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Orson Pratt Brown's Friend

George Teasdale 1831-1907

Apostle George Teasdale

December 8, 1831 to June 20, 1907
London, Middlesex, England to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

Adapted from LDS Biographical Encyclopedia Vol. 1, No. 10, Pages 144-147.

George Teasdale was one of the Twelve Apostles, being ordained in 1882, He was the son of William Russell Teasdale and Harriet Henrietta Tidey, and was born Dec. 8, 1831, in London, England. Being naturally of a studious and thoughtful disposition, he obtained the best education that could be had at the public schools and the London University After leaving school, he entered the office of an architect and surveyor. But did not remain in this employment long, owing to the dishonesty of the employer. Later he learned the upholstering business.

Although his mother was a member of the church of England, he was not at all impressed by the doctrines which were advanced and was not confirmed into the church. Still, he received many impressions on religious subjects from his mother, and from his childhood up he was a student of the scriptures. In the year 1851, he learned for the first time something of the principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information came to him through a tract issued by the Tract Society of the church of England, entitled "Mormonism." Shortly after this, a man who belonged to the Church came to work at the establishment where Brother Teasdale was employed. Although this brother was a plain, unassuming man, he bore a powerful testimony, and there was no doubt in his mind as to the truthfulness of this work. His fellow-workmen ridiculed him and argued with him, but he was never overcome. So impressive was this humble man's testimony that at least one of his associates was led to investigate the principles of the gospel as he explained them.

Brother Teasdale became interested in this unpopular religion, and, as is always the case, he met with opposition from his friends and acquaintances. They endeavored to show him the folly of the step which they feared he was about to take, and  told him that all his bright prospects for life would be ruined if he persisted in such a course. But when a mind such as that possessed by George Teasdale becomes convinced that a thing is right, it requires more than the opposition of friends to turn it from its purpose. Therefore, without allowing, their ridicule to alter his determination, he rendered obedience to what he knew was a law of God.

After his baptism, Aug. 8, 1852, he, like nearly all young converts, felt that many would believe his testimony. The gospel was so plain to him, and as he had nothing to gain by testifying to something that was not true, he felt that all who heard him must be convinced. However, he learned by experience, during his very early days in the Church, that it is a difficult matter to convert this generation to the truth. He was ordained a Priest and later an Elder, and spent much of his time in preaching and giving lectures on religious subjects.

While laboring in this way Elder Teasdale made the acquaintance of Miss Emily Emma Brown, and in the year 1853 they were married. From this time until her death in 1874, this good lady was a great help to her husband, In the course of his ministry in England they had many trials to pass through—trials of poverty, of being ridiculed by former friends—but through it all, Sister Teasdale was ever the true, consistent Latter-day Saint, helping her husband by her counsel and by the fortitude which she exhibited during all the trials through which they passed.

Later in life Elder Teasdale heard and, being converted to the principle, obeyed the law of plural marriage, taking good, faithful women as his wives, among them Mary Loretta P. Teasdale, Henrietta Picton (Pixton?), Lilias Hook (md. 1858), Eunice A. Ivins (md. 1858), Jane Janus Parson (md. 1860), Letitia "Tillie" Dollia Thomas (d.1893), and Eleanor Bellingham. [His first wife, Emily Emma Brown, died in 1874)

His zeal in spreading the truth caused his selection as president of the Somerstown branch of the London conference. In addition to this he was clerk of the conference, auditor of the book agency accounts, and President of the tract-distributing association.

