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Orson Pratt Brown's Uncle
Daniel Brown
This History is found in Erold Clark Wiscombe's "The Brown Book" Page 27 F. Daniel BROWN (James 2, William 1) Daniel was the youngest child of James Brown Sr. [1753-1832] and Mary (Polly) Williams Brown [c.1752-1827]. He was born 30 June 1804, in Rowan County, North Carolina. As a young man he worked hard on his father’s farm. His father died 27 March 1823. Daniel took over the management of the family farm.
Mary (Polly) Williams Brown, Daniel’s mother died about 1827. Daniel and his wife continued to live on the family farm until 1 October 1831, during which time he had the misfortune of having two homes burned to the ground. One home burned in 1824, and the other in 1831. It was after the latter disaster occurred that he resolved to try his luck in some other state. On the 6th of October 1831, he left North Carolina and traveled northward to Illinois. Besides his own family, he took Alexander Stephens and John Stephens, two of his wife’s brothers, both single men, his two unmarried sisters, Mary (Polly) Brown and Nancy Brown, and a nephew, Homer Jackson, his sister Susan’s son [husband is Sion or Siren Jackson who attempted to shoot Captain James Brown while on one of hs missions.]. They traveled by team and wagon through the states of Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and on into Morgan County, in western Illinois. In this place he secured an old log school house on the 18th of December, and to support his family he chopped and split rails through the winter. When spring came, Daniel left his family on the 10th of March 1832, and crossed over the Illinois River into Schuyler County, which was at that time rather wild and uninhabited. There was an abundance of wild animals such as the panther, black and grey wolf, deer, raccoon, opossum, and a great many turkeys. There was a great amount of fertile land that was vacant. Daniel, being naturally inclined to a hunter’s life, resolved to select himself a home in this wilderness. He selected a spot about one and a half miles from the Illinois River and went to work constructing a cabin. He then returned to Morgan County and moved his family to their new home on the 15th of April [1832] [Daniel's son Jerome Brown wrote: "Some time later he moved his family into Iowa. Here father thought he would stay two or three years to better fit himself for the journey west. thirty miles northeast of Council Bluffs. Here he built a two-room log house and pre-empted one hundred sixty acres of land and eighty acres of good timber land. He raised good crops but at first there was no market for his crops as his nearest neighbor was twelve miles distant."]. With the help of the family he cleared about 80 acres and planted a small orchard. In addition to the cabin, they built a large barn, stables, and other out houses. Daniel wrote back to his family and friends in North Carolina such glowing accounts of his new home that he induced his brother, James Brown, Jr., to come with his family. Two of his other sisters also joined them. James settled about 25 miles from the home of his brother, Daniel. This was in the year 1833. The country in Western Illinois was then wild, with very few inhabitants. The climate was also somewhat unhealthy, thus it was with great difficulty that he and his wife succeeded in making a home and gathering Page 28 about them the comforts of life. They were frontier settlers, and while they had their pick of the land, they also had to endure the hardships and privations of a new country. There were no churches or schoolhouses nearer than ten miles from the Brown home. Grist mills and blacksmith shops were also equally distant. Thus, the family was reared without the advantages of schools, or of church-going religious training. However, they were thoroughly acquainted with border life, with hunting, fishing, and all the sports indulged in by hardy pioneers, and even, as his son James stated: "We learned to shake terribly from the ague, and burn with fever spells, while we were dosed with quinine and calomel, and had enormous doctor bills to pay." 3 In their daily living, they trained horses and cattle to work, stocked their own plows, made their own harrows, rakes and forks, braided their own whips from the pelts of wild animals which they had learned to dress, raised their own honey, and made their own sugar, supplementing their income by selling the same. They had a good sugar orchard, and plenty of wild fruit and nuts for the gathering. As the first settlers of new countries are more or less subject to the dangers from outlaws, wild beasts, and savage men, they found it important to be well armed, and on the alert day and night to defend life and liberty. Thus, they learned the use of firearms and the tomahawk. Daniel was an expert with the old Kentucky rifle, and some of his boys were not far behind him. He trained them to shoot with a rising sight, to keep cool, and always have their powder dry, with plenty of it. He also taught them to tell the truth, an used to say: "Be honest, stand up for your rights, and fight for your country and friends." 4 [Jerome continues: "Soon after harvest time, five or six French traders with a large herd of Indian ponies came in from the north. A few days later more traders and horses came, all stopping overnight at my father's house. The next year a great deal of travel came that way going north. My father had the townsite called Calhoun. Travel increased and my father built a hotel and kept the stage coach horses as they came by. Soon the town boasted a post office, two stores, a livery stable, two saloons, a blacksmith ship, a tailor shop, a sawmill, a grist mill, and a printing press."] In the year 1835, people began to settle around the Brown Family, then the circuit riders, as the ministers were called, commenced to call around and hold meetings in private homes. They were the Baptists, Freewill-Baptists, Methodists, Campbellites, and others. From 1836 to 1838, some small churches and schoolhouses were built. The children received very little schooling at this time, however, because of the urgent need for them on the farm during the summer. Then in the winter, the boys were engaged in getting out timber and hauling to market the farm products. In 1839, Schuyler County, Iowa was divided, and the family farm was now in Brown County, Iowa. Perhaps it was named after Daniel’s family, as they were certainly among the first inhabitants of the area. {Jerome: "About this time Sioux city, Iowa, Eighty miles north on the Missouri River began to boom. Another hotel was built in Calhoun, both hotels being overrun with people. My father (Daniel) propered rapidly and he began to live carelessly like the rest of the community. My mother lived faithful to her religion all her life. My mother came to Utah the year the railroad, the Union Pacific was completed. She stayed here on a three months visit and received her endowments in the old Salt Lake Endowment House."] Sometime in the late 1830’s, they began to hear about false prophets, a new religion, miracles, money-diggers, thieves, liars, miracle-workers, deceivers, witches, speaking in tongues and interpretation of the same, walking on the water, and visits from angels. As time went on, all of these things were combined to form a grand excuse for raising mobs to expel the new church from the borders of civilization. Then came news Page 29 of murder, rapine, house burning, and destruction of town and cities in Missouri. There were also great "showers" of stars in the firmament about this time. On popular rumor, and from hearing only one side of the story, almost everybody decided that such a previously unheard of people as the Mormons ought to be shot or burned at the stake. This was the sentiment to be found on every hand. As a culmination of these things came the tidings that the Missourians had driven the Mormons from their state into Illinois. A little later on, a Latter-day Saint, named, Elder Jacob Foutz entered the neighborhood of Daniel’s brother, James. This Elder converted James and his wife, and several neighbors. This Elder was brought by James to preach to other members of the Brown Family. 5 An historian in Capt. James Brown’s family has recorded this meeting with the Mormon Elders in the following manner: "In the spring of 1839, after the Latter-day Saints had been expelled from Missouri, they began to settle in Adams County, in western Illinois. The principles which that peculiar people taught were first declared to James Brown by two Mormon Elders at a meeting held in Dunkard, in the same county. After the meeting was over, James said to Elders Jacob Foutz and David Evans: ‘Gentlemen, if that is the doctrine which the Mormons believe in and teach, I want you to come and preach in my house’. The invitation was accepted and an appointment was made for the Elders to hold a meeting at Mr. Brown’s house on Sunday, two weeks from that day. With the appointed time came Elders Jacob Foutz and Tarlton Lewis. They held a meeting at the time and place agreed upon, after which Elder Foutz baptized James Brown and his wife and four of their children. This occurred in the early part of June 1839." 