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Son of Orson Pratt Brown and Martha Diana Romney Brown: ANTHONY MORELOS BROWN
FOREWORD In this, the autobiography of Anthony Morelos Brown, an attempt has been made to retain the original literary style. The punctuation, spelling, grammar, and general sentence structure is typed from his own handwriting. Parenthesized words or phases have been added to assist the reader to understand much of what father meant in his writings. The purpose of retaining our father's literary style is to assist his descendants in learning of him. I dedicate this, the autobiography of Anthony Morelos Brown, to my dear wonderful and loving mother, Nellie Weiler Brown Hafen, and to my father with all my love. Mother I encourage you to begin to write your autobiography so that we as a family might learn of your life. Mother I have grown to love father more than I ever did before, because now I more fully understand him. I give my love to my mother, brothers and sisters for their support, encouragement and advise. If the reader will now turn to page 29 of this autobiography and read the 2nd paragraph beginning with Now, my dear descendants --------------------------------- THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY MORELOS BROWN The history of my life is not beginning with my birth but with the birth of my parents. My mother Martha Dianne Romney was born in St. George, (Washington County) Utah, February 25, 1870 (died January 16, 1943). Her parents were Miles Park Romney and Carrie Lamborne. Father was born in Ogden, Utah 22 May 1863. His parents were Captain James Brown, founder of Ogden, Utah, and Phoebe Abbott. Perhaps not of their own choosing and circumstances they found themselves in the midst of the colonizing of Colonial Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico. In 1887 my father and mother were united in marriage the first in the colony. From 1887 to 1901 they became parents of seven children: the first two, Carrie and Orson died when quite young, Ray, Clyde, Miles, Dewey and Vera living to maturity, though more children being born later. At this writing there are five of us living; Ray, Clyde and Dewey having passed away. From 1887 to 1902 father accumulated a small fortune and in 1902 was called by the first Presidency of the Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to preside over as Bishop of the Colony of Morelos in Sonora, Mexico. Leaving their home and earthly things they headed this most important call where father became Bishop and also Sheriff of this community. In 1904 is where I made my debut, I was born January 30, 1904 and was christened Anthony Morelos Brown being named after Anthony W. Ivins, who in later years became one of the Apostles of the Church. My second name, Morelos being derived from the colony and also one of the great generals of Mexico. Before leaving (Colonia) Morelos for (Colonia) Dublán, mothers father, Miles Park Romney, passed away and my youngest sister Phoebe was born. I don't quite remember what year we moved to Dublán but I do know that it was prior to 1908, because that was the year mothers youngest child, Orson Juarez, was born. Our home consisted of about fourteen rooms and a hall running through the center from the front to the rear. As I recall at one time mother had four of us down with illness at the same time. My sister Vera and I were down with, as I remember, scarlet fever, Miles was across the hall with rheumatic fever and one of the other children was in another room with another contagious disease. Mother would attend to those in one room, go into the hall, change her clothing, disinfect with formaldehyde and then take care of the others. Diseases such as scarlet fever, black diphtheria, small pox and typhoid fever were very prevalent, due to lack of drinkable water. Most of the water which came from open wells had to be boiled before using. There are a few things which I recall before we were driven from Mexico in 1912. I remember sitting on the fence watching the Armies pass through town. Usually the first army were revolutionists or rebels and quite often they would ransack the towns taking what guns, ammo, food and horses with them. A few days later the government or federals would pass through going after the Rebels. One night we were awakened by gunfire and one of the bitterest battles of Mexico was fought at Old Casas Grandes, just about 17 miles from Dublán. As I recall General Madero a friend of the Mexican people was executed. I remember in 1910 when Halley's Comet came so close to the earth. 3 It was much brighter than any star I have ever seen and it had a long fiery tail. Many people thought it was the end of the world, and committed suicide. It will again be seen in the year of 1985. During one of the warm nights in Dublán we were awakened by the fighting of our dogs and some other animals that had been afflicted with rabies. Not realizing what had happened to our dogs we paid little attention. However two to three weeks later one of the dogs bit one of the pigs on the tail and perhaps they were bitten other times. This particular day, mother told me to go out for some wood. As I left the house the dog followed me. I told him to go back and he jumped me, grabbing me by the right cheek of my seat, dragging me around the yard. Mother came out with a broom and scared him away. No one thought the dog was mad, not even the doctor but my dear mother knew better. My Uncle Leo Romney was going to Mexico City on business so I went with him and took Pasteur treatments for hydrophobia. While I was gone the dogs and the pigs went mad and had to be done away with. I give credit to my mother for my life today because of the fare site and the love she had for her children. Typhoid fever, black diphtheria, scarlet fever and other minor diseases such as mumps and chicken pox were part of my life before I was eight years old. I also recount when mother and dad went to Casas Grandes to pay their taxes. This was during the revolution period and dad was quite a political leader. However he ran up against the opposition and they were going to hang him. Through mothers pleading they let him go. They drove back to Dublán as fast as the horses 4 would go and in reaching home dad got all of his guns out into the vestibule and then said, "Let them come, the first one through the gate will get his head blown off". They didn't come then and dad left by horseback for the states. That night they almost caught up with him. In January of 1912, Dublán was surrounded by the Mexicans and we were given just a few hours to leave our home. We went to El Paso, Texas where we were met by father and then we went to a hotel. We stayed in El Paso but a short time when we took a train to Thatcher, Arizona. I remember being baptized in a ditch in February at the age of nine. My only recollection of Thatcher was that some aunt and my grandmother Phoebe lived there and I remember them buying us some large straw hats. I believe in 1914 the family moved to a beautiful farm between Denter and Roswell, New Mexico. We had a large artesian well that flowed continually into quite a large reservoir and which we used for irrigating the alfalfa and fruit trees and other vegetables. I remember quite vividly the many wild rabbits and rattle snakes. I was running from the house over a trail to the alfalfa field when I stopped dead still. Just in front of me not four feet away was a large rattlesnake, coiled and ready to strike. I stood there to afraid to move, when the snake uncoiled and crawled away. We lived on the Pecos River and during a flood stage there were all kinds of animals floating