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George Washington Shill 1872-1899

 George Washington Shill

Born: May 22, 1872 at Croydon, Morgan Coutny, Utah
Died: June 1, 1899

Compiled by Lucy Brown Archer

In the year 1872, on the 5th month and 22nd day, I first saw the glorious l i g h t or" this-mortal sphere, also the temptations and cares of a mortal being.

I was the 3rd child of my mother Harriet Paynter Sh i l l , she being the 2nd wife of my father Charles Golding S h i l l ; one child, making me h i s 4th child.


mere born at the same f a r m i n Croyden, Xorgan County, Utah.

the former wiTe Harriet'Zebb, tore him

Ky parents sere as many others, quite

Ella Deseret and Kilo Golding, My brother and s i s t e r older than me,

Gost of ol;r stock was k i l l e d OE the Union Pacific Bailroad tracks anc

being ixpoverished i n numerous says my father Charles Golding S h i l l began t o

t a l k of moving'to Arizona where there were a great ni;nber of people gzthering.

It w a s not long u n t i l word came t h a t our only span of horses-had been k i l l e d

on the railroad tracks. This was a shock to us yo^ nay presume.

Tnen after the b i r t h of the sixth child, ':right Paynter i n 1860, Victor

and Orson being the 4th and 5tn, Xother was taken down sick with typkiola fever

and was at the point of death. It seemea that to get b e t t e r was hopeless.

Oii how vivid it is i n my memory when my brothers an6 s i s t e r were inr^crmed that

our mother w a s dying and Tor us t o get ready t o go see her, f o r she desired t o

talk t o us. Oh! t k sorrow that seized upon GS l i t t l e ones I am not able t o


When we Walked i n t o tne room, there w a s father s i t t i n g on the bedside

and mother lay there as though she Fas dead talking at intervals with father.

We caEe t o the bedside and her a t t e n t i o n w z s turned t o us. One by one she

took by the hand, kissed and bid goodbye a f t e r t e l i i c g us how we should conduct

ourselves and to not weep f o r her f o r she would be hapl;y.

Our almost broken hearts, how they throbbed with sorrow as ve s i l e n t l y

withdrew from the room t h a t we may not disturb- her with aw weeping. We sat

along the east side or" the house i n the sunshine and poured out our sorrow

f o r an hour or SO. Even the tender hearted dog came and seemec t o sorrow with

us. Ve were invited t o go out on the h i l l s where we gathered flowers.

Although Uncle George f a i l e d to mention it, they, inust have stayed that

night at a neighbors, f o r he nentioned they returned the next day t o learn

t h e i r inother w a s being prepared Tor burial.

Tnere were sone t h a t s a i d they would aot give her up and she w a s

abinist-ered t o once o r twice and she W a s restored t o l i f e . It w a s against

her w i l l s.0 she claimed f o r she had tasted of the heavenly influence and she

aesired not to return t d mortal li.fe, but God designea that she should.

Of a i l joy that ever I was per-nitted t o enjoy, that yizs the nost welcomed;

t o hear that my mother was alive. My father, brothers and si$+,er were f u l l of

praise t o God, the gracious giver of l i f e and of all blessings.

From t h i s time my mother begar, t o get b e t t e r 2nd gained strength daily.

Father began t o make ?reparations to move to Arizona, but monej wzs t o be

raised. We had no team to take us so he began t o s e l l things. Ssnetice in tht

fell tks fzr2 ~r'as sold t o Brother Thackery.


FJe loaded our belongings on Gibson Condies wagon and spent the night at

h i s place.

old Tarm.

sorrow at our leaving.

In the morning we bid goodbye to our friends and ler't the dear

When the poor dog Peck saw us go she howled trying to shcw her

Tk went to Ogden where iw boarded a t r a i n through Xevada t o California

thence t o Arizona. Had a very pleasant tri? though tiresome f o r we were

8 days on the t r a i n .

freighter to Tempe 35 m i l e s with one nignt spent i n the desert.

Tempe the second day about 4:OO PE ana got a ri&e with Thomas F. Biggs t o


A t Narico2a ive had t o lay over a day, took a Kexican

Arrived i n

We stayed i n a s m a l l mud roofed house f o r several days. Our first

v i s i t o r was mla lady Susan Brady who was f u l l of love f o r newcomers. She

soon made us welcome a t her place where we g o t milk, morning and night.

We theo moved into town and stayed i n the old school house where we

were quite comfortable. Father got work on the school house arid thereby made

a living f o r the family.

milk. Xilo and I had something to do herding cows.

He traded a harness Tor a cow that furniski5d our

It w a s now December, weather w a s miserable, our clothing poor, and Teet

were bare, O w r a t i o n s were very scant but we w e r e happy. During t h i s

winter I w a s baptised i n the S a l t Biver by Henry C. Rogers and confirmed the

same day. I did not realize the importance of baptism and therefore made

no reformation i n my l i f e .

In the spring we began to clear off the brush from the 40 acres which

~y Tather had boughA? an6 some adobies were made but first we b u i l t a willow

house, covered dirtnand plastered the sides with mud.

Buring the next summer father w a s l a i d up with sickness which pit us behind

i n our building. We put up ac adobe house and were very hap9y i n it, yet maEy

times we didn't know where our next meal -ms coming from, but the Lord did

provide, We raised considerable garden stufi" which was viholesome and we thereby

were blessed Kith very good nealth, thoxgh Fie were exposed to all kinds of

weather. Our schooling w a s very limited i n those days.