With all these duties his time was, of course, completely taken up, especially in view of the fact that his labor in these callings was entirely gratuitous, and he was compelled to devote a portion of his time to earning a livelihood; but in the year 1857, he was called upon to give his whole time to the work of the ministry. Obedience to this call required the giving up of an excellent position, and the breaking up of a pleasant, comfortable home. Elder Teasdale had determined to devote his life to the work of God, and here was an opportunity for him to show how firm this determination was. He decided to accept the call, and in this course he was encouraged by his wife. He sold his possessions, made his wife as comfortable as possible and entered upon his new duties. The peace and joy which always accompany the performance of religious duties were felt by him, and he greatly enjoyed his labors, presiding over the Cambridge conference. Though often footsore and weary from his long walks, the Spirit of the Lord brought happiness to his heart. In 1858, he presided over three conferences, the Wiltshire, Landsend and South conferences; in 1859, he was given charge of the Scottish mission, which included the Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee conferences. In 1861 he was released to come to Zion.

Here another trial awaited him. Two of his children had died and two were still spared. From his long missionary labor, his means were all exhausted, and he and his family were compelled to make the ocean voyage in the steerage of an emigrant ship, the "Underwriter." On his arrival in Florence, Nebraska, he was called to assist Elder Jacob Gates in keeping the accounts, etc., of the emigration, owing to which he did not leave there until the last company of the season arrived, then he crossed the plains in Captain Sextus E. Johnson's company, which arrived in Great Salt Lake valley Sept. 27, 1861.

Here he found a new experience, and for the first six months taught school in the Twentieth Ward, Salt Lake City. He also became associated with the Tabernacle choir, under the leadership of Brother James Smithies. In 1862 he was engaged to take charge of Pres. Brigham Young's merchandise store, by which he had the privilege of becoming familiar with that excellent man and his family. In the fall of 1867 he took charge of the General Tithing Store, and in 1868 was appointed on a mission to England. He crossed the plains with mule teams, and on his arrival in New York stayed to assist in that season's emigration, at the close of which he crossed the ocean in the steamship "City of Antwerp," with Elder Albert Carrington, who was on his first mission to England, and Jesse N. Smith, who was appointed to the charge of the Scandinavian Mission.

On his arrival in Liverpool, Sept. 9, 1868, he was appointed to labor in the "Millennial Star" office. The next year, being called to assist Elder William C. Staines In the emigration business at New York, he crossed the ocean in the steamship "Colorado," and remained there until the close of that season's emigration, returning home in the fall of 1869.

Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution was then being started, and he obtained employment in that institution, from one responsibility to an other, until he had charge of the produce department.

In 1875 he was appointed on a mission to the Southern States, and labored in Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. On being released in the fall of 1876, he returned home by way of Philadelphia, visited the Centennial Exhibition and the Niagara Falls. On reaching Salt Lake City, after resting awhile, he was again employed in Zion's Co-operative Institution.

Being called to the charge of the Juab Stake of Zion, he was ordained a High Priest and set apart for this position under the hands of Pres. Brigham Young. This caused him to resign an excellent position in Z. C. M. I., but he soon found suitable ways and means by which he could comfortably sustain his family. While residing in Nephi he was engaged in the tithing office, took contracts for the construction of a portion of the Utah Southern Railroad, acted as president of the Nephi Co-operative Store, and was also connected with other enterprises. He also served in two sessions of the Utah legislature, namely those of 1880 and 1882.

In October, 1882, he was called by revelation to the Apostleship and was ordained to that high and holy position Oct. 13, 1882, by Pres. John Taylor. In 1883 he took a six months' mission to the Indian Territory, returning to Salt Lake City in October, 1883. In 1884 his labors were chiefly among the Saints from Snake river, Idaho, north, to St. George, Washington county, Utah, south. He also visited the Temples of Logan and St. George, attending to work in ordinances for the dead, etc.

In January, 1885, he left home on a visit to the Saints in the southern country, in Nevada and Arizona. From there he went to Old Mexico, and assisted in forming a colony in that land.

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1886, Page 16:

"Brother A.F. Macdonald clasped my hand and said he felt also that I was going to live.

