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Captain James Brown and Mary Stephens Brown's Nephew

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Daniel Monroe Stephens 1842-1924

Daniel Monroe Stephens

Born: October 4, 1842 at Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois

Died: , April 2, 1924 at Ogden, Weber, Utah

Compiled by Lucy Brown Archer

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The following is a transcription of the journal of Daniel Monroe Stephens, nephew of Daniel Stephens. It was sent to me [T.L.Hulsey] by Douglas Steimle of Long Beach, CA. The transcription serves two purposes, it restores the somewhat degraded quality of the reproductions I received, (the result of too many copies of copies), and secondly, to information is now digitized, facilitating the capability to process the information electronically. I chose to retain the courier font of the original typewritten pages, correcting only obvious typographical errors and minor punctuation changes to improve the readability. I also included the page numbers from the original pages to retain the information. Thomas L. Hulsey, Raleigh, NC March, 1999.

Biography of Daniel Monroe Stephens.

Written by himself.

I was the son of John P. Stephens (b. 31 March 1811; d. 3 December 1870) and Elizabeth Briggs Stephens (b. 9 May 1812 or 13; d. 13 Mar 1886), who was the son of Alexander Stephens (b. October 1775; d. 7 Feb 1824) and Mary Daily Stephens (b. 19 November 1778 or 87; d. 7 February 1824 or 1844), who was the son of Richard Stephens (b. 1750; d. 1829)and Martha Robard Stephens (b. 1755; d. 1825). [All from Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina.]

I was born October 4th, 1842, in Nauvoo, Hancock Co. Illinois.

At that time the people of Illinois were very bitter against the Mormons and said they could live there no longer, so in July 1846 my father and wife with seven children; James Otha Stephens 1834, David Henderson Stephens 1835, John Cornelius Stephens 1837, Almirah Caroline Stephens 1839, Alexander Nephi Stephens 1840, Daniel Monroe Stephens 1842, and Elizabeth Jane Stephens 1845; with our goods and one wagon drawn by one yoke of oxen and went to Missouri. We wintered there with my mothers Uncle Philip Briggs. He furnished my father work which helped us through the winter.

[After Captain James Brown died 1863, James Otha Stephens married his widow, (10) Darthula Catherine Shupe, as his third wife, some time around 1878.]

[John Cornelius Stephens' daughter, Celestia Jane Stephens, married James Morehead Brown's son, Nephi Francis Brown.]

March 16th, 1847 my mother gave birth to a son who they named Thomas Jefferson Stephens. Soon after we moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and took up a farm and stayed there four years. During those four years the children who were old enough went to school to Mrs. Garlick and John Barker, who was our last teacher.

In 1850 father loaned Brigham Young a yoke of oxen to help him to Utah, Brother Young sent them back the same year.

Sept 1st, 1850 my mother gave birth to a son they named Solomon Clinton Stephens.

In 1851 my father and family with two yoke of oxen, two yoke of cows and two wagons, started for Utah in Bates Company [John Brown Company]. Orson Pratt was in the same company. [There is no listing for a Bates company, see: http://www.xmission.com/~nelsonb/company.htm Also see "They Came in '51", Heart Throbs of the West, Vol. 12, pages 405-462 (includes rosters) 979.2, H2cah. ]

My Father was appointed captain of ten families.

During our travels we met many obstacles, some losing cattle with drinking alkali water, but fortunately we lost none of ours. One brother who was well to do, overloaded his teams with merchandise and his teams gave out, so he had to throw away a good many things.

Before we reached Independence Rock our ten families were about a days drive ahead of the main company and Brother Westwoods wagon was about a mile behind us by the time we camped at night, so father and my brother Otha went back to help them, and found them surrounded by about fifty Crow Indians. The Indians were not hostile, but were taking what they wanted from the wagon, father told them to let the things alone. Then he and Brother Westwood drove on, the Indians following, one going arm in arm with father and one with Otha to camp. The Indians went to one side and fired off their guns as to a sign of peace, then came and camped by us for the night. My father knew that Allred's Company had camped at Independence Rock, and not knowing how the Indians might act during the night, he sent some of our men to ask them to help us move to their camp. They sent Henry Boly and some others whose names I do not remember, and we moved to Allreds camp. The Indians then broke up camp and we never saw them any more.

We stayed all day at Independence Rock. Many men and boys went up on top of it and went into the caves that were there. I went with them and saw the names of many people who had passed by here before, written on the walls. Next day we went on our way and had no more trouble until we came to the South Pass in Echo Canyon, when we had a terrible wind and hail storm; we had to unhitch our teams and they stampeded. It took us all next day to get them back. Next day we continued our Journey and all went well.

On October the 4th, 1851, we reached Salt Lake City. This was my ninth birthday. We found my fathers brother Alexander Stephens, who was a member of the Mormon Battalion. He had just finished building his house and was a bachelor. We stayed with him until after Conference, then we moved to Ogden where Uncle James Brown lived. Captain Brown, as he was known, his first wife was my father's sister, furnished my father with work and we got along all right through the winter. In the spring he sold father two city lots. There was a one room house on them and we built another room. This was a comfortable home.