down the river. Our stay there didn't last very long when we moved to Provo, Utah where we lived for about a year and then traveled to a farm in 5 Cache Valley between Richmond and Smithfield, Utah. We had a large farm consisting of quite a number of cows. My job was to herd them & keep them away from the stacks of hay and also to throw hay down to them in their individual stalls. Another of my jobs was to keep the horses going around and around during the haying and grain season. I also used to stamp the hay as it was put on the wide wagons. This was in 1915. I also went up to Alma Carson's home and asked for his son Alma. Knowing that the father was dead. His wife said that he was down in the field. This was in 1958 and we hadn't seen each other since 1915. He was on the tractor and as I went up to him I said, "Hello Alma, do you know who I am". He looked at me for a few seconds and said, "Yes, I believe I do, you are O.P. Browns son, Tony who lived on the lower place years ago and used to ride double with me on my horse". Well, again we picked up and left the Carson Farm and went to Rupert Idaho; an agriculture town that had been founded just four years prior to our going there. This was the beginning of our hardships and suffering in the U.S.A. Father purchased a small farm for Clyde (brother of Anthony) to operate which he lost and Father left for San Francisco on an idea of making chewing gum from the Mexican bush called ocotilla which was a failure. He went back to Mexico and stayed there leaving us to battle it out for ourselves. I became acquainted with a wonderful family who owned a five and dime store. His name was Charles F. Brown. I did chores for them such as getting the coal in, sweeping the floors and opening merchandise and other chores. These people treated me as if I were there very own son. 6 In the winter of 1917, I was 13 years old and the Brown's took me to Minadoka for lunch, as I remember they had fried chicken which was quite delicious and which I ate my share. I am getting ahead of my story prior and to the first of winter. There was a great deal of snow on the ground and I was taking my sled uptown when mother told me not to take it; if I did she feared something would happen to me. I disobeyed her, took it with me, caught onto a wagon which pulled me uptown and in letting loose of the rope, picked up my sled and ran into the front of an automobile, which there were few at that time. The front wheel knocked me down passing over me and the driver stopped the rear wheel on my stomach doubling me up like a pretzel. It took five men to left the car up while the sixth pulled me out. That taught me a lesson, to abide by what my mother told me and always listen to her council. Now getting back to the picnic and the fried chicken, getting ran over with the car must have left something very weak in my stomach parts because when I ate the chicken containing so much grease I became deathly sick and they rushed me home. A doctor was called and he didn't diagnose the case right, which was ruptured appendix. This was in the last part of November. The next day I was taken to the Boyd Hospital in Twin Falls, Idaho. Dr. Boyd a specialist on appendectomy told mother that there wasn't possible chance of surviving as the poison had already gone through my system, but he would take the chance and operate anyway. I'll never forget the large hole in my side filled with tubes draining the poison from my system. For three weeks I laid there half between life and death. In the meantime 7 it was just about Christmas and my brother Miles had found a job and a house and had tickets for mother, Phoebe and Orson to go to Pocatello, Idaho. In the meantime mother knowing that I was on the road to recovery left me with the Brown's. Prior to this the Brown's not having any children of their own wanted to adopt me. Mother told them that knowing that they were such wonderful people and thought so much of me still as long as she had a breath of life in her body she would not give up one of her children. I stayed with the Brown's that Christmas and then Mrs. Brown took me to Pocatello as she was on her way to Salt Lake, 1917. There were few incidents in Pocatello during the year that we were there. Orson and I with our wagon went though the alleys and collected copper and brass for the war efforts. We made a few dollars that way and then we would sell Salt Lake Tribune Sunday mornings. We would leave home at about 12 midnight so as to get a good place in line that morning. We slept in large boxes and sometimes it was so cold we would go over to the depot and stand on the hot air vents to keep warm and at times the cook would hand us up some hotcakes. One of my friends in Pocatello was Spug Meyers who, a few years later became one of the best middleweight boxers in the country. This was during the lean boxing years when boys were paid $2.50 to $5.00 for a round match. In January of 1919 we came to Salt lake City and lived at the Lake Hotel on Post Office Place. The second day I met a boy by the name of Leo Hansen. We became pretty good pals. He told me that he was a newsboy and that I could 8 sell papers too if I wanted. That night was the beginning of my paper selling in Salt Lake. It was quite a hard row to hoe as these boys were really tough and would fight at the least excuse. Orson and I got into some pretty good fights. If the kid was to large for Orson I would take him on and if he was to small for me Orson would fight them. One thing about Orson and I, we stuck together and no one ever bullied us. One time a newsboy whose nickname was "Teapot" because of his nose, stole a five-dollar bill from a drunks pocket. He gave me half of it and when I got home mother asked me where I got the extra money. I told her and she asked me where the boy was and I told her he went to the Empire Theater. She said, "Son, we don't want that kind of money in the house". "Take it down town and give it back to him," which I did. Another incident was when boxed soap was just being put on the market. In the newspaper was a coupon worth a box of soap costing 25 cents. This man that I did business with had a soft drink place on 3rd South and West Temple. I sold him 1800 papers at 5 cents each amounting to ninety-dollars, the most papers a newsboy ever sold in one night in Salt Lake City. I made forty-five dollars on them. I took it home and mother thought I had robbed a bank. She took me, that sane night, down to Charlie McGillis to verify if I was telling the truth. I remember one morning I was down town on Main St. in front of the Telegram Office where they were giving free tickets for the old Lowes State Theater providing you could catch one of the gas filled 9 balloons. The free tickets were attached to these balloons and they would let them go one at a time. I noticed one boy reach in and grab one so I did likewise, however I wasn't so lucky. As I darted in for one someone threw either a match or cigarette among them. They exploded knocking me about six feet. I got up but I couldn't see. My face and arms were covered with colored hot rubber. I pulled it taking my skin with it. I finally was able to see and went home and got bandaged up and later went back down town to sell papers. Orson was a very brilliant student. For several years his report card had the highest marks of all the newsboys. I usually was second but I had a pretty hard hill to climb. I left home about seven thirty in the morning, the janitor of the Lafayette School would let me in and then I would crawl through the transom and would be getting my lessons when the teacher unlocked the door.. For three years I went to school in the