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Orson Pratt Brown's Half-brother's son-in-law
Captain James Brown's son John Martin Brown's daughter Sarah Jane Brown's husband

Stephen Fairchild Wilson 1837-1927

Stephen Fairchild Wilson

September 27, 1837 to February 8, 1927
Charleston, Coles, Illinois to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

The Life of Stephen Fairchild Wilson

October 9, 1916





History of Life from memory


When and Where born


Parents in school with prophet


Did not see the prophet Joseph Smith


First news of martyrdom


A Yoke of Cows


Exodus from Nauvoo, Illinois. 1846


Caught in a thunder and rainstorm. Iowa


A Mad dog bit horses and cow


The oldest of 22 of father’s children


Births and Deaths - some genealogy


Learned willow basket making


A work for the dead – Logan Temple


Learned to play the violin


Taught first term of day school.


Voted for President Abraham Lincoln


Was within about 60 miles of Adam


Left old home for Salt Lake City, Utah


First Baptism


Nine dead freighters on plain


Big cattle stampede on plains


Arrived in Salt Lake City


Went to Grantsville, Utah


Two sister buried on mountain


Taught second term (3 months) of school


Married first time - Hester Ann Eliza Brown - February 8,1865


Stephen Daniel Wilson born March 25, 1866


Hester Ann died May 16, 1866 – His dear mother


Married 2nd time - Sarah Jane Brown - 1870 - granddaughter of Captain James Brown


Married 3rd time - Angelina Herbert Hunt Dec. 18,1890 in Colonia Diaz


Divorced by his third wife, Angelina Herbert Wilson - February 10, 1897


Second Baptism


First Vocal Prayer – A Testimony


Built his own first adobe house. Harrisville, Utah


First postmaster of Harrisville, Utah


Sunday school superintendant


A Sister in Salina, Utah sang in tongues


United Order discontinued


Post master 3rd time


Arrived in the United Order in Arizona


An Indian scare


Taught school HC


Wife Sarah Jane Brown died of smallpox Jan 17, 1877


Postmaster 2nd time, married Angelina Herbert December 18, 1890: son-in-law P.C. Haynie


4th time in Spanish, moved from Colonia Dublan to Colonia Diaz


Choir Leader


Tithing Clerk


Tithing Clerk resigned


A faithful servant


Built second 4 room adobe house. Pima, Arizona


Built Sunaber Post office and store. Pima, Arizona


Daughter Mary Elma Wilson married as second wife to Patrick Calhoun Haynie on April 6, 1887


Resigned, Pima Post office


Paid tithing 3 $20 gold pieces


Moved to Colonia Diaz, Mexico


A Testimony – gospel religion


A testimony of faith and works


Played violin for 50 years for dances


Tithing clerk and storekeeper


Acted alone as ward teacher


Administered alone to the sick


Held 6 offices at same time


Farewell and benefit dance program


Closed out and moved to Oaxaca Sonora


Would not pay teacher $30 a month and board self.


Kept books for mining company’s warehouse


Worked with cobbler’s outfit and poultry


Organized and led 2 choirs successfully


Morsed back to Oaxaca, Mexico


Taught blackboard vocal music in Academy


A remarkable experience with spirits


President A.W. Ivins pilot to SLC, Utah


Arrived in Logan, Utah - May 4, 1901


Store keeper again – Logan, Utah


Moved to Ogden, Utah 1911, Storekeeper again


Taught family school in Ogden


Broke down – Closed out business


Moved to Douglas, Arizona


Moved to Chandler, Arizona


Led the school and ward choirs


Met son W. Wilson – First time in 16 years


Moved to Lyman Hancocks – 4 miles south of Chandler


Administered to my daughter and granddaughter


Moved to Mesa, Arizona


Took train for Douglas, Arizona


Taught violin to my Granddaughter, Winnie


Boarded train for Uinta Basin, Utah


Moved into Randlett, a village in Eastern Utah on the Green River, from Wallies place


Arrived at his son Wellie’s


Gave violin lessons to Robert Deam


Stayed with Parley Pratt Sabins, Pomerene


Went to Whitewater, Arizona


Moved to Lyman Wilson from Randlett, Utah


Moved to E.F. Durfee’s for winter 1918-1919


Administered to two of his sons for the place


Administered to E.F. Durfee’s sons


Organized a gospel reading class


A brief history of S.F. Wilson’s experience

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The Life of Stephen Fairchild Wilson

Stephen was the first born of Wellington Paul Wilson
who was born in 1814 in Burlington, Vermont USA,
And son of Elizabeth Boardman Smith,
born about 1817 in lower Canada near Kingston.
Stephen is the husband of Sarah Jane Brown, daughter of John Martin Brown and Louisa
Ann Wilson.
Stephen is the grandson of Deliverance Wilson and Lovina Fairchild

Page 2 – Douglas Cochise County, Arizona – October 2, 1916

This day I. Stephen Fairchild Wilson, began to write the history of my life in this book from old manuscript book which was written from memory from 6 years old up to date and not from notes, memoranda or journal. My parents were baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints some years before I was born near Charleston, Cole County, Illinois, USA, September 27, 1837. My mother and father attended the school at the Kirtland Temple, Ohio at the same time with the prophet Joseph Smith and other early members of the church under the tuition of a professor of New York of Greek and Latin in which department my father was a student and Professor Sidney Rigdon and others of the grammar and history departments of which my mother was a student. While attending this school my mother and father met and formed the acquaintance which terminated in marriage about a year before I was born.

When I was about 6 years old, I distinctly remember crossing the Illinois River on a ferryboat moved by a large white horse on a large tread wheel. We were on our way from my birthplace to Nauvoo Illinois and stopped in a grove

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of timber on Rock Creek about 20 miles rather East of Nauvoo in the spring of 1844 as I remember. Before we left there the sad news of the martyrdom of the prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum the patriarch of the church, came to us when I was just 6 years and 9 months of age June 27 1844. I remember they all had cried but me. I heard them say they were murdered in Carthage Jail Illinois. I think I could have remembered seeing the prophet if I had had the chance before his death.

I do not remember seeing my grandfather, Deliverance Wilson, who as I have learned was born in Petersham, Massachusetts USA, July 2 1769. He and his wife Lovina Fairchild Wilson and three of their children, George, Wellington Paul and Marcia, were baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the following Spring of 1837, they left Kirtland, Ohio, where they were baptized, they started for Zion, Jackson, Missouri, but stopped in Illinois for the winter. Deliverance Wilson died somewhere in Illinois in the

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following season of 1838. I remember my father, Wellington Paul Wilson, made and repaired wagons for the saints who were compelled to leave Nauvoo, Illinois early in February and in the spring of 1846 to go to the Rocky Mountains. I remember Grandmother Lovina Fairchild Wilson lived with us in Nauvoo, Illinois in the winter of 1844-45. I think she died sometime in 1845. I was 8 years old September 27 of this year.

In the beginning of the exodus from Nauvoo in February 1846, thousands of the saints crossed on the ice while the Mississippi River was frozen over. The saints continued to leave Nauvoo till June or later perhaps. We did not cross the river till the latter part of June 1846. I remember seeing the Nauvoo temple while passing in front, East of and along the North side of it on our way to the ferry crossing where the river is said to be a mile wide. We landed on the Iowa shore on the sand and dust under the big cottonwood trees, shaking with the chills and fever. We had one yoke of cows for wheelers or for the wagon tongue and one yoke of steers

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for leaders and one riding horse and a barrel of parched corn meal to eat with our milk all of which father received in payment for wagon repairing for others.

My father was a house carpenter and a wagon maker and a skillful woodworker, also quite handy at the forge and anvil, and a successful schoolteacher, orator, scriptorian and a fine poet. I learned the use of tools while assisting in father’s wagon shop by making different parts of a wagon after father’s pattern, while on our last farm home in Monroe County, Iowa from the year of 1855 and on till we left for Utah in 1864.

Uncle George Deliverance Wilson in the starting of 1846 was called into the Mormon battalion Company E, and when he left father in Nauvoo, he left with him a pair of which he had made for a hand mill, which was of great service till we crossed the plains in 1864. I remember when we left the Mississippi River the first place where we stopped and camped, Father got a job of plowing 10 acres of land for a man for a first of July crop of corn for which we were to

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receive provisions to enable us to pursue our journey further westward. I rode the horse in lead of the steers on the plow till the 10 acres were finished. On account of my lameness it was difficult for me to guide to horse right at all times and stay on his back.

After completing this job we moved on and pitched our tents on another camping ground where we were overtaken by a rain and wind storm and thunder and lightning one afternoon which capsized our tent and blew off our wagon cover and drenched us and bedding till there was not a dry thread to be found. The weather being hot and the raincover, everything was dry when the tent, wagon cover were readjusted by sun down. We slept soundly that night and we had no more rain for several days.

We next moved to Swangin’s grist and saw mill on Fishing creek, noted for its variety and abundance of fish especially cat fish, which I caught with a fishing hook by the dozen day after day which added no little to the provisions for the frugal board in the fall of 1846. When I was nine years old that September 27, 1846.

After remaining there about

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a year we moved to Des Moines River, Iowa near the banks of which we rented a frame house where we spent the summer. We next moved about 50 miles west and found a house to rent of a Mr. Dean therefore we called it “Dean House.” It was close to the Old "Mormon Trail" from Montrose, Iowa through the state to Council Bluffs and Winter Quarters on the Missouri River. Here we stayed a year or more. Our neighbors on learning we were "Mormons" soon became unfriendly towards us and in order to avoid persecution we were compelled to move to a more secure and unfrequnted spot in the woods from Appanoose County to Monroe County, Iowa where my father took up 40 acres of land which proved to be our last homestead in Iowa.

During the year or more, I was in my 15th year, we lived in the Dean house. I went on crutches 1+ miles to school to a fine lady school teacher where I was about to win a new testament as a prize for being the best speller in school, but before the end of the school term I was compelled to remain home on account of the ague or chills and fever and leave the book for my rival to win. About that time a mud dog came one

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night and bit our span of horses and one of our two cows, the dogs and the pigs which all went mad and had to be shot because they became so dangerous. It was a great drawback and a disappointment for we intended to start the next spring for Utah.

We are now in our new log house on our forty acre homestead on Soap Creek, Monroe County, Iowa which we moved into about the middle of November 1855, when I was in my 19th year, being 18 the 27the day of September before, I helped to roll logs and burn brush heaps to clear about 10 acres of land for our first crop in the coming spring. I used my crutch for a handspike to roll logs and helped my father and next younger brother, Sidney Smith Wilson, to split rails to fence for our with and to chop cord wood in winter for a steam grist mill one and a half miles up the creek to help keep up the supply of breadstuff for our large family of 19 in all of both families, consisting of my father Wellington Paul Wilson and mother Elizabeth B. Smith Wilson, and her 9 children and "Aunt" Rebecca McBride Wilson, and her 6 children. After we came to Utah in 1864, Aunt Rebecca had 6 more childre, 12 in all. Therefore I am the oldest of 22 of my father's children, and the whole family of 25 in number who have kept the faith as far as I know.