In the spring of 1852 we rented a piece of land from Captain Brown, near the Weber River, now 24th Street [in Brownsville, later Ogden, Weber, Utah].

In 1853 my father and his Cousin Philip Garner took up farms south of Ogden and we got our water from Birch Creek. In after years we made three large reservoirs and stored the water from Birch Creek.

April 1st, 1853, Mother gave birth to twin boys who they called William Jesse Stephens and George Washington Stephens. George died in a few hours after birth.

We fenced our farm that year, and had a good crop.

About 1855 we built two reservoirs as we could have plenty of water, and we raised good crops every year after that.

In 1855 I was ordained a Deacon.

The winter of 1855 and 1856 was very severe. Later known as the hard winter. About thirty head of our cattle died and others lost a great many. Bread stuff was very scarce and nearly everybody had to eat the flesh of cattle that had died of cold and hunger in order to live. [Climatology reports state that the winter temperatures during these years were considerably colder than the temperatures of the 1980's.]

In 1857 and 1858, Brigham Young got word that President James Buchanan (1857-1861) had sent the United States Army to drive the Mormons out of Utah.

In the Fall of 1857, President Young called out the Militia to go to Echo Canyon to keep the Army from coming into the Valley. My father and brothers James O. Stephens and John C. Stephens went and stayed there until Johnsons army, as it was called, was snowed in at Fort Bridger, then they came home and later my brother Alexander N. Stephens was called as a guard to Lost Creek, to see that the soldiers did not come in that way.

In 1858 President Young called on all the Saints north of Lehi to move south, and my brothers James O., John C., and Alexander N. were detailed to stop at Ogden to guard, and if necessary to burn everything that would burn, so as to leave the country as barren as we found it. We had already got our crops planted. Father and I were left to move the family and our effects. We made six trips, with two yoke of oxen and one wagon, to Spanish Fork, where we stayed until July, when President Young sent word for the Saints to return to their homes, so we returned home after traveling about 1200 miles.

It had rained several times that Spring, and my brothers who were on detail had looked after the crops and it was very good, the Lord had blessed it with rain for which we were thankful, and it carried us through to another harvest.

In the year 1859 I was sick with rheumatism almost the whole year, but through the blessings of the Lord I recovered.

In 1858, 1859, 1860 we had good market for our products on account of Johnson’s army having to get their supplies from the Saints, so we had considered Johnsons army a God send. But while it must be that offences come, woe to them by whom they come. The army came and made the south west of Salt Lake City; west of the Jordan Lake and called it Camp Floyd.

In 1860 Johnsons Army was called back to fight the Southern people [in the Civil War 1861-1865].

From 1860 to 1866, we lived in Ogden City, on 25th Street.

On September 1, 1863 my uncle Captain James Brown died in Ogden from an accident at his molasses mill. Lorin Farr spoke a sad and honorary memorial at the funeral.

February 16th, 1867, I was ordained an Elder and received my Endowments.

Daniel Monroe Stephens and his wife, Mary Anne Clark Stephens

In 1868, I first saw my wife, Mary Anne Clark (b. 11 April 1850; d. 13 Jan 1920). I courted her nearly a year. December 21st, 1868, I was married to her in the Endowment House by Wilford Woodruff. We first lived in an adobe house which I had built on the corner of Washington and 33rd. street in Ogden City. It was a one roomed house 16 ft by 18 ft. The adobes were made by myself. It stood as a landmark until 1915.

We lived there fourteen months. We then moved into a frame house 12 ft by 14 ft. which I had previously built on five acres of land that my father gave me.

July 11th 1870, my wife gave birth to a son, who we named James Monroe Stephens. In the fall of 1870, my brother Alexander Nephi Stephens was taken with smallpox and I waited on him. Nine days after being exposed I took down with it. My wife, having had it in England, waited on me. I had a very bad case, was out of my head most of the time and she had a hard time keeping me in bed. Our baby took it but his was a very light case. By the untiring labor of my wife and the help of the Lord we pulled through all of my fathers family who lived on the farm, seventeen in all, except the oldest and the youngest; my father and my brothers baby.

Dec. 14th, 1872, my wife gave birth to a son who we named Daniel Porter Stephens. 1875 I added another room to my house. June 27th, 1874, a daughter was born who we named Mary Magdalene Stephens. June 6th, 1877, to us was born another son who we named Charles Alfred Stephens.

June 18th, 1880 another son was born who we named John Taylor Stephens. During this year we tore down the old house and built a granary and a three roomed frame house and for the people not to come about us, and that was the way to kill a circus.