mornings and sold papers from 1:30 P-m- to 7:30 P.m. Charlie McGillis, the circulation manager said that he had never seen anything like the two Brown Boys. When I was seventeen Mr. McGillis got a job for me at the Federal Army store at $8.00 per wk. 6 days, 10 hrs per day and 13 hrs. on sat. The first job on the job was to was to wash the front windows. I was reprimanded quite severely by Eddie Abrahams for not doing it right but after all it was my first try so I kept my mouth shut as I need the job to keep our dear mother. I did all the chores washing windows, sweeping floors, opening and marking all the merchandise and helping to trim windows. The first thing Eddie did to test my honesty was to place a five-dollar 10 bill on top of the wastebasket perhaps knowing that if I was dishonest I would put it in my pocket, however I turned it over to him proving my honesty. Shortly after going to work he put me to work cleaning out a filthy basement full of dust and dirty boxes and I was as black as the ace of spades. I got over this ordeal but shortly after my limbs began to swell and at times it would take me a half hr. to walk a half block to the streetcar line. A doctor was called in and diagnosed the case as rheumatic fever and leakage of the heart. For three months I laid on my back not being able to move, mother having to turn me over. After some months and weighing less than ninety pounds I did get on my feet again and I couldn't straighten up. I looked like a little old hunch backed man. My arches broke down and I found it very painful to walk. I went back to the Army Store and worked for seven years, being head salesman and making thirty five dollars per week, which were very good wages at that time. I will now go back to 1924 when I met a wonderful girl who was destined to become my wife. Nellie Weiler and I were married in the City and County bldg. the next year, Aug. 18, 1925. Every thing went fine for the next three years but in 1928 the store closed down leaving me without a job. I worked for several cleaning companies but couldn't make a living. There were times that bread was the only thing we had to eat. We had to use candles for light, as we couldn't afford to have our lights turned on. Father made a statement when he came up from Mexico that Nellie was too small and fragile 1 1 to give me a family, but he was so wrong, as we wound up with fourteen children. We were married almost five years before our first child was born, Nellie weighed 108 pounds and I 124 pounds when married. It takes a good woman and especially a young one like Nellie to go through hardships such as these and to stay true and loyal. After spending 1928 without enough to eat I went to work for Soll at the Men's Quality Shop for $90.00 per month. It was here that I was hit over the head with a piece of solid steel three in"- thick and eight in. long by a young 175 lb. robber. I still have the scar on the back of my head where it landed. In 1930 I went to work for the Gray line motor Tours, driving black limousines and where shortly after became starter at the Hotel Utah. After that I learned to dispatch cabs on the switchboard extra baggage man, night baggage man and many other duties. I became very proficient selling sight seeing tickets and driving S.S. busses. On Mar, 27, 1930 our first baby was born and what a beautiful baby she was and how proud we were of her. We called her Elaine, we had six children from 1930 to 1940. In 1936 I went to work for Lyle B. Nichols, Pres. and mgr. of the Utah Motor Tours. My time was spent meeting busses and trains, selling sight seeing tickets and also riding trains for the same purpose. In the winter I would meet the trains and after take a load of liquor to some place in the state. Before going to work for the Utah Motor Tours, I was put on a Yellow Cab and sometimes I would make $15-00 per wk. We lost our Son Kenneth in 1933 and I started to drink which didn't help out matters 12 and part of my check was used for this purpose. We had moved into Garden Park Ward and I became more interested in religion. It was getting so that I was going to Sacrament meeting quite often. One Tuesday night a man representing the senior Aaronic priesthood came to the door. Bro. Bicknell Robins introduced himself and asked me if I held the Priesthood. I told him no and he said that if I would come to Priesthood the following Sunday he would meet me in front of the Bishops office and take me into the Elders Quorum and introduce me to the members. I told him if he saw me there it would be a miracle. I thought about it for the entire week and by golly when Sunday came there I was. I didn't miss a priesthood meeting for some time afterwards. I became a senior Aaronic committeeman and on Dec. 7, 1941, the day Pearl Harbor was bombed, my name was presented to the members of the ward in Sac. Meeting to become a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood. The following Sunday The Aaronic Priesthood was confirmed upon me and I was ordained a Priest. I became very active in the Priesthood and soon had the Melchizedek Priesthood confirmed upon me and was ordained an Elder. In the meantime in 1940 I went to work for Soll again. I soon became the second counselor in the Elder's quorum and then the first counselor. Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith who had two boys in the quorum was a frequent visitor. 1943 was a sad but a very happy year for us. My dear mother passed away Jan. 16th and then just ten days after Gordon, Vera's boy died of a heart attack while in the service. On Oct. 25th Nellie and I with eight living children and one by proxy went to the Temple and 13 were sealed for time and all eternity by Gaskell Romney, an uncle of mine and also Patriarch of Bonneville Stake and some time later gave Nellie and I our Patriarchal Blessing. I also became a citizen of the United States in this year. In 1946 we purchased a home at 2137 South West Temple, which was in Burton Ward. Nellie was called to work in the Primary and I was called on a Stake Mission where I enjoyed the companionship of many fine brethren and sisters. My mission was almost over when I was called as Stake Mission President where I spent two years. Again I was called to another Stake Mission. Going back a few years to 1944 I left Solls Clothes Shop and went to work for Sears Roebuck and where I spent 18 years and 8 months when I retired due to sickness. In the meantime we were still having children. In 1947 I was ordained a Seventy by Bro. McConkie and three years later became a high priest under the hands of Lafayette C. Lee our Stake Patriarch. In 1951 or 52 I was called as the Burton Ward Financial Clerk under Bishop Charles T. Graff. I went then, after three years a Clerk, called as 2nd Councilor of the Ward. These years and those when I was doing missionary work have been some of the happiest of my life and I am quite sure Nellie will say the same thing. Again going back to 1952, our boy Gaylen went to the Korean War. This was a heartbreaking experience, as we didn't know whether he would come back or not. The time of writing this autobiography, which is Nov. 1963 Gaylen is happily married, has a very fine wife, four children and had a very good auto parts business in Kearns. He also has another store in Sandy and is planning another one in Murray. He has a beauti- 14 ful home located in Academy Park. He is very soon going to take his family to the Temple. All of our other children are doing real good. Elaine is married, has a very fine husband with four children, Scottine being our oldest grandchild. She is 16. Ray is very happy with his lovely wife and three daughters. They