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My father's oldest brother, Uncle Stephen Wilson III, born 1800, died when he was 9 years old. He was a very intelligent little boy. At 8 years of age he was a fine penman for one of his age. In those days steel pens were unknown, he did all his writing with a goose quill pen as others did. He wrote a 90 day promisory note which my father gave me among several other samples of his penmanship as a souvenir which would compare favorably with some of the average penmanship of today 1916. His sister, next younger, Aunt Mary AnnWilson (the 6th), was a very fair and beautiful little girl with blue eyes and golden colored silen hair. She also was very bright and intelligent, and too good for this world. She died young, no date. Uncle George Wilson (the 5th), was next according to tradition and was born about 1808. Aunt Marcia Wilson was next, and my father, youngest but one, the youngest. He, Wellington Paul Wilson, was born in Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A., Feb. 1, 1814. My next younger brother, Wellington Paul Wilson died very young, no date. The next was Sidney S. Wilson, born about 1840, died in Logan Utah, 1910.

My great grandfather is Deliverance Wilson [Sr.]. My grandfather is Deliverance Wilson [Jr.], born in Petersham, Mass. 1769. His wife, Lovina Fairchild Wilson. Their children:
1- Sarah Wilson b. 1796
2- Hannah Wilson b. 1798
3- Stephen Wilson b. 1800
4- Marcia Wilson b. 1805
5- George Deliverance Wilson b. 1807
6- Mary Ann Wilson b. 1809
7- Emeline Wilson b. 1811, died in infancy
8- Wellington Paul Wilson, b. February 1, 1814; md. Elizabeth Boardman Smith b. abt. 1817
9 -name forgotten-Wilson b. ?

Wellington Paul Wilson and Elizabeth Boardman Smith Wilson's children:
1- Stephen Fairchild Wilson b. September 27, 1837
2- Wellington Paul Wilson died in infancy
3- Sidney Smith Wilson b. 1840
4- Maryette Wilson b. 1842; d. 1856 Soap Creek Iowa; sealed by proxy to George A. Smith, Jr.
5- Elizabeth Wilson b. 1844; d. abt. Sept 1864; sealed by proxy to George A. Smith, Jr.
6- Sarah Alice Wilson b. 1846; d. first part of Oct 1864; sealed by proxy to George A. Smith, Jr.
7- Clarissa Jane Wilson b. 1849;d. early 1864 in Iowa; sealed by proxy to George A. Smith, Jr.
8- Ira Lyman Wilson b. 1852
9- Oliver Cowdery Wilson b. April 15,1855 Iowa; d. 1895 Colonia Diaz, Chihuahua, Mexico
10-Joseph Ellis Wilson b. 1858

Wellington Paul Wilson and second wife Rebecca McBride Wilson's children:
1- Esther Evaline Wilson b. 1848;
2- Ellen Wilson b. 1850;
3- Martha Ann Wilson b. 1853
4- Marcus Wilson b. 1854;
5- Emma Catherine Wilson b. 1856;
6- Almera Wilson b. 1858;
7- Fanny Wilson b. 1860;
8- Lovina Wilson b. 1861;
9- Grace Wilson b. 1862;
10-Mabel Wilson b. 1866;
11- a son- b. 1867;
12- Rebecca Wilson b. 1868;

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Maryette Wilson was the next born about 1842, died about 1856. She was a lovely, bright, intelligent girl of inquiring mind. She was very fair and had beautiful medium brown silken hair ane brown eyes. She, with her three younger sisters, Elizabeth, Sarah Alice, and Clarissa Jane, were sealed by proxy to young George A. Smith who was killed by the Indians in the early days of Utah.

The next was Elizabeth Wilson with black hair, brown eyes, and rosy cheeks. She was called one of our brunette, bright and witty, born about 1844, died with mountain fever and buried at South Pass on the mountain before we got to Echo Canyon on our way to Salt Lake City, about the last of September 1864.

The next was Sarah Alice Wilson with her light brown hair, light complexion, blue eyes, and red cheeks. She was a natural singer and composer of music. Born in Nauvoo, Illinois 1846. As I remember, and died of mountain fever in the mountains above Echo Canyon and buried in Coalville, Utah about the first of October 1864.

The next was Clarissa Jane Wilson with black hair, brown eyes, and dark complexion

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and rosy cheeks. She was of a wise and a mild and peaceable disposition and very patient. Born about 1849, died on Soap Creek where Maryette died, Monroe County, Iowa, early in 1864. Then Ira Lyman Wilson, black hair, brown eyes, dark complexion, and competitor of foot races and a wrestler, and a business man, born at Appanoose County, Iowa about he year 1852.

The next was Oliver Cowdery Wilson rather dark hair, blue eyes, and rather light complexion. He was honest, witty, jovial, a step dancer, reciter, somewhat dramatic, hospitable, and a farmer. He was born at Appanoose County, Iowa April 15, 1855. He died in Colonia Diaz, Chihuahua, Mexico in the year 1895 I think.

The next was the baby of my mother's children, Joseph Ellis Wilson. He has rather light hair, light complexion, blue eyes, with rather dark and heavy beard and the tallest of the family, being 6 feet tall in his shoes, and a graduate of the University of Salt Lake City, Utah. Born on Soap Creek, Monroe County, Iowa May 2, 1858. He is in Salt Lake City, UTah this year 1916 doing genealogical work. I, Stephen Fairchild Wilson, his oldest

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brother received endowments for 27 of my mother's forefathers in the Logan Temple, Logan, Utah. during the months of June, July, and August of 1907.

We will now take up the story of our last homestead in Monroe County, Iowa, commenced on Page 8, and seventh line of this book. That winter of 1855 -1856 I learned from "Aunt" Rebecca Wilson the trade of willow basket making. I became quite apt and proficient in my new trade, and we made a one horse wagon load of all kinds of baskets such as small thimble baskets and larger for quilt pieces or for sewing, for eggs, school dinner, for market, for lady's arms, for wet or dry clothers on wash day, for grain to be measured in baskets of all sizes, from 6 inches to 24 inches in length or diameter by spring whiched too, out into the neighborhood and country and sold for cash and provisions and chickens of all kinds. Then we turned our attention to farming and gardening, clearing as much as we needed for later crops, also making rails, building fences, etc. That season of 1856 we raised corn and potatoes and a good variety of vegetable for summer and the following winter 1856-1857. Our creek bottom land was very

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productive so that we could raise almost anything we desired. For our crop 1857 we planted sorghum can and tobacco, and my father made a wooden cane mill on which we ground our sugar can successfully and made 3 barrels of molasses and 3 barrels of squash or pumpkin butter for winter every winter after that. We also raised tobacco on our farm every year and cured and made it into as good article of homemade twisted plug tobacco home pressed, also a fair quality of cigars all for which we found a ready sale among our neighbors, as well as our baskets.

About these times I learned to play the violin in about 2 years without a teacher so that I could play for dancs in the neighborhood and make a little money that way to help along; after which I learned to hep father make different part of a wagon which he contracted to buld or repair, he being a wagon maker and repairer. On a fine summer morning in June of 1860 I took my violin under my summer coat and with crutch and cane started north towards Des Moines City, Iowa 85 or 90 miles from home in search of a 3 months term of summer school. I made friends on my way every night and was

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treated royally by the farmers and others on my way and found three meals a day and lodging every night for about a week traveling without purse or scrip. The people among whom I traveled and lodged were quite hospitable and siad they were well paid with my singing and violin music. Some families would ask me to play some waltzes, schottisches, polkas, etc. for a little family dancing before retiring for the night. I continued on my way till I came to Carlisle a small village on the banks of the Des Moines River and 12 miles below Des Moines City, Iowa. On learning my business the good people readily and liberally subscribed to the summer school for 3 months which they promptly paid as soon as their bills were presented. I soon found a hospitable family by the name of John Hart and his good wife and three daughters close by the school house. During this school term the young people over the river came a mile ofter me to play the violin for their dances,

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at which I made some money to help pay my board bill. At the end of the school term commencing about the 15th of July and ending in the latter part of October. I collected my pay and paid my board bill and other expenses and made preparations for the journey back home about 90 miles. I was in Des Moines City, Iowa 2 or 3 times on business before starting home. At one time I got my first tin type picutre taken with my violin and boy in position for playing in the left hand in order to appear right handed.  After voting for president Abraham Lincoln I was soon on my way home in a covered wagon which was going to Ottumwa from which I walked 20 miles through a drizzling rain to about within 5 miles of home where I stopped over night with my old friend Cyrus VanCleave who was a good violinist. I went on home next morning about the 10th of November 1860. I was 23 years of age 27th September before. On my way from Carlisle to Ottumwa I saw the first railroad track which we crossed several times and the first railroad train I ever saw.

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In the year of 1861 my brother next younger living went from our last homestead on Soap Creek, Monroe County, Iowa, down into Missouri about 75 miles and about 50 or 60 miles north of Adam-on-diahman, where the prophet Joseph Smith and company found a rock altar on which he said Adam offered sacrifice at the time he preached to his posterity three years before his death. My brother Sidney Smith Wilson found a Mr. McKinley who gave him a job as a farm hand by the month. In the summer of 1862 I went to visit him walking 25 miles a day with crutch and cane till I reached him. While there 2 or 3 days I was introduced to his girl Mis Nancy Brizandine who promised to marry him. They were married that fall late and her brother brought them to our home before the year 1862 was out. He wintered with us that winter and in the spring of 1863, rented a farm where his son, Louis Wilson, was born that fall. On my way back from Missouri I was 5 or 6 days on the way looking in every school district I passed through in Appanoosa County for a 3 month's term of schoo that summer,

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but failed to find it.

My father, two sisters, and I raised a good crop of almost everything we needed this year 1863. So did my brother Sidney. It proved to be our last crop in Iowa. We raised enough on our farm to do us through the winter with the help of sales of willow baskets Aunt Rebecca and I made that fall and winter also the sales of homemade twisted and pressed plug tobacco and cigars all of which our neighbor customers siad were fine and of good quality, the baskets especially.

Early next spring 1864, my father said we must make a start for Salt Lake City on account of the persecution of our neighbors which grew more and more unbearable day by day. With all the haste we could command under the circumstances we got ready the best we could and father fitted up his span of ponies and light wagon and one morning about 3 or 4 oclock a.m. early in April 1864, he took us by surprise

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by driving the team into the door post, closed the door and quietly said in a low voice, make haste and load up, no time to lose, and in less time than it takes to write it, Aunt Rebecca and her 6 children, my sister Sarah Alice, and myself with our scanty bedding clothing, a few dishes and small provisions we were packed into the little wagon all ready to start! Father said now- "Stephen is the teamster" and he held the lines while the "teamster" got firmly seated for the ponies were restless and seemed to catch the spirit of it and were impatient to start for Utah!!

It was about 4 a.m. and about the 5th of April 1864 when father handed the lines up to me saying "peace and good luck be with you" till fahter , mother, sister Elizabeth, brothers Ira Lyman, Oliver Cowdery and little Joseph Ellis Wilson, mother's baby, and brother Sidney Smith, his wife Nancy Brizandine and baby boy 1 year old, with his light rig overtook us 50 miles from the old homestead which we left for the dogs to fight over!! I stopped at a place

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which father previously designeated till they came up. That was indeed a happy reunion of a family of refugees from persecution which we suffered movre or less since we fled from Nauvoo, Illinois June 1846, a lapse of 18 years. We indeed felt to thank our Heavenly Father for our freedom in the pure fresh air of the prairies of western Iowa while on our journey to the promised land of Utah.

After several more days travel of 150 miles taking turns riding and walking alongside of the two little rickety light family wagons, some of the family walking all the way. We arrived all well and safe at the Missouri River opposite the church Wyoming Landing over to which we were soon ferried and said goodbye to old Iowa and Illinois. It was in the latter part of June 1864 when we crossed the River and were soon looked after at the Church emigration headquarters. In a few days we were all baptized except father and mother and "Aunt" Rebecca who were previously baptized in Illinois, prior to 1846.