Xother made soIIie means with her sexing machine, making clothing f o r the

netives. Father took a contzact t o cut cord wood f o r the government post. at

XcDowell. N i l 0 and myself and Father worked very hard, but we made a living.

Later rcy elder brother Xilo, being about 15 years old, went with my cousin

Wellington Richens t o Sweetwater Station about 35 or 40 miles south and there

workea Tor a Teiv weeks and made a fen d o l l a r s . Te then closed up. our house

at Jonesville and kept house f o r George Crisman and boarded 12 men. Xilo

worked as a hired hand and I and the smaller ones helped father and nother.

Thile there r e raised a team an2 wagon and became 2. l i t t l e more indepen6enG.

After leaving the boarding nouse and l i v i n g on a ranch near by I had a severe

attack or" rheumatic Tever which layed me up f o r some tine. We lived i n that

house f o r sonetim and then moved up to Jonesville which had been called Lehi.

Ye b u i l t i? s m a l l addition to the old hcuse and began t o prepare to build

a larger house and the contract w a s l e t to D. F. Jones, li. TifPany and

J. ,L. Patterson. It m s some time before we got the roof on it. Three of we

boxs began to work out and we soon began t o ?ick up again.

I spent most of two winters i n school with my brother Milo, but my

attention WZS then beginning t o turn toward the g i r l s and my stl;dies were

neglected t o a certain extent.

In 1887 or 88 I began with t w o of my younger brothers, Victor and

Orson t o labor on G. M. TiTfany's brick yard and helged him with about

l5O,OOO, then w a s taken sick with rheumatic fever and l a i d up f o r about

six weeks, which w a s very serious and it w a s sometine before I coula work.

Daring the next year my father went t o Utah t o do Temple work. I

attended the d i s t r i c t school a-aonth or two and wcrked out for wages. In

1890 I was ordained an Elder by Courrselor Henry C. Rogers. I t r i e d t o do

good, though I f e l t my unworthines of holding tke office of an Elder i n the

Church 03 Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

During the year I helped Tiffany put up brick I had anotner serious

ettack of rhewnatir: fever which l a i d me up f o r several weeks.

at the brickyard a notice came t o me from Bishop Thoaas E. Jones f o r me t o

appear at the Relief Society Zall about 7:OO PI;. I knew not what was up

but soon found out when the h a l l began t o f i l l up with the leading men of the

Stake and a l s o Apostle John Henry Smith and Elder John Eorgan. There were

six br seven of us and a f t e r the meeting had s t a r t e d we were each asked

questions. which were very straight and i n some ceses seemed quite serious.

Ke were asked ivhether we would prepare oursel-ves Tor missions S ordained

t o t h e o f f i c e of Seventy. We a l l answered we rvould. I w a s ordained by

Elder George Passey.

Vard and helped i n the i?apago Rard Sunday School.

::'nile working

From t h i s time on I labored as a teacher in the Lehi

Tg brother and 9 put up a k i l n of brick a f t e r high water from the Salt

River had subsided. It had come up and surrounded our house, coveriEg lnost

of our farm. I a l s o had another attack of sickness during the f a i l of that

year which proved very serious.

I spent a few weeks i n school that winter and w a s called as second Councilor

t o the President or' the YmfiA, also acted as Vard Clerk f o r a season.

Wg brothers Milo and Victor, myself and Bick Eatterrscm went t o the Bgua

Fria and spent several months trying t o make line. Ouring the first winter

i had another attack or" sickne-ss. It seemed bound t o keep me nome where I

should by r i g h t s stayed. I was sick a long t i m e , God w a s very Eerciful t o

restore me t o health, but it w a s a f t e r I had suffered much before I learned


I spent the rest of the year at home, then i n May I returned again t o lime

burning. That winter however, another a;.;ful seige struck me and I f e l t doomed

t o part from t n i s mortal sphere. The pains were excruciating, I coula not move

and my heart w a s affected.

I knew my position as r e l a t i v e t o the deeds which I had committed and

knew also that should God c a l l me home and deprive me of a longer existance

here on earth that i t would 3e only my j u s t due, but it seens that ny work

w z s not finished though death t o me would have been meet at t h a t t i n e ,

Zy brother xho was working soBe distance from hom w a s sent Tor and w i t h a l l

the folks concerned for me a miracle w a s performed. Elders were sent f o r and

Bisnop Thomas E. Jones and D. P. Jones came. Yith my family around my couch,

Brother D. P. Jones annointed me with o i l and then my father, Bishop Jones and

D. P. Jones l a i d t h e i r hands ugon my head and I immediaz-ely f e l t a soothingsensation

begin t o possess my system, as I rehearsed in my mind the words -+[ni.cn

' 4

they uttered and as they took t h e i r hands from my head the pains were taken

also. To the astonishment of a l l those who were i n the house and to myself,

I arose i n bed and sat upright, something I had not been able t o do f o r

many days. I f e l t as w e l l as I do right now only I w a s weak. I ate a good

lunch. Hy mother w a s overcome with joy. A s long as I l i v e never shall I

forget that instance and I hope and t r u s t t h a t I w i l l ever be able to give o r

ascribe the Honor and Glory to the God 0.f our fathers, Abrahm, Isaac and

Jacob f o r I know unto him it belongs.