As soon as I was well enough I got up and went to see Apostle Teasdale and he told me to go to Brother George Seavey who was Bishop of the ward. I went to him. I asked him what he wanted me to do. "Can you make adobes?" he asked."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1887, Page 18:

"Another incident in Colonia Juárez [Mexico]: After I had been making adobes and serving as counselor in the Mutual Improvement Association in Colonia Juárez, in the month of November I was married to Mattie D. Romney, daughter of Miles Park Romney [and Caroline Lambourne Romney] and together with my mother [Phoebe] we passed an enjoyable winter.  In the spring of 1888 the Mexicans began stealing the horses and cattle from the Colonists and Apostle Teasdale who was president of the Mexican Mission, together with his counselors, asked me after a priesthood meeting at which these matters were discussed, to look after the horses and cattle on the range and protect them from the thieves and I accepted the request.  The stealing soon ceased."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1887, Page 19:

"At this time I was getting ready to go to Chihuahua [Mexico] with several loads of wool we had sheared from the sheep that I had in charge. Before going I again told Apostle Teasdale and the brethren that the people in the mountains should be called in.  They formed a posse under the direction of Brother Helaman Pratt.  We were informed that the Indians had just passed by a little ranch that was occupied by Charles Whipple at some springs southwest of the colonies. We followed their trail and found they had gone into the mountains, then returned to the colony and reported there was nothing further to be done."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1887, Page 20 and 21:

"A little later after this happened there was an Indian raid on [Colonia] Pacheco where they had driven off some of the stock and Apostle Teasdale and his counselors asked me to go to [Colonia] Pacheco and organize a posse and go out and see what I could do.  On arriving at Pacheco with a letter for Bishop Smith, as he had asked previously for instructions as to what to do, we formed a posse consisting of Bishop Smith, John T. Whetten, Sam Jarvis, George Naegle, and Robert Beecroft and left Pacheo going to the west to the country described by Quigley and his party.  We found where they had made their camp and one of their burros and the trail of the Indians they had seen were going down over the canyon into the Hole country.  We camped there and during the night it began storming and when we got on top of the mountain there was five or six inches of snow and it was impossible to follow the trail any farther so we stared back for Pacheco.  The snow was falling and the fog was 

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so heavy that we could not see any land marks and did not know which way we were going as we had no compass."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1887, Page 30 and 31:

"I could tell these gendarmes were nervous and wanted to return to Juárez.  When I got to Juárez Nielson recognized me and said, "Here is

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the Captain."  He came to meet me with Brother Carlton.  They were the guides for the gendarmes.  We held a parley and the lieutenant in command of the gendarmes said he had instructions to tell us to come on into town.  So we rode into Juárez and reported to Major Romney and he immediately took us up to where Brother Teasdale was...Everyone in the colony were anxious because Brother Nielson had reported that the Tomoches had us surrounded and probably had killed us all by this time.  Brother Teasdale looked upon us and blessed us that wherein we had protected our hometown the Lord would bless us and be with us and we would have power, but the enemies would not have power of destroy us."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1887, Page 32, 33, and 34:

"A few months after, they passed through the country. Apostle Teasdale and his counselors, Alexander MacDonald and Henry Eyring, after having understood the reasons of the uprising of these Tomoches they directed a communication to [Mexican] President [Porfirio] Diaz citing forth the reasons of this uprising and asked that these men might be given another chance and

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that they might be forgiven for their past deeds. This was taken into consideration by the President and his cabinet and these Tomoches were given a reprieve. Thence he was called on a mission to Europe, to assist Pres. Daniel H. Wells, and afterwards to succeed him in the presidency of the European Mission......

This was Mescal de Cabeza.  Just previous to my leaving home I called upon Apostle Teasdale and while talking with him I told him of my anticipatory trip and my bad condition of health.  He immediately stood upon his feet and laid his hands upon my head and gave me a blessing in which he said I would find on this trip to Sonora the medicine that would restore my health; and also that I would encounter people who would oppose the principles of the Gospel. 