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also little Joseph Ellis Wilson 6 years old. We were baptized in Weeping Water Creek, which empties into the Missouri River near the Wyoming Landing, by Elder George Bywater about the 1st of July 1864, and confirmed same day by who I do not know. That baptism was one of the happiest days of my life. On coming up out of the water the spirit of testimony from above rested upon me in a manner that I shall never forget as long as memory lasts. It was a momentary joy I can not explain and a testimony to me that the ordinance of baptism by immersion is essential to salvation in the kingdom of heaven and that the Lord was pleased with what I had done. I flet that I entered the door of the kingdom of heaven which the Lord had set up in these lst days through the prophet Joseph Smith the "choice seer" in fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel II Chapter and 44 verse.

Sometime after the 4th of July a few day 1864, my father loaded mother and her children into Captain Warren's train of ox teams according to arrangement. Sidney, my brother, wife and 2 children into Captain Canfield's train.

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Father took "Aunt" Rebecca and her 6 children in his light pony wagon and traveled along with the trains till we arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah about the 5th of October 1864.

About two weeks after we left the Missouri River and some where in Nebraska Territory, now a state, just as father and I were tying the hamstrings on his ponies they started in a seocnd on the back road leaving their harness strung along the road for about two miles before they were overtaken by the horsemen belonging to the two church trains of ox teams which bot stampeded before you could say scat, and leaving broken wagon wheels, crippled oxen, wagons tipped over and merchandise provisions and all kinds of goods scattered along the road on the plains for about a mile or two. My mother was in one of the wagons which tipped over and a heavy goods box fell on her side and broke two ribs.

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Douglas, Arizona, April 11, 1917
The effects of which made it uncomfortable for her to ride in the jolting wagons for a long time, but the Lord had a work for her to do in the temple for the living and for the dead and He spared her life till it was done. We soon started on and soon passed some of our men repairing a wagon wheel which had been broken in the stampede.  A few days after this incident our train passed by a small train of gentile freighters whose wagons were burning to ashes and all the provisions, bedding, and clothing, etc. had been taken, also their animals and 9 dead bodies of the freighters were lying stretched out side b side near the ruins, all of which was the work of the savage Indians a few short hours before. I do not know wheter our men buried them or not. Our trains did not stop, but I was among a number of the brethren who were walking and we saw the sight! Nothing more of importance transpired till nearly all of our family were down with the mountain fever a little before we reached the

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summit or south pass, where my sister Elizabeth died and was buried by the roadside. The trains cannot stop for funerals; two or three persons have to stop long enough to bury the dead, hastily. Two or three days after that my teamster called me out of my mountain fever stupor saying, "Stephen, look! there goes your father with your last full sister, Miss Sarah Alice Wilson, in his light wagon to the Echo grave yard." With great difficulty I looked over the side of the wagon box in which I was riding and saw the light wagon go by at the forks of the road just behind my wagon. In a day or two we arrieved in Salt Lake City about the 4th of October 1864, near fall conference. After the conference was over I gladly went 35 miles with Thomas McBride to Grantsville, Tooele County, Utah. Aunt Rebecca, Thomas McBride's cousin with all her children went with him, 2 or team also. We were two days on the road to Grantsville 35 miles, camping over night in a cave at Black rock, a half-way station. Shortly after our arrival in Grantsville my fever grew worse

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till I became delirious at times, till about the first of November when the fever left me and I began to rapidly improve under kind Providence, and soon became strong enough to get up a subscription day school for three months or sixty days. My school commenced on the 22nd day of November 1864. It was a successful school term. I was still boarding at Thomas McBride's place. One evening on my return in the fore part or middle of December, from school, Aunt Rebecca me me at the door and said, "Tommy" was in a fit of jealousy and had left orders for me to leave his place at once and not stay there another night. I told Aunt Rebecca to send my bedding and clothing up to Uncle "Jim's" James McBride's place up in the "Fort" as Grantsville was called, two miles from Tommy's and my school on the main room to Salt Lake City. I immediately said goodby to Aung and speedily went on foot up to Uncle Jim's where he said I was welcome to make my home indefinitely. I soon found the cause of the jealousy. On Saturdays and Sundays I visited "Uncles" where I met my future wife (the first) Hester Ann Eliza Brown, about 18 or 19, and was introduced to her. She was

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on a visit to her brother, Daniel Brown, in Grantsville but her home was in Heber C. Kimball's family in Salt Lake City, Utah. Some time previous to this while Miss Hester Ann was staying with her brother and his wife Charlotte Pope and three children. Mr "Tommy" who had a wife and 4 or 5 children, made a number of calls or visits of courtship but was rejected by the girl and her brother and soon ordered by her brother, at her request, to stay away. All this was synonomous to me till I came home from school that evening and after ging up to Uncle Jim's.

Uncle Jim and his dear wife Olive and their children treated me with much respect and kindness. When they heard when I was to be married they invited me to have the wedding at their house and they would have the wedding dinner all ready, which they did, and just before sitting down to the table Miss Hester Ann Eliza Brown, a good member of the Church, and I were married by Bishop William Clark on the 8th day of February 1865. I rented a house close by and sister Hester Ann

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E. Brown Wilson and Stephen Fairchild Wilson set up housekeeping immediately after which Aunt Rebecca Wilson and her children came to live with us till my cousin David J. Wilson about two weeks later came with a big sleigh from Alma, now Monroe, Sevier County, Utah, and took her, and her 4 or 5 children to my father in that place. The next spring 1865, I took up a spring and summer subscription school in the Fort Grantsville, also a winter school which was out about the first of March 1866. My wife and I were prospering till our first and last child, a son Stephen Daniel Wilson, was born on the 25th of March 1866, Grantsville, Tooelle County, Utah.

My dear wife was allowed by the nurse to get up on the 3rd day and sit by the fire while I was out for a walk half an hour. She was still by the fire when I came in and seemed to be scared at what whe had done contrary to my orders to stay patiently in bad. After suffering for 7 weeks with the child bed fever and milk leg, dear soul, her spirit went back to God who gave it early in the morning of May 16th 1866. I hope to be worthy of her in the celestial kingdom of Heaven on earth where parting will be no more. She was sealed

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to me for eternity in the house of the Lord--"old endowment house"--in Salt Lake City, Utah, by my next wife, Sarah Jane Brown, who acting as proxy, immediately after being sealed to me for time and eternity herself, on the 12th day of December 1870. Sarah Jane Brown is the daughter of John Martin Brown and Louisa Wilson Brown.

On the 14th day of November 1901, deceased Stephen Daniel Wilson, son of Hester Ann Eliza Brown and Stephen Fairchild Wilson, and born March 25, 1866, Grantsville, Tooele County, Utah, was sealed to his father and mother in the Logan, Cache County, Utah Temple, my nephew, Wellington Paul Wilson, 8 years old, acting as proxy. My brother, Sidney Smith Wilson's wife, Nancy Elizabeth Brizendine Wilson, acting as proxy for his mother. My youngest child William Wellington Wilson born December 16th 1894, Colonia Diaz, state of Chihuahua, Republic of Mexico, lives in or near Randlett, Utah on a piece of land of about 80 acres leased for 5 years. In a letter received from him recently, he stated that he was going to the Salt Lake Temple to have his young wife sealed to him for time and eternity before setting up housekeeping some time in June 1917. He is

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William Wellington Wilson and his wife Ida Beryl Nelson Wilson were sealed for time and eternity at the Salt Lake Temple on the 4th of October 1917, while at conference in his 23rd year. His mother Angelina Herbert Wilson was my third wife and was sealed to me for time by Apostle George Teasdale, in Colonia Diaz, Chihuahua, Mexico, December 18th, 1890, who solemnized our marriage with the understanding that we were to go to the Temple and finish the work by being sealed for eternity. He instructed us to raise our right hands which we did, and made a covenant to that effect which was sealed with the usual kiss. On the 10th day of February 1897, she broke the whole marriage covenant by divorcing me out and out, while we were in Safford, Arizona. I immediately packed up and went down 15 miles to Eden, Graham County, Arizona, where I found new friends. I want my son, William W. Wilson to be sealed to me, but do not know how it will be brought about, or accomplished yet.

Some time in November 1864 I think, while on my way home at Thomas McBride's from a friendly visit with Uncle Jim's in Grantsville, I had a remarkable testimony of the efficacy of vocal prayer. It was a wild, sage desert road and no houses for 2 miles where I was walking

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when about half way a voice seemed to say, "Stephen, -pray." With a ready response I soon found a patch of thick, tall sage brush some distance from the road and similar to Joseph Smith in the grove or woods I kneeled down to make my first attempt to pray vocally and "satan came also", and a strange influence with him, an influence of darkness which seemed to bind my tongue and overpower me. I asked the Lord to loose my tongue and deliver me from the powers of darkness. In a moment I was surrounded with a heavenly light which dispersed the darkness and loosed my tongue so that I could finish S.F. Wilson's first prayer and than and praise His holy name for the testimony that He hears and answers our prayers. In 1865 I was re-baptized as it was the custom in those days for those who had just come across the plains to thereby renew their covenants. Sometime in the fore part of June 1866 I settled up all my affairs in Grantsville and took my baby boy some over 2 months old and went to Harrisville,

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Weber County, Utah, 80 miles in covered wagon, to where my mother was teaching a summer subscription school and staying with her half-brother George Lake, when she was not boarding around. I soon made arrangements with her to take care of the baby which I finished the last month of her school term, and "boarded around" as she did and collected and gave the proceeds and got another three months term as soon as possible to support her and the baby and myself and save all I possibly could to build ua a house of our own in the near future. The trustees kindly gave me a fall and winter school 1866-1867 in the little old log school house. I boarded with Martin H. Harris that winer. He played the Flagolett as well as the fife and I played the violin with his flagolett and we played for nearly all the dances that winer and the next, 1867-1868. We charged $8.00 a night, he $3.00 and i $5.00. We played for 8 settlements including Harrisville. Some 3 and some 5 miles away. (Martin H Harris was the nephew of Martin Harris, a witness of the Book of Mormon, verified by documents in the State Historical Library.)

The Lord blessed and prospered me so that I had saved up some means to make us a home of our own. In the spring of 1867

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soon after I had selected a building spot, my brother, Sidney, came moved from Monroe, Utah about the time my school was out and moved in with us in a room Uncle George had rented to us. He informed me he had learned to lay rock, brick, and adobes. "You are just the man I am looking for", I said, and it is providential for you as well as for me. We soon began making the adobes about a rod from the building spot. I threw down my crutch and cane and cleaned off the adobe yard while my brother mixed the first batch of clay, helped mix the next turned and ricked adobes till we thought we had enough; then we went to the east mountain two miles away and hauled the first load of rock with Uncle Green Taylor's horses and wagon after which I hauled the rock alone while brother Sidney laid the foundation.  Two or three days later we commenced laying up the wall. I mixed the mortar made of the same clay, and carried a three gallon bucket full in my left hand, my cane in the right and 2 adobes 12 X 6 X 8 inches

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the same way on my left shoulder and thus attended the "mason" day after day till the wall was completed. My first attempt to nail shingles on a roof was now displayed. However, brother followed my example and we soon had a rood on in good shape. The floor, door, and window, withoua a ceiling, and without the wall plastered "completed" the little house of one room 12 X 12 feet inside. It was now about the 20th day of November 1867, and we all moved in on the 22nd. There were 8 of us to live in the little mud house that winter, Sidney, his wife Nancy, and three children, my mother Elizabeth, my little son Stephen Daniel Wilson, and myself. We were a happy family and thankful to our Father in Heaven for our new home. I overlooked my little brother Joseph Ellis Wilson, 9 years old was one of the happy family which made 9 instad of 8 persons. [What happened to Sarah Jane Brown Wilson?] The new meeting house which was used for Sunday Schools, day schools, and as an amusement hall for dances, etc. was completed that fall, and I taought the first school in it that winter 1867-1868. This was called the 8th district instead of

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8th Ward in the Weber County Stake, Territory of Utah. My brother Sidney bult a little adobe house and moved into it in the fall of 1868 and left me with my mother, brother Joseph, and little sone Stephen Daniel in full possession of our home. On the 21st of April 1867, I was sustained as first assistant Sunday School superintendent to brother Martin Harris Superintendent of the 8th district which position I held one year and 4 months till September 14, 1868 when I was appointed and sustained as Sunday School Superintendent, which position I held till April 6th, 1873 or 4 years 6 months and 22 days.