I began t o gain strength. In Hay 1894 I again went t o the Agua Fria

where Xilo and Victor were burning liroe. I labored about 6 weeks, then came

home t o work on the Normal School House xi%h Dick Mattensen and my brother

who had the contract. hly brother Victor and I worked f o r a week or so

shoveling gravel from a quarry and then put i n the foundation of the new


on the Agua Pria making lime.

Xu younger brother Orson with Clark Nickerson and another man were

I helped burn a. k i l n or' lime i n the Tempe lime k i l n and then I cleaned

out the corners of the foundation, also nelpea lay the first cornerstone of

the builciing. Weather w a s very warm. I n August I learned t o cut stone and

worked at it f o r a week or SO.

I boarded at the quarry boarding house run by M r s Rumberge i n Tempe.

One day Xr. Xattenson and I went out i n search of a place t o get l i m e stone.

me were l a t e getting back having had l i t t l e success. .It was about sundown,

1 washed myself and went to the house f o r dinner and w a s told two men were

waiting t o see me at the railroad bridge. I put off eating and went at, once

about a quarter mile. A s I approached I recognized it w a s President George

Pzssey and Pres. Geo. 3'. Ellsworth of the 90th Quorum of Seventies. Some

very curious thoughts passed through my mind. The thoQght of tramping from

village t o v i l l a g e carrying the Gospel, of crossing t'ne ocean, and parting

with loved ones passed through my mind i n a matter of about three minutes.

I readily knew what they wanted and they asked if I would respond t o

the csll shol;ld my name be chosen. I told them t h a t I mould. About 2 weeks

later about 1:OO or 2:OO o'clock, while working under a l i t t l e shed, my

father and brother Ralph came with e l e t t e r which he handed me. I opened it

and read the following:

S a l t Lake City, kug. 20th 1894

Elder George W. S h i l l ,

Lehi .

Dezr Erother:

Your name has been suggested and acceDted as a Missionary t o Samoa.

The work of the Lord is progressingin the nations, and f a i t h f u l l energetic

Elders are needed i n the ministry t o promulgate the Everlasting Gospel,

openings of doing good appearing i n numerous directions.

others having been selected for t h i s mission, should there be no reasonable

obstacle to hinder you from going, we would be ?leased to have you nake arrangements

to start from t h i s City at as early a date as to leave San Francisco,

Oct. l a t h , 1894. Please l e t us know at your e a r l i e s t convenience, wnat your

feelings are with regard t o t h i s c a l l . I f you accept it you rill r-eceive no

Zurther notification, but w i l l be expected t o present yourself at the Historians

office to be set apart on the day previous t o that appointed f o r your departure.

Yourself, nith

Your Brother,

Xilford Tioodruff


I w a s struck with astonishment when the f a c t was clear t o me that I w a s

t o go on a mission t o Samoa. I f e l t quite dubious indeed, 2nd there probably

couldhave been seen tears i n my eyes, for I took i n or preceived at the

circmstances with which I w a s surraunded and things began t o appear more

l i k e a dream t o me than anything else. A moment went by i n silence as I

folded the missive and replaced i t i n the envelope, then my father asked me

the question as whether I w a s going or not. I t I answered him in the a r ' f i r n i t i v e

and he said, ( t h a t ' s right)".

From that hour the time began to f l y l i k e the wind, ;ny father l e f t , a l s o

my brothers, and I continued my labour the r e s t of that week, and on Saturdsy

night I returned home with my brother i n law T. P. Biggs. I attended Conference

that week, and it w a s hinted that they wanted t o near from me, but no

that would not do, for when any one would-talk t o me about leaving, it brought

my heart up i n my throat, and f o r me t o get up and endea-<or t o address and bid

goodbye t o that vast congregation I would have sunk dowr? and made a f o o l

perhaps of myself. A f t e r

After meeting I had a few words with the President of the Stake,

C. R. Hakes, and asked him when they were going t o start f o r General Conference,

as I w a s expecting t o accompany them (also Bro. Horne) as far as Salt Lake City.

He informed me that they would start on the 25th of the month, it being somewhere

the middle then.

There -gas no time l o s t i n the two weeks which remained f o r my folks were

all made busy preparing iny things and my friends mere very kind a s s i s s n g i n all that they could.

On the 25th day of September, I took leave of my dear f o l k s which seemed

quite hard. I went by way of Colorado and New Xexico- and arrived i n S a l t LsKe

City SeI;. 29th. I spent a few days there, did some work i n the Temple ana got

my endowments, a l s o got a Patriarchal Blessing from an old man by the name or"

Kingsberry. It is as follows:

"Brother George Tashington S h i l l , i n the name or' Jesus Christ and by

virtue of the Holy Priesthood vested i n me as a Patriarch i n the Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I ask my Heavenly Father t o l e t H i s Isoly

S p i r i t r e s t down upon you, and as I am called t o o f f i c i a t e i n the office of a

Patriarch and t o bless those ivho c a l l upon ne f o r a blessing, I say unto thee,

thou art a chosen vessel of the Lord. His eye has been upon thee rll t3y l i f e

here Epon the earth, and thou art or" the seed of Abraham througn the loins of

Joseph an6 of the house of Ephraim, and-the Lord w i l l manifest unto thee througn

H i s S p i r i t , t h a t thou shalt see visions, thou shalt have dreams, thou shalt be

protectea and preserved through many unseen dangers, f o r thy guardian Angel w i l l

watch over thee, and shall guard thy path through t h i s journey of l i f e .