6 After his baptism, James lost no time in carrying the ‘glad tidings of great joy’, as he expressed it, to his younger brother, Daniel, and his sisters, Mary (Polly), Nancy, Martha (Patsy) Brown, and Obedience Brown, all of whom were living in Illinois. Elder Foutz was given permission to preach in the schoolhouse about three miles from Daniel’s home. This was in the fall of 1840. The news spread like a prairie fire that the Mormons had come to preach on Friday. At the first meeting held by the Mormons, the building was pretty well filled. Some attended with the thought that after the services were over, they would tar and feather the Elder and ride him out on a rail. Others were going to confound him, and still others wanted to see the fun, they said. The preacher was a plain-spoken man of about 35 to 40 years of age, of German descent. He was plainly dressed, and without the urbane polish which ministers usually have. When he began his discourse, he raised up very calmly and deliberately and read from Matt. 7: 15-20, (Beware of false prophets…by their fruits ye shall know them, etc.) He spoke from that text and corroborating passages of scripture, supporting his address. Some of the people said they did not want to mob a man Page 30 who preached like that, while others sniffed their noses and tried to get up a sneering laugh, but failed. The Elder was invited to Daniel’s sister’s home and was granted permission to preach on Sunday in their oak grove. Elizabeth, Daniel’s wife joined the church in 1840, and was baptized by Jacob Foutz, the same man who had converted James Brown. In 1842, Daniel also became converted and asked for baptism. He was baptized by Eden Smith. [7] The Brown Family owned a pet deer that the children loved very much. One day a bulldog, owned by the family, caught it by the nose. Daniel’s second son, James Stephens Brown, tried to get the dog off and was beat up, being lacerated considerably when the frightened deer kicked and tore off most of his clothes. Soon after this, the deer was followed in the woods near the house by a large buck, which Daniel shot. The animals shoulder was broken, and again James S. followed it to the millpond and sprang into the water to hold it. As he seized its horn, the buck, which had a firm footing threw him around, lacerating his left hand. For a time his life was in peril, but he struggled and finally used his pocketknife on the animal’s throat. Some time after this episode, a man named John Boss shot and wounded a big buck near the Brown home. It being night, he came to the house for assistance. Daniel and his son, James, went out to help. The dogs reached the buck, which charged on them, Daniel and James caught the buck’s hind feet. It kicked free of them, and they had a close call, but no one was hurt. They finally secured the game. During July, 1844, the news reached the Brown Family that the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum Smith, had been assassinated in the Carthage jail, by a mob. They also heard that the Mormons had been ordered to leave the state. Many rumors abounded and there was great excitement. Daniel’s brother, James, had been on a mission in North Carolina at this time, but he returned as soon as he had heard that the Prophet had been killed. When he arrived in Illinois, he called on his brother, Daniel, and asked him to accompany him back to Missouri to avenge the death of the prophet by shooting Governor L. W. Boggs, the man who had issued the extermination order for the Mormons. He and Daniel, both expert marksmen, took their rifles and horses and head for Missouri. After riding all night, James began to feel very uneasy and said to his brother, "I feel we should stop and kneel down and pray." They dismounted and knelt in prayer. During the prayer a voice from heaven spoke to them and said: "Vengeance is mine, and I will repay, return to your homes in peace!" The two brothers mounted their horses and returned to their homes in Illinois. Shortly after this, Daniel called a family meeting to consider what to do. It was a great venture to start out with a large family on a journey of a thousand miles or more into an unknown wilderness, among savage tribes; so after long discussion of the matter, it was decided to be too great an undertaking at this particular time. It was regarded as inadvisable to take the chance of starving to death in the wilderness. Besides, property was very low, and it seemed folly to sell a good home at so great a sacrifice. Page 31 When this decision was reached, Daniel turned to his children and asked them each what they thought of it. As he turned to James, he said: "Well Jimmy, what do you think about it?" The answer was quick and determined, "Where the Mormons go, he’d go, and where they died he would die. This rather surprised the other members of the family as James had not as yet become a member of the church. They tried to discourage him by saying that the Mormons probably wouldn’t have him, or that he would probably starve on the way, but their persuasions only tended to fix the idea more firmly in the mind of young James. Realizing that their persuasion wouldn’t work, Daniel ordered him to keep quiet, saying he would be thrashed if he talked of leaving home. This closed the discussion, for in those days a thrashing was a great panacea for disobedience, whether at home or in the school room. 8 James said no more at the time, but later confided to his mother that he would soon be missing, as he was getting ready to go with the Mormons, and should hide if searched for, even if he had to go off among the Indians. His mother was convinced that he would go, and her heart was so touched that she could not withhold his secret from her husband. Daniel had also become convinced that his son, James, was fully determined to carry through with his plans. One evening, soon afterwards, James overheard his parents talking the matter over. The father said it would break up the family if they did not move west, for Jim certainly would go; They were satisfied that the Mormon doctrines were true, and that perhaps they should make an effort to sell out and move. This conversation, which James overhead, filled his heart with joy. When morning came, Daniel set out to buy oxen, and was successful. He also sold the farm, but reserved the crop, as he had to wait until after the harvest for part of his pay for the land. He thought that by fitting out two good teams, and providing wagons and tools, he could take his brother-in-law, Alexander Stephens, his two unmarried sisters, and his son James and have them go out into Iowa, where they could put in some corn and build a cabin or two. The plan was that Alexander and James could stay and do the rest of the work while Daniel returned home to bring the rest of the family along to the new location after the harvest was completed. They would then all go on together and follow the church as best they could until a resting place was found. The way new seemed open. Daniel felt encouraged, and all went well until a few days before it was time for them to start. James was stricken down with fever and ague. He shook and chilled every other day until the first of May, at which time all was ready for moving. Efforts were made to persuade the boy not to go and that one of the other brothers should go in his place, but James would not hear of that. James heard his father talk the matter over with his mother, and said: "We will have to let him go, for he will not be satisfied without, but he will get enough of it when he has had a few day, and has camped out and shaken a few times with the ague." The boy thought to himself, "You are mistaken, Father, for I would rather die than be left behind." Page 32 l For a clear picture of the trip into Iowa Territory, James gives us his version of the journey as follows: "May 1, 1846, was a pleasant day, and we made our start for Nauvoo, passing through Versailles to a point some ten miles from home to the first night’s camp. I was encouraged to think I had kept so well, but about ten o’clock the second day I began to shake, and my teeth fairly to crack. I prayed earnestly to the Lord to heal me. I was quite weak, and all thought me very sick. But that was the last shake I had, for I began to get well from that time. It was on the fourth of May, I believe, that we reached Nauvoo, having passed through Mount Sterling, the county seat of Brown County, also through Carthage, where the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother, the Patriarch, Hyrum Smith, had been assassinated. We found the roads so muddy and such hard traveling that we did not make more that fifteen miles a day. When we came in sight of the temple at Nauvoo, our hearts were filled with mingled joy and sorrow. Joy that we had seen the temple of the Lord, and sorrow that the saints had been so cruelly drive from it. As we passed through the city, we saw many houses which had been abandoned. Indeed, the city itself seemed almost deserted. At some of the houses stood covered wagons, into which people were packing goods preparatory to their flight into the wilderness. Looking westward across the great Mississippi River, we saw long trains of wagons strung out over the high rolling prairie. The country was new, and the roads muddy, so we rested three or four days, visiting the temple and viewing the city that was beautiful for situation, but now was left with few inhabitants. Everything in and about the city that formerly hummed with industry and life now was lonely, saddened, and forlorn, and silent, but for the preparations for flight by the remnant therein. About the 8th of May we crossed the great ‘father of waters’, and joined the ‘rolling kingdom’ on its westward journey. We found friends and acquaintances, made up a company of our own, and passed and were repassed on the trip. Climbing an eminence from which we looked east and west, covered wagons could be seen as far as the eye could see. The teams were made up of oxen, milch cows, two-year-old steers and heifers, and very few horses and mules. The teamsters were of both sexes, and comprised young and old. The people who could walk, did so, and many were engaged in driving loose stock. Hundreds of teams stuck in the mud, and we had to double-up, and help one another out. Many times we had to wade in mud half to our knees and lift our wagons out of the mud. In this the women not infrequently would join their husbands and sons, and the old adage came true in numerous instances, ‘women for a dead lift’. When they plunged into the mud and put their shoulders to the wheels, the men were urged to do double effort, and the wagons always rolled out and onward at a rate of twelve to fifteen miles per day. Page 33 At every creek we found campers, some repairing wagons, yokes, chains, etc., doctoring sick cattle, washing clothes, or helping forward friends whose teams were weak. In all this there was excellent order, for the camps were organized in a general way by tens, fifties, and hundreds. Peace and harmony prevailed all along the line. Evening