On the 8th of September 1871 my appointment as first postmaster of Harrisville arrived from Washington, D.C. which office I held till April 6, 1878, or 6 years 6 months and 18 days, when I resigned to go on a mission to the United Order in Lot Smith's stake on the Little Colorado River, Arizona Territory. My field of labor was in Brigham City, 1 1/2 miles from Sunset, Lot Smith's headquarters, and my missionary work was teaching the day school of 140 pupils.

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with Sister Whiting as assistant, and I was superintendent of the Sunday School of about 150 enrolled, and played the violin for dances and other amusements leading the ward and Sunday School choirs and helping some in the United Order bookkeeping, and was appointed Postmaster of Brigham City as successor to Brother Overson about the 1st of June 1881 just before the U.O. broke up. My mother and my three children, brother Sidney Wilson, and wife and 3 children, and brother Oliver C. Wilson, single, started from Harrisville, Utah with a span of horses and wagon each in the latter part of October 1878 for the Brigham City on the Little Colorado River, Arizona. When we were within 1 1/2 miles of Salina, Utah my oldest child living, Mary Elma Wilson, 17 years, fell out of my wagon, the front of which ran over her left leg and broke the bone completely about 5 inches above the knee. On arriving in Salina we fortunately foundan old room to camp in where it became my duty to reset the bone after the doctor from Manti, Utah had made a failure of it. While setting the bone my attention was called to the fact

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that the bone was broken diagonally instead of square off, which made it much more difficult for me to keep it properly set and in the right position. During the 19 days we were compelled to remain in Salina, my two brothers chopped andhauled cord wood to the salt works there in order to replenish our stock of provisions enough to carry us to our destination. In the meantime we called in the elders to administer to my mother whose health was very poor and a sister came in to visit mother and the little girl who was getting along fine under the "surgeon's" care, and she was very kind to us, and greatly encouraged us with a most beautiful song in tongues, and gave the interpretation which was the first we had ever heard in singing or speaking. Shortly after this we loaded up and started on our journey to "promised land" where we landed after some pretty hard times crossing the Big Colorado River and climbing over "Lee's Back Bone" and pulling over the sand and the Buckskin

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Mountains, safe and sound in Brigham City, Arizona's United Order at 12 noon Christmas day 1875, just in time to eat Christmas dinner at the big table, where there were about 200 seated.

The United Order being discontinued 1887 about the 10th of June in Brigham City, Arizona. It was the intention to move and continue on the Gila River about 250 miles south. About this time my positions as postmaster was resigned in favor of Elder Jefferson Adams in order to make preparations for goint to start the Order on the Gila.  Brother John Sims, with his 3 yoke of oxen and wagon, took me and my two oldest children in his wagon and my brother Oliver took our mother and my baby boy Austin, 2 years old, in his wagon with one span of horses and we rolled out of the old Order on Sunday July 4th 1997 and landed in a Mormon settlement called Graham on the Gila River opposite Safford, Arizona. But we did not know how to start the Order, so we all drew out and every man went for himself and of $200. share in the Order I received $20 in silver dollars. Then my brother Oliver took mother and me and

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my children down the river 15 miles to a little settlemen of "Order Mormons" called Curtis early in August right in the rainy season. Some Indians broke from their reservation and came down the river killing people and stealing stock, etc. and gave us such a scare that we took the advice of Bishop Joseph K. Rogers and moved up the Gila River 6 miles and crossed over in a skiff rowed by Brother William Ransom while the river overflowed its banks in many places making it dangerous crossing in a skiff. My mother and my little daughters and their belongings crossed first then I with two little sons with all our affects crossed the angry muddy river in safety and soon landed in Pima in "Mormon" village half a mile from the landing..

The writer wishes to review a little. He has been a school teacher in 1860, 3 months in Carlisle, 12 miles below Des Moines City on the Des Moines River, state of Iowa and where he voted for president Abraham Lincoln. The next was a 3 months term in the block schoolhouse 2 miles east of Grantsville, Utah in the winter of 1864-1865. The next was in Grantsville 3 monts in 1865 spring school. The next fall and winter school of 3 months 1865-1866. His wife Hester died May 16, 1866 and he went with his baby boy 2 monts to Harrisville, Weber County, Utah and taught the last month of his mother's 3 months term which ended early in July 1866. Then 6 months in the old log school house fall and winter of 1866-1867. Then in the new adobe schoolhouse 6 month winter and spring of 1867-1868. Then same place 3 months winter 1868-1869. Then 3 months in 1870-1871 same place. Then in Hyrum, Cache County, Utah, winter and spring of 1872-1874. Three months in Marriottsville, Weber County, Utah. Then in the Harrisville West schoolhouse 3 months 1874-1875 --1875-1876-- 1876-1877. Then wife Sarah Jane Brown died from smallpox on January 17, 1877. Then a 6 month term winter and spring of the years 1877-1878 which would have ended late in May but on seeing his name in the list of Arizona Missionaries called to work in the United Order he dismissed the school about the 15th of April 187 in order to start as early as possible on his mission, a lart part of which was to teach school. Then the next term was 3 monts, Jan., Feb., March in the Order

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1879. Next 6 months was in 1879-1880. Then 3 monts 1880-1881. Then we moved to Pima, Graham County, Arizona July 1887 and taught school in the old log school and meeting house 3 monts 1881-1882 with 140 pupils enrolled with Brother Alfred Cluff for assistant teacher. THen 3 monts winter of 1882-1883 with about 100 enrolled in C"luff's Hall", with Peter McBride as assistant. Then took the Post Office from Sister Teeples April 4th 1884, resigned in 1887. Then in 1888 moved to Eden, Graham County, Arizona. There taught a 3 month's term March 1st 1889, #80. per month. Then 3 months in 1889-1890, $75. per month. Then paid $6.-$10. gold pieces which I thought was an honest tithing for the same year 1889. Then my son-in-law, [Patrick Calhoun] P.C. Haynie came up from Colonia Diaz, Chihuahua, Mexico, wanted me to move down there which we did and I got there on the 4th of May and took a 2 months term of subscription school for May and June 1890.  Then I got married to Angelina Herbert on December 18, 1890. In Jan. 1894 we went at the request of Brother Winslow Farr, Bishop of Dublan, 60 miles

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south of Colonia Diaz to teach a term of school there for 3 months. My wife and son, not her son, assisted me till the term expired and soon after collecting our pay from the subscribers we moved back home to Colonia Diaz. This was the last of my school teaching. The writer was a successful teacher in those days and gave general satisfaction. After adding the total is 75 monts, extending from 1860 to 1894 from time to time. The writer played the violin for dances and other public amusements and holidays from time to time covering a period of 50 years at least. He has been Postmaster for Uncle Sam 8 times or 9 years, and for President Diaz of Mexico, in Colonia Diaz 3 years in Spanish language. Total 12 years. Also Sunday school superintendent about 7 years total. Also ward and Sunday School choir leader from 1879-1901 or about 25 years.

In June 1880, early, the writer was appointed by the U.S. as census enumerator and brought in $80. to the United Order at Brigham City, Arizona in 4 weeks. In 1882-1883 we built our second adobe house and kept Post Office in it from

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1884 April 4th till early in October when at the request of the public it was moved down two blocks into the business part of the town of Pima. Bishop Rogers induced me to leave school teaching in the spring of 1888 and act as tithing clerk for the Pima Ward, and when I tolh him I could not support myself and 3 children on $40. per year he said he would help me out but he never did. He did not object to my taking the Post Office to help me out, however when I told him I had already accepted Sister Teeple's offer to resign in my favor. When he was told by me that it was my intention to move the tithing office down on Main Street with the Post Ofice and to perform the duties of both offices he accepted my offer and the tithing books were kept as usual in connection with the duties of the Post Office till late in the fall of 1884. One day that fall late, Brother James Martineau called in my office to see me about a house to rent or buy as he had

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just moved over from St. David, Arizona and was without a home. We told him he was just the man we were looking for, and when told that he could have my new 4 room, shingle roofed adobe house and lot for about what they cost $480. if he would take the tithing office off my hands, he readily accepted my offer and the bargain was closed immediately. I drew a sign of relief as soon as the tithing office was transferred to Brother Martineau for it did not support my little family and was a burden to me for nearly two years for the big salary of $40 a year! This is one of the many ways we have helped to build up the kingdom and work out our salvation by making sacrifices for the good of others as well as for ourselves. We have great reason to be thankful that we have laid up riches in heaven more than earthly riches. Happy will we be when we receive the plaudid: "Well, done thou faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things and I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

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The sale of the house and lot enabled me to pay for the old dirt roof log cabin and lot on which was a little old lumber shoe shop in which the Post Office was kept that winter. It also enable me to put in a stock of groceries, confectionary and notions to help out the $25. or $30. per month Post Office salary.

Health and prosperity that winter 1884 and next spring 1885 enable me to build a new lumber Post Office and store combined and conveniently arranged on the corner of the lot facing east on the sidewalk. Also to put out an orchard of a good variety of apples, peaches, plums, and some garden. Also a good picket fence all around the lot and a chicken run with a poultry house and toilet. The store and Office was 16 X 30 feet. The next spring 1886 preparations were being made for building a new house for my little family of 3 children, one girls and 2 boys and myself, when Brother Patrick Calhoun Haynie and his wife Henrietta asked me for my daughter Mary Elma Wilson to come into his family as his wife.