And inasmuch as thou hast obeyed the Gospel and been obedient t o a l l the

ordinances thereof, thou has the right to c a l l down the blessings of Heaven

upon thee through the Priesthood which has been bestowed upon thee, which is

power with the heavens. And the powers of darkness shall f l e e Tram thee, Tor

thou art called t o pass through many scenes of sorrow and a f f l i c t i o n s , but tnou

shalt be protected and preserved through a l l your travels i n t h i s life. And as

thou art now called t o go on a mission, thou shalt go, and the Lord w i l l be xith

thee and preserve thee, and thou shalt be mighty in declaring the work of l i f e

unto the people whereunto thou art called t o administer the words of l i f e and


- -


salvation, and many shall believe and obey the Gospel through your administrations.

Thou shalt have friends ready t o administer unto thee i n all

thy wants that is necessary for thy comfort, and thou shalt have Joy end peace

continually i n a l l thy labors through t h i s mission whereunto thou has been


Tihe time w i l l come when thou w i l t be l i k e Enoch of old, and thou shall see

the Heavens opened, and thou shall see the Son of Xan, and thou shalt be

s a t i s f i e d and know that thou art a-chosen vessel; that thou has come forth i n

t h i s the dispensation of the fullness of times t o f u l f i l l a mission that shall

give thee great joy.

Thou shalt have a companion according t o your choice; and thou have a

posterity that shell be honorable i n t h e i r generztion f o r they w i l l take

counsel of thee and obey thy words, and thy posterity shall be numerable upon

t i e earth.

Thy pathway shall be amongst the wicked and by thy word and the power

that is within thee through the Priesthood that is upon thee, thou shall

command and the enemy shall tremble and flee before thee. Xo power shall

hinder thee from perforning the mission which thou hast been called t o perform

here Epon the earth through a l l thy days. Thou shalt l i v e t o a good old age,

and thou shalt enjoy thyself with abundance of the comforts of l i f e , ana thou

shalt be f i l l e d w i t h the love of truth, f o r thou shalt love t o do the w i l l of

thy Fathei i n Heaveno

Thou art young, but thou shalt l i v e t o a good old age and thou shalt be

s a t i s f i e d with thy l i f e here upon the earth for it is the privilege t o l i v e

and behol& the coming or" the Son of Man, when he shalt come t o reign upon

the earth. Thou shalt see Zion redeemed;

there, and thou shalt see the Glory of the Lord resting upon tihe City of Zion,

and there shall no good thing be withheld from thee and thy desires snall be

granted unto thee and no power shall kinder thee from receiving these blessings,

which I seal upon thee i n the name of Jesus Christ, even so. Amen."

thou shalt have an'inheritance

Salt Lake City. October 12th, 1894

Previous t o t h i s , on the 8th of October, I w a s set apert t o the mission

by Pres. Synour B. Young, i n which he blessed me with health and strength and

said that I would gain the language of the people speedily also would be able

t o speak fluently, and I should go in peace and return i n safety; a l l of xnich

were f u l f i l l e d to the very l e t t e r , By hard study and the help of the Lord, I

gained the language so fast that I surprised the natives and my health w a s


After a stay of 29 months that Dart of the mission w a s closed and we a l l

received honorable releases t o return t o Zion. The voyage from Samoa w a s a

pleasant one, rre arrived i n San Francisco on the 6th of Hay. I spent three

days i n that ciky tnsn made my way by rail t o my home where I arrived on the

11th of Xay finding the folks all well. A jubilant time ensued i n the evening

when a few friends cane and was there I met the enevitable.

From tnzt time OE I w a s occupied i l z various kinds of labor. I labored as a

home missionary and have ever since. On the 14th of Nov. 1896, I received a

c a l l from the President of the Church t o l a b o r as a missionary among the young

of some of the settlements of Northeast Arizona.


P r i o r t o t h i s I was chosen by Ben Noble as his first counselor i n the YXXIA.

I was s e t apart es a missionary i n the i n t e r e s t of the €I I A, by C. R. Hakes

on the 28th of Nov. 1898. I received my appointment t o labor i n the S t . John

Stake. Was sustained at General Stake Conference as a home missionary.

"The following w a s written by 8. P. S h i l l a f t e r the hand of the previous

writer aria subject of sketch was s t i l l e d i n death."

In the fall of 1898 George Washington S h i l l received a c a l l from Pres.

Lorenzo Snow of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, t o take a

mission i n the i n t e r e s t of the Young Nen's Xutual Improvement Association,

H i s c a l l assigned him t o the S t . Johns Stake, but it was afterwards changed t o tn

the Snowflake Stake of Zion.

4% the quarterly Conference of the Xaricopa Stake, George was set apart

under the hands 02 Apostle A. 0. Woodruff 2nd Pres. Seymore B. Young and

the Presidency or" the Stake, Pres. Collins a. Hakes, being mouth, This was done

at the Priesthood meeting on the night of Nov. 26, 1898.

During the f a l l .of 1898 George workeci, hauling consideraXe on the Xesa

Canal, i n the DrillingGang. He continued h i s labors on tine canal u n t i l about

Christmas. On the 29th of December he l e f t Tor the Snoxflake Stake on h i s

misslcn. Ee e:qerie;:ce< s ~ a e ire_r?; ss-,re~s -;iezthsr 01 '-,hs$ nissio~.