"I hereby set you apart and give you a mission to preach the truth of the Gospel in this foreign tongue, and I make you the promise that there shall not be any one who shall rise up against theses sacred principles that shall have power either to confound you in your language or their own for you will have the gift of tongues.  You will be able to confuse and bring to naught those who oppose you." 

And sure enough on this trip when I was staying at the little town 

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of Guachinaro, Sonora, Mexico, there was living at the house I was staying at a Catholic priest.  I remained there some eight days awaiting returns from a messenger that had been sent to the pueblos south and west to find about some cattle.  I had had a number of conversations with this priest and one Sunday morning he had made an appointment with some of his people of the little town and while we were at breakfast in the large sala of the house the people began to come in and they filled the parlor.  The priest with a Bible in his hand and his other books stood up and began to speak, referring to me and my religion.  The notes that he had taken had been taken during his conversations with me.  He ridiculed and asked me a number of questions in the presence of these people.

One of the most potent questions was: "The idea of this man professing to be a follower of the Master when the church that he is a member of was only organized some sixty years ago while our church has come down during the ages from the Master Apostle Peter."

I asked him some questions and said if he would confine himself to the Bible I would be glad to discuss this matter with him and before I knew it I was standing on my feet and preaching the simple principles of the Gospel of the Master in the language of those people and the power of testimony and the spirit of the Gospel came to me with such power that the Father of the village, Sr. Leonardo Doriella arose.  He said, "Stop! This man is teaching us the pure principles of the Gospel of the Master.  We as Catholics are sinning against all of our traditions in listening to a new religion, even if it is the truth.""

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1885, Page 37 and 38:

"One more wonderful experience in which Apostle Teasdale again manifested the spirit of prophecy:  The people of Colonia Juárez had become very much disunited and because of a gross misunderstanding in regard to an action of President Alexander Macdonald the majority of the brethren got up a petition and sent it to Salt Lake City to have Brother Macdonald released from his office. I was one of the signers of this petition and manifested more zeal than wisdom and more audacity than humility and I remember at conference when the brethren were being sustained in their offices that I alone voted against Brother Macdonald.  After one of the conferences Brother Teasdale instructed the Bishop to investigate my case and try and make me see the folly of my presumptuous attitude.

So one day in accordance with these instructions I was called before Bishop Seavey and his counselors, but to no avail.  My blindness and

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stubbornness was such that they gave me no light in the matter.  Brother Teasdale had advised them that if they could not reconcile me to my wrongs to send me to him, so immediately on being dismissed from the bishopric they directed me to Apostle Teasdale's home.  I knocked at the door of Brother Teasdale's office.  He got up and opened the door and told me to come in.

He said to me, "My boy, did the brethren have the right effect upon you?"  I with a spirit of bravado said, "Should one man forgive another when he does not repent?"

Brother Teasdale looked at me and it appeared that his eyes were consuming my very soul for all of the bravado in me left and I bowed my head and tears filled my eyes.

When I could get courage I said to him, "Brother Teasdale, I know my duty now."
He asked what my duty was. I replied, "It doesn't matter what other people do, it is my duty to forgive them. And if I do not the Lord will not forgive me."

Brother Teasdale said, "As with Peter of old, flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee but our Father which is in Heaven.  I have been praying that you might have an understanding and see the light."  As I rose up he came forward and placed his hands on me and blessed me and that spirit of forgiveness has always remained with me even until this day."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1886, Page 38 and 39:

"Another incident in which Brother Teasdale figured in my life:  I was very anxious and prayed to the Lord for a blessing to come to me as I was desirous to enter into the law of plural marriage and the door seemed to have been closed and I could not get any answer to my prayers.  While I was in the company of Apostle Teasdale in Colonia Diaz he said, "My boy, I want you to come and take a walk with me."