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My daughter asked me for counsel in the matter and when she was told that she had my consent to choose for herself and as we each thought Brother Haynie and wife were good Latter-day Saints, she accepted their proposal and went with him in company with other couples the next spring to the St. George Temple, Utah, and was sealed to him as his second wife for time and eternity on the 6th day of April 1887. After making all the necessary preparations my son-in-law, Brother P.C. Haynie with all his worldly possessions, his wives and children, and his brother, Newton Haynie, with 2 teams and wagons left Pima, Arizona for La Ascencion 4 miles south of Colonia Diaz, Mexico early in May 1887. In April of this year 1887, the "Gila chills" or malaria began to creep over me as usual every year which affected me worse than usual and which compelled me to resign the Post Office of which I was the second P.M., and taking the advice of my neighbors and move out on a ranch on benchland for my health. We homesteaded a quarter

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section of the bench land a mile east of Pima and built another 2 room good sized adobe house and moved into it late in the fall after selling out everything and closing out all business affairs in Pima. We remained here till late in the summer of 1888 when Brother John Sims, a school trustee from Eden, 7 miles below our ranch down the Gila RIver on the opposite or north side of the river, came after me to teach a 3 month school at $85 per month. The school commenced the first Monday of November 1888. It was a successful term, during which all or part of my spare time was occupied in leading the Sunday School and ward choirs, which was a great help to the ward and was greatly appreciated by the ward and especially by the members of the choirs, and all singers as they had no choir leader for a long time previous to this. About the lst of January 1889 Brother George Skinner , a school trustee from the Graham school district north of Safford, Graham County, Arizona, engaged me to teach a term of 3 months commencing February 1, 1889 at $80. per month. We, the two boys and I, moved up to Graham

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15 miles up the Gila River on the same or north side and rented a house till my brother Oliver Wilson could move our little fram house 11X12 from Eden and put it on his ranch, 1 1/2 miles from my school, which distance we walked morning and evening on crutches to and from school. Soon after arriving in the Graham ward the choir leader, Brother James Freestone earnestly requested me to succeed him as leader of the ward and Sunday School choirs as he could not read music well enough to be a successful chorister. He remained in the choir as bass singer at my kind request and in a short time the singing began to improve. This it was my lot to lead the choirs, first in the Order, second the Sunday School in Pima Ward, third the ward and Sunday School of Eden, Fourth the choirs of Graham Ward, all of which were in Arizona. The next winter 1889-1890, it was my good fortune to get another three months terms of day school at $75. a month. The next spring 1890, my tithing amounted to $60. which was paid at Bishop Peter Peterson of graham Ward in 3 twenty dollar gold pieces for the year 1889. The writer relinquished his 160 acre homestead

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right to Brother Thomas Nation who gave him a span of horses and harness, a wagon and a cow in the spring 1889. It looks providential when we think of it for we had the use of the team and cow about a year when my son-in-law P.C. Haynie from La Ascencion came after us about April 15th 1890 to move down to Colonia Diaz, 4 miles north of Ascencion, Mexico. brother Haynie helped me trade my horses for a span of mules to make the trip and make the duty less on the team, also helped to repair the wagon and harness and pack up and in 3 or 4 days we bade goodbye to old Graham and was on our way to Mexico. We arrived in La Ascencion, Mexico on 3rd of May 1890, safe and sound. After taking us through the custom house Brother Haynie offered me two city lots with 16 X 30 foot adobe houses for my team outfit which we accepted and we, Stephen F. Wilson, my son Elbert F. Wilson and my son Austin B. Wilson, immediately moved into our new home. Taking a retrospedtive view of some of the past, we find that we have attended the Sunday Schools and sacrament meetings, 90% of the time.

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Also the fast meetings and bore testimony that this, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is built on the rock of revelation with all the gifts and blessings that were in the primitive Church in the days of the Savior and a century or two after. Also kept the Word of Wisdom about 75% as recorded in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, attended family prayers, kneeling morning and evening and asking the blessing on the food, and attending the priesthood meetings, administering to the sick, and have been the happiest when living my religion and nearer to the Lord, which increased my faith and testimony that this is the same gospel and plan of salvation that the Savior revealed and preached to Adam, Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joseph Smith and all the Holy prophets ever since the world began. Soon after we moved into our new home in Colonia Diaz, Mexico

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Bishop William Derby Johnson, Jr. suggested that a two months subscription school would help me along in a financial way. The school was out about the 10th of July 1890 when one of my bass singers in the United Order, Sulivan C. Richardson wanted me to succeed him as choir leader in the Diaz Ward, and he would resign in my favor as it was a burden to him. When told it was no favor to me and that it was a burden to me as well as to him for it was only about 2 onths since my resignation as choir leader was accepted by the Graham Ward when we moved to Diaz; and we were tired of leading choirs, he insisted, saying I can not do it justice like you.

Well, we told him we had to work our our own salvation as well as he and accepted to please him and the people of the ward. We beliee that all the good we can do for our fellowman and to help the work along will be laying up treasures in the great bank of heaven that

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pays the biggest interest, even the interest of eternal life, and that will never go bankrupt. Soon after we took charge of the ward and Sunday School choirs, Brother John Earl told me to take his place as fiddler for the dances and other entertainments, as he could not work at the carpenters bench all day and play the violin for all the dances at night, and said you are welcome to all you can make at it which was $2.50 nearly every week or about $20. a month.  Soon after this Bishop Johnson told me that he would pay me $5.00 a month for acting as ward clerk, and $2.50 a month for receiving and disbursing the fast day offerings. The government of Mexico under Presiden Diaz paid me $5. a month as postmaster's salary for 3 years in the Spanish language in Colonia Diaz, Chihuahua, Mexico.

My salary altogether was $27. 50 a month total, in Mexican money. The post office salary ought to have been $15. at least, a total of $37. 50.

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On Thursday evening December the 18, 1890 at my residence in Colonia Diaz, Chihuahua, Mexico, Apostle George Teasdale sealed my 3rd wife, Angelina Herbert Hunt, a widow, to me for time, to be sealed for eternity in some Temple the first opportunity. She had a beautiful little girl, Sarah Jane Hunt about 3 or 4 years old who died with typhoid-pneumonia about 2 years later. She was a bright little girl. Her headboard in the Diaz graveyard was said by all to be the most elaborate of all the rest, the footboard was made to match it. They were made by myself.  They had 3 coats of white paint with fancy lettering and a dove with a bud in its mouth and one falling to the ground drawn with jet black paint. Two years after Sarah Jane's death our son William Wellington Wilson was born in Diaz on December 16, 1894. At the present time, May 7th, 1917, he is in or within 3 1/2 miles of Randlett, Utah on a farm and making preparations to go to the Salt Lake City temple early in June 1917 to have his girl sealed to him for time

David Johnson Wilson Family in Colonia Diaz 1896

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and eternity; so he wrote to me recently. He will be 23 years old next December 16, 1917. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and is a good boy and a natural born Latter-day Saint. His mother, poor woman broke her marriage covenant for all time and after divorcing me in February 1897 took our little son 2 years old past and went her way and left me to go my way ever since, which has been a source of sorrow and grief to me. When told that to follow her to her grave would be very, very much easier to bear and cause far less sorrow and bereavement than for her to take such an unjustifiable course she did not seem to realize that she was a covenant breaker.  Some day we'll understand! The writer packed up his remaining wealth and went with a man who was going down to Pima 7 miles down the Gila River from Safford where he kissed his little son and bade goodbye to his mother forever, and landed in Pima same day. He rented a peach orchard, also a tent and camped in the orchard and pruned it according to agreement and when finished he waited awhile for results. In time it developed that the frost had killed about all of the

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fruit crip. He then returned the tent and packed up and soon landed in Eden, 6 miles down the river on the opposite or north side, and rented a little log cabin for a few days till Bishop Porter came along and said the rainy season will soon be here and you had better mvoe into the office room of the new brick tithing office under a good shingle roof, rent free, and be tithing clerk. He gladly accepted the offer and soon began to keep the books and receive tithing hay and grain, etc.

After the rainy season was over he got the bishop's permission to put in a mall stock of general merchandise in one side of the office room. He went up to Pima, 6 miles, after the first stock of goods, the cash salesof which enabled him to go up to Safford, 15 miles up the river, and purchse a larger and cheaper lot of goods. Business began to pick up and it became necessary to go up after goods about every 2 weeks, and everytime he went up to Safford he would call at the hotel to visit his dear little son Wellie whose mother was there as a nurse.

He was so glad to see his papa, who on starting

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home would leave him some candy, etc., and kiss him good bye and he would say papa why don't you stay here with us? Then papa would have to say, your ma don't want me to stay, she wants me to go away; and he would say come again. In a month or two he would be 3 years old. This was in the fall of 1897. During the spring and summer and fall late in October 1898, my business increased as well as the business of the itithing office. The bishop accepted my offer to go through his, the Eden ward, as ward teacher all alone this summer to visit the people who were so busy harvesting that it was almost impossible to get anyone to help him; so he went alone from time to time locking up the store and office until the entire ward was visited and reported to the bishop who was well pleased with the report. About this time during the summer there was much sickness, mostly among children of the ward and he was often called hatily to administer alone to the sick many times, and the Lord healed everyone as well as he remembered. He locked the office and store promptly at every call and left customers waiting 15 to 30 minutes.

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or till he returned.  The ward had been withuot a choir leader from January 31, 1889 to May 1, 1897, or over 7 years, so the members of the old choir told me, and they rejoiced to see the old chorister back again to revive the singing of the ward and Sunday School choirs. During the years 1897-1898 he was tithing clerk, store keeper, choir leader, a teacher in the Sunday School and 2nd assistant Sunday School Superintendent and played for dances, all at the same time, the most of 1897 and 1898.

Late in October 1898, William Nelson from 7 miles above Colonia Oaxaca, Sonora, Mexico, on the Bavispe River, on his way home after visiting friends near Eden, came to him in his store and wanted him, Stephen F. Wilson, to go home with him and teach school that winter in his settlement. When told it would take 3 days at least to close out his business he said he would gladly wait that long. The bishop, A.S. Porter, gave his consent and proposed a farewell dance interspered with songs, recitations, etc. as a benefit financially. It was a successfully and sociable entertainment. The proceeds was about $25. + $60. = $85. The members

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of the choirs and nearly all in the house said, now brother Wilson what will we do for a choir leader when you are gone? When it was suggested that some one perhaps in the near future would come and join your ward who would be better qualified as a choir leader and give ou better satisfaction than your humble servant has done, they answered, we doubt it very much! and it may be 7 years as it was before, before we get any one that would be as patient with us as you have been. The next morning after the dance, Brother William Nelson was at the writer's door and at his service. He loaded into his light rig with one span of ligh and lively mules, all of his necessary and indispensible belongings and his very important self piled on top to hold them down,and Nelson put whip to his team which went flying without having time to say goodby to Eden and the good peple, and we have not seen Eden since.

It was 250 miles from Eden, Arizona, U.S.A. to Colonia Oaxaca, Sonora, Mexico, and we were on the road 8 days and arrived safe and sound at my daughter Mary Elma Wilson Haynie's place in Oaxaca, near the last of

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October 1898.  After a short visit with my daughter whom we had not seen for 6 years we went the same day 7 miles up the Bavispe River to the Nelson settlement. When they had nearly finished their new log school house, they asked me what my terms were for teaching the school. We drew up an article of agreement and presented to those who were working on the schoolhouse. The article stated that the teacher agreed to teach a term of 3 months for $30. a month in cash and board himself, and they would not sign the article as the teacher had already done. They wanted him to take calves or livestock, grain, and other trade, but we wanted the cash down at that low salary. So he went back 7 miles down to Oaxaca the first opportunity. The brethren and sisters were very glad to have me come back, especially the choir leader, Brother Heber Chlarson, who said he could not read music and, "you must take my place". Well we quite reluctantly accepted the position at his kind request and be thankful for all the blessing there is in it. They

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nearly all wanted me to remain here in Colonia Oaxaca when on my way to Price from Eden, Arizona. We soon organized a ward and Sunday School choir and began to practice for the Ward quarterly conference 3 months hence, sometime in February 1899. There were but few of the members of the ward choir who could read music. S.S. choire the same, but by patience and hard labor, training the singers vocally, without any organ or piano, we were highly praised for our good singing by President Anthony W. Ivins. who was at the quarterly conference, Feb. 1899.