His labors commenced x i t h Bro. James Vance as a companion. Be labored

with Elder Vance f o r some time and then he traveled with Elder Don 3. LeBaron.

He sFent the t i m e during t h i s mission in a very profitable and pleasant manner

and much good w a s accomplished. The people of the Stake treated then with the

utmost kindness and respect, and were loath t o have tham leave.

During his stay i n Snowflake, George became acquainted with a very fine

young lady, Xiss P r i l l a Frisby, and t h e i r acquaintance grex into 2 most

devine affection, one Tor the other. Parting with her and his msny other

Snowflake friends, w a s s 5 o u t . a ~ hard t o George as wits his Darting with us at

home. Or, Valentine Day, George received a Valentine from someone in the toxn

of Woodruff. The following verse which comes t o our hearts now xith pathetic

force, were inscribed uDon it.

"Some friends may wish thee free from care,

Others joy and wealth

Some may wish thee blessings rare

Long l i f e and 9erfect health.

Ey wish f o r thee is b e t t e r T a r ,

Than a l l others nere have given

That when you from this world deFart

Your soul maj. r e s t i n Heaven."

"May you i n your labors prosper,

And peace your steps attend,

Your desires which you nave i n

And may Sakan ne'er have power t o f l u s t e r


George arrived home Konday evening, he walked Zrom Xesa. 'lie were a i l

glad t o see h i m , he was looking fstt and hearty, and feeling f u l l or' the

S p i r i t of God. He s a i d that his only regrets were that before he went he had


t r i e d t o find some excuse. After spending nine days with us, George and

Orson l e f t f o r the G i l a t o work on a brick yard (at Safford).

journey over.


F i r s t he took a cold and continued taking cold. They slept in a l i t t l e room whe

where if the doors were open they would freeze and shut would s t i f f l e .

George f i n a l l y came down with his old complaint; the rheumatism. After spending

3 or 4 days i n bed and not getting any better, he thought it would be the part

of wisdom t o go where he could receive proFer care, so on Kay the 1st about

2:OO PLI. he w a s assisted on a horses back behind John Morris and taken t o the

t r a i n which w a s waiting f o r him. H i s ride on the horses back was not very

pleasant, a l s o the ride on the t r a i n . He hzd t o be assisted from one car t o

another by the conductor.

Wright and

Scott took them to Tempe, where they took the t r a i n , and had a verxtiresome _ _

Their work on the yard w a s very hard, and the grub not of the

The disagreeable condition of the weather soon told on Georges Health.


In justice t o Orson it must be said t h a t it was against nis wishes f o r

George t o go home alone. He begged f o r a long time t o be allowed t o accompany

him hcme, but George said they had come over t o burn the brick and it woula

not do f o r both t o leave and leave the brick unburned and that he would get

home some way if he died on the t r a i n , a l l w a s the same. So he rent alone.

Arriving at Yesa on the 11:OO o'clock t r a i n , and seeing no one that he

knew, George started t o walk home, a distance of about 3% miles, with great

efTort. He said he doubted i f he would reach home, he Bas most opportunly

overtaken by ?iiss Cynthia Byers who kindly brought him hone. He stepped into

the house just as we had finished dinner and were about t o leave f o r the Kay

Day celebration ug town. This w a s on the 2nd of Hay. He w a s given every

comfort. A t night Bro. Harvey J. Harper called in to see him. George spent

a tolerable good night, but was sick all the next day Xay 3rd., and during

the night of the 3rd George w a s quite r e s t l e s s and w a s very sick the next day

Xay 4th. Hay 5th George w a s some better. Brother Louis Ellswortb came over at

night and chatted awhile.

wdk around tihe place looking at the grain.

Xay 6th George was feeling much better and took a

May 7th Sunday morning George w a s feeling f u l l of sain, he w a s setting

out by the kitchen stove. We were all getting ready f o r Sunday School when

George got up and walked into the big room an& setting on the bed o r cot, took

s o r t of a spasm. The rheumatic struck his heart and he w a s in the moa$ awr"ul

pain for about 10 or 15 minutes. Father, Mother and Wright administered t o

hin! an& he soon w a s resting easy. We called Dr. V i l l i a m s , who l e f t directions

f o r treatment. George spent the r e s t of the day very quietly but at night his

f e e t troubled him awful. He said he never had them so bad before. Brother

Thomas Biggs stayed with him a l l night besides Nother.

gay 8th. In the morning Bro. hoble came i n ana assisted in rubbing and

bathing George's feet. The Doctor made his v i s i t . On the night of the 8th

George w a s very bad. We sent f o r Bros. Louis Ellsworth, Danie1.P. Jones and

Thomas E.. Jones, who administered t o him. H i s breath seems so bad. Bro. Thos.

Biggs and Thos. Steele sat upwith him; also Sadie Shill.

Xay 9th. George is some better today. The Doctor made h i s v i s i t . During

the day we sent three telegrams, one t o Orson, one t o cousin Charley and one

t o X i s s P r i l l a Frisby who lives i n Snowflake. Xother, Sadie and I sat ug

with George during the night. It was dcring t h i s night that a strange thing

happened. I had laici down and f a l l e n asleep. Xother w a s keeping v i g i l , when


George cried out suddenly i n the most i i t i f u l cry, saying "Auntie I can't

go, Auntie I can't go" t h i s sent a c h i l l througn X o t b r . George airoke and

f e l l asleep again and soon cried out "1 am waiting f o r Genealogy from

England.!' Zother awoke me and asked me t o administer- t o him. I said I

could not do so vocally, so I administiBed t o him s i l e n t l y . This incideat

has entirely slipped my memory but Xother r e c a l l s it with exactness.

bfay 10th. 'Went f o r the Doctor. Orson arrived from the Gila, he brought

with him a young man Leroy Scarlett. Got glspatch from P r i l l a Frisby saying

she had started. George quite bad during the day. Some of us went t o

a musical concert at night. Xother, Sadie and I sat u=j w i t n George a l l

night. He w a s very sick during the night.

