0c of his mother's family Record page, which gave his birth as 9 Aug 1831, along with his mother, Phebe Draper Palmer , his father George Palmer, his bros & sisters births."

3. #56

4. Sarah Palmer Collinwood, 1963, The Descendants Of George Palmer And Phebe Draper (Data Of Them & Their Seven Children Known By 1963, His Parents, And Phebe's Parents), FHLC In Film #l,32l,355, Item 1., 1998, Salt Lake Family History Library, 50 E. NORTH Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, also In Mesa Family History Center, 4l S. Hobson, Mesa, AZ 85204.

This Book gives data of George Palmer, called Junior and the younger, when he is shown by records in Newcastle District, Cramahe Township, who lived by his father George and his mother Hannah Wilkinson Palmer, read pp 11-25, 27 -30, then Grants of George Jr pp 30b, 30c, from King George Fourth & pp 30d, 30e & 30f for his father George Palmer from King George the Third. This Book was written after the Wesley Palmer Family made two visits, one in 1948 followed by one in 1955 at Toronto Archives, and obtained the Land Grants for both George Palmers.

The author, Sarah, moved to Salt Lake City, worked with other Palmer descendants of George & Phebe & by 1960 they formed a Palmer Organization and held a Palmer Reunion, where one person from each of the six then known children of George & Phebe were to gather & send their own data. Sarah followed up with the names & addresses sent to her & with great effort she published by 1963, although the printer failed to show the publication date in the Book. It has 1081 pages, plus family pictures, histories, & Index, (sold for $l0.00 prepaid) Their lst son Asahel only named & his birthdate, then An Addendum Book 11/1997 gave Asahel, his wife Evaline Carter & their family's data, and the family of George & Hannah Wilkinson Palmer's twelve children, which book was called Supplement, with the same Call number as this Book, shown by 1993 in booklet and given film #2,055,478, no index. !page 11 gives the Baptism date, which temple work was done by grandson, Alma Zemira Palmer, at St.George Temple, also his endowment on 22 June 1881. A.Z. didnt get to attend the funeral of his father, Zemira, since he lived in Arizona Territory from l878, but visited his mother, Sally Knight Palmer, when he did this most important work. Phebe, wife of George Palmer (Jr) had done his baptism on 8 April 1844, and Alma Z. learned it must be done again by a male, so travelled to visit his mother, Sally Knight Palmer, and did it.

5. District Clerk of the Peace For Cramahe and Haldimand Townships in Upper Canada., MUNICIPAL RECORDS/ PAO, RG 21, Newcastle District, Cramahe & Haldimand Townships In Northumbe rland County, Upper Canada. (Recorded at the Events' Dates.), Reel #2, 3, & 4, Archives Of Ontario, 77 Grenville Street, Unit 300, Toronto, Canada M7 A2 R9, Or M5S 1B3.

These are early excellent records not found on FHLC LISTINGS by 5/2000, therefore purchased by the Wesley Palmer Family Organization on June, 2000. They have been read, and tell us time, Lot and concession numbers where the head of the household lived, the ages & number of persons in the home, Census assessments. Some years their religion, and nationality. 1848 & l850 Joshua and Elijah, the two sons who still lived there gave:NATIVE OF CANADA BRITISH ORIGIN. Yes, their parents were from Leicestershire, England. George Sr, died between 4 and 21 of December, l833, although he shows assessed in 1834.

"These Reels of films were purchased by the Wesley Palmer Family Organization from Toronto Archives at the cost of $288.24, 6/2000. They contain records of George called the Younger on his Military Records and Jr at the events where he and his father, called George Sr, were listed together in the same documents, such as Land records, Patents, Census and Assessments. They show where each family lived in Cramahe Township until George Jr sells his land there 12/1820, and by 1821, 1822, 1823 George & Phebe Palmer show in Haldimand Township in the same Northumberland County, until the Census taker gave George Palmer moved out 25 April 1823. The next record of them is at Lougborough Township, FRONTENAC County, MIDLAND DISTRICT, UPPER CANADA, where Phebe joins the Church and George died at the early age of 38 1/2 years, one descendant gave 4th and one gave 8th of December 1833. George Jr in Canada, is the fourth George in his Palmer line, and his father is the third George in their Palmer line."

6. Lt. Wm Palmer of Yarmouth, Mass. & his descendants, Palmer Families in America (Compiled & Arranged by Hon.

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Horace Wilbur Palmer,), Volume I, pp544-547, Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple St, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150.

This book was printed l966 from various family records gathered and compiled on manuscript (MS) forms. The compiler choose to include our Draper and Palmer data in this Book, as was sent by different submitters from their family records. Our Draper Family & George Palmer (Sr) & George Palmer Jr are shown on pages 544-547 and gave what was understood by the submitters between 1948-1955, from research records found at Toronto Archives. You may also read about the few descendants records as sent by various submitter on pp 547-570.