My son-in-law, Brother P.C. Haynie, paid me $30. in cash a month and board for 2 months for my work keeping books, etc. in his warehouse for the Pilaris Mining Co. We then moved into our town lot in a tent with a little stove for cooking in February 1900, where, with a cobbler's outfit, some chickens and eggs to sell and playing the violin for dances, we made a comfortable living and paid tithing and fast day donations and studied vocal music and led the 2 choirs besides. In January

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1900, the two choirs combined to get up a concert which was a very creditable one, the proceeds of which we sent to Salt Lake City for a dozen Sunday School Song Books. Soon after this, we gave blackboard vocal music lessons in the "Oaxaca Academy" once a day by request of the Principal Frederick Lamb from Salt Lake City. The lessons continued for a month or so in January and February 1901. Sometime in January 1901, my brother, Joseph E. Wilson wrote to me from Logan, Cache County, Utah requesting me to come up there and do some work in the Logan Temple next summer for some of our mother's forefathers. In answer to my letter to Joseph in which we stated we were afraid of the cold weather up there, he said by dressing a little warmer, there would be nothing to fear. In my answer to this second letter of his, we decided to go and with the help of the Lord fill that mission. Having been ordained a High Priest by Henry Eyring at the Juarez Stake quarterly

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conference sometime in October 1900, and on returning home some time in November 1900, we moved out of our tent and moved into a room downtown. Soon after this which was soon after answering Brother Joseph's second letter, we met with a strange manifestation of the power of satan, as follows: One night at bedtime, about 9 p.m., when about recovered from an attack of the grippe, we were feeling fine and knelt down on our box as usual by the bedside and asked for divine protection through the night. After resting and sleeping fine till about midnight, (The adjoining room was a kind of granary, etc, the middle and out side doors were securely fastened.) I was awakened by a fearful influence which resembled a scare. I quickly arose and stood by my prayer box by the bedside and looked around in the darkness not thinking to light the lamp, and every moment more scared, when suddenly I saw hideous black faces coming through the doors and wall of the room and the evil spirits were formed in a half circle around the room and at the same time were looking

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fierce and reaching for me with their claw-like fingers and showing their teeth and demon faces, and with outstretched arms with clawing motion, nearer and nearer they came until within a foot of my face and every hair of my head seemed to stand on end. I was sure they would get me the next moment. In my fright I did not think to pray but when at the worst I exclaimed aloud, "O Lord, what shall I do?" "Pray!", a voice seemed to say in a whisper in my right ear. In an instant I obeyed and by the authority of the Holy High Priesthood which He had bestowed upon me, I rebuked the evil spirits in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to depart into space or into their own place. All honor and glory be to the Father forever. The evil spirits immediately backed out of the room through the walls and closed doors of the room and soon vanished out of sight.

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Then followed a calm, peaceable, happy and sweet influence and a sound sleep and much needed rest till morning. The next day we told Bishop George Naegle the above experience and that I had also promised my brother Joseph that I would, with the help of the Lord, go and do that temple work, and I believed satan tried his best to get me to break my covenant to do the work for the dead. And when I asked his permission to go to Logan he said yes and go in peace and the Lord bless you on your journey and in your labors for that is just what satan was trying to do, was to hinder you from doing the work for the dead.

On the 8th & 9th of March 1901, was the Oaxaca Ward conference, Saturday and Sunday, President Ivins attended and said our choir singing was better than ever, and was glad to hear about my work in the temple in the near future.

On the 10th of March, Monday, 1901, Brother Haynie took me and all my personal property in his freight wagon and

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we started for Colonia Dublán, 100 miles east from Oaxaca, on my way to Logan, Utah. On the 3rd day we arrived in Dublán. After staying with my Aunt Mary E. Lake till the 2nd day of April 1901, when with a big basket of bread and butter and chicken, etc., which she had provided for me to last till my arrival in Salt Lake City, Utah. Sister Lake and her children handed me up the dinner basket the moment I jumped on the train or I would have been without any bread and dinner, the train starting so very sudden without warning. We arrived in El Paso after sundown. Soon after leaving Dublán we looked for some one on the train we knew, and good luck for me, for President Ivins was the first one found. He found my trunk and bedding which had gone on the day before by accident. He also go ma a missionary ticket to Salt Lake City and was my pilot all the way. We arrived in Salt Lake CIty on the 5th day from Dublán, about noon in time to attend

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the 2nd meeting of the first day of April conference at 2 p.m. After tge conference was over I went to visit friends and relatives in Ogden City, Utah. Then went to Harrisville, Weber County, Utah to visit friends and relatives. Then went on to Logan, Cache County, Utah, arriving at my brother Joseph's place on the 4th day of May 1901, safe and sound.

My brother Joseph E. Wilson proposed to let me stay with him till the temple work he had for me to do was accomplished.  He gave me a list of 27 of our mother's forefathers for me to have my endowments for who had previously been baptized for. The work was commensed some time in June 1901, and continued from time to time until finished some time in August that year. During this time much of my spare time was devoted to copying loose minuted of the proceedings of the Cache Stake Priesthood meetings, Cache County, Utah, into the large stake record book for my brother Joseph E. Wilson who was the Stake Clerk, also Stake Tithing Clerk at the same time. After my temple work was done my brother rented a small store room with bedroom and kitchen at back, and stocked it with groceries, confectionary and notions in

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October 1901, so I could make a living. My business increased till about the 1st of March 1902, when the owner wanted to move back into his place and we, my brother Sidney, his wife Nancy and their two sons, Joseph and William Wilson, and myu son Austin Wilson and myself, had to give possession the first of April which we did, my brother and famiy finding a place down in town, and I and my son finding a house (one room) and orchard, and garden which we rented of Sister Barlow for the season 1901 on shares of one-half of all we produced. In November 1901, I had my son Stephen Daniel Wilson (dead) sealed by proxy to his mother, Hester Ann Eliza Brown Wilson, and to me, Stephen Fairchild Wilson. Also my brothers Sidney S. Wilson, Oliver Cowdery Wilson (dead), Ira S. Wilson, Joseph E. Wilson, and myself sealed with our mother Elizabeth Boardman Smith Wilson (dead) by proxy to George A. Smith (dead) for eternity. In October 1902 my son Austin Wilson and I moved with our share of the crop from Sister Barlow's place, Logan 5th Ward, down to the 1st Ward in a room just back of a shoe shop with all our belongings, and with our recommends joined the 1st Ward. That winter it was a lot to suffer with the rheumatism severely. In the Spring of 1903 April 3rd, we started a little candy and grocery store in one front

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corner of Brother Anderson's shoe shop on the sidewalk, at a dollar a month. My business increased that season and Winter of 1903-1904 when we rented a place at $6. a month in the spring of 1904 on 1st North Street near the Logan Tabernacle. Business was prosperous till the spring and summer of 1911, when on account of so many candy stands newly set up so near by also ice cream horse and hand wagons passing in front of my place, my business began to fail. My son Elbert from Ogden called to see me in July 1911 and advised me to move my business down to Ogden and he would assist me to get a place of better business. My son Austin left me on the 5th of July, and we made an extra effort to boom business till the latter part of October when we decided to go down to Ogden and try our luck. We closed out, settled up and boarded the 8 a.m. train with our wealth on the 3rd day of November 1911, and landed safely at my son Elbert's place finding all well. In the spring of 1912, my son Elbert was teacher of hisotry in the sub. high of the Ogden Academy when in March or two months before his term was out, he took down with inflamation of both eyes suddenly and was compelled to leave school entirely. He was making $80. a month. Mr. Adams the principal of the Academy said: Mr. Wilson, you

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have had hard luck, having a wife and 6 children to support; I will pay you for the remaining 2 monts $80. or $160 for the 2 monts and if your eyes enable you to take the school next September I will pay you $85. a month. It is 5 years now, 1917, since and his eyes are no better. In the spring of 1912 Elbert could not help me get a place of business and it was up to me to find it myself, and after spending a month looking around we succeeded in finding a place large enough for a store and living room for $5.00 a month. We procured some lumber, made some shelves and a counter, stocked up with confectionary, ice cream, soda water on ice, and some groceries and notions, and business began to increase rapidly about the first of June 1912, and continued till about the last of the month when all on a sudden we broke down from heat and overwork, and was compelled to close out business immediately and go to the county infirmary where we remained till November when my son Elbert wanted me to come and stay with him that winter 1912-1913, and teach a family school, as his two girls were obliged to stay out of school to help their mother on account of his eyes. The third was a son who went to school in the forenoon and

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to our family school afternoons which made three pupils, the eldest a girl Elberta Wilson 12, the second Martha Wilson 10, the third Marvin Wilson 8, grandpa the teacher and all. We all joined the 6th Ward when our certificates of membership were presented and accepted, from the 1st Ward to this the 6th Ward, Ogden City, Weber County, Utah, Dec 20th, 1912. The studies in our family shcool were: orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, simple bookkeeping, and theology. Sept 1913 the chidlren, all 3, started to school. Some time after I asked Elberta the older girl, and the oldest of the children if she though our family school was of any benefit to you children in the new term. She answered: I should say it did benefit us grandpa, I don't know what we would have done without it, for we get our 100% right along almost the ame as if we had not stayed out. Some time in July 1913 I was compelled to go to the same at Roy, 6 miles from Ogden, Utah, county hospital, again, I remained that fall and winter and on the 4th of March 1914. I boarded the train for Douglas, Arizona via San bernardinao, CA. and arrived in Douglas on the 7th of March at 7 p.m.

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On the 10th of July 1914, the writer boarded the train for Esaias Haynie's ranch 4 miles east of Chandler, Arizona.  During his one month stay there he led the Sunday School and church choirs 4 Sundays by request of Sister Peterson, the choir leader, after which he met his son William Wellington Wilson for the first time since 1898, a period of 16 years, from 4 years to 20 years of age.  Soon after this he went to Brother Hancock's, 4 miles south of Chandler and stayed about one month and then went home, 35 miles, with his son John S. Wilson and his wife Ella Cecilia Hancock Wilson, 10 miles northwet of Phoenix, Arizona.

Previous to leaving Douglas, Arizona, July 10th 1914, he was called out of bed in the night to administer to his daughter, Mary Elma Wilson Haynie, for nervous debility, from which she soon recovered by the healing power of the Holy Spirit of our Father in heaven. Not long after, he

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was called again in the night to anoint and lay hands on her for a severe case of the mumps. She was soon relieved by the power of God and safely recovered sufficiently to do housework. Not long after this he was called up again in the night to perform the same ordinance for his granddaughter, Elma Haynie, who was suffering severelky with the mumps and in this case as in the former two, administered to her alone, and it was plainly manifested that she soon recovered by the same healing power, and we all acknowledged His hand in it.  After remaining with John S. Hancock and spending many pleasant moments playing the violin with John with his harmonica and Ella his wife with her guitar for accompaniment. We also had many agreeable gospel conversations that winter 1914-1915.  Their little girl Louise, 4 years old, was paralyzed from the hips down to her toes which

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she could not move, was a burden to her mother.
Early in February 1915, the writer moved from the Hancock ranch to Mesa City, Arizona, about 30 miles from the ranch and found a welcome home at Sister Sarah Lucretia Pomeroy's home. She was president of the second ward Relief Society. She and husband, Elijah Pomeroy, and daughter Monita Pomeroy, and son Ruel Pomeroy, were all reasonably kind to me. We used to go to Sunday School and Sacrament meetings and Stake quarterly conferences with great regularity. We played the violin many times and Monita's piano accompaniment the chords of which we taught her for the violin and which was a source of pleasure and many happy moments. We always had out prayers morining and evening in our little room.