&lay 11th. George seemsa l i t t l e easier today. Xent for the Doctor. Vhile

the Doctor was here about 1O:OO AN Eiss P r i l l a Frisby arrived from Snowflake.

She i s the young lady with xhom George formed an attachment xhile on his

Snowflake mission. She i-s a very nice and agreeable lady. George w a s much

better i n the a f t e r part of the day, Got the Doctror again a t night t o

see George. Bro. Don X. LeBaron came down at night t o see Georgg. Bro. Biggs

and Jos. Clark sat up at night.

-.-.- i,&V 12th. The 3octor ceme ~o~!:L. Bra. Tsllington Richins came t o see George

curing the day. Broo Geo. Lewis and Ben Po LeBaron down at night, George

w a s quite bad during the night.

Xk~y 13th. George considefable better today, Father and I went t o Mess and

reported his condition t o the Doctor.

Iihy 14th. Sunday. Some of the folks went t o Sundsy School. Bro. Geo. Lewis

came doivn from S. S. and had dinner. Orson hired 2 guitar on the Xesa and

when we l e f t for Religion Class, we leZt George and his attendants singing

songs. Ye f e e l so thankfull that he is g e t t i n g b e t t e r .

Xay 15th. The ?leasing notes or" t'ne guitar took the place of George's

groans,, He i s considerable better.

Xay 16th. RalDh is guite sick with a touch of peumonia. George is ~ u c h

better, Had some singing at night,

Xay 17th. George continues t o improve. Retired early.

Xay 18th. Parents went up t o Bro. W i l l i a m s . George is much better. He and

P r i l l a took a l i t t l e walk. How thankfull we are t o see him around. He ate

dinner at the dining roon table (for the last time i n his l i f e ) .

P r i l l a took a short drive i n the afternoon. Be wzs not feeling so well at

night and w a s very bad a l l night. He s p i t s UF considerable blook and has no

doubk got the pneumonia (beginning of the end). P r i l l a and &€other sat up.

He and

X.=y 19th. George is very sick t h i s morning. Bent and s a w the Doctor who sent

some neaicine. We, some or" us went t o Bro. Robert W i l l i a m s funeral. George

some easier at night.

Xay 20th. Got the Doctor who pronounced George's case pneumonia. Some of the

Brethern, Bros. Daniel P. and Thos. E. Jones adminisixred t o George at night

and he received benefit therefrom, 3e was very bg.d again i n the night..

Xother, P r i l l a and Orson are s i t t i n g up with n i m .

about 1i:OO & and then took him back.

I went for the Do t o r again

-kfter getting home I Went an8 brought


Bros. Dan P. and T. E. Jones again. This was about morning.

Uay 21. Sun-. Some- of the folks went t o Sunday School. Went and got

the Doctor i n the evening. George is very sick, we were a l l afraid.

Terrible suspence. P r i l l a is sick with the measles. Bros. Harvey Sarper,

Thos. E. Jones and Geo. Lewis sat u ~ w i t h George. He is some better be2ore


May 22. Eonday. George's and Otto's birthdzy. Got Doctor i n morning and

i n evening. George some better thank God. Thomas Biggs sat up at night.

Iiiay 23. TuesOay. Went and got the Doctor. George is worse today. The

Doctor called again i n the evening, George some b e t t e r at night. Bros.

Daniel P. Jones and T. E. Jones and Harvey J. Harper sat up at night. Xotner

quite s i c k ,

Hay 24. I stayed around and waited on George considerable, Several of the

s i s t e r s here. Mother quite sick but some better. George is some better

towards evening. P r i l l a got the guitar and George asked her t o sing

"Cast Aside". !Phis is the l a s t song she ever sang t o him. Milo 2nd I sat

up with him u n t i l 2:OO PfrIand then Victor and Orson stayed the r e s t of the

night. The Doator made t w o trips.

Hay 25. Yiednesday. Doctor came down i n the morning also i n the evening.

George w a s worse during the day, but b e t t e r sone at night. Bros. Harper

and T. E. Jones changed George's clothes a f t e r supper.

Kay 26. Thursday. Brought Doctor i n the morning again. George Tias very

well during the dsy, but w a s taken very bad about 6:OO PK. Had considersble

v i s i t o r s . Bro. Geo. Lewis stayed u r t i l midnight and Bro. Biggs and Iiarvey

J. Sarper Jr. stayed a l l nignt. George suffered awl'ull, not sleeping or

r e s t i n g f i v e minutes at s time all night.

Kay 27. George w a s very bad a l l day, he is so fainty and troubled with his

breathe Got the Doctor down again for the last time. He says it is the

rehumatics i n George's heart that i s hurting him. S i s t e r Harper w a s here a l l

dzy working with George. Sent f o r the Bishop i n the afternoon and he admini

s t e r e d t o him. He, the Bishop, then went and got Pres. Rogers and they both

administered t o him. George Lewis, Dan P. Jones and Ben Xoble were the s i t t e r s .