prayers were attended to in each camp. There was much singing, mostly of sacred hymns or sentimental songs; and from no quarter could coarse songs be heard. Sometimes the camp would meet in a sociable dance in the evenings, to drive dull care away; and there was always good order and the most perfect friendship and peace. The camps were instructed not to kill game of any kind to waste its flesh; they were not even to kill a snake on the road, for it was their calling to establish peace on earth, and good will toward man and beast. Thus all went on in peace and order. At one of the headwaters of the Grand River in Iowa, we found some hundreds of people putting in gardens and field crops of corn and potatoes. A few cabins had been built, so father and our party decided to stop here. We put in a few acres of corn and garden stuff, then father returned to Illinois to bring up the rest of the family, leaving my Uncle, Alexander Stephens, and myself to look after the crop and stock, which we did faithfully. About the 6th of July we heard that President Brigham Young and several of the twelve apostles had returned from the most advanced companies, and that there would be a meeting held in the white oak grove, which was the usual meeting place. The meeting would be held the next day. There was also a rumor in camp that a government recruiting officer had come to enlist volunteers, for the United States had declared war against Mexico. Of course this latter tiding was a great surprise, as the Mormons had been denied protection against mob violence and had been forced beyond the borders of civilization in the United States, and our camps were stretched out in an Indian country, from the Mississippi River to the Missouri. Surprised as we were at the government’s demand, we were still more so to think that our leaders would entertain for a moment the idea of encouraging compliance therewith. Yet, rumor said that President Young and the prominent men with him had come as recruiting officers as well. All who could be spared from the tents were eager to go to the white oak grove, and there we learned that the rumors were true. The United States Government demanded that a battalion of five hundred men be raised by the Mormon Church, then fleeing from mob violence for the want of protection by that government whose right and duty it was to protect them. The men of the moving camp were required to leave their families in the wilderness, almost unprotected, and go to a foreign land to fight their country’s battles. But, wonders never cease, the leading men among the Mormons, that is, Page 34 Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Wilford Woodruff, and others of the Twelve Apostles stood before the people and called for volunteers to engage in the Mexican War, saying that the five hundred men must be raised if it took the whole strength of the camp to do it. If the young men would not enlist, the middle aged and old men would, said President Young, the demands of our country should be met if it took the Twelve Apostles and the High Priests to do it. At the close of the meeting there were many who were enthused, while others appeared confused and did not seem to catch the spirit of the matter. I was not yet a member of the church, but all the old stories of the war of the Revolution and that of 1812, with the later Black Hawk Indian Wars, bright in my memory, made the spirit of the patriots awaken within me, and although I was averse to war and bloodshed, I had a desire to serve my country in any legitimate way. Yet, I felt that, as I was under age, and as my Uncle, Alexander Stephens had decided to enlist, the responsibilities of my father’s affairs now rested with me. My uncle and I were standing by the roadside talking over the situation when along came Ezra T. Bensen, who had recently been selected as one of the Twelve Apostles. With him was Richmond Louder, one of my associates from boyhood, and Matthew Caldwell. Richmond and I had previously talked about being baptized together. He said they were going down to attend to that sacred ordinance, and invited me to accompany them. I was very happy to join them. We went to the south fork of the Grand River, and with Uncle Alexander Stephens as a witness, we were baptized. This was on the 7th of July 1846. We then went to the house of General Charles C. Rich, where we were confirmed, I think under the hands of Elders Willard Richards and Ezra T. Benson, in the presence of President Brigham Young and others of the Twelve Apostles. This done, the happiest feeling of my life came over me. I thought I would to God that all the inhabitants of the earth could experience what I had done as a witness of the Gospel. It seemed to me that, if they could see and feel as I did, the whole of humankind would join with us in one grand brotherhood, and the universe would be prepared for the great millennial morn. When we returned to camp, my aunts partook of the same feeling that had filled me. Then I got the spirit to enlist, and after a short consultation with those most concerned, they advised me to lay the matter before brother, Ezra T. Benson. Accordingly, I went to him the next morning with my Uncle Alexander, and told Elder Benson my feelings, and the responsibility that I had that was left with me by my father. Elder Benson said the Spirit’s promptings to me were right, and I had started right. He told me to go on, saying that I would be blessed and my father would find no fault with me, his business would not suffer, and I would never be sorry for the action I had taken, or for my enlistment. Every word he said to me has been fulfilled to the very letter. Uncle Alexander and I then went to a tent where men were giving in their names, and were enrolled as members of the historic Mormon Battalion." 9 Page 35 As a more complete account of the struggles that young James S. Brown had with the Mormon Battalion is already in print in his autobiography, it will not be included here. When Daniel returned with his family, after harvesting the crops, he was very unhappy that his son, James and his brother-in-law, Alexander, had left with the Mormon Battalion. He wintered at this place near the headwaters of the Grand River until 25 April 1847, then they left their little home on the plains and headed for Winter Quarters, where the other saints were camped. Daniel arrived at Winter Quarters with a chip on his shoulder. He was unhappy with the Church because they had taken his son away from him without permission. He met Brigham Young, who seeing all the load of supplies that the Brown’s had, started to tell Daniel whom he should share with. This was too much for Daniel, and an argument ensued. This embittered him to the point that he refused to go on any farther. He decided to scout around the area of Western Iowa with the thought of securing a homestead where he could move his family and settle down on his own. It was over twelve years before the Brown family saw their son and brother, James, again. In a letter that Daniel wrote to James in 1854, he explains some of the reasons for his bitterness with the church. His letter follows: Calhoun (Iowa) April 16th 1854 Dear Son It is with feelings of joy that I address you these few lines hoping they will meet you in good health and spirits. We received your kind and welcome letter on the 10th of this month and were very happy to hear that you was well, as thank the Lord, it leaves us all at present, but it leaves me with a throbbing heart as it has ever since you left. If you ever live to have the feelings for a child, as I have for you, you will feel different to what you do. Under the present circumstances, my situation and care of my little ones at home has tied me fast, but if you had been situated where you could not return, I should have come to see you, be where you would. I have always, always recommended you for being true to the cause you have embraced, but I think your lot has been made a hard one giving you no chance for enjoyment in this life, taking you away from me when you were under my protection, as they should not have done and has made a complete slave of you ever since. All going to grandise themselves. Why not Brigham Young’s son go through the same campaign as you have. That is coming a visit if no more, not knowing how long I have yet to remain on this earth. My greatest desire about all things else, is to see you once more. Whenever on the bed of affliction my pillow is wet day in and day out, ever since you left, for the loss of your society. When I am up well and working around, I pass off the time better. I have not heard from Wilson since last August. I received a letter from Omer (Homer) Jackson, Shastity City, California, Page 36 the same day I received yours. It was dated the 6th of February. He was well and doing well. James left Shasity City and started back for Illinois that same day. I also received a letter the same day from David Brown, he is in Oregon, and was all well. I have not heard anything from Amons for the last year. Eleazer Davies and Family are well, and William and his family are well. The things you sent for if there is any chance they will be on hand, and I shall write again to you in the course of a month. Direct your next letter to Calhoun, Harrison County, the post office is now kept in my house. I must conclude with all our kind loves to you. May God bless. We remain your affectionate Father and Mother, From the History of Harrison County, Iowa, by Joe. H. Smith, we have an interesting insight into the struggles that this pioneer had when he had to depend upon nature and his own wits for self preservation. In most cases the wording of Mr. Smith has been left unchanged to add variety and a more extensive viewpoint of the life of Grandfather Brown. "There is some controversy as to who was the first settler in Harrison County, Iowa. Some say that the grand old pioneer, Daniel Brown, who for more than a quarter of a century lived at Calhoun, and died there in 1875, was and is entitled to the honor; but others equally as confident assert that this right belongs to Uriah Hawkins. It must be conceded that old Uncle