In 1881, I and my brother James O. were called on a mission to the state of Michigan. April 7th we went to Salt Lake and were set apart for our Mission, by President Woodruff. We left home April 19th, at daylight on the Union Pacific Railroad. We arrived at Freemont April 20th 323 miles from Ogden. We left Freemont on the Sioux City Railroad on Friday the 21st at 10 PM at 11 PM we crossed the Missouri river on the boat, John Bertram, arrived at Missouri Valley Junction at 12 o'clock we stopped at this place the rest of that day and all next day.

We left Missouri Valley Junction at 6AM Sunday, for Rushville, by way of the Burlington, arrived Tuesday at 1 PM paid a man $1.50 to take us to Hendrick Shupe's, we stayed with him two days. We then visited Cousin Jane Howard, they treated us fine, we went back to Kendrick Shupe's for the night.

The next day Richard Black took us to Uncle Daniel Stephens. They were all glad to see us. We stayed with them three days and visited all his children except David.

We next visited Ruamah Gadis. Then we went to cousin Samuel Gadis father-in-law and had dinner with them. After dinner we visited Uncle David Stephens. He was not at home but we stayed all night.

Then we went to see Uncle Solomon Briggs children, his daughter went with us to Cousin Mary Ann Briggs Davis. She was very glad to see us and invited us to stop for dinner. After dinner we visited Uncle Samuel Briggs. Stayed over Sunday with them. We invited his family and their friends to a Gospel meeting at his house. They seemed to be pleased with our talk. We then visited Cousin Aaron Stinson at Versails, we stayed all night and after breakfast started for Westville, Michigan, our headquarters. Our President William Palmer was not at the office when we arrived, but the elders were glad to see us. May 10th 1881, brother Palmer sent Brother Warner and I to visit among the people, Friday I wrote a letter to my wife. May 13th, we started for Mc'Oaks county visiting people on the way. Almost everyone said they had heard the Mormons preach and did not seem to want to hear them any more. We asked at eight houses before we got to stay all night. Mrs. Purdy took us in and treated us fine. The weather was cloudy the next day and we had a rain Strom. We met a brother going to the post office, we went to the post office with him and stayed there until storm was over. Brother Palmer invited us to visit his Aunts, Mrs. Harrington and Mrs Parry. We preached the gospel to them until noon. After dinner we went to Mr. Morrs, his little girl was very sick they asked us to administer to her, we did so and she said she was better. They asked us to stay all night. They said they were willing to be Baptized if the Lord would make it known to them that this was the true Gospel.

Brother Palmer left us and went to his Aunts. May 16th, we went on our way calling at every house. At noon a lady asked us to have dinner with her and tell her something about the Gospel they treated us fine and asked us to call again.

We then called on a Mr. Sharp and preached the Gospel to him and his wife, they invited us to stay over night and tell them more about the gospel. Next day we went to Elibu Billings Skidmores, he was very bitter against the Mormons, and said Joseph Smith should have been hunged.

From there we went to Mount Pleasant Isabelle County, we called on Mr. Simmons. He treated us well and gave us our dinner. We went on calling at Almon Booths, preached the Gospel to them, they treated us well and kept us all night. We traveled 20 miles that day. The next morning we started for Silvester. At noon we asked an old man for dinner, he refused and ordered us to get out as quick as possible. We then went to Benjamin Smith, he treated us well and gave us our dinner. We had a Gospel conversation with him, he said he would like to hear us preach.

We then went to Mr. Doxys and asked him to keep us over night, he said they would but they were crowded, so he gave us supper then we went to Mr. Sharps, they were very poor, after talking to them for a while on the gospel they made a bed on the floor for themselves and made us sleep in their bed. We had traveled 23 miles that day. May 19th, on our way to Sylvester we met three men and had a gospel conversation with them, then called at the home of a adventest? They gave us our dinner. We preached the gospel to them but they said they did not believe it, so we went on the Mr. Luke Perrys, and preached the gospel to his family. They said it was good. They gave us our supper then we went to John Harringtons. He received us kindly and we stayed with him about two weeks. During which time we helped him plant corn, cut logs, plow, plant potatoes, and build a barn of logs.

While at Mr. Harringtons we visited Mrs. Moors sick girl, she was much better, they said no more about being Baptized. We were paid a visit by Hyrum Stevens, local preacher, I had a long talk with him on the first principles of the gospel, but he did not like it and said Joseph Smith got what he ought to have had, and that he would be glad to help put down polygamy.

Wednesday 25th I sent in my report to President Palmer.

Saturday I received a letter from Brother Otha, telling me of his experiences, Sunday I read the discussion between William Gibson and Rev. Woodman, which is very interesting. Monday May 30th, it blew up a rain storm. At 8PM the moon came up with a dim circle under it and remained there one hour. June 2nd a new partner came to take the place of brother Warner, named James L Jensen, Brother Warner having been called to another field of labor.