George has been axfull sick a l l night.

Xay 28. Sunday. George has been very sick a l l night. The Brethern l e f t

early and l e f t Bro. Lewis with George. This morning we were all called around

thinking George w a s going t o leave us. How painful it w z s t o see dear Father

sit by his side and look i n t o his apparently dying face, then get u:, and burst

into tears. It almost melted our hearts but we s t i l l had great confidence i n

his recovery. Bro. Lewis, Father and I administered t o him and he received

strength. Then he requested us all t o leave the room while he talkea privately

with F'rilla. Bro. T. E. Jones cam and then Bro. Lewis l e f t f o r Iilesa. I did

considerable rumifig around getting the f o l k s together. WE had a family circle

prayer and we asked God with a l l our hearts t o have mercy on George and restore


him to his wanted strength. Fhat a beautiful order.

beautiful are the ordinances. of God. From t h i s t i m e forth help us t o l i v e

worthy of thy blessings, and help us t o do something t o advance such

beautiful doctrines. Forgive us our sins, res&ore George and fulfill-Thypromises

uson his head by hel_ning him t o live worthy.

Father we give a l l the Honor and Glory. George w a s better during the day.

Bro. Lewis brought with him about noon, Bishop Born and Bros. Ben F. and

Don X. LeBaron. Bp. Soremon w a s here also. Fres. Rogers and they a l l

prayed and a h i n i s t e r e d t o George.

w a s very bad all Sunday night. The watchers were Bro. George F. Ellsworth,

Frank Fuller and T. Richins 3rom Xesa and T. E. Jones ecd Thorozs P. Biggs beside

C&T fclks. He had a very bad spell about 2:OO €%. The watchers thought

George took a fancy t o Bro. Fuller and wolild not let h i m leave him. Just as

day was dawning were were awakened thinking that George was going but he

r a l l i e d and seems much better t h i s morning. The only way George gat any rel

i e f was through the administrations or" the Elders, Just before Bro. Ellsworth

l e f t we a l l had prayers and then administered t o George and he seems greatly


How grand and Unto Thee Heavenly

Our folks f r o m the Xesa were down. George

EJay 29. Xonday. George is very nervous t h i s morning but we think he is some

better. Was quite well all day, but very r e s t l e s s at night. He was quite bad

a l l night. Very nervous and scarry. Bro. Harper and some others, Bro. T. E.

and D. P. Jones stayed a l l nignt,

Xzy 30. Tuesday. George w a s very nervous all day, alsc- sleepy. Think he is

improving slightly. Yielly Richins and Xilo stayed with him during the day.

Bro. Harper, T. E. Zones ana iiyruzi Davis sat ug-.xitn him. Be is improvilrg

iron all appaarznces.

Z,&x 31. Wecines&a~.. George is feeling fine t h i s morning but is very weak. I

got him a bowl of water and he washed his face a l l alone. I combed his hair

and he looked quite refreshed. He admired the flomers which were on the tabie

and he s a w Otto by the front door with a pretty rose and he askac? E x ( 0 t t o ) t o

bring it t o him. I went and got it from Otto and gave it t o George, He

smelled it and said beautiful or nice. He to& some n u r i s h e n t during the

morning. How thankfull we are that he is better. Ee aould not take any medicine

and said we bothered hirc too much. About 2:OG Ei he took t o chilling and

voniting. Pie sent for Bro. Harper. George's hands went as cold as could be.

Father and I administered t o him. B r G o Earper came. r'ather was talking t o

George about his ccndition and said he would be b e t t e r bye and bye. George

answered and said "There i s great consolation in that", and said it viould be

i n the "Sweet by and by!'. We rubbed him all over and he was somwhat restored.

I started t o leave the room and he called me back saying "Yiright, don't leave,

you are the only standby I've got". I had been with him considerable aming

the day, i s the reason he said it I supposeo

We sent f o r BishoG Sorenson and Bros. T. E. and D. P. Jones and they

layed hands 'on him. H i s legs are swollen awful. Bros. Geo. Lewis, Louis

Ellsworth, Kelly Richins, T. E. Jones, D. P. Jones and aarvey Harper were

around during the evening. Some or^ them Kent o3f and held secret prayer f o r

George. Bros. Bichins, Harper, D. P. Jones and Tom Biggs stayed with George

during the nignt. Victor ena Ral2h went t o Iiesa f o r Dr. Sabin who caae down

and gave George something that caused him much suffering apparently. George

looked into the Doctor's face and ansaerec his gcestions so p i t i f u l l y .

the Doctor came Lother had _orepared some cabbage leaves t o put on his f e e t .




While she w a s putting them on he w a s very much disturbed, and Kother told him

she woula not put any more on and he said ItNo Xother, you never w i l l again."