have been to the Temple. Suzanne is married to a very fine man, has six children and expecting another. They have been to the Temple and are very active. Dianne bless her, has been one of our children whose life hasn't been too happy. She married the wrong man to begin with but since has married a very fine man by the name of William Kent Marsden who had her sealed to him, and in a very short time the five children will be adopted and then to the Temple for sealing. JoAnn and Bob are very happy with their two cute daughters and their new home, fencing, landscaping and others things that has to be done around the new home. Our get up and go daughter, Leona who is very religious served a Stake Mission and then was called to the Southwest British Mission. She will be home in Aug. 64. Our next child is Russell, a very fine boy who is serving a mission in Texas. His homecoming is March 1964. Another outstanding boy is our son Orson who is working for Gaylen and is now preparing for a mission in July of 64. And then we have our son, Michael who becoming a wee bit wild joined the Navy on his 17th birthday. Bless him he is doing a wonderful job, attending his Priesthood and Sacrament meetings whenever possible and enjoying his church work more than ever before. 15 Toni Kathleen our next child a very sweet girl and we hope that she will get married in the Temple or go on a mission. Then there is Miles Gordon who we hope will go on a mission when he attains that age. He is a very honest and trustworthy boy. Last but not least is our fireball son Clyde Weiler, what a temper he has but were quite sure he will become subdued later in life. He is a very lovable boy and can be hurt more by ignoring him than using a strap. Clyde is now eleven & will be eligible for the Priesthood in another year. Getting back to June of 1961 I found myself becoming very nervous and hardly able to walk on Christmas. I was coming down with a mental breakdown, but didn't realize it. In September of this same year this condition caused severe asthma tending to make me lose many days of work. I retired from Sears in February of 1963 due to illness after spending 18 years, 8 months my condition was so bad that after a short coughing spell I would lose consciousness. During this time I was suffering from this condition Apostle Romney sealed Dianne and Kent Marsden in the Temple. After the ceremony mother asked him if he would give me a blessing. He blessed me that I might become better and live a few years longer. I have a great deal of faith in the Priesthood but I was getting worse. My condition was so bad that I was becoming unmanageable and hard to handle. I was driving Nellie and the kids out of their minds. Nellie and some of the married children without my knowledge went to Bishop Christensen for advise. Some wanted to put me in a mental hospital and perhaps that's where I belonged. After pros and cons the Bishop said that he knew of a doctor that may 16 help me. He was an internal medicinal nerve specialist and also a psychiatrist. After going to Dr. Barrett for a few weeks he had me on the road to recovery. I am not well by far but I do feel like there is something to live for. My doctor says that it will be some time that my lungs will be back to normal again. The Lord certainly works in a miraculous way, his wonders to perform and has been very good to me even with all my illness I feel that I have been blessed ten fold and I am truly grateful that he has spared my life. I have caused Nellie many months and perhaps many years of anxiety, hardship and heartaches, but hope that I can make it up to her before passing on. Nellie has proved her love for me throughout our marriage. Several years ago I went to the hospital for kidney stones of which I had five attacks and which I was operated on for some, and while there they prescribed the wrong medicine for me that was for some one else and about two wks later I came down with the hives, hives from the end of my toes to the top of my head. All I could do was walk the floor for relief. Going back a few years and things that I haven't written about previously I will do so now. In 1948 and 49 I was a member of 196th quorum of Seventy Presidency and also stake mission President. At this time we were maintaining a man and his wife on a foreign mission. To do this we started a minstrel show of about forty members all painting our faces as colored folk. We called it Sambo's Minstrels, and we traveled to many wards in Salt Lake, Murray, Draper, Buttlervill, Magna, Bountiful and Ogden. Prayer was always offered before each show. What a wonderful and spiritual time all enjoyed. 17 In 1952 I was called as the finance clerk in Burton Ward under Bishop Chars. T. Graff and after serving three years in this capacity I became the second Councilor in the Bishopric. During these years the Bishopric and wives would get together each month taking turns at each other's homes enjoying a very nice dinner. We moved from the ward in May of 1958 but for two months I went back to help them with the books. My first job in Murray was teaching the 15 and 16 year old girls in Sunday School, as a good teacher would do I took them swimming, roller skating and sleigh riding. At this writing most of these girls are now married. I was then called into the stake as Stake Committeeman on Ward Teaching. I was assigned to the 5th, 6th and 7th wards. I would meet in the Bishops Meetings with which I was always asked to speak which I did. This was my last church position I held before being released because of illness. In December, 1963, Orson, Miles (sons) and myself went to Priesthood meeting and I had the privilege of ordaining Miles a Teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood and giving him a fathers blessing. In December of 1963 Bishop Graff's son Terry returned from his mission and they are now living in Tempe Ariz. We received a package from Leona in England and an 8 x 10 colored portrait of Michael from him. The twenty first of December we held a Christmas party 13 and under. Clyde and the grandchildren had a great time receiving gifts and eating ice cream and cake. Motion pictures were also taken. 18 Bob Small whom we call our adopted son because he stayed with us for about three years is home on a furlough from Fort Ord Cali. He will be leaving for the fort again Jan. 2, 1964. He and Edith Heinke, Leona's girlfriend are preparing to get married later on in 1964. The Adult Party was held in Ray's new rumpus room. Everyone had a good time and those present were Sis. Shaw, Lynn's Mother, Lynn and Elaine, Gaylen and Bonnie, Ray and Merilyn, Paul and Sue, Bob and Joan (JoAnn, daughter) and Mother and myself. Going back a few years when I was Councilor to Bishop Graff and when we weren't doing work in the ward, visiting the hospitals, or the sick in the ward we would be flying in his 180 Cessna plane (Graff's plane). We made trips to Eureka and El Monte, Calif. and all over the state of Utah. He was a mortician and his plane was equipped to carry bodies. We flew thousands of miles and many hours together during our six year association in the Bishopric. I also took private flying lessons from Vern Carter at the Draper Airport and had only a few hours to fly for my Pilots License, but moved to Murray in a new home and couldn't afford more lessons as it cost six dollars and fifty cents for a half hours flight. Vern Carter passed away this summer 1966 at the age of 61. When I was 55 years old I was still doing fancy diving from a high board. Front and back flips, standing on 19 Last Friday, which was February 14, Valentines Day, Mom and I had the privilege of going to the Temple