Dan Brown was the first white man to select a claim in the county, but as he, soon after the selection, returned to Florence, Nebraska, and stayed at that place until the following spring, and then moved his family to and permanently settled on the claim so selected aforesaid, he, during the time of his absence, was not a squatter or settler. Brown’s selection was made in the month of June 1847, and settlement was perfected on the 7th of April 1848. It was impossible for anyone to obtain title to his land before the latter part of the year 1852, from the fact that the government had no surveys completed of these lands prior to that time. The first land purchased from the U.S. Government was that sold to Daniel Brown, for one dollar and twenty five cents per acre, at the Council Bluff’s land office, in December 1852. This was the eighty acre tract upon which Brown later platted the village of Calhoun. Those familiar with the history of the county at this time will call to mind the difficulties experienced by that sect of people, zealous in many other respects than good works, were by force of circumstances compelled to change base, and as a result of complications in the ‘Sucher State’, they made their exit from the place above named, and journeyed from thence toward the setting of the sun. While in this transitory state the cloud by day was removed and pillar of fire by night extinguished, when the body of the vanguard reached Council Bluffs. Here a revelation was had from the headquarters of the Mormon Page 37 God, that they should tarry on this border of the promised landthis Pisgah top, until further directed by Brigham Young and God. (Let it be understood that Brigham Young, instead of occupying a 4th class place in the adorable quadruple, was the 1st personage.) Reaching this place they immediately set about preparing for the coming winter, and this resulted in the building of Kanesville, the Mormon name by which this energetic city was known in baptism. This place was made the headquarters of the Mormon Church and as a result the 6,000 people spread over the counties of Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Mills and Fremont during the fall and succeeding spring. In the summer of the year 1847, the ‘onward to the land of Promise’, was promptly telephoned from the counsels of heaven to the great high priest, Brigham, and they who were most worthy were assembled and informed of this revelation. They soon folded their tents and rapidly took their departure to the anticipated rest of the saints, in the basin of the Great Salt Lake. From 1847 to 1852, there was a sufficiency of this peculiar element left in these counties above named to control all elections, Harrison County, as well as the others. (One would almost presume that Mr. Smith might have been defeated in an election by the Mormon population.) Prior to 1850, few of these squatters on lands west of the Boyer River lived in this area, but some lived through all the groves, and on the skirts of timber around all the groves, on that part east of the Boyer, the Boyer. In this particular area that now comprises Harrison County, the wayward Mormon was a prominent factor. The fact is, that from 1849 to 1852, at each year, the population of the county during this time was more than half greater than in 1853 and 1854. When the ‘onward to the Promised Land’ was had and received, they obeyed with more alacrity than did the Israelites in leaving the plague-stricken land of Egypt. At the time of the Mormon exodus from this county, the claims of these religious ‘squatters’ were on the market, and the sale thereof was a matter determined by the claimant. That they were on the ‘go’, and ‘go’ they would, led many who happened to be in this part of the state at that time to purchase these claims at their own offering. Without question, this location was as good as any between this and the setting of the sun; but religious enthusiasm prompted this people to be at the side and under the special teachings of their prophet, hence, they like one of old, as respects their teacher said and acted ‘Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee, for wither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God; where thou diest will I die; and there will I be buried." In the spring of 1852, thirty three families left Harris Grove and journeyed towards the promised land, which was a rapid depopulation of this part of the county. It must be remembered that the Mormon family, when completed, was not a ‘society family’ of the present status, that is, one child, but to be a child of Mormon parents was Page 38 the 1/15th or 1/20th of the family unit. The little olive plants or the arrows in the quiver of familyship were numerous, and indicated a strict obedience to the command, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth’. The civilized American eye of the native-born citizen has never been educated to the sight of beholding the mother or sister harnessed in both breast and back straps and pulling in handcarts like beasts of burden. But this was no uncommon sight in the days of 1858-59, when they swarmed into this country from England, Wales, parts of Scotland, Holland and other European Countries. Daniel Brown, upon settling on his claim about the 7th of April 1848, was not the sort of personage who permitted the affairs of life to cumber his liberty to any extensive degree, and since he was the first white settler west of the Boyer River, I will take the liberty at this time to give the reader a short biographical ketch of this old pioneer from the time of his location here until the time of his death. This warmhearted old pioneer, having quarreled with the Prophet, Brigham Young, in the spring of 1847, and being of that fearless disposition that would not brook insult from the King, President or Prophet, at the date last named, while the Mormons were in Winter Quarters, at Florence City, just north of Omaha, and west of the old village of Cresent City in Pottawattamie County, in this State severed his Connections with this peculiar people and struck out his own hook to seek a new home for himself and family where he could enjoy greater freedom. To this end he and a few others started out on a tour of exploration, crossing the Missouri Bottoms on the left bank, at which time a bridge had not been built upon any streams between that place and the north pole. How to cross these streams, when the same were swollen to the extent that they were as full as the banks would hold, was the question, but the ingenuity of the pioneer is nearly always equal to the occasion; so fastening a large dry log, one to each side of the wagon, and then forcing the oxen to swim the river, the driver swimming by the side of the team to give proper direction, brought the craft safely to shore on the side required. In this manner the Pigeon and Boyer Rivers were crossed, and the party shortly after their start, camped in Harrison County, at or very near the place where now the residence of Mr. Tim O’Conner, in section 35, township 79, range 43, at the place where the little stream now known by the classic name of ‘Hog Creek’ emerges from the bluffs and enters the Boyer bottom. At the time of going to the camp the sun was a little more than a hour high, and Uncle Dan wishing to have some venison for supper, shouldered his rifle and passed out from the camp a short distance, and in less than one hour had killed five large, fat deer, and as he has frequently said: ‘It wa’nt a very good time for deer neither.’ From this camp they passed up the Boyer valley and came to the present site of Logan, Iowa, at which place they halted and expressed themselves as never having seen so beautiful a situation in all their lives, but supposing that there was better then this elsewhere, they Page 39 followed up the Boyer until they came to the lands on which Woodbine is now situated, and being highly pleased with this location, thought they were getting too far inland; they struck across the Willow Valley and followed this down to the place where this stream enters the Missouri bottom, and there felt satisfied that they had struck the place, for ‘which they long had sought and mourned because they’d fount it not’, but having found this, they were wholly satisfied, that this of all places, was the place. Here Mr. Brown staked out his claim and immediately went to work building a shanty, getting out rails and preparing a place for his family to be properly housed, when they should be brought to this newly discovered ‘Eden’ in the spring following. 10 It was January 1848, that Daniel Brown made his second trip to this county, (Harrison), and built a log cabin and split some rails with which to fence his land. There were many things to be done in preparing a place for his family to be properly housed, when they should be brought to this newly discovered ‘Eden’ the following spring. Three months later, during Feb. 1848, his daughter, Mary who had married Lyman J. Hammond, was taken ill at Florence, Nebraska, where the family still remained. It was on this account that he went back to Winter Quarters. Mary died 22 February 1848, at the age of 21 from measles. Her husband left their little four year old son, Daniel Hammond with his grandparents, and returned to Brown County, Illinois. Daniel Brown raised this boy along with his own children. Mary is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery at Winter Quarters where some 500 other pioneers are buried. The Brown Family remained at Florence for a short time, and in the early spring of 1848, this old pioneer, with transportation in the form of a covered wagon, propelled by two yoke of cattle, his wife and children snugly stowed away under the white canvas with all his other personal effects, headed down this unlimited highway for the ‘palace’ on the Willow, which he had prepared the winter before. "The incidents of travel across swamp, river and over hill and dale, are the same as before stated, only in this passenger car, the freight is more precious than that of the year before. They soon arrive at this beautiful spot on the table lands of what is now Calhoun, Harrison County, Iowa, and are now masters of their own situation, happier than the Czar of Russia, the Queen of England, or even the President of the United States. The will power of this old pioneer was always equal to the occasion, but at this time, being 30 miles from any settlement and no neighbors but the treacherous ‘dusky men and sqaws’ of the western prairies, he at times felt a little insecure, not on his own account, but for the safety of his wife and children." 