He suffered awrr'ul a l l night arid i n the morning he asked what tine it w a s o

When he w a s told it w a s about ria-y break, he said "There w i l l be a t e r r i b l e

struggle . It

June 1 (Orson's birthday) E l l a came down early i n the morning. George's

words came true f o r there w a s a t e r r i b l e struggle (co_aying from my journal of

June 1st) Just a few minutes 850, George called upon his Father i n Heaven

(he regeated t h i s several times) I ask Thee i n the name of Jesus Christ t o

raise me up. He told the Lord he wculd ever be good if these b lessings were

granted. He said t o Bro. Harper who w2s s i t t i n g by h i s f e e t that he w a s a

witness, also Bro. D. P. Jcnes and a l l *2t were in the room which w a s all

tne family, thak we were witnesses that God l l v e s and thzt He is merciful. Ee

asked us all to live i n righteousness. 3e than told us t o przy which we did,

being stationed around h i s 5ed. iIe then held out one hand and said "just one

hand" , as though he would get right up. Bro. Barper took his hand but never

r a i i e d him up so he leaned back i n bed and said it would be one way or the

other with him now. Soon a f t e r h i s prayer he began to sink an& thinking he w a s

going to die he called us around and spoke t o Father and Xother, but to X i l o

he said "Xilo you nust take a turn, you can do b e t t e r and do, do better". To

Victor he said "Remember your promise (mission) and said "Perhaps I can help yout1.

To Orson he said "You must not be so zeckless afid riiust do better". He then

turned t o me and said t'%'right I know you are a good boy, continue so". Salph

he told not be so reckless and rough, but t o do b e t t e r . He told Bemis ne TBS

a gpod boy, etc. =ank he t o l d t o be a good boy, and be good to Father and

idother. When dear l i t t l e Ottc Kent t o him he almost broke down, Otto cried

and he said "don't cry". it xas such a sorrowfull scene I shall never Torget

it. F r i l l a asked him what she should do arid he saia '#Be a good g i r l , znci -said -8.

( w i l l you w a i t for m e ? ) , 5ut he turnod away saying it was asking too much,

P r i l l a Zsked him i r " she w a s aorthy of him 2nd he said (yes).

home when he called f o r him so I got on a horse and made all haste t o get him.

Scott was not

Tinile 1 w a s gone he spoke t o Ella, saying "I w i l l look a f t e r your l i t t l e

ones meaning those who had d:ed. 'fher, I got back with Scott, Bro. Bichins

said George could not recognize him, but he did and spoke t o h i m and told him

t o be good to Father and Xosher, Ze almost passea away tnen, but ne r z l l i e d

and asked t o be adainistered to, He rested! tolerable well then Tor some time,

he is in much pain nowever. Z i s bowels are inflamed, About 9:OO he said

to Orson, "Just one more yeer, Orson, just ole more year," If there has been

anything that has cut our heerts it mas George's actions, and if ever we

approached the Throne of Grace i n ezrlrest xe did then, praying God t o restore o

our dear Brother.

During the remainder of the day he continued t o suffer severely. He

could not r e s t and wocld want to be moved very often. A great many of- the

brethern came during the day. One, Bro. Orren Iderril said xhen he shook hands,

said "George you look l i k e ycu are about to be called on another mission".

There w a s t o be 2 dance i f i the H a l l i n the aftersoon, but it xas dismissed

out or" respc%- ami honor t o George.

About 3:OO PX, Yilo _proposed t h a t a l l of us boys go and pray s e c r e t l y ,

and ask God to r e s t o r e our Brother. So we went, Bro. Biggs went along and

each of 2s prayed. Then xe came back. George knew he was going t o depart

from t h i s l i f e f o r he said t o Father, you look l i k e you are tired oilt

"don't work" and t o Xother he s,id ttdonlt yFork". He wanted t o szr "don't

work so much, but h i s breath w a s gone. X i l o came i n and took n i s hand and

George said t o nin "Xilo you won t h i s morning",. meaning t h a t it w a s h i s faith

t h a t kept him here. I walked i n t a - the rooin and when he s a w me he said

"Just a fex words from youtt. He reseated tiiis twice sc I placed my hands on

his head and said "God bless you". It w a s a l l I could say. He said to those

aroLind him that those w e r e good sentiments. He spoke t o P r i l l a and t o other

of the boys and t o those around him. He asked t o turned around so t h a t he

could see out. Xost of us uere i n another room, we could hear h i s throat

r a t t l e , and could hear him speak t o those around him, t e l l i n g them how t o

s h i f t h i m t o bring comfcrt.

He said t o Bro. Boble "Can't you do something f o r me?" Brother Noble

said "Lord bless yout' and shook his head in despair. Brother Noble said

give him the air, and we sd;W George gasp and at 6:30 FK, he passed away into

t h e Eternal Worlds to labor with the ;power of h i s Priesthood f o r +he

Salvation of h i s dead kindred, Scenes immediately following can best 5e


In the room at the tine of his death w a s Brother Nobls, Richins and

members of the Zamily. Sonie of the family were out of the house and some i n

an adjoining room.

section header - children

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PAF - Archer files = Orson Pratt Brown + (3) Elizabeth Macdonald : Elizabeth Macdonald + Pardon Milo Webb > Marguerite Webb Brown + Otto Stronach Shill < Charles Goulding Shill + Harriet Stronach Paynter > George Washington Shill.

Picture and information courtesy of Anita Jones Smith.

Additions, bold, [bracketed], some photos, etc., added by Lucy Brown Archer

Copyright 2001 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org



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... Easter 1986 through October 2005


... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by
Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

... To be Published Soon:

Send Comments and Information to: 




... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

Send Additions and Information to:


...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters


...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

- Captain James Brown 1801-1863

...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

- Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

- Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

(Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

(Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

(Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

(Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

(Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

(Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

(Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

- (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915












Contact Us:
Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
P.O. Box 980111
Park City, Utah 84098-0111