with our eldest son, Gaylen, his lovely wife and their four-children. It was a glorious evening and surely the spirit of the Lord was there in abundance. Out of our thirteen living children and at this writing, Gaylen, Ray, Suzanne, Dianne, Leona and Russell have received their endowments in the Temple. Orson will go through in June or July and at this time he will be going on a mission, the third one in our family to do so. Michael, Kathy, Miles and Clyde are still too young. We pray that in near future Elaine and Lynn and JoAnn and Bob will also see the light and be sealed to each other and their fine children. On January 30, 1964, I celebrated my 60th birthday which I didn't think I would live to see. I was honored by having ten of my children, husbands and wives and grandchildren here to see me and all brought presents for Father and Grandfather. Last night being the 29th of Feb. we went to the train and met our boy, Russell just coming home after spending two years in the Texas Mission. There were about fifteen to twenty people to meet him, including Dona Butler and four of her children. We hope that Russ will be able to go to the university. We as parents and brothers and sisters were very happy to see him home again after performing an honorable Mission. Today being the 5th of March 1964 I went to the doctor and then went and visited my sister Phoebe whom I had not seen for some time. I had a very good time reminiscing the past with her when we were just kids. She lost her only child some years ago and due to circumstances. 20 was in the dark for many years. Today she is enjoying herself, her health is much better and she has accomplished something that most of us could not do. She has climbed the latter out of the darkness into the light. She is doing primary hospital work and is also active in the church. I also visited with Aunt Williams, one of Mothers sisters (Grandma Brown's sister). She is 90 years old. She reminds me very much of my own dear mother. It seems as things happen so fast it's hard to keep up with them. On March 25th Mother, Clyde and myself took a trip to Mesa, Ariz. by the way of Los Vegas. Kent and Dianne were still there so we spent s6me time with them and also with my sister, Gwen Klein where we were treated royally. It was a very fine trip. Kent and Dianne at this writing, May 14, are again living in Parawan, Utah. Russ has signed up for a 6 months call to the Army, Orson, I'm quite sure will be leaving on his mission. Going back to our Mesa trip we spent a very enjoyable evening with the Graff's in Tempe, Ted, Jane and children. We have been contemplating moving to St. George, Utah for my health but nothing has come of it as yet. I spent four days last week in St. George with Bud and Bernice. I met some very fine people there, men that knew Dad when he was the Bishop of Colonial Morelos more than sixty years ago. Our son Orson, having had his neck and back worked on at the L.D.S. Hospital the past month left in Sept. 64 for Southern Calif. Mission. At this writing Mar. 22, 1965 is located at Oceanside Calif. and is 21 enjoying a very fruitful mission. We talked to Orson and Michael over the phone Christmas day. It was some weeks before we heard from Michael and we were quite concerned as to where he was, when we recieved a letter from him postmarked Viet Nam. He and four other Navy personal volunteered for a secret mission to Viet Nam. On Jan. 7, 1965 two Army officers and the five navy men were ambushed first 16 miles out of Saigon. An Army Captain was killed, others wounded but Michael cane out without a scratch. He is now back at his base at Miramar Calif. At this time I would like to reminisce and talk about mothers family. A few years ago there were eight of us living, now only five. There was a great deal of love for each other and also for our dear mother. I remember back in 1920 when I was a newsboy I purchased a bicycle from Solls for $1.00 per week. Soll just recently passed away at 76. In the meantime Miles sent me a very fine Indian bicycle from Pocatello. I gave Orson the other one. Miles was always good to Mother and helped her whenever possible. He was one of the older boys that didn't go back to Mexico after World War One. He has helped me considerably during my lifetime, his honesty has always been beyond reproach and his word has always been as good as bonds. I have talked about Orson so I will now turn my thoughts to Dewey. After World War One he contracted a disease in his arm which he suffered untold misery and was confined to the Mayo Clinic for many months. He always said that if he ever came into his own he would not forget his brother Tony for what he did for Mother. After becoming somewhat better and after leaving the hospital, Dewey went back to Mexico and after ups and downs became well to do 22 selling farming equipment. He kept his word to me and for several years sent us a Christmas present of $500.00 paid off our mortgage on our home and in 1951 he and Orson gave us a new car. Ray and Clyde were always good to me when here but most of their time was spent in Mexico, Ray, Clyde and Dewey were in World War One. Ray died Oct. 2, 1945, Clyde in June 1948 and Dewey Nov. 25, 1954. Vera, my older sister has had a very unhappy life but certainly has made the best of it. Three of her five children passed away but the two now living are doing very well for themselves. They are both married and raising a family. These children are Gene and Lynnwood. Vera is a very fine women and I have a great deal of respect and love for her. On May 10, 1965 Mother (Nellie) and I left for Mexico. We stopped at Parowan and the next morning Mother and I went to the St. George Temple with Kent and Dianne where the children were sealed to them for time and all eternity. A beautiful sight it was Kent, Dianne and these five children all dressed in white surrounding the altar. We went from there to Mesa, Ariz. where we saw Gwen her two boys John and Mike, Anna's son Steve and his wife, and we had dinner with Marguerite and her husband Otto Schill. In El Paso we saw Pauly and his family Elma, Pat-Mary and her husband, where we spent a lovely evening. Also Angela, Pauly and Mary's mother. We went into Mexico and visited Colonial Dublán, Nueva Casas Grandes and Colonial Juarez. We also saw father and Grandfather Romney's grave. I had a very nice talk with sister Nellie Spillsbury Hatch, the author of the book Colonia Juarez. While in El Paso and Mexico we found a great deal of genealogy which we 23 needed to finish our seven sheets and which were the first to be sent to the stake from our ward. At this writing, Aug. 11, 1965, Gaylen has opened another store located in Granger. Orson is still in the Calif. Mission. Mike is at the Navy Base, Miramar, Calif. Miles is spending the summer in Parowan helping Kent build his new house. The rest of us are still here in Salt Lake Valley. Throughout all my last illness I have not strayed from the Gospel one 10th, in fact my Testimony is now stronger than ever before and one of the things that has helped me during my illness was having the servant of the Lords hands placed upon my head and being anointed and a blessing given me. If it be my Heavenly Fathers will I hope to live a few more years and enjoy my wife, children and grandchildren. To see all of my children grow to maturity and go to the Temple in marriage. On the 5th of Aug. 1965 we founded the Anthony M. Brown Reunion. Mother and myself, nine of our thirteen children, sons and daughters-in-laws and most of our grandchildren. Bob our adopted son and his wife, Edith were present also. We all brought lunches and had a very pleasant evening. Gaylen was elected as President for next year, our two son-in-laws, Lynn Shaw and Bob Shaw, no blood relation, were named lst and 2nd Vice Presidents and Suzanne Brown Pearson was named Secretary and Treasurer. We are going to try and hold it on Nellie and mine Anniversary, Aug. 18th as close to it as possible if not right on. Clyde's team the Orioles won first place in the National League and tonight, Aug. 11, 1965 he received a beautiful trophy. We are proud of Clyde and his teammates. 