"George Palmer (Sr) is shown on page 544, George Palmer (Jr) is page 545, The Draper Family p.546 & 547, as known by 1955 from a visit by Sarah Palmr Collinwood, when she visited the Toronto Archives and obtained original Grants for George Palmer Jr & the Younger, and George (Sr) Palmer with wife Hannah, known by l996 as WILKINSON."

George Palmer b. Jul 9, 1795, d. 1833-4 in E. Loughborough, Ontario, Canada, married Phebe Draper about 1815, is shown on page 545 of that Book printed in 1966, but data was sent about him and his wife Phebe Draper before 1956.

Research by Debra Palmer Morgan, Evelyn Palmer Bentley, Lois Palmer Allen, John Henry, a Canadian great researcher from the original records he extracted from Municipal Records/PAO, Cramahe Township, Newcastle District, & research in Salt Lake Family History Library by Joy Thomas for the last 5 years 1995-1999, has given us the FAMILY OF GEORGE (SR) PALMER and HANNAH WILKINSON, of which this George Palmer Jr is one of seven other sons and their 3 or 4 daughters, and was published in Book called SUPPLEMENT in 1997, by l998 on the shelves in Salt Lake Family History Libary under "The Descendants of George Palmer and Phebe Draper" SUPPL, 929.273 P182a, by 1998 can also be read from film #2055,478. It can also be seen in Mesa Family History Library with family groups of his family and his parents, the Draper family of his wife-Phebe with her correct Draper people, all of Cramahe, Northumberland, Newcastle District, and Loughborough, Frontenac, Midland District, in Upper Canada, refered to as Ontario, Canada.

7. Sarah P. Collinwood, The Descendants of George Palmer & Phebe Draper (Gathered & compiled by Sarah P. Collinwood), Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple St, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, Also Mesa Family History Center,, 41 S. Hobson, Mesa, AZ 85104.

This Book contains information sent to this compiler for publication during 1960-1962 and was published by J. Grant Stevenson, BYU, Provo, Utah, by 1963. It contains 1081 pages of family information and 128 pages of Index. Son Asahel & wife Evaline Carter's children not known at this printing. !This book contains a copy of the only leaf (page 10c) of Phebe Draper Palmer's FAMILY RECORD for she and George Palmer & their 7 children. It gave under BIRTHS; George Palmer was born July 13, l795, Phebe (Draper) Palmer born Oct 9,l797, Lovina Palmer born July 20, 1816, Asahel Palmer born January 26, 1819, William G. Palmer born August the 25 1821, Eliza Palmer born May the 31 1824, Lydia E. Palmer Oct the 15,(page torn & didn't print, dark spot), Zemira Palmer born the 9, 1831, Rhoda Palmer born March the 15, 1834.

8. Written By NEWEL, Newel Knight's Journal (SCRAPS oF BIOGRAPHY, Tenth Book Of The Faith Promoting Series), Family History Library & Joseph Smith Building, 35 N West Temple St, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150;. !Published 1883 at Juvenile Instructor Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day Saints, about 42 pages. It gives his birth and parentage, and his interactions with the Prophet, Joseph Smith Jr, whom he knew and associated with from the days they worked together, through the early days of the Church, when on the 24 Nov. 1835, the Prophet performed Newel and Lydia's marriage, then Newel Knight obtained his license the following day (presumably the Prophet had decided to begin to perform marriages as a Minister of the Gospel) or the Clerk of the Court recorded the license after the marriage as shown in Geauga County, Ohio Marriages of l806-1860, p.30l as per my xerox printed page of marriages.

9. by "Homespun", Lydia Knight's History (Noble Women's Lives Series), 1883. "!Printed in a small size Black Book 1883 by Juvenile Inbstructor Office, SLC 1883, The Preface gave Faith- Promoting Series..lives of our noble sisters will be worthy of the persual of the the Saints. We present..thehistoryof a lady who early joined the Church & remained faithful through the various trials and hardships to which they were subjected...in 1883, when in the evening of life, her influence is still being felt for good in Zion. The history of such persons written that the young may be stimulated to emulate their noble examples..that this little work may prove both entertaining and instructive to those into whose hands it may it may come is the earnest desire of The Publisher.

This little black Book was Reprinted abt 1977 & pages from between Old and New Testament of a Holy Bible gave the Family Record of Jesse & Sally Burt Goldthwaite's 12 children' names and births; Stephen & Patience Goldthwaite's 11 children; & David & Tiley Burt's Goldthwaite & their 11 children's names & birth dates; & Joseph & Polly Knight's child, Newel, his wife Sally Coburn b.1804,md 1825, d.1834 & her son Samuel Knight, who lived; then it gave LYDIA Goldthwaite b.9 June 1812, md 24 Nov 1835 as 2nd wife to Newel Knight & their 7 CHILDREN'S birth dates, all hand written. The Bible was brought to the home of Lois P. Allen l950s, copies were made for our records, & returned to the the lawyer who found it in an old house he had torn down at Taylor, Navajo,AZ."