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As we walked around the block of Bishop Johnson's lot he had his arm in mine. But he stopped all at once and faced me and put his hands on my shoulders.  It was a beautiful moonlit night and there with the power of the priesthood he blessed me and made me a promise.  He said I should have the privilege of entering into the sacred, holy law and to be humble and listen to the whisperings of the Holy spirit and those blessings would be given to me."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1886, Page 41:

"Before going east I had received permission from the governor of the state [of Chihuahua], Miguel Ahumada, to act vigorously on the frontier of the state of Chihuahua.  On getting this evidence we prosecuted a number of people who had been stealing and some we had placed in jail, among them five Americans at Ciudad Juárez.

Just then Brother Teasdale came out to Deming, New Mexico and that was the last trip he made from the colonies as he went on to Salt Lake City and never returned.  Again, as I went into his room and shook hands with him, he shook hands with me and asked what I was doing. I told him. He said, "That is right."  And he placed his hands on my head and gave me a blessing and set me apart especially to protect the interests of the brethren in Mexico.  He made me a promise in which he said that all those who rose up against me, their arms and material they used would be turned and made useless and through the power of the Lord my life would be spared and protected against any of those class of men, and verily it was so."

George Teasdale arrived in Liverpool Nov. 30, 1886, and after traveling quite extensively in the various conferences of Great Britain, he entered upon the responsible duties of his office as president of the mission in February, 1887. He acted in that capacity till 1890, when he was released to return home. While on that mission he traveled through France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the British Isles.

Since his ordination to the Apostleship, Elder Teasdale's life was almost entirely devoted to his calling in the Church. If not absent from home on foreign missions, he spent his time in traveling among the Stakes of Zion, preaching to the people and exhorting them to live lives of Latter-day Saints. In all his labors at home or abroad, he always took advantage of every opportunity to lift his voice against sin and iniquity, and to declare the glad message of great joy which is so dear to him. Throughout all his ministry he appeared to have the same spirit which was exhibited by Paul of old when he said, "Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel."

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1892, Page 35 and 36:

"In 1892 Apostle Teasdale and his wife ["Tillie"] came to visit us in Colonia Morelos, Sonora, Mexico.  There was a terrible drought throughout the land and the rivers had ceased running, and to the north and east the San Bernardino River and the Big Bavispe River had no water running in them. The people had planted wheat and barley and it never had had any water on it and it looked very discouraging and the people were desirous of cutting their grain for feed when Brother Teasdale and his wife came and we explained the conditions to him and in the morning I advised Brother Charles W. Lillywhite who was superintendent of the Sunday School, to arrange the children in to rows in front of the door of a building we had made to hold our services in.  I advised them to begin singing the favorite hymn of Brother Teasdale, "In Our Lovely Deseret."  We all went in and took our seats except Brother Teasdale and as he stood up there before the Sunday School had opened, he spoke as I have never heard mortal man speak.

"I, the Lord your God, declareth unto you that your crips will mature and you will have plenty for your own use and to spare for your neighbors.  This is the beginning of the times of the changing of the seasons and you will have the early and late rains if you will be a land of plenty unto you.  But if you cease your obedience to my laws and statutes this will not be a land of Zion unto you.  Thus sayeth the Lord, your God. Amen."

The crops did mature, and as the Lord had promised we had plenty for ourselves and sold a great many tons of flour and barley to the neighboring

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mining camps of El Tigre and others at a good price.  But we did not get a drop of rain on those crops and some of the brethren despaired."

Around February 1, 1893 Brother Teasdale and his wife Letitia "Tillie" Dollia Thomas Teasdale were preparing to visit Colonia Díaz, before daylight she was afflicted with a heart attack and died. Tillie left two sons. Brother Teasdale's other wife and children were sent for and attended the funeral.