The writer was called from his little room one evening to administer to Ruel at his request for an acute attack of stomach trouble. The family having no consecrated oil in the house and after a word of prayer he laid his hands on him and prayed

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for him in faith and the next day he was up and around as usual.  During the year and six months of time the writer of this remained at Sister Lucretia Pomeroy's 1915-1916, he pruned all the bearing fruit trees of her orchard of 1 1/4 acres, remodeled her chicken house and yard, fed 85 chickens mostly white leghorn hens, also built a chicken and yard for his own white Wyandotte chickents which he sold to her for $5.00 in cash just previous to his boarding the train for Douglas, Arizona on the 4th day of September 1916. On arriving at Douglas, Sept 5th at 8 a.m., he was met by 4 or 5 of his grandchildren. They were all well and glad to see him. The very next day, September 6th, he commenced giving violin lessons to his granddaughter of 12 years at her request. His grandson Esaias Haynie built him a small room where he gave the violin music lessons.  Winnie Haynie learned to read and play violin music quite rapidly in the little

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time she could spare from her school studies that winter 1916-1917.

On the 3rd day of June 1917 the writer boarded the train at Douglas, 8 a.m. for Salt Lake City in company with his brother L.S. Huish, his daughter and others who were ging to the great M.I.A. conference. We passed through San Bernardino, California, and arrived in S.L. city on the 5th of June p.m.. After staying with his brother Joseph E. Wilson in the City till the 16th of June, he boarded the 4 p.m. train for Helper, Utah, 117 miles southeast of S.L.C., arriving at 7 p.m. and stayed at nearest hotel. Early next moring Sunday 17th of June he made hasty preparations for boarding the auto mail stage at 8 a.m. bound for Fort Duchesne, Uinta County, Utah, 100 miles, where he arrived at 5:10 p.m. It was a hard and rough old ride.  The writer's son William Wellington Wilson who lived about 2 miles south of the Fort came with a buggy to the hote. after him the next morning Monday June 18th at 9 a.m. and took him

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to his humble but welcome home. He passed time pleasantly with his son and his wife Beryl Wilson singing often with the violin, and in gospel conversations, in pulling weeds for the pig, and hoeing and watering the garden and sometimes chopping a little stove wood, etc.  Some time in early August he anointed and laid hand on his son, William Wellington Wilson, for accute stomach trouble, alone. THe next day brother Bert Harris called in and we both administered to him. Brother Harris anointing him and his father Stephen F. Wilson confirming the anointing, and on the next day he went to work as usual. Thus we see the Lord comes to our assistance when we aks Him in Faith.

Later in August 1917, the writer went, moved down the river 7 miles to his brother Ira Lyman Wilson's farm and remained there till the 22nd or about that time, of September 1917 when he moved up to Randlett 5 miles into a small room almost adjoining

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the large room occupied by his niece Ida Wilson Chlarson, in a large brick government building. He ate at her table and was otherwise treated royally and hospitably by her. She was sending 2 children to school on an adjoining lot. He attended Sunday School and meetings playing the violin to help the chorister in the singing in another large room in the same building. He also gave lessons on the violin, in his own room, to a 14 year old boy, "nonmormon", whose name is Robert Dean.

There is one part of the writer's travels that he overlooked which is quite interesting. When he left Douglas, Arizona, on the 10th of July 1914 bound for the boys, his grandsons Esaias, Glen, and Ether, 4 miles east of Chandler, Arizona, he stopped off at Benson, Arizona, and remained a week at George Herbert's place 3 miles north of Benson, then moved a mile farther north and met his old friend and brother

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Parley Pratt Sabin who invited him to come and stay with him a while and welcome. Brother Sabin's home was across the street opposite the district school house where the county allowed the saints of Robinson, now Pomerene, to hold their Sunday School meetings and dances and so on. The writer attended Sunday Schools and meetings there and bore his testimony a number of times. In the afternoon of the 24th of July 1914, he played the violin for the children's dance free, but was paid $5.00 in silver dollars for playing for the night dance. Brother Sabin told him to help himself to ripe peaches and grapes of which he had a regular feast. He was also treated kindly every way. He wrote a token of friendship and remembance in poetry to each member of the family. About the last of July 1914 he went back through Douglas, Arizona where he stayed overnight at his daughter Mary Elma Wilson Haynie's place on his way to White Water to visit his old

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friend and brother Bishop Peter A. Dillman from Oaxaca, Sonora, Mexico, who said: "My home is your home as long as you want to stay." After remaining with him during the month of August, attending Sunday Schools and Sacrament meetings 4 miles away with him and his dear wife and children, riding in their buggy and having many pleasant gospel conversations at the table and at other times, also violin music with piano or organ accompaniment which he taught the young folks to play with his violin for dances and other amusements for past time. He also stayed with one of the bishop's counselors, brother A.S. Porter, an interesting family, a week in the Webb Ward, and taught the children to play the chords on the piano for the violin, besides engaging in edifying conversations quiet often. About the last of August same year 1914, the writer

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Stephen F. Wilson, played his violin for his own benefit at at dance one night which proved to be a rainy one which prevented a full attendance and the proceeds was only $1.50 which was not enough for railroad fare back to Pomerene to brother P.P. Sabin's. So Bishop Peter A Dillman suggested another party in a few days. In the meantime he wrote from 2 to 4 verses of poetry for Autograph Album to every member of the bishop's and brother Porter's families as tokens of friendship and best wishes and remembrances.  After playing for another benefit previously appointed for $4.50 he boarded the train about the first of September for Pomerene, Arizona.

He remained with his old friend and brother P.P. Sabin about a week and again boarded the train at Benson, Arizona for Chandler 6 miles south from Mesa. Esaias Haynie's ranch farm was 4 miles east of Chandler, where

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Ether Haynie with his buggy was waiting for him, grandpa, to take him out to said ranch as stated at top of page 69, of this book.

Now to return to Robert Dean on Page 75 to continue this biography, it was about Thanksgiving time when the writer's hearing suddenly failed so that he could not distinctly hear the violin in the hands of young Robert Dean, who was learning well, but had to discontinue the lessons and take his violin home with him and wait till the hearing came back. It was no little disappointment to the learner as well as to the teacher.

Soon after Robert and his good mother left my room December 2, 3, 1917, with the violin I was called into my nieces big room to a fine Wilson family Sunday after meeting dinner, where we all were happy and enjoyed each other's society and a good

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spirit as Latter-day Saints should.

Sometime late in January 1918 the writer came down with a bad cold in the head and a severe cough which his folks said was the grippe, which continued for nearly a month before it began to abate. It affected his hearing which became worse than usual. On the 9th day of May 1918 his brother Lyman's team driven by Cyrus Nelson his grandson, moved him and all his effects from Randlett down to the Wilson farm, 5 miles, which was the day the Randlett school was out. The next day Friday the 10th his brother Lyman voed him a few rods into an old log cabin recently vacated by his adopted son Reuben Wilson and his wife Luella Durfee Wilson and two children. Then on Sunday the 12th his niece Ida Wilson Chlarson and her 3 children moved from Randlett down to the Wilson farm to stay till school commenced again in September 1918.

The writer, Stephen F. Wilson, after he was moved into one end of the Reuben Wilson log cabin with a dirt roof and floor and a wheat and oats bin in other end and a little laundry stove in his room, passed the time away

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"searching the scriptures" and reading the church works and the Deseret Semi-weekly Newspaper church and war news, and the Liahona missionary news, and writing a little from time to time in this book.

He boarded at his brother Ira Lyman Wilson's place about 200 yards away and went with them up 5 miles to Randlett to Sunday School and Sacrament meetings most of the time when the Duchesne River was low enough to ford with a wagon or buggy. He also spent some of the time writing letters and souvenir tokens of good will and blessings, the latter in poetry, to his friends and relatives in Utah and Arizona. The writer also writes a little music from time to time for singing and for the violin.

On the 9th of June he went down half a mile to Reuben Wilson's to attend Sunday School which was held there till the Duchesne River went down so we could go to the S.S. at Randlett.  Brother E.F. Durfee and his daughter Angeline Durfee and his sons, Ralph Durfee, Fahy Durfee, and Morris Durfee with their organ were in attendance. Brother Durfee acted as S.S. superintendent and read the Articles of Faith which were then repeated

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in concert. Elder Durfee then bore his testimony and asked the writer to make a few remarks which he did and bore testimony also. Brother Durfee's son-in-law Reuben Wilson also bore testimony to the truth of the gospel. At the close of the Sunday School the writer joined the singers at the organ played by sister Miss Angeline Durfee in singing for pleasant pastime. He also formed new friendships and acquaintances among new friends all of whom were Latter-day Saints. He was also invited by Brother Durfee to come to his place and assist his children in vocal and instrumental music, also in orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, and theology, et.

On the 7th day of August Brother Durfee moved him down a mile and a half to his place to join his family consisting of himself, one daughter, and three sons, all of whom gave him a hearty welcome to their peaceful and hospitable home for the coming winter to participate in their happiness, amusements and gospel conversations. And to play the violin with their organ accompaniment, and ride with them in their covered wagon 6 miles up to Randlett to Sunday School and Sacrament meetings. He went up in their covered wagon to Randlett 6 miles with the big boy and girl and played

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the violin for a farewell dinner for Elder Berry Harris who was going as a soldier to Camp Lewis, Oregon. He received cash $2.95 for playing the violin, one dollar of it from the soldier.

On the 1st day of September Sunday 1918, he went with Ralph and Angeline (both single) and Fahy, 12, and Morris, 8, up to Randlett 6 miles to ward Sunday School and Fast day meeting and bore his testimony i S.S. also in fast meeting at 2 p.m. Brother Edmond Franklin Durfee, the children's father remained at home to take care of the place. President William H. Smart of Roosevelt headquarters of the Duchesne Stake- also Bishop Byron O. Colton of our Randlett ward who resides in Vernal, also his second counselor Charles M. Larson, also of Vernal the county seat of Uinta County, Utah, were in attendance and gave us some very good counsel and encouraging remarks.

The writer took the borrowed violin to its owner Robert Dean in Randlett after playing it for the Sunday School September 8, 1918.

Sister Lavina Wilson, Cyrus NelsonReuben Wilson and his wife Luella Wilson and their three children came with their picnic and a birthday cake and took him (Stephen F. Wilson) by surprise in the evening of his, (the writer's)

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81st birthday September 27, 1918. The evening was spent in singing, and with organ and flute music, and eating picnic, watermelons, and some muskmelons, and enjoying many pleasant conversations till 11 p.m. A souvenir birthday card was presented to the writer by Reuben Wilson and his wife Luella. This took place at the residence of brother Edmond F. Durfee and his daughter Angeline Durfee, and sons, Ralph Durfee, Fahy Martin Durfee, and Morris Durfee, with whom the writer was making his home indefinitely, and who were very kind to him and are good Latter-day Saints.

Last evening about 9 p.m. Elder Durfee called on him to help administor to his son Fahy Martin Durfee for a fever. He anointed the boy and his father confirmed the anointing. The boy 12 years is much better today 10th of October 1918 at this writing. The writer S.F. Wilson was treated as one of the family and took part in the family prayers morning and evening which were generally preceeded by singing at the organ. On the 22nd Oct. Tuesday about 8 p.m. Elder E.F. Durfee called on him to assist in administering to the same boy the second time. E.F.D. the oil, S.F.W. the confirmation.