24 We received a letter from Orson and he told us of the nine baptisms he and his companion had during the first part of August, 1965. He is doing a wonderful work and I know he will be blessed-many fold by his Heavenly Father. This being Oct. 4, 1966 I would like to add a few more things that I had forgotten and also that has happened this past year. In as much as Nellie and I have both been feeling better we have been on many trips and have driven about 15 thousand miles or more. We have made two trips to Los Angles and San Diego, one to Elko, Nevada; one to Twin Falls, Rupert and Burley Idaho and then down to Jackpot, Nevada also to Las Vegas. We feel that in a few years we will not be able to travel and we might as well enjoy ourselves while we can. On Sept. 3rd of this year we left for Los Angles where we stayed with Kent and Dianne one day and then to the Mission Home in Los Angeles where we picked up Orson and brought him home. However during our stay in Los Angles we were guests of Pres. and Sister Rasmussen and slept in the guest room where our Prophet and the Apostles stay while there. We had a very fine turkey dinner with Pres. and Sister Rasmussen the mission staff and about thirty missionaries, after which we met with them in a Home Evening night and mother and I had the privilege of speaking to them. They then took us to the Dodger-Giants baseball game in the new Dodger Stadium in Chavez Ravine and saw Willie Mays hit a home ran. The Giants won 6 to 0, Sept. 6, 1966. On Wed. morning the 7th of Sept. we drove to San Diego, with Orson, where we saw Michael married to a very fine young girl by the name of 25 Darlene Hughey, met her mother, grandparents, brothers and sisters, and her uncles and aunts. This family is very religious and a wonderful group of people. We also made a sightseeing tour of San Diego; saw the large ships and Harbors. We left San Diego the early morning of the 8th and arrived. home the evening of the 9th again staying over night with Kent and Dianne. During Oct. 1966 Conference we saw Gwen's three boys, John, Mike, and Jim, also my brother Pauly, and my brother Gustavo's wife, Emma and daughter Mary Alice. Going back to the years from 1952 to 1958 when I was in the Bishopric of Burton Ward, our Bishop was Charles T. Graff, who was also part owner of a mortuary, the Colonial at 2128 So. State. I have done just about everything a mortician does with the exception of embalming bodies. I have helped pick up many dead people from the hospital or their homes, have conducted funerals, driven funeral cars, taken charge of viewings and many other things. As I recall about ten years ago there was a head on collision killing a family of four in one car and in the other two sailors going back to their base. It happened on highway 91 just north of Cedar City. The Colonial Mortuary had the Government Contract to handle these cases. Bishop Graff received a call during Sacrament Meeting to go down and pick up the two sailors. He said that he would give me twenty-five dollars for the trip. I went home and got Nellie and at eight o'clock left for Cedar City, which was 265 miles distant. We arrived there at 1;30 in the morning, backed up to the rear of the mortuary, leaving Nellie in the truck. I went inside to sign the papers for the two 26 bodies that had been embalmed and then wheeled them outside and laid them on the bed of the panel truck side by side. They were nude and in the meantime Nellie had gotten out of the truck and stretched herself. We put a sheet over the two men and when Nellie got back into the car, the mortician said to her, "look what you are going to ride back to Salt Lake with, and then he uncovered the bodies. Nellie was so startled and scared she could hardly stand it. We rode with these two corpses for about six hours and whenever the wind would blow the sheet covering them would fly up and down. We sang songs most of the way back home that night trying to keep ourselves composed. I stopped for gas about half way home and the young attendant, remember this was in the early morning, asked me what I had in the truck and I replied, "a couple of stiffs". Well he didn't believe me so I opened the back door lifted up the sheet, where he got a good look at them, and he exclaimed "Oh my " and jumped back about six feet. This is just one of my experiences as a morticians helper which there were many. During my life time I spent 3 years selling newspapers, 31 years selling clothing, one year soliciting dry cleaning from house to house, ten years in the Transportation and Sightseeing business and very little time doing nothing until my sickness four years ago. I have driven liquor trucks, sightseeing buses, limousines, ambulances, funeral cars, flown airplanes, worked as a switchboard operator, dispatching cabs from the hotel Utah, hauled baggage, night operator for a large garage and many other things also rode trains many thousands of miles selling sightseeing tickets. Getting back to the family, Russell was married to a beautiful 27 girl by the name of Patricia Garrison from Houston, Texas. They were married and sealed in the Manti Temple July 22, 1966. There were fifteen of us there including Pat's grandmother and grandfather, father and mother, two aunts and their husbands, Bernice and Bud, Leona, mom and I and of course Russell. After the ceremony we went to a nice cafe where I had already made reservations and enjoyed a very nice wedding breakfast. At this writing Russ and Pat are living at 25 W. 5900 So. in the same ward in which we live. Leona and Orson are attending the B.Y.U. Kathy is going to the Excelsior Beauty School, Miles is at the Murray High and Clyde at the Riverside (Riverview) Junior High. Gaylen had purchased five acres of land in West Jordan where he is going to raise alfalfa and wheat. He now had a fine appaloosa mare, a pony and colt grazing there. Ray and Merilyn have just moved into their new home at 1698 Spring Lane Drive in the Southeast part of the valley. It really is a beautiful home and I'm quite sure they will be very happy. Bill Randall and John Legard just returned home from their respective missions, that is in July 1966. Bill is Toni's boy friend and John is a very good friend of Orson. In summing up the things that have happened to me are as follows: have had Scarlet fever, Diphtheria, typhoid fever, mumps, chicken pocks, rheumatic fever, appendicitis, tonsillitis, leakage of the heart, ran over by a car, hit over the head by a robber, had skin burned from my face and arms, five attacks of kidney stones, falling arches, attack of hives, bitten by a rabid dog, mental breakdown, server asthma and a few other things but I am still very happy. 