Saturday, December 14, 1895, Mary Loretta P. Teasdale died in Colonia Juarez, Mexico, a week after her husband set up the Juarez Stake

Reminiscences of Orson Pratt Brown c. 1901, Page 67:

"Another incident: I had the privilege of taking my wife Bessie Macdonald Brown and her two children [Elsie and Marguerite Webb] to the Salt Lake Temple. In Salt Lake City I met my wife Jane Galbraith Brown who was studying medicine and mid-wifery. We went through the Salt Lake Temple where we received our washings and anointings and the two little girls of Bessie's were sealed to me and after these wonderful ceremonies were performed, Apostle Teasdale, together with President Winder, took us through the Temple and explained all of its magnificence and pictures and the wonders, of that wonderful building. It was a glorious privilege and opportunity and as we were leaving Brother Winder pronounced a wonderful blessing upon us."

Notwithstanding the years Brother Teasdale spent in the missionary field and in laboring among the Saints at home, he felt at times that he was not reaching enough ears, and this feeling prompted him to write the tracts. "Glad Tidings of Great Joy," and "The Restoration of the Everlasting Gospel," thousands of which were distributed by missionaries in the world. "Elder Teasdale," wrote Elder Hugh J. Cannon, "has always been greatly interested in the Sunday school work. While president of the Juab Stake, he also acted as Stake Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, and for some time he was teacher of the primary class in the vestry of the Nephi Tabernacle. For several years he was a member of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board. In his talks to the children he endeavored to impress upon their minds the value of a well-spent life and the necessity of living near to the Lord, and in this connection reminded them of the importance of keeping the Word of Wisdom.

Russell P. Teasdale, died in Mesa on June 12, 1909, son of George Teasdale.

One of the most striking characteristics of Apostle Teasdale was that he was always the same. Wherever you met him he had the same genial, quiet way which made friends of all with whom he came in contact. And one of the first impressions made on new acquaintances was that he was a man of God. His life was so taken up with his spiritual duties that he took more delight in conversing on this subject than on any other. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh," was well illustrated in the case of Apostle Teasdale. His heart was full of the gospel, and of a love for his fellowmen, and knew so well how the principles of truth have benefited him, and that mankind could not do without them and make a success of this life, he took delight in bringing these principles to their attention. On every question which came before him for consideration, his first desire was to find out what the will of the Lord is on the subject, and few men were more tenacious than he in doing what he understood the will of the Lord to be. Not only did Apostle Teasdale preach the gospel, but he endeavored by his daily life to show that he believed what he taught. If an honest, upright life would benefit others, it would also benefit him. His life was spent, therefore, in striving, by precept and example, to lift mankind through the saving principles of truth, to a higher plane."

George Teasdale died June 20, 1907 at Salt Lake City, Utah.

George Teasdales Mission Service:

Mission to England 1868-1869

Mission to Southern States 1875-1876

Apostle and Member of the Twelve 1882- 1907

President of European Mission 1887

Mission President in Mexican Colonies 1886-1887, 1892-1893

George W. Teasdale, of Logan, manager for the Thatcher Music Company, was born in Liverpool, England, March 12, 1888, a son of George and Henrietta Picton (Pixton? or Preston?) Teasdale. The former was a native of England and the latter a native of Nephi, Utah. In 1865 the father came to the United States and made his way to Utah, for a long period figuring prominently in connection with events which have shaped the history of the state.  In 1909 Mr. Teasdale was married to Miss Letitia Thomas, a daughter of Preston Thomas, of Franklin, Idaho. Their children are two in number: George Preston Teasdale and David Copperfield Teasdale.


Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia: A Compilation of Biographic Skethces of Prominent Men and Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By Andrew Jenson, Assistant Church Historian. Volume 1. Published by the Andrew Jenson History COmpany, and printed by the Deseret News, Salt Lake CIty, Utah, 1901.

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... Easter 1986 through October 2005


... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by
Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

... To be Published Soon:

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... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

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...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters


...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

- Captain James Brown 1801-1863

...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

- Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

- Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

(Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

(Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

(Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

(Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

(Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

(Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

(Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

- (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915












Contact Us:
Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
P.O. Box 980111
Park City, Utah 84098-0111