The third time Thursday October 24 at boy's request S.F.W. - the oil and E.F.D. the confirmation at about 8 p.m.. Better today Friday October 25th 1918.

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The next to come down with the Spanish influenza, as it is called, was the oldest son of the family of Brother E. F. Durfee, at home.  His name is Ralph, 18 years of age, and single. While feeling some worse Sunday evening about 8 p.m. December 1st, 1918, he requested to be administered to by the elders. His father readily responed, calling upon elder Stephen F. Wilson to do the anointing which was confirmed by his father, Edmond F. Durfee, immediately after which Ralph bore testimony, saying: "No one can tell me that there is no healing power in the Priesthood, nor efficacy in the prayer of faith."

On the 1st day of April 1919 my brother Ira Syman Wilson moved me from brother Edmond F. Durfee's place on the farm to a ranch frame house which he had rented for his daughter Ida and her children, one boy and two girls. They gave me my choice of the three rooms of the house where I was kindly treated and looked after till my son, William W. Wilson came and moved me up to a place called Randlett, Uinta County, Utah.,

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where I attended Sunday Schools and Sacrament meetings. My sister-in-law Lavina A. Wilson sent provisions from their farm tent home 3 miles down the Duchesne River during the month of June 1919.

After spending the 4th of July and playing the violin with the piano for Sunday Schools, meetings, conferences and dances, I made preparations to go to Salt Lake City where my son Austin Brown Wilson was living, and at his request I packed up all my earthly belongings and engaged a Mr. Dean to take me to Salt Lake City in his automobile for $15.00 which was paid by my son William W. Wilson, who took me to Mr. Dean's place the evening of July 5th, 1919. Next morning we rolled out 8 a.m. for Salt Lake City, called 100 miles. Mr. Dean said if nothing happened we would be in S.L.City that night about sundown on the 6th. But his machine broke down and we had to camp till morning when we soon proceeded

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on our journey and arrived at my son's place in the 7th Ward of the Pioneer Stake of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 7th, 1919.

My son Austin Brown Wilson was working in a restaurant up town when I arrived and immediately on his return from work he gave me possession of his little 8' X 8' room which made me quite comfortable for the summer but it was not so much so the next winter. During that summer, fall and winter I took care of his 50 hens and on till April or May when he sold them and turned the cash on his city lot, a half acre, as part of an installment. It was a very hard winter with frequent snow storms which made it very difficult for me to keep the snow shoveled and swept off the feeding ground for the hens. It worked a hardship on me by being overworked and exposed to the wind and snow storms, and having only a coal oil stove heater which did not give

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sufficient heat for such a cold winter. We had to give possession of the little room, and my son Austin had to move his bedding up to the restaurant, and I left my bedding in his care while I went to the county infirmary in Salt Lake Lake City, where my good bishop of the 7th Ward Pioneer Stake, Charles P. Margett's, took me in his automobile on the 29th of June 1920, Elder Stephen F. Wilson was given a comfortable 8 X 8 single room in the Infirmary but was soon after moved to another near by room same size which was more convenient and comfortable.

Some time in June 1919, before he left Randlett, Uinta County, Utah, a young brother Jackson made him a presnet of a violin with the neck broken off, and which he brought with him. Brother Jerry A. Hancock of the 7th Ward kindly offered to get it repared for me without a cent of charge which he did although it cost him $10.

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County Infirmary Salt Lake City, Utah - July 7, 1921

The writer passed the winter of 1920-1921 quite comfortably most of the time reading the Deseret News and the Bible, Book of Mormon, L.D. Saints Hymn Book, and composing, ruling and writing songs with music, also a few pieces of music for the violin to play for the picture shows in Infirmary chapel down the first floor, every Tuesday evening. He also made a hadbook of Bible and Book of Mormon scripture references to prove the divine mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to preach the gospel plan of salvation to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, to the nations afar off and the islands of the seas. Last yeare, 1920, the writer went to Salt Air near Salt Lake City with the old folks outing party and he wore the red badge which indicated that the person male or female was from 80 to 90 years of age, he being 83. He wnet with his son Austin Brown Wilson to Liberty Part, Salt Lake City, Utah, Fourth of July 1921 celebration. He was very much pleased with what

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he saw there, -beautiful lawns all shaded with a variety of trees including the pine and the weeping willow. The beautiful lake covered with row boat and motor boat joy riders.

County Infirmary Salt Lake City, Utah U.S.A. - July 18, 1921

The writer passed the time reading the Deseret News paper, which is called the Church organ and which disseminates the news of the world in general, as well as the principles of the gospel of Christ contained in the sermons of the elders in all the conferences of the Latter-day Saints in general the world over, also the leading activities of the Church.

He also studied the scriptures contained in the Latter-day Saints Hymn book, answered and sent letters from and to children and grand children, played the violin for the poorhouse picture show Tuesday evening July 12, and next day the 18th he went to the old folks'.

Infirmary - August 3, 1921.
The Writer visited brother William Clark who has been sorely afflicted with the second toe of his right foot which was amputated three months

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ago and second operation was performed on it some little time afterward but still it does not heal up but continues to be painful.

Last night, Aug, 2nd, the writer played the violin for the Infirmary moving pictures show. The last few days he has been reading the proceedings of the quarterly conference of the Pioneer Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. I belong to and am a member of the 7th Ward of the Pioneer Stake.

Aug. 12, 1921, I went from the Infirmary on the street car 2 miles or more to my ward fast meeting at 2 p.m.. Sunday, August 7th, the bishop gave me a silver dollar to buy a few necessaries. I bear my testimony nearly every month and realize it is a good habit. It also strengths one's testimony and is a source of happiness. It is a pleasure to read the sermons of the authorities of the church, and it adds faith to faith.

The old Irish song, "It's a long, long, way to Tipperary "sent to me by my grand daughter from Douglas, Arizona, was soon copied by myself into

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my handbook of songs and music to play on the violin for the picture shows.

September 7, 1921 - Last evening, Tuesday 6th, I played "It's a long, long way to Tipperary" for the second time for the moving picture show in the chapel of the County Infirmary on the first floor. Some make complimentary remarks about my violin music on these occasions, and say it is the best part of the entertainment.

Last Sunday, August 7, 1921, the writer attended the High Priests Quorum of the Pioneer Stake in Salt Lake City. The Stake Tabernacle and the 7th Ward chapel are side by side. He also attended the fast meeting in chapel of the seventh ward of which he is a member. In his testimony he warned the saints in the congregation to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing who are trying to deceive the very elect of the Lord if possible by leading the lambs of the flock astray. He also testified that the 2nd chapter of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled on the 6th day of April 1830, and will continue to be until it fills the whole earth. Also the 2nd chapter of Isaiah

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November 28, 1921 - "And the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the tops of the mountains, etc."

The writer was 84 years of age on the 27th day of September 1921, and still able to get on the streetcar with his crutch and cane and go to fast day meetings, High Priest meetings, and Sunday Schools in his 7th ward of the Pioneer Stake, Salt Lake City, Utah.

His name is on the roll of the Stake High Priests.  He also attended the first day of the October conference which was Thursday 6th, also on Sunday, the last day October 10th. It was said this conference was one of the best ever heald by the Church. Some of the counsels given in the opening sermon by President Heber J. Grant on the principles of the gospel of our Savior, also on the subjects of tithing, getting out of debt and keeping out, and of home manufacture of sustaining home industries and being self-sustaining as far as possible, also

Page 94

on keeping the Word of Wisdom, all of which were long to be remembered. My attendance at the Tabernacle 2 p.m., Sunday November 13, 1921, was well repaid on hearing a discourse by President Heber J. Grant, delivered for the benefit of Tourists, investigators, visitors, and strangers witing our gates, on a

Page 99

 Colonia Diaz Sunday School congregation around 1898
Combination church and schoolhouse congregation in Colonia Diaz, Mexico around 1898


PAF - Archer files = Captain James Brown + (1) Martha Stephens > John Martin Brown I + (3) Louisa Ann Wilson > (2) Sarah Jane Brown + Stephen Fairchild Wilson.

The above pages comprise the personal journal of Stephen Fairchild Wilson This record was loaned by Elberta Wilson Critchlow of Ogden,Utah, December 1977. There are a number of blank pages between the numbers 127 and 185. The index to the journal starts on page 197 but was moved to the beginning of this webpage. Some of the data at the end of the autobiography was written by Mary E. Wilson Haynie.

Stephen Fairchild Autobiography. Donated in longhand format to this site by Erold Clark Wiscombe. Typed and included here by Lucy Brown Archer.

Copyright 2004 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org

Stephen Fairchild Wilson was born 27 Sep 1837 in Charleston, Coles, Il. He died 8 Feb 1927 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut and was buried 9 Feb 1927 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut. Stephen married Sarah Jane Brown on 12 Dec 1870 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut.
Stephen's father: Wellington Paul Wilson was born 1 Feb 1814 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vt. He died 29 May 1896 in Hillsdale, Garfield, Ut and was buried 30 May 1896 in Hillsdale, Garfield, Utah. Wellington married Elizabeth Boardman Smith in Kirtland, Lake, Oh.
Stephen's father's father: Deliverance Wilson Jr. was born 2 Jul 1769 in Petersham, Wrcs, Ma. He died 1838 in On Journey to Mi and was buried in , , Illinois. Deliverance married Lovina Fairchild on 10 Jul 1789 in , , Il. Lovina Fairchild was born 10 Feb 1773 in Arlington, Benntn, Vt. She died Aug 1843 in Nauvoo, Hanck. Il and was buried Aug 1843 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois.

Stephen's mother: Elizabeth Boardman Smith was born 27 Jan 1817 in Ernestown, Ontario, Canada. She died 25 Sep 1893 in Logan, Cache, Ut and was buried 27 Sep 1893 in Logan City Cemet, Logan, Cache, Ut

Sarah Jane Brown was born 26 May 1855 in Ogden, Weber, Ut. She died from smallpox 17 Jan 1877 in Harrisville, Weber, Ut and was buried 17 Jan 1877 in Harrisville, Weber, Ut [Page 27, 38, ]

Sarah Jane's father: John Martin Brown was born 29 Jun 1824 in Flat Creek Swamp, Rowan, Nc and was christened in Lickcreek, Davidson, North Carolina. He died 13 Oct 1888 in West Weber, Weber, Ut and was buried 15 Oct 1888 in Ogden, Weber, Ut.
John Martin Brown married Louisa Ann Wilson on 23 Oct 1854 in Ogden, Weber, Ut.
John's parents are: Captain James Brown was born 30 Sep 1801 in Lich Creek, Rowan, Nc. He died 30 Sep 1863 in Ogden, Weber, Ut and was buried 2 Oct 1863 in Ogden, Weber Co., Utah. James married Martha Stephens on 2 Mar 1823 in , Rowan County, Nc.
John Martin Brown's mother: Martha Stephens was born 12 Oct 1806 in Salisbury, Rowan, Nc. She died 28 Sep 1840 in Kingston, Adams, Il and was buried in Near Kingston, Adams, Il.

Sarah Jane's mother: Louisa Ann Wilson was born 16 Feb 1829/1831 in , Green or Richard, Oh. She died in Ogden, Weber, Ut



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... Easter 1986 through October 2005


... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by
Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

... To be Published Soon:

Send Comments and Information to: 




... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

Send Additions and Information to:


...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters


...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

- Captain James Brown 1801-1863

...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

- Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

- Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

(Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

(Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

(Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

(Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

(Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

(Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

(Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

- (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915












Contact Us:
Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
P.O. Box 980111
Park City, Utah 84098-0111