Found in the Ensign, August 1977, the colored picture of Lydia Knight, a drawing of she and her six children by the covered wagon that was left after Brigham Young had taken their two new wagons for others to go to Great Salt Lake. Lydia remained to have her 7th child, Hyrum, in 28 Aug 1847 at Winter Quarters, Nebraska, her husband, Newel, had died 11 of January, 1847. Sally, her eldest child, gave they did go to Great Salt Lake in 1850.

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"!Birth in Panguitch Ward, Panguitch Stake record of members, F#24956, p.10, entered l Oct l875. His parents has been in Beaver for summer work only."

11. Mesa City Cemetery, 1925, Block 196, Lot 4, Space 2.

.12. Sarah P. Collinwood, The Kartchner Familyf(1974 By J. Grant Stevenson, Provo, Utah). !This book contained parts of the Journal by Wm D. Kartchner, then l989 a Booklet titled Memoirs & Genealogical Documentation Exhibits by Allen & Petty at BYU was given call number AMERICANA BX/8670.1. Kl495a, l989, contained all of Wm D's Journal, his documentation, along with his father and grandfather, Adam Kirchner by 1994 belief to be a Hessian soldier who was sold in l78?. William D. Kartchner did NOT know his grandfather's name as shown in the Baptism, endowment, & sealing records from St. George temple, Bk D #1826, Bk B #579 & Bk A #1964, when in June 5, 6 & 7th of 1877 his family did much temple work for his father as John Christopher Kartchner b.29 Aug 1784, Phila Wm's father's baptism gave his name as Johan Christoph Kirchner b. Aug 7, l878, in St.Michaelis and Zion's German Lutheran Church, Phila.PA & baptised on 17th, his grandfather as Adam Kirchner's marriage in the same Church.

"Her parents & birth with her brothers and sister, she is #39 in this Book,pp 59 to 63 gives her story and their 9 children who lived, married & had families, her family's picture page 60a."


PAF - Archer files = Orson Pratt Brown + (5) Angela Gabaldon > Bertha E. Brown + Everardo Navas Molina > Ana Lucia Brown + Michael Leo Murphy < Ila May Draper + Glenn Eugene Murphy < Erastus Carmon Draper + Linnie Adell Seguine < Almon Draper + Amy Hansen < William Draper Jr. + Martha Raymer : William Draper Jr. + Lydia Lathrop > Phebe Draper + George Palmer IV > Jim Zemira Palmer.

The above Zemira Palmer and Sally Knight Palmer Notes and Biography, Pages 3-16, donated to this site by Michael Weir at the behest of his mother-in-law Lois Palmer Allen.

http://home.byu.net/ldj6/brunopalmer/lydiaelizabethpalmer.htm See for photos.


Copyright 2001 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org

Right Click mouse on image - then click on view image - to see enlarged photo

Zemira Palmer was born August 9, 1831 in the Province of Upper Canada,the son of Phebe Draper and George Palmer. After the death of his father his mother married Ebenezer Brown, and when she was given the privilege of accompanying her husband on the march of the Mormon Battalion, Zemira asked to go with them.

Although he was not old enough to be a soldier he was given permission by the officers in charge to go provided he could carry a gun and all the other necessary equipment. His mother, knowing the need of a growing boy for extra food, often purposely burned the bread served to the officers so that they would cut off the blackened crusts. These she saved for Zemira who said they tasted better than a piece of pie under other circumstances. After the disbanding of the Battalion in Los Angeles, Zemira helped his parents pan gold in order to get an outfit and enough provisions to join the Saints in Utah. On December 1, 1851

Zemira married Sally Knight.

They were the parents of fourteen children,

* Alma Zemira,

* Emma,

* Newell,

* Lydia,

* Phebe,

* James,

* William,

* George,

* Asael,

* Jesse Milo,

* Mary,

* Martha,

* Joseph,

* Chloe.

In his later years he was called to live in the United Order in southern Utah where he served as one of the leaders.

He died at the age of 49 years in Orderville, Utah in the year 1880.



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... Easter 1986 through October 2005


... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by
Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

... To be Published Soon:

Send Comments and Information to: 




... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

Send Additions and Information to:


...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters


...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

- Captain James Brown 1801-1863

...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

- Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

- Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

(Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

(Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

(Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

(Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

(Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

(Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

(Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

- (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915












Contact Us:
Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
P.O. Box 980111
Park City, Utah 84098-0111