11 "The first child to be born in the county was Daniel’s son, Jerome Brown, born 8 October 1848." 12 Page 40 The Brown Family planted corn and potatoes, and built a fence around their place, when the meal and flour in the barrel was nearly exhausted Daniel took two of his sons, back to the state of Missouri, 200 miles away to help gather some provisions. They intended to assist the people in gathering in the grain harvest, which was ripe for the sickle. They entered heartily into the labor of gathering and soon had enough to load the wagon down to the guards. As soon as they could, they started back for home again with a good supply of provisions for the hungry ones in the cabin on the Willow River. When they arrived at one of the branches of the Botna, which was bridged by a pole floor, they had difficulty in crossing. It had rained quite hard a little while before, and the team, which consisted of two yoke of oxen, became frightened and began pushing on the yoke. This caused the floor of the bridge to part, and the front yoke, or leaders, slipped through the bridge and hung suspended by their necks until Daniel could grab and ax, and drive the staple out of the wooden yoke, allowing the cattle to fall into the water below, a distance about thirty feet. Daniel was so concerned about the safety of the supplies that he did not think to look after the cattle. When the substitute bridge was repaired, he then began to look around for his leaders, and to his utter astonishment, saw them quietly grazing on the same side of the river on which he and the commissary stores were. When Daniel and boys reached home with the provisions, they learned that some thieving Indians had visited their place and had entered the cabin, taking for their own use, all the edibles and clothing that had belonged to the family. His family had been subsisting for the past three weeks wholly on milk and young potatoes, the latter being not much larger than hulled walnuts. It seemed that the freedom of the frontier life was providing more freedom than provisions, and the future didn’t look very promising. Daniel asked a few others, who had moved in while he was in Missouri gathering supplies, to help him with a hunt. They went to the mouth of the Little Sioux River where they found an abundance of game. In about two days they had filled their wagons with elk, deer, wild turkeys, and in addition to this, he found about two barrels of wild honey. A portion of this he carted to Kanesville and sold it for a good price, then he exchanged some for cotton domestics, jeans, shoes, groceries, and returned home, it was said, the happiest man in all the broad expanse of the United States. During this time the Indians were very troublesome and greatly annoyed the settlement, but is wasn’t until 1853, that the Indians and the settlers at Calhoun came to open hostilities. According to the history of Harrison County by Smith, all the children of Daniel Brown married in the county with the exception of one son, James, who had gone West, and yet at the time that his history of the county was written, there were only two children still living in the county. That was in 1888. Most of the others had gone west. The history states that Daniel Brown was a man of tremendous physical power, and a man upon whom nature had been lavish in the way of intellect. His youth had been spent in his old North Carolina home without any of the advantages of common schools which the boys of the present age possess, yet, in him was a mind far beyond many of those who had in early life Page 41 partaken of the birch limb, and small slices of ‘old Kirkham, the Western Calculator, and Olney’s Geography. He was during all the time of the Civil War, one of the most uncompromising friends of the Union, and never could bear to hear anyone, at the time of the very life of the Nation was in peril, say anything against the administration of the sainted Lincoln. Men of this cast are always needed for pioneer life. Men who never yield to an obstacle and finally never surrender until Father Time with his scythe says, ‘Tis enough, this is the end’. 13 Scarcely had Daniel trodden down the tall prairie grass around his cabin door, when Amos Chase, Ezra Vincent, Dick Johnson, Ira Perjue, E.T. Hardin, and Samuel Coon located within gunshot of him. At the present day the accession of half-dozen families to a neighborhood would create but a small ripple on the surface of society; but circumstances alter cases, and this circumstance was hailed with delight by Brown and his family. The first marriage where either party to the union resided within Harrison County, was that of William Brown, Daniel’s eldest son, to a young lady of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, in 1849. He married Mary Coon, a daughter of Samuel Coon and Lily Ann Rogers Coon. The first term of school (private subscription) was taught in the winter of 1849-50, in a log building made for that purpose, on a bluff overlooking the old village platt of Calhoun. Ten scholars were usually in attendance. The Browns and the Allens furnished most of the pupils. Mrs. James Cummings, wife of a Mormon missionary, who at the time was in England, was the teacher". 14 "The year of 1853 became known as the year of the great land rush for land in Western Iowa; and as a result, immigration that year far exceeded all that had been in the five preceding years. Among those entering that year were Solomon Barnett, Peter Barnett, and some forty-four other families. Solomon Barnett’s eldest son later married Lavina Jannett Brown, daughter of William Brown and Mary Coon Brown, she was Daniel’s third grandchild. The Brown Family and other settlers prior to 1853, were by force of circumstances compelled to go to Collidge’s Mill on the Pigeon River, which was two miles north of the town of Crescent City, or to Coonsville, now Glenwood, in order to have any meal ground by the process now in operation. A biscuit of wheaten bread was a luxury that the parents and children of that generation did not aspire to, and in case there was a delicacy as a loaf of wheat bread or a dish of wheat biscuits set upon the table, the immediate inquiry from the children was ‘Where did this come from?’ or ‘Who has been married?’ Daniel Brown and others have told me many times that the eye taking in the landscape from some little promontory would often see as many as two or three hundred deer at a time. They would look somewhat like a flock or flocks of sheep, all grazing until some old sentinel should give the Page 42 alarm, then the entire herd would flee with the fleetness for which these timid creatures are so noted. A turkey roast could be had as often as the appetite craved this luxury. The turkey shoot was always one of the favorite sports of the men, Tom Barnett being one of the best shots in his day. All the homes were open to the strangers and unfortunate; Daniel Brown’s home at Calhoun was constantly, night by night, filled to overflowing during all the winter of 1857; not the poor, unpalatable crust was set before the belated or weary stranger, but always the very best that the larder afforded. The Omah Indians often caused trouble for the settlers. Daniel Brown, Samuel Coon, and others took part in some of the battles. One of interest is that know as ‘Hamilton’s defeat’. A group of men met at a rallying point and listened attentively to a speech from Mr. Brown, and having counseled as to order of battle, fell into line and marched for the Indians who were not more than four or five miles from this rendezvous. Passing in a northerly direction, they soon saw signs of the enemy, then suddenly, someone in the party, having but little discretion, fired at a deer that spring up and ran across the trail. When the gun was fired, the Indians were seen scampering for the left bank of the Willow River near by. The enemy was soon well entrenched and out of danger. A fellow named Shadley, who had been boasting earlier that he would out-do all the others in the number of scalps he would hang on his belt, suddenly realized that he was riding a borrowed horse, and if the horse was killed or wounded, he would have to pay for it. He then took a position well in the rear, and when the firing started, he turned his yellow-colored blind mare and made off at the fastest speed possible; but he had not gone over ten rods when his horse stumbled and fell over a gopher hill, leaving Shadley unhorsed. Next, hearing quite a fusillade, it is said he began to pray, and some of the survivors of the battle say that his prayer was in the following words: ‘O, Lord, bless us, bein’ as Ye’re in the habit of doin’ such tricks; Be with us today, something similar as you was with Commodore Perry on Lake Erie, or Mad Anthony Wayne. Brace up Captain Hamilton and stay his men, so that I will have time to get this confounded old yaller mare back to her owner, so that I’ll not have to pay for her, and O, Lord, get me out of this crape and I’ll be dam’d if you’ll ketch me in such another snap; for Jesus sake----whoa! Cleopatra, ye old yaller fool…Amen! Shadley soon recovered from his unfortunate condition, and mounting old Cleopatra, he broke for the nearest settlement. In his hurry, he wore out the ram rod of his gun in urging the borrowed mare to her greatest speed. Soon the Indians began to advance, quietly crawling through the tall grass. The men who stood their ground, deemed it imprudent for them to Page 43 face the enemy when they were outnumbered six to one, when they too, called a retreat and broke in some confusion for the settlement farther north. In 1849, six Sioux Indians came to the settlement of Calhoun, and boldly rode off with six horses, two belonging to Daniel Brown, and four belonging to a Mr. Litz, without even thanking the owners for the donation. They were immediately followed by Brown, and one of his sons, and Mr. Litz, but they soon realized that it was madness for three of them to follow six Indians, who were now mounted with relays, and the fighting force of two to one. At this time it was deemed more safe to perform the farm labor with cattle, from the fact that this character of property was not so coveted by the redskins, and because they could not be so rapidly hurried out of the country." 