28 Now, to you my dear Descendants and Posterity: My good wife and I have tried to live according to all the principles of this true restored Gospel. We have paid an honest full tithing. We feel that we cannot afford not to pay our honest tithing. The blessings we receive from the Lord are far more than what we pay Him for the building up of His Church and Kingdom here upon this good earth. If we are not willing to pay him the small amount he asks of us, we are not worthy to receive all the Blessing He is to Merciful to give unto us. He is our partner in our everyday life. He gave us this earth to live on, the air we breath, the water we drink and food we eat, if we work for it, also the true gospel to enjoy, and the health and strength to carry on. If we have a partner to help us carry on our business and we took all the profit of the business, that wouldn't be fair to our partner would it? Then we have tried to do our Church work. My good wife has never hindered me from doing everything I have been asked to do in the Church, and she will surely get a blessing for being so faithful in every way. ![]() Daughters: Elaine, Clare JoAnne, Suzanne, Guy Hafen, Nellie Diane, Leona Lee, Toni Kathleen Sons: Clyde Weiler, Russell Arland, Orson Pratt, Anthony Ray, Gaylen, Michael Dewey, Miles Gordon, (Kenneth Weiler - deceased) Circa 1982 Now, my dear descendants we are living in the last act of the play of the world's great drama--- the winding up scene. "In the times of the restitution of all things," that was spoken of by Peter as recorded in Acts 3:19-21. When the God of heaven has set up His Kingdom in these the latter-days, for the Last time, as recorded in the 2nd Chapter of Daniel and it was decreed that it should stand forever. To me, forever is a long time. We have the same organization that existed in the primitive Church of Christ, with Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Bishops, Elders, Priests, Teachers and Deacons and everything the same. 29 We worship and believe in God the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that God has revealed, all that he does now reveal, and we believe that he will yet reveal many things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Articles of Faith. If we failed to accept all that the Lord has in store for us, to help us to more fully understand His purpose and great work for us to do, we will be like the people who had the horse and buggy and ox-team, who beat out their grain with a sickle or scythe and bound it by hand, and took a stick to beat out the grain. They had no electric lights, only a candle to read by, no trains, or cars, or airplanes to travel by. The Lord has been merciful and kind to bless us with all these modern improvements to help us and make us happy! Why are we not willing to accept all the Lord wants to give us in a spiritual way? What if the Lord had some more records to come forth? Will we turn them down because they don't happen to be in the Bible? Not hardly, we will accept the records of the Ten Tribes, if they came tomorrow. Now, my dear descendants, I could go on and on, but I will let this suffice for the present, and I do hope and pray that after I am gone from this good old world, that you will receive each of you, a copy of this my Testimony for I testify to you all, that I know beyond a question of a doubt that this is indeed God's work and is absolutely true. "I fling the torch of this true Gospel to you, hold it high and never let its flame diminish". Is my humble Prayer and Testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 30 MICHAEL DEWEY BROWN ELAINE BROWN MILES GORDON BROWN Not pictured: Gaylen Weiler Brown, Anthony Ray Brown, Martha Diane Brown,
November 8, 1944 Salt Lake City, Utah A patriarchal blessing given by Gaskell Romney to ANTHONY M. BROWN, son of Orson P. Brown and Martha Dianna Romney, born January 30, 1904 Colonia Morelos, Sonora, Mexico. Anthony M. Brown, through the authority of the Priesthood which I hold as a patriarch I pronounce a blessing upon your head, given f or the purpose of bringing to you comfort consolation and hope when you are in need of strength and inspiration to meet the problems and trials of life that you may be enabled to see more clearly and understand more fully the purposes of the Lord and the part that you are expected to take therein. Thou art of Israel, a descendant of Ephraim and have been blessed with a spirit of loyalty and determination to carry on in the work of the Lord and to perform in a meritorious way the duties and obligations which rest upon you. You have been especially blessed in coming forth in this day and age of the world together with the rest of the favored sons and daughters of Zion and your part of the work of redemption is to call souls to repentance; to seek the wayward, those who are indifferent and have ceased their efforts to understand and appreciate the opportunities which are theirs. And your experiences in life, the thoughts which you have had, the trials which you have overcome have prepared you for this work and your understanding heart and appreciation for those who are uncertain as to their course in life and who are wavering in their faith have prepared you to understand their feelings and to 31 present them thoughts that will awaken in their souls a desire to seek after the things which are worthwhile in life and which bring true happiness to the souls of men. You have been enabled to look on both sides of life, one who is and who is filled with confidence and enthusiasm in the work of the Lord, and your joy has been enhanced by the light and inspiration which you have received and the hope which fills your soul and the determination which actuates you in your endeavors to serve the Lord. The Lord is pleased with your life and pleased with your attitude toward His work, and especially has He recognized the sincerity and your adherence to that great law to multiply and replenish the earth. He realized that you are outstanding in your loyalty to your family and your descendants and to that great principle of devotion and service required of a man and woman who have taken upon themselves this great labor of love. You shall be blessed throughout your days. The generations which follow after you shall honor and respect you because of the loyalty and self sacrifice which you have manifested. You are held in honor and respect by those who know you because of your sterling qualities and your upright actions in all transactions with your fellow men. This confidence and loyalty is not only enjoyed and recognized by those who associate with you in business but in your ward and in your activities among your brethren. And your influence for good inspires and affects more people than you realize. You shall continue to grow in influence and power until you shall be filled with 32 wisdom and understanding and be enabled to give advice and counsel that will be helpful to those with whom you labor. I bless you that you may continue to enjoy peace and comfort and satisfaction in your soul. And a feeling of appreciation shall grow in your soul as you mature in years and you shall be lead to speak freely and fervently upon the blessings which you enjoy, the light and inspiration which you have received by giving adherence and loyalty to the principles of truth. I bless you that you may be successful in providing for the wants of your loved ones, having wherewith to make life comfortable and sufficient to most every requirement that is made of you in the gospel plan. I bless you with faith, Tony, that you may administer to the sick and they shall through the blessings of the Lord be restored to health. Many experiences shall bring a conviction to your soul to those who are afflicted, and in your administrations among the people shall you be appreciated and your association with those who are active in the work of the Lord shall bring you joy, comfort and consolation. The Lord will bless your efforts that you may have sufficient for your own needs and wherewith to assist others in the hours of distress. I seal upon you the blessing of peace and comfort in your soul. You shall feel the presence of our Father in Heaven in all of your activities in life and rejoice in the power which you receive by living 33 close to the Lord. These blessings with all others which will enable you to live successfully and to prepare yourself for the eternities to come I seal upon your head, together with power to resist evil and temptation and in the end to be called forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed with glory and eternal life, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Gaskell Romney, Patriarch |
