1879 Winter - tracks his stepfather's lost and stolen mules
c.1881 - Along with Major Dawning, Sam Elsworth, and Ed Elwood became vigilante group to find outlaws in the Pioneer Canyon area of Arizona.
c. 1885 - Orson and his brother, Charles Fife, buy land in Thatcher, Arizona
1901+ - purchased land on which to build homes for his four families in Colonia Morelos.
1906 - purchased and traded a number of properties in Colonia Dublán in order to obtain a property for his three families (Bessie died in Colonia Morelos).
c. 1885 - Orson and his brother, Charles Fife, buy land in Thatcher, Arizona
1901+ - purchased land on which to build homes for his four families in Colonia Morelos.
1929 - Home on five acres in Colonia Dublán
c.1895 appointed by Chihuahua Governor Ahumada.
c. 1881 Orson, John Sponseller, and Mike Brown fight off San Pedro Apaches and Tonto Basin Indians.
1883 April - Orson fights Chief Loco while protecting his mother's home in Thatcher
1895 - fights off renegade Tomoche's from entering the Colonies.
c.1895 - campaign against Tomoche Indians
1906 (1907) - Presidents Ivins and Pratt ask Orson to leave Colonia Morelos and move to Colonia Dublán to build a canal and lakes system for the Laguna Canal Company.
1888 May - Orson makes adobe bricks in Colonia Juarez for schoolhouse,
1889 June 1 - Orson made the adobe bricks for William P. Stowell's new grist mill (for corn) in Colonia Juarez
1885 late summer - cut and hauled hay for Mr. White at the 3C Cattle Co. Ranch
c. 1880 July - hauled lumber to Tombstone, Arizona
c.1892 - President Anthony Ivins called Orson to mediate a difficulty with an embargo by Kosterlizky and Williams in Colonia Oaxaca.
c.1894 - Orson goes to Oaxaca with Apostle J.W. Taylor, President Ivins, President Helaman Pratt to settle the difficulties which had arisen within the colony, out of the purchase and colonization of this property.
1910 - Orson meets with Francisco I. Madero in El Paso to discuss Mormon colonies part in the Mexican Revolution.
1910-1911 Orson is sent by the Stake Presidency to request help from the Church in securing firearms for their protection. Abram Gonzalez introduces Orson to Francisco I. Madero in El Paso. They discussed at length the Mormon Colonies neutrality during the revolution.
1910 - 1914 Orson spent much time as authorized agent for the Church, the Mexican Federal Government, certain Mexican Revolutionary groups, and the U.S. Army, mediating and negotiating terms, policies, and actions.
1917 March - Orson is instrumental in achieving an agreement between Mexican General Obregón and American General Scott regarding relations on the border.
c.1893 - partnership with Ernest L. Taylor and Joseph C. Bentley in Colonia Juarez.
Orson became one of the best known sheep and cattle men in the colonies
Partnered with Ernest L. Taylor in the sheep and cattle business.
1896 October - buys Israel King ranch stock, and equipment in New Mexico (?). Sells items separately and makes a profit.
Orson operated a sugar mill, he experimented by using watermelons to obtain sugar.
1905 Bishop Orson P. Brown purchased a burr mill at the foot of Hog Mountain two miles east of Morelos, sixty feet from the banks of the Bavispe River then sold it to Joseph Lillywhite. (Stalwarts, Page 401)
1896 Orson bought the Israel King ranch stock and New Mexico. Sells items separately and makes a profit.
Orson owned two large ranches, the Vores (Las Varas?) and the Petache, or basket, in Sonora. The great Apache chief Licerio Geronimo was captured or surrendered near the Basket Ranch, in Skeleton Canyon, AZ on 9-4 1886 by Henry Ware Lawton.
1888 - Orson called to be a Church rural police officer to catch cattle thieves. Served in this capacity for many years.
c.1895 - short-term Sheriff in Deming, New Mexico
1908 - The Canadian Company asks Orson to investigate a land purchase in Tepic. Meets and reports to Mexican President Porfirio Diaz.
1910 - Orson refuses to supply 100 armed Mormon men to the Chief Political head in Galeana because of neutral position.
1910 - 1914 Orson spent much time as authorized agent for the Church, the Mexican Federal Government, certain Mexican Revolutionary groups, and the U.S. Army, mediating and negotiating terms, policies, and actions.
1911 December - The ward and stake leaders of the Colonies made a strategic decision that in order to protect themselves they would purchase high-powered rifles and ammunition. It was unanimously decided that Orson P. Brown should be detailed to complete this business.
1910 - 1914 Orson spent much time as authorized agent for the Church, the Mexican Federal Government, certain Mexican Revolutionary groups, and the U.S. Army, mediating and negotiating terms, policies, and actions.
1917 March - Orson is instrumental in achieving an agreement between Mexican General Obregón and American General Scott regarding relations on the border.
c.1895 - for District of Chihuahua by Governor Ahumada.
1910-1914 Orson spent much time as authorized agent for the Church, the Mexican Federal government, certain Mexican Revolutionary groups, and the U.S. Army, mediating and negotiating terms, policies, and actions.
c.1895 - Customs Officer for U.S. office in El Paso, Texas
c.1916 - worked for General Bell of the U. S. Army
c.1895 - an officer of the International Stock Growers Protective Association in El Paso, Texas
1919 - worked for the U.S. War Finance Corporation to protect their cattle interests in Santa Clara Valley, Mexico.
1886 helps build Colonia Juarez
1900 - built a mill at the mouth of the Bavispe canyon/river. Later sold it to the Lillywhites. 1910 was burned down by suspected Mexican competitors.
1902 July - helps build a tithing granary in Colonia Morelos.
c.1901 Orson owned the Juana mine located around 25 miles south of Colonia Morelos near the El Tigre Mine, a large silver mine.
c.1925 - held mine interests in Namiquipa,
1907 won a wagon race on the way to Stake Conference in Colonia Juarez even though one of his mules was hung up in the harness.
1930 to 1946 - gave food and clothing to the families of the colonies, and especially his workers and their families, as well as the Tarahumara Indians that frequented his back porch.
c. 1930 - 1946 provided free medical and dental care to all who sought him and his wife, Angela assisted the delivery of many babies.