15 From the foregoing account, we can see that the frontier life with all its freedom, offered also a great challenge for the preservation of ones own life. Daniel’s first four children were born in Davidson County, North Carolina. The next child was born during their short stay in Morgan, County, Illinois. The next six children were born at Brown County, Illinois. They had one set of twins, which they named Daniel and Elizabeth, but little Daniel didn’t live very long. He died at the age of 11 months and was buried in the family apple orchard. The last of two children of Daniel and Elizabeth were born at Calhoun, Harrison County, Iowa. The family finally totaled 13 in number. On the 14th of December 1854, Daniel’s eldest son, William, died at the age of 30, leaving his wife, Mary Coon Brown, and two small daughters, Margaret Luella, 5 and Lavina Jennett, 2. The latter being the great grandmother of the compiler of this biography. Correspondence with each other very difficult during the pioneer days as there was no official mail system in operation. One must merely write a letter, then wait until he did find some obliging traveler going that way to deliver the message. Following is a copy of a letter that Daniel wrote to his son, James S. Brown. Florence (Old Winter Quarters) N. S. August 26, 1856 My Dear Son: I came over to Florence today to see Col. Babbitt to send by him to you one hundred dollars which I have deposited with him in cash on demand when he gets through in safety. We all are well at present except our youngest child, Jane. For the last ten days myself and mother have sat by her bedside expecting her last breath every moment, but at present there is hope of her as a change for the better has taken place. I have not time to write much as everything is in a bustle and Col. Babbitt waits out for Page 44 this. Write me as often as you can. I entertain the best of feelings for you but of all things come and see me. I will make it well worth your trouble. I am 25 miles from home and must get off as the family needs my attention. I have never forgotten you and will always do what is right by you. I have just received a letter from Wilson from California. He is well, and in California. You can write him. His P.O. address is Pataluma, Sonoma Co., California. When you can, write to him. Your affectionate Father, /s/ Daniel Brown On the 20th of October, 1858, Daniel’s son, James stopped at his father’s home on his way to a mission to Western Iowa. On his way to Calhoun, he was overtaken by Clayton Webb and B.H. Denice, his two brothers-in-law. They gave him a ride to the hotel that his parents were keeping. He had not seen his family for nearly twelve years, during which time his eldest brother, William, and his sister, Mary, had died leaving one son behind her. William left two little daughters. James stated that his next younger brother, Wilson, had gone to California. My two next eldest sisters were married and living here in the same town with my father. The eldest of them, Margaret B. Webb, had one daughter, and the other, Nancy B. Denice, had two daughters. He continues: "There were two sisters and one brother I had never seen before, and one brother, Willis, had grown from a little boy to a man. There were two sisters that were little girls when I left, that were now grown women. My father’s eyes, once keen and black, now have grown dim. He has to lay by his rifle that was once his idol. Now he puts on spectacles, yet he is as stout as he ever was. My poor aged mother, whose blue eyes were so keen and piercing, has now grown pale and weak. She is now aided in her employment by her spectacles. Her countenance has grown pale and she is feeble with the sorrows and cares of this world. She has been a faithful and kind mother of 13 children. Father and all the rest of the family made no pretentions to religion, my father contended that the Mormon faith was true, but said that it was too straight for him. Father, Mother, my eldest brother and sister had all belonged to the church and enjoyed the spirit of the gospel, but through the cares of this world, they have all grown cold and now there is none of them that pretends to belong to the faith save it is mother and Willis, who had renewed their faith by rebaptism, within the last 12 months. 16 When James first went to the hotel that his parents were keeping, his father was not at home, so he ate with them as a stranger, and did not make himself known until after the evening meal was served. At the table that evening, James found out that the young lady serving the table was none other than his younger sister, Lucy. He asked her where her mother was, to which Lucy replied that she was out in the kitchen. Page 45 Lucy returned to the kitchen to get her mother at the request of the young man. James recognized his dear old mother at once, but waited for her to respond, as if testing her memory. She was totally unaware that the young man at the table was her long lost son, but as he withdrew his cap, revealing his beautiful head of hair, one feature his mother had been particularly fond of, she instantly recognized her boy. ‘Oh Jim, my boy’, these were the only words the joyful mother could utter as she embraced her son. 17 James stayed over the winter with his family, and on one occasion he had a walk with his father alone. In speaking of his absence, Daniel said, "James, I had given up all hopes of ever seeing your face again, but thanks be to God I had the privilege. You always have stood up for the faith and have been a man through thick and thin for your religion." Then he said, "Oh, that I had the faith that I once had, and felt as I have felt! I would be a happy man if I had the spirit that you have, and that I once had." He burst into a flood of tears, and exclaimed, "Oh, my God, I am in the dark, and I do not know that I shall ever feel as I once felt. Then I could divide the last loaf, yes, the last morsel of food that I had with a Mormon. Talk about heaven, the true spirit of Mormonism is heaven. I thank God that you have kept the faith, though you have had a hard time of it." Then he said, "James, stick to it and never give it up; for if there is any salvation for me or any of my family, it will be through you, for you are the Joseph of my family, and I have known it since before you were born." He then seemed as humble as a little child, and continued, "James, be faithful in the work, but as for me or any of my family going to Utah, I don’t think we will ever go." 18 James told his father that he could do no better than to go with his family and renew their covenants, for the good spirit was for all who would seek it in the proper way. At last Daniel said that he did not know what they should do yet, the weather being so cold and wet. In his journal, James stated: "I continued to preach around. My father seemed indifferent and seemed to prefer the company of strangers and rowdies to me, so I let that pass, but I had my feelings hurt many times with his indifference, though he was very liberal with me in everything that was about the place. He sought to make me comfortable in every respect." 19 James spent the winter in Iowa, then went about the surrounding countryside with his brother, Willis, preaching to the people. In January 1859, he preached the funeral sermon for his cousin, Ira Johnson, who had been accidentally shot and killed while on a surveying party. That same day, James baptized six persons and confirmed them at his father’s house. From that time on his father seemed quite changed in his feelings. He said that it was all that he could do to keep out of the water, and stated that he had never felt better in his life than he did on that occasion. Said he, "I want you to preach all the time, James!" Page 46 James spent the winter in Iowa, then went to Missouri to help with an immigration company. On the 17th of May, he returned to Calhoun and found his father and family well. His father gave him one yoke of oxen and a fine colt two years old. He helped James sell a span of mules and purchased a comfortable outfit to return home to Utah in. Daniel likewise gave Willis the same amount as he planned to return to Utah with James. He also outfitted them with good provisions to cross the plains. James S. Brown was appointed president of the emigration company. There was a captain for every ten wagons. The company consisted of 353 souls, 59 wagons, 114 oxen, 11 horses, 35 cows, 111 head of young loose cattle, and a supply of provisions to last for 75 days. They left 13 June 1859. Daniel had come to Council Bluffs, and paid the expenses for the boys until they left and he parted with them. On the 19th, the emigrant company camped on the Loop Fork of the Platte, at a village called Columbus. Here James baptized or rebaptized 80 souls. At this place, 37 others wanted to join their company, with 10 more wagons. They now had 390 persons with 69 wagons. Sometime in February 1860, James received a mission call to go to Great Britain, starting in April. On June 8th, he again visited the home of his family in Calhoun, Iowa, and found the Brown family all well and greatly pleased to see him. James stayed with them until the 11th, when he returned to Florence, Nebraska, where his father visited him on the 12th and invited Apostles Lyman and Charles C. Rich along with James, to the finest hotel in town for dinner. Here Daniel promised his son that if he lived and was able to sell his property, he would accompany his son back to Utah when James returned from his mission in England. On his way to the mission field, James left his company at Quincy, Illinois and went to Versailles, Brown County to meet some of his friends and relatives. Among those he met at this time were L.J. Hammond, his brother-in-law who had married his sister who died at Winter Quarters. He also met with his uncles, David, Simion, and Daniel Stephens, his mother’s brothers, and his cousin James Jackson. He stated he couldn’t find his brother, Daniel’s grave, but the family who was living on their old homestead did give him some apples and let him drink the best cider he had ever tasted, from trees that the Brown family had planted. The visit to the old homestead brought back many recollections of youthful days. The hunts through the woods, the adventures as well as the toilsome labors in grubbing underbrush and clearing the land. The trails of threshing wheat in the hot sun, feeding stock in the cold winter…in short…he remembered much of the toil on the part of his parents, brothers, and sisters, and of the many days of sickness with fever and ague. Page 47 This son, James, continued on his mission to England, but on his return, was assigned to be a captain and guide one of the emigrant trains of Saints going to Utah. His duty as leader of this group prohibited him from stopping at his folk’s place and the promise that Daniel made his son about moving to Utah with him when he returned was not fulfilled. In the fall of 1869, Elizabeth Stephens Brown, made a trip to Utah to visit her family. This was just a few months after the railroad from the east was linked with the one coming from the west. That event took place May 10, 1869. In the journal of James S. Brown we read the following: October 1869, I, James S. Brown, sit myself in my own house with my mother, by my side and trace back the genealogy of her father and mother. While Elizabeth was visiting, James received another letter from his father in Iowa: Calhoun, Oct. 1 1869 Dear Son: I wrote a letter to you on the 24th of September, which I suppose you have received before this time. I wrote you that in six or eight days you might look for a letter. In this you will find a hundred dollar bill. I want you should pay your mother’s passage back, and send me a pair of buck-skin gloves. The balance of it I want you should convert to your own use. I am sorry that my circumstances are so that I cannot send you any more at present. Money is very scarce here at present and my crop is so destroyed that it will not pay expenses. We are all well at present, and I feel first-rate and in good spirits, hoping these lines will find you and yours all the same. When you get this, write to me what time your mother will start and when the cars start from there, and then I will meet her at Omah or the Bluff’s. If not, it will only take her an hour to come up to Missouri Valley. I think if they are not too high, you could send a dozen or two pair of Salt Lake made gloves here to me, it would pay you well. Your mother could bring them through without any expense and I could express the money back to you. Give my love to Polly and Nancy and except the same to yourself and family, also to Willis, and his family. I should like to know why he does not write to me since his mother got out there. I have wrote two letters and have received none in answer to them, so no more at present, but hope to hear from you soon. Daniel Brown The letter above was sent with a Mrs. Jennet Cochrne, as her name was on the outside. Page 48 In May 1872, James was again able to visit his folks in Calhoun, Iowa when he was called on a mission to the Eastern States. From the Journal of Jerome Brown, the youngest son, we have the following interesting account of Daniel’s last days: "My mother came to Utah the year the railroad, the Union Pacific was completed. She stayed here on a three months’ visit and received her endowments in the old Salt Lake Endowment House. I, Jerome Brown, the youngest boy of a family of thirteen children, came to Utah, August 20, 1870, when I was nearly twenty years of age. I stayed with my brother, James S. Brown in Salt Lake City for a time. My brother wanted to know if our father cared anything about the Church or the Latter-day Saints. I answered, "No, he says the Mormon Church is the true church, and stands up for it against anyone who opposes it, but he doesn’t pretend to live his religion." Brother James said: "Do you think Father will ever come to Utah?" I answered, "No, he never will." James replied: "President Young said he would and I know he will." My brother then related the following: "About 1854, I received from home a letter saying my father was very ill, not expected to live. As it took a letter three or four weeks to get here I supposed my father was dead by the time I received the letter. I went to President Young and showed him the letter. We sat side by side and President Young dropped his head a minute, then sat up and dropped his hand on my knee and said, "Brother James, your father isn’t dead. I know he lives. I know your father, his house has always been open to the Elders. He has fed and clothed them and for this the Lord has spared his life. He will yet live to come to Utah and do his own temple work." I stayed in Utah three years working in the mining camps. When I returned home father’s health began to fail. He went to two or three doctors but received no benefit. He finally went to see another doctor in Missouri Valley. He said that father should take a trip to Denver, and get the mountain air. The doctor said it would do him more good than all the medicine. My mother, sisters and myself tried to persuade father to go on the trip. He thought it over and next morning he said he would go, but it would be to Utah. So he made ready and started for Utah August 5, 1874. He stopped in Ogden to visit his brother’s family, that of Capt. James Brown, who was a captain in the Mormon Battalion and later bought the site of Ogden City. After a short visit in Ogden, father went to Salt Lake City to my Brother, James’ home. When Sunday came, he went to a meeting in the Tabernacle. After the meeting he asked James what course to take to renew his faith. James saw the Church authorities who told father to be rebaptized. Father did so, and received his own endowments, literally fulfilling the prophecy of President Brigham Young. James had said nothing of religion to father, just let him take his own course, and so the result. Page 49 Father visited in Salt Lake City and the surrounding country as far south as Nebo. (William’s two daughters were at this time living in Springville, Utah). After another visit to Ogden, he prepared for the return to Iowa. Many friends and relatives accompanied him to the depot, among them, Apostle Charles C. Rich and Apostle Franklin D. Richards. Apostle Rich said: "Now Brother Brown, you are starting on your way home. I will tell you there will be a black cloud come over you before you reach Echo Canyon, and you will almost be ashamed of the work you have done. But whatever you do, don’t deny the faith. This darkness will be over you until after you reach home, so watch and pray." The whistle blew, they shook hands and left and the train started eastward. At first father felt well in spirit, but soon the reaction came. He began wondering how he could meet the friends he had always known and liked and tell them he had renewed his faith in the gospel. He wondered what to do and the thought came to tell no living soul what he had done. I, Jerome, met him at the depot, November 8, 1874. His health seemed much improved. We made a short visit to my three sisters and went home, five miles away. Next morning father asked me to take the team and go get my three sisters and bring them home. He then called them, my sisters, my mother, and myself, together, had us sit down and said, "I want to tell you all something that I have almost been ashamed of. I have been to Utah and renewed my faith in the gospel and taken out my endowments. Apostle Rich told me a dark cloud would come over me and last until I got home, and it has. But now this cloud has broken, and I thank God for the work I have done, and I don’t care who knows it, even the whole world." Soon after this his health failed again. Many friends called to see him, but he was indifferent. They thought him so because of his condition. He grew weaker until he died 2 February 1875. He was buried in the cemetery in Calhoun, Harrison County, Iowa, near his son, William. My mother sold all the personal property at auction and with my youngest sister, Jane, came to Ogden, Utah, May 10, 1875. I joined them a year later, April 19, 1876. My father’s family have all passed beyond, except myself. My last sister, Lucy Rose died June 28, 1934, in Farmington, Utah, aged 91 years 6 months and 2 days." 20 Daniel Brown died at the age of 71, on 2 February 1875. On the fourth day of that month he was buried in the cemetery up on the hill above his home in the county in which he had been the first white man to settle. His good wife, Elizabeth Stephens Brown, lived in Utah for the remaining fifteen years of her life, after her husband died. She passed away at Farmington, Davis County, Utah, at her daughter Lucy’s home, on the 12th of October 1890, in the 81st year of her life. She was buried in the Ogden City Cemetery, in her son, Jerome's lot. The life of this pioneer couple was filled with many trials and hardships. Theirs was a struggle to build a home and a country out of a wilderness. The blessings of which we today have inherited. Let us not forget that it is indeed a desirable thing to be well descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors. Page 53 The Children of Daniel Brown and Elizabeth Stephens Daniel Brown was born 30 June 1804, at Lick Creek, Rowan County, North Carolina. He married 8 October 1824, in Davidson County, North Carolina, Elizabeth Stephens, born 10 February 1809, in Rowan County, North Carolina, a daughter of Alexander Stephens and Mary (Polly) Dailey. She died 9 October 1890, in Farmington, Davis County, Utah at the home of her daughter, Lucy Brown Rose. She was buried in Ogden City Cemetery in her son, Jerome’s lot. Daniel died 2 February 1875 in Calhoun, Harrison County, Iowa. Children of Daniel Brown and Elizabeth Stephens Brown
1![]() William BrownBorn: 6 August 1824 in Davidson County, North Carolina. Married Mary Coon Died: 14 December 1854 in Harrison County, Iowa at the age of 30, leaving two small daughters. |
2![]() Mary BrownBorn: 21 September 1826 at Davidson County, North Carolina. Married Lyman "Chauncey" J. Hammond II. Died: 20 February 1848 at Winter Quarters, Omaha, Nebraska from measles, and is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery. |
3![]() James Stephens BrownBorn: 4 July 1828 at Davidson County, North Carolina. Married (1) 23 July 1854, Lydia Jane Tanner; (2) 31 August 1855, Rebecca Ann McBride; (3) 31 January 1863, Eliza Lester, and (4) 4 March 1872, Elizabeth Clegg Died: 25 March 1902 at Salt Lake City, Utah. |
4![]() Wilson BrownBorn: 24 July 1830 at Davidson County, Illinois. Moved to Petaluma, California. Married late in life to a woman named Lida. Died: 3 October 1906. |
5![]() Margaret BrownBorn: 13 January 1832 at Morgan County, Illinois. Married Clayton Webb in 1860. Died: 13 January 1913 |
6![]() Willis BrownBorn: 8 September 1835 at Versailles, Brown County, Illinois. Married Jane Williams on 29 December 1859 at Ogden, Weber, Utah Died: 1 August 1886 at Ogden, Weber, Utah. |
7![]() Nancy BrownBorn: 15 Sep 1837 at Brown County, Illinois. Married Benjamin Henton Denice on 4 July 1855. Died: 11 October 1907 in California |
8![]() Daniel Brown Jr. -twinBorn: 30 June 1840 at Brown County, Illinois Died: 10 July 1841 |
9![]() Elizabeth Brown -twinBorn: 30 June 1840 at Brown County, Illinois. Married Giles Platt Died: July 1888 |
10![]() Lucy Brown RoseBorn: 27 December 1842 Married William Warren Rose on January 7, 1869 Died: June 28, 1934 at Farmington, Davis, Utah |
11![]() Sarah BrownBorn: 7 July 1846 Married Thomas Ross Brooks on March 26, 1864 at Harrison, Iowa Died: 20 March 1923 |
12![]() Jerome BrownBorn: 8 October 1848 at Calhoun, Harrison, Iowa Married Alice Adella Atwood Died: 28 Mar 1939 at Lehi, Utah County, Utah. |
13![]() Jane BrownBorn: 18 March 1853 at Calhoun, Harrison County, Iowa. She apparently was not a very strong child. She emigrated to Utah with her mother after the death of her father. Died: 5 August 1878 at Ogden, Weber, Utah from typhoid fever. . She is buried in the Ogden City Cemetery on her brother, Jerome’s lot. |
Page 54
As of 1986 the total number of descendants of Daniel and Elizabeth Stephens Brown is 4,720. These are the ones included in the book. There is probably another hundred or so that are not included in the book. They either did not want to be included, or neglected to respond to the request for information. The descendants of three of the above girls have not been found.
PAF - Archer files = James Brown Sr. + Mary Polly Williams > Captain James Brown Jr. and Daniel Brown.
PAF - Archer files = James Brown Jr. + (7) Phoebe Abigail Abbott > Orson Pratt Brown.
The Brown Book - Daniel Brown by Erold Clark Wiscombe, Pages 27-49, 53-55, 591-593.
Ancestors of Daniel Brown at http://www.companyzero.com/brownfamily/index.asp
Gone But Not Forgotten at http://www.gbnf.com/scripts/search/search.pl
Copyright 2004 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org
![]() ![]() Daniel Brown c.1875 and Elizabeth Stephens Brown SONS of DANIEL BROWN AND JAMES BROWN:
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” Richard Bach |
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... Easter 1986 through October 2005
... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe
... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by Erold C. Wiscombe
... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.
...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.
...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.
... To be Published Soon:
Send Comments and Information to:
... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah
...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007
Send Additions and Information to:
...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters
...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald
...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown
- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823
- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832
- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843
- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889
- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874
- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850
- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943
- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944
- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904
- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958
- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967
- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890
- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892
- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945
- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948
- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974
- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954
- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975
- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970
- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973
- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981
- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969
- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992
- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972
- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960
- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912
- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978
- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980
- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893
- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982
- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991
- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971
- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943
- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991
- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001
- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987
- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910
- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912
- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999
- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-
- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979
- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998
- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925
- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927
- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936
- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940
- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853
- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930
- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943
- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870
- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872
- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888
- (Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910
- (Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905
- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895
- (Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864
- (Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924
- (Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904
- (Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863
- (Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916
- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842
- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843
- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843
- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845
- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865
- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893
- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912
- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913
- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903
- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855
- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930
- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903
- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917
- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853
- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930
- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926
- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923
- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-
- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859
- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932
- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897
- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904
- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944
- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827
- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891
- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874
- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874
- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881
- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950
- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869
- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924
- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878
- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878
- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979
- (Diana) Miles Park Romney 1843-1904
- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935
- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898
- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903
- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922
- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916
- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912
- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955
- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915
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