Several of Anthony's children are on and around this buoy at Salt Air Resort
PAF - Archer Files = Orson Pratt Brown + Martha Diana Romney > Anthoney Morelos Brown
Memories of Anthony Morelos Brown, by his son Clyde Weiler Brown,1976 .
Photos, genealogy, and various information from Leona Brown Olsen.
Additions in [brackets], bold, and some photos added by Lucy Brown Archer
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... Easter 1986 through October 2005
... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe
... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by Erold C. Wiscombe
... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.
...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.
...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.
... To be Published Soon:
Send Comments and Information to:
... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah
...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007
Send Additions and Information to:
...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters
...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald
...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown
- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823
- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832
- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843
- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889
- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874
- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850
- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943
- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944
- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904
- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958
- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967
- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890
- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892
- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945
- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948
- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974
- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954
- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975
- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970
- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973
- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981
- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969
- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992
- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972
- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960
- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912
- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978
- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980
- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893
- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982
- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991
- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971
- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943
- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991
- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001
- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987
- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910
- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912
- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999
- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-
- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979
- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998
- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925
- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927
- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936
- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940
- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853
- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930
- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943
- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870
- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872
- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888
- (Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910
- (Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905
- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895
- (Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864
- (Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924
- (Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904
- (Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863
- (Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916
- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842
- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843
- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843
- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845
- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865
- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893
- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912
- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913
- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903
- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855
- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930
- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903
- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917
- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853
- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930
- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926
- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923
- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-
- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859
- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932
- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897
- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904
- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944
- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827
- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891
- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874
- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874
- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881
- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950
- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869
- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924
- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878
- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878
- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979
- (Diana) Miles Park Romney 1843-1904
- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935
- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898
- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903
- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922
- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916
- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912
- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955
- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915
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