Brother Jensen and I went to visit Mr. Palmer, we found his children sick with diphtheria. He asked us to administer to them and we did so, we also prayed with them. We then went to the post office, I got a letter from Otha and one from President Plamer. June 23rd we went to Altima, stopped at a store and had a conversation with the clerk, N.B. Egbert. He was very friendly. Then we went to the Sweedish School House and found Chris Hansen, talked of the gospel to him. He treated us well and we stayed over night with him. Next day we went on our way and called at Mr. Johnsons, we had dinner with him, and preached the gospel to his family for two hours he said he did not care for it although it was bible doctrine. Then we went through the woods and came to James Vannukers, and had a conversation with him.

While talking to Mr. Michael a Rev. Mr. Wallace came along, we conversed with him awhile and he said Joseph Smith was an imposter and the Mormons were rascals. He said he was a preacher, we told him he had no authority to preach.

We then went on to Stanwood and tried to get a house to preach in but were unable to do so. We called at Mr. Davidsons and asked to stay all night, the woman gave us some supper but said she could not keep us because her husband did not like the Mormons, so after trying at eight houses a man by the name of Weaver kept us. On Sunday we tried to get the school house to hold a meeting in, but were unable to get it, so we went on our way. Mr. Syndaska gave us our dinner, and we preached to his family. Mr. Moft, a boarder said he was pleased with our talk.

We went on to Big Rapids, and after inquiring at fifteen houses a Mr. Killbourn said we could stay at his house if we could find nothing better than to sit up with him, as he was poor and could not furnish us a bed. We tried twelve houses and as we did not succeed in finding a place to sleep, we returned to Mr. Killbourns, we found him in bed, but he let us in and sat up with us until Midnight, listening to our gospel talk, then he said he had a piece of carpet we could lay down on and cover us with one end? He treated us well as he was able, and said he liked our doctrine. He did not belong to any church.

Monday June 6th, we went to Mr. Dunken Currels, talked to him and left some Mormon tracts with him to read. At the next house we asked for something to eat, they said they were not favorable to the Mormons, but did not like to turn anyone away hungry. After traveling fifteen miles further we stayed over night with Mr. John Parker, his family all seemed to like the gospel, except one old lady, she was almost boiling over.

June 7th, we got permission from the trustees to hold meeting in the school house that night, but some of the directors were not willing to give us the keys to the house so we had to give up our meeting.

We went half a mile further and told Mr. James Duffy about the affair, he said if he had been there we could have held meeting. We preached the gospel to him and his family, he was pleased with us and gave us supper and lodging for the night.

We got permission from the trustee of this place to hold a meeting in the school house the next evening at 7:30 PM we had a gathering of about forty people. We called them to order and read a Hymn, as neither of us could sing. I opened the meeting with prayer, then read another Hymn. James Jensen spoke half an hour on the first principles of the gospel. I spoke fifteen minutes then Brother Jensen dismissed. Mr. Jackson one of the trustees, took us to his home for the night. Next day we had a Gospel conversation with Mr. John Hall, who was kind enough to give us our dinner.

Mr. Jackson said he would like a talk with us. While we were there two young men came in and wanted to know what authority we had more than other preachers. We told them we were called of God, as was Aaron, we read to them from Morgans tracts, how Joseph Smith was called also the testimony of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon. They said they had read the book about the Mormons written by Mrs. Stenhouse, and refereed to the Mountain Meadow Massacres, we told them the whole book was a lie, they said no more about it, but ask us to stay over night with them. We thanked them and went and stayed with Mr. Jackson.

June 10th, we got permission from Mr. Russel to hold meeting in the Russel school house at 7:30 PM.

Most of the Congregation were lumber men, we talked to them on the first principles of the gospel. After meeting the foreman asked us to stay all night with him. There we saw a woman with a heavy beard.

Next day we traveled on and had dinner with Mr. Murdock.

We inquired a seven houses before we got a place to stay all night, Mr. Bets said he would not turn a man out of doors. Some of his friends came in and we talked to them on the gospel. Sunday June, 12th we had dinner with Mr. Merrill, then we got permission to hold meeting in the Adventist meeting house, Monday evening. I helped John Betts to plant potatoes all day Monday. We commenced our meeting at 7:30. Had about forty people to listen to our talk.

The next day we got a man to take us across the river in a boat after we had got our dinner we went to see John Harrington, we stayed with him a few days, helping him with such work as he had to do, and writing letters and reading our books.

Saturday June 18th, we went to Westville, and stayed with Brother Root a few days, helping him with his work while we were waiting orders from Bro. Palmer. It rained a good deal while we were there. On the night of June 27th, we saw a comet. Brother James Otha came the evening of June 28th.

June 30th, while mowing hay for Brother Root I found a live rattle snake. Which I killed. Bro. Root said he had lived there 18 years and never saw one on the high land before although there were a good many on the low lands. July 1st, I gave brother Palmer $5.00 to help to send sister Green to Utah. July 3rd I road with Sister Root, fifteen miles on my way to Sylvester and walked the rest of the way. I stopped at sister Palmers then went to the post office, from there to John Harringtons and stayed all night. July 4th, Brother Otha and myself took the trane for Petoskey, to which we had been asigned to labor. We arrived there at 8 PM It cost each of us $4.05 R.R. fare. That night we went to see the fire works on the docks, they were nice.

The next day we went out amongst the people. We got permission to hold a meeting in the school house that evening but, no one came to hear us preach. We walked back to Patosky and put up at the hotel. Where the meals were $0.25 each. The next day we went on and called at one house for dinner and were refused at the next they gave us our dinner then used us. In the evening we ask at two houses to stay over night and were refused at the third, by hard coaxing, we got to stay. We preached the gospel to them until 12 O clock and they said they were glad they had kept us. Then we went to bed without supper. Our bed was made of feathers layed on the floor. The house was of logs without being chinked and mosquitos, were so thick the lady made a smudg which was as bad as the mosquitos, so we did not get much sleep. In the morning we had our bredkfast with these people and, as it was raining stayed and told them more about the Gospel. They said we preached according to the scriptures, and said if we come back that way they would keep us over night.

We traveled east, across the plains, the mosquitos were so thick we could hardly keep them out of our mouths. We reached the Stergin River and at the only house there, they were holding a furnal survice, so we went to the Indian River and had dinner at a hotel for $0.35 each then we took a Seam boat for Petoskey, stayed all night at the hotel, next morning we went down on the lake shore to read our books, while there two men came to us and we preached to them, but they said they saw nothing in it. We went back to the hotel and talked about the gospel to some men that were there, they said they could find no fault with it, some of them said, "if Michigan was roofed over it would be a house of ill fame". That evening I wrote a letter home. July 9th, I took a boat and went to little Travis, four miles across the lake, and preached to the proprietor of the hotel, Mr. John Smith, and a number of others, mostly Catholics, then went back to Petoskey at 6:30 PM went to a free Methodist meeting.

Next day it rained all day so we stayed at the hotel and preached to three men that were there, one of them said he had never seen a Mormon or heard one preach before.

In the evening it quit raining, and we went to the docks and saw the boat called the Big Laurence, from Chicago, come in.

July 11th, we talked to a Catholic on Polygamy, we wound him up so he said he could not talk the scriptures very much. We went on and met another man, we told him who we were and he abused us and said he did not want to talk to us. We went to the school house and asked Mr. White, the trustee if we could hold meeting in their school house, he said no Mormons could hold meeting in their school house. We went on and a man with a team over took us, he let us ride half a mile, when we told him we were Mormons, than he abused us and talked about the Mountain Meadow Massacre, and said the Mormons were murders, we could get no reason out of him. We went to Pine Oake and from there to Little Pine Lake. In the store there we talked to a number of people, some liked it and others cared nothing for it. We got our lodging for $1.00.

July 12th we traveled east in search of Wingfield Watson, a man who was once a Mormon and had been led a way by the Strangites. We arrived at this house at 11AM he was not at home but came at noon and received us kindly. Said he had been wanting to see a Brighamite. Elder, as he called them. He gave us a history of himself and family being connected with the Strangites, also a history of Joseph Smith, appointing by letter James Strang to lead the Church in his stead. We told him that Joseph Smith let the Church, and showed them how Mr. Strang had fallen and come to naught, and that the Kingdom of God was not destroyed nor given to another people. He gave us some of Strangs tracts. We talked to him until 1 AM then went to bed.

In the morning we talked to him until breakfast, then went to Boyden City and got permission to hold meeting in the Church.

We appointed a meeting at 7PM then went into the woods and prayed and read our books. We were at church on time and waited until 8 o'clock and about ten persons came. I talked to them and read the testimony of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon, and told them that Peter, James and John, Elijah and Mosses had appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Coudry.

After meeting we went back to Watsons for the night. He was holding prayer after which he called us in and treated us kindly.

Next morning we had another talk with him but could not convince him that he had no authority to preach. He got angry and forbid us to preach the gospel.

We went to George H. Griffins, he said his family and himself had been baptized by Wingfield Watson, the Strangites. His wife believed what we said and felt that they had been deceived. She said that she had dreamed two years ago that two men came to her door and told her that Brigham Young was alright, and for them to go to Salt Lake and join the Church. She said she was satisfied we were the men for we told her the same things she had dreamed. Her husband asked us to go and administer to his daughter, Mrs. Edwin Couch, and gave us twenty five cents to pay our fare across the Lake. We arrived at Mr. Couches and they received us kindly, inviting us to have dinner and afterward to stay over night. We tried to convince them that Strang had no authority; they seemed to think we were right, but were not satisfied with Brigham Young Mrs. Couch had been troubled with bronchitis for four years she said she believed in healing, and wanted us to administer to her, but she would not promise to obey the gospel if she was healed.

We consecrated some oil and administered to her. Afterward she said she had a dream, and she dreamed that she was hungry and she went to Mr. Watson the Strangites, thinking she would get something to eat, so she took a basket and went to the water, she was faint and slipped and some one came and took hold of her and kept her from falling.

After we left for Petoskey and never heard from them again.

July 16th we went down to the lake it was rolling high, so we went back to the hotel. Two men came in, Mr. Wegner and Mr. Studibaker. Mr. Wegner had been to Salt Lake and had seen Brigham Young. He had a good name for the Mormons. He said, the Mormons must be right, and the authority must be with them. We talked to those men for two hours, they said they could see nothing wrong in it, still they did not seem to want it.

July 17th there was a terrible storm in Petoskey, the most sever ever known there. One house was shaken badly, and several struck by lightening, but no one was killed. We were 12 miles away when it happened, we only got a little shower. We got a letter from Bro. Palmaer telling us to go to Reed City. Otha was ill two days so we stayed at the hotel.

A man came in and we preached to him, he said he could find no fault with it , but did not want it, he said he would bring his friend after dark. He came on purpose to out talk us, we talked to them two hours. The Lord blessed us with speech that we used too strong arguments for them so they began saying Joseph Smith was no good, and went off saying Joseph Smith was an imposter and all the religions in the world was no good, and we would have to give it up for Garfield was going to take us in hand, we told him he would have to get well first.

We went down to the Docks and saw the boat, Chamberlane, come in, and go out for Chicago. Got a letter from Bro. Palmer then went back to the hotel.

July 18th we started for Charlevoix, on the way Otha was very sick, so he sat down on a log and asked me to administer to him, I did so, and by the power of the Lord he was made well so we could continue our journey.

We called at a half way house. The Proprietor treated us well and gave us dinner. He was going away on the train so we bid him good bye, then we preached to his wife and daughter about two hours, they said we preached Bible doctrine. They invited us to call when we came back. Fourteen miles further on our way we preached to Mr. Levi House and David Oely, Mr. House said he believed ever word we said for it was Bible doctrine, but he did not want to join the Mormons.

We arrived at Charlevoix at 5PM and talked to a few men in a store, they said it was no use for us trying to hold meeting there, and we could feel the spirit of the adversary so thick we did not try, and could not get lodging for less than thirty seven cents a meal and the same for a bed.

Next day we went down to the docks and saw them cleaning the bottom of the cut from the lake to lake. Then we went back to Petoskey. We met a man on a load of hay, he stopped and found out who we were, then called us all the names he could think of. We told him he could not prove anything he said. We went on and called at the half way house they treated us well but, Oh! How ignorant and priest ridden they were. We thanked them and went on to Petoskey and stayed all night.

Wednesday, July 20th we started at 6AM for Reed City.

We arrived at Reed City at 4PM and put up at a hotel, and at 7:30 went to an Adventist meeting. The preacher said the reason the Christ did not come in 1843, was that they had made wrong figures. He said according to their figures he came in 1827, if they figured right. Thursday July 21st. We asked the trustees if we could hold meeting in their school house. He refused saying that one wife was all he could keep, and believed no man should have more.

We went back to the hotel and preached the gospel to a few men that were there, some of them said Brigham Young and the Mormons were murderers. We told them that the Mormons had done a greater work than any other people on earth, and God had led them through Brigham Young. They said Garfield was going to clean us out. We went on our way and went into a grove to read, and consider what was best to do.

Then we went to the hotel and had supper. It rained that night so we stayed in. Next day we went east and called on a Josephite family, we tried to show them that they had no authority. We talked to them until noon. They called the Utah Mormons horse thieves and hoar masters. They gave us no dinner so we went back to Reed City, and went to an Adventist meeting, then back to the hotel.

Saturday July 23rd, we went among the people, mostly Germans. We called at a house for a drink, the man could talk but very little english, but we conversed with him for a while, he told us to go to Jake Littwiller and he would let us have the meeting house to hold meeting in on Sunday, we asked Mr. Littwiller but he refused our request.

We talked to him a while, but he said he did not like it, but was kind enough to give us our dinner, after which we went into the woods and wrote a letter to Pres. Palmer, then back to the hotel. Here we preached the Gospel to a few men that were there, until 10 PM. Next day we spent talking to a man at the hotel and going to an Adventist meeting in the evening. July 25th, we went to Ludington, put up at a hotel at $1.00 per day each. We went down to the Lake shore and saw twelve large boats. The weather was very cold for the season.

While waiting for instructions from Bro. Plamer we read some and visited the iron works, went to the docks and saw the stem boats come and go, also saw a large saw mill where seventy men worked. They sawed a whole log into boards all at one cut.

July 28th, we went down to the docks and caught a lot of fish. That evening, about 10:30 we heard the cry of fire, so we got up and went to see it, about two blocks away. Ten stores and three restaurant were burned to the ground. About two months before they had a fire at this place that burned 100 stores, in the business part of town.

While preaching the gospel at some men at the hotel, one Charles Spencer said that Polygamy was against law and Christianity, and would volunteer to go to Utah without pay, and mob the Mormons. We told him that we would be witnesses against him in the day of Judgment, for what he had said.

July 31st, after traveling ninety miles by boat, we arrived at Milwaukee. Walked around town awhile, and went to see the manufacture of beer. The next day we took a boat for Chicago, arriving at that place at 8AM Aug. 2nd.

Aug 3rd, after traveling 200 miles by rail, we arrived at Cousin Aaron Stimsons, Versails Ill. They were glad to see us and we stayed with them all night. Then we went to Uncle Samuel Briggs. They were glad to see us, and treated us well, they seemed to be interested in the gospel and said we talked according to scriptures. We stayed with them several days, visiting Uncle John Briggs, cousin Adaline and Cousin Constance and Mary Ann Davis, cousin John Pauh, preaching the gospel to them and their families.

Aug. 9th we went to Uncle Jas Perrys. We preached the gospel to them and were so blessed with the spirit of the Lord that we were astonished at ourselves. We stayed two nights with Uncle David Stephens, explaining the scriptures to them, they said they believed about all we said.

Aug. 13th, we went to see cousin Joseph and Martha Hume. We went with them to a Holliness Methodist meeting. Next day we went with Joseph Hume to a Camp Meeting. I never saw so much confusion and ignorance in my life.

Some were praying, some hollering Amen, God bless us, help us to come to Jesus and be saved, others down on their knees crawling about, some talking to each other and others calling for Jesus to come right down among them. If the Devil was anywhere he was there. Next day we spent with cousin Mathias Martin.

In the evening we went with him to a Holiness Methodist Camp meeting, it was all confusion. They sent some of their members to ask the people to come to the mourners bench and get sanctified. They got no one. One of them came to me and asked if I was a Christian. I told him I was, he said I ought to come forward and show that I was sanctified. I told him that God was not actor of confusion and they had confusion confounded. Then I asked him if they had Prophets and apostles to preach to them. He said yes in the Bible, he then left us and meeting was a journey, until Tuesday at 7PM.

We stayed that night and part of next day with Mr. Martin. We preached the gospel to Mr. Martin and his family, and bore our testimony to them, but they said they could not believe it. They told us to call again, we were welcome anytime. That night we stayed with Uncle Samuel Briggs. Aug. 18th I got a letter from home the children had had the whooping cough. The same day we went to a Baptist meeting. After meeting we gave notice that we would hold meeting there the next Sunday.

The Preacher got up and said we did not preach the gospel, for the people not to come about us, and that was the way to kill a circus.

Sunday came and we held our meeting. After meeting several men asked a good many questions about the children in Utah, if they were suffering condition. We told them no. One of them said some Ministers had told a pitiful tale about the Mormon children and asked for donations for them.

The people contributed a good in the way of clothing, to the amount of a car load, and shipped them off, supposing it was going to the Mormon children. We told them that we had never heard of it coming to Utah. One of them said, "That is just what I thought." Mr. Hyrum J. Jaquis asked us to come and preach at their school house, we said we would.


There were about sixty people at our meeting.

During the next few days we visited more of my relatives, telling them of the gospel as we went along.

Aug. 24th we started for Mt. Sterling. Walked about eight miles, then Cousin James Davis over took us and we rode with him the rest of the way. Cousin Wilson Briggs paid our way into the Fair, which was 25 cents. The first thing we saw was a fight, the police soon had the fighters locked up. They had the finest cows and the finest Chester hogs I ever saw. They had a great many fine things.

In the afternoon they had trotting races. The fastest going one mile was 50/100 minutes, 1/2 mile in 56 seconds. We stayed that night with James Davis.

Next day we went back to Samuel Briggs. While there Otha had rheumatism for a few days, so I traveled about alone. I had been feeling worried about my family at home. I went into the woods and asked the Lord to show me in some way how they were, and that night I dreamed that I was home and my family were all well. When I awoke I said to myself, "they are all well".


Sept. 3rd. Otha was able to travel, I went to the postoffice, got a letter then went back, and while it rained we wrote letters home.

Sept. 4th, we went to see Hyrum Jaques, an old Mormon, he treated us grand, had a long talk with him, he said he believed Joseph Smith was rejected by the Lord. We told him that Brigham Young, as the head of the twelve was the one to lead the Church. We tried to show him the right way, but he would not see. We told him to go and ask the Lord, in faith, believing we were sent of the Lord, and if afterward, he would say we were not sent of the Lord, then to not believe what we had said. Don’t know whether he made the test or not.

We had made arrangments (sp) to hold a meeting in the Jaques school house on Sunday, Sept. 11th. The Josephites had appointed a meeting there at the same time, but they gave way for us. Otha gave them a history of the Church, after the death of Joseph Smith, showing the dealings of God, and also the authority of Brigham Young and the Twelve. It told them how they might know the true Church of Christ, and that by their fruits. We went home with Hyrum Jaques. Got a


letter from John Taylor.

Next day went to see Cousin Windrom Hill, got the geneology of his family and preached the gospel to them. We had dinner there then went to Jerry Surrats, a Josephite, and preached the gospel to his family they said they could find no fault with it. They asked us to stay all night with them.

Sept. 13th, we started for Buckhorn, stopped at Cousin P. R. Briggs, for dinner, then got to talking to him and Jas. O. Briggs, who was there and stayed all night, in the morning we got their geneology then went on our way, arriving at Buckhorn at twelve o’clock noon. We went to D. M. Sides, preached the gospel to them and some others that were there, Mr. Sides was well informed on the Scriptures.

It rained so we stayed with them that night and next day. Otha fixed their organ, and after supper we went to Cousin Moses M. Briggs’ and preached the gospel to his family until 11 P.M. He said the people would have be driven to receive the gospel. The weather was cold and stormy and we stayed there all night. During the week we visited several other relatives, preaching to them and getting their genealogy.

[There is something missing at this point as the next page begins a one word sentence.]


Sept 23rd went to see cousin [Abel] Berry. He was very sick. In the evening he took worse and that he must die, he asked us to administer to him and, at the request of his father-in-law, David Stephens, we did so. He got better right away and rested good all night.

We traveled on, getting the geneology of more of our relatives and preaching the gospel to a good many people. Sept. 29th, we started for Versails[Versailles], stopped at Cousin Charles Surrats, had dinner with them then went on to Uncle Samuel Briggs. Got some letters, and wrote a letter to my wife. We had a strong wind and rain storm, it blowed the roof off one house. It rained for several days as we stayed at Samuel Briggs, reading our books, writing letters, and conversing with the family.

While there a Mr. Avery come in. He said he went to Nauvoo with a crowd to see what was the matter with the Mormons, and said they could find nothing against them. While talking to him, Aunt Rebecca interupted us and said she did not want me to preach Mormonism or mention Joseph Smith in her house again. I told her I was sorry she was offended with us but would do as she desired. Her daughter Adaline spoke up


and pleaded my case. We stayed all night and went there when ever we were in that neighborhood, and she treated us as well as ever. She was a good woman.

Oct. 5th. we went to see Richard Upchurch, an old Mormon, he said he believed Mormonism yet. We took dinner with him, then went to Cousin Jas. B. Dewitts and stayed all night with them. They were interested in the gospel. Next day Mrs. Hosford came in, and after talking to her a while she asked for a few chapters in the Bible.

While at Cousin Sara Newells, Mary Dewitt came in, she was interested in what we had to say and said she believed it all.

Oct. 11th I got a letter from home stating that my son John T. Stephens was dead, which caused me much sorrow.

Oct. 12th we helped Uncle Samuel Briggs on the new room that he was building. Then I wrote to my wife. Oct. 13th we went to Uncle David Stephens. It rained several days, so we stayed with him until the weather cleared. Oct. 15th we tried to get the school house to hold a meeting in, but were unsuccessful.


About 20 persons came to Jas. B. Dewitts, and we held meeting there. Otha opened by prayer, then I spoke, then I spoke on the first principles of the gospel. James O. told what the Mormons had done in Utah. One man said he had come to ask questions, but did not like to cast pearls before swine, so asked no questions.

Oct. 19th, we went to see Cousin John Conrad, to get a place to hold meeting, succeeded in getting Mr. Jas. Cokers house, and appointing a meeting for Sunday at 11 A.M.

Friday Otha and Jas Dewitt went hunting squirrels, I stayed home and read my books.

Sunday at the appointed time we went to our meeting, about 40 people came to hear us. I talked on the first principles of the gospel, and Otha talked on the persecution of the Saints, and the blessings of the Lord to them.

Oct. 26th, we went to see Hyrum Jaques, had dinner with them then a long talk with him on the gospel and authority to lead the Church after the death of Joseph Smith. He said Joseph Smith was murdered because of his transgressions, still he believed him to be a prophet.


The next three days we spent visiting among the people. I received a letter from my wife.

Oct. 31st. we went to Uncle David Stephens, to get him to take us to Uncle Daniel Stephens in Schuyler Co. He could not go because his son-in-law, Abel Berry was about to die and he had to stay and look after him.

Nov 2nd. Jas B. Dewitt gave a dance for those who had been shucking corn for him. Otha played the violin for them. I read from the Book of Mormon, to Jas. Dewitt and his wife. Thursday we helped Mr. Dewitt shuck corn all day. Friday we helped to under pin Frank Avery's house.

We got the privilage of holding a meeting in a house on Sunday, Nov. sixth. Otha preached half an hour on the plan of salvation, then I preached half an hour on the restoration of the gospel, then gave notice that we would baptize a woman at 4 o’clock that afternoon. Otha baptized Mary Dewitt and I confirmed her. We stayed at Jas. Dewitts place for a few days, helping him haul potatoes and chips. Mary washed my pants and gave me a dollar for temple donations. I made her a present of hymn


book. While I was helping Mr. Dewitt saw and split logs into boards, he was holding the ax on the block and I struck a hard blow, the ax went through quickly and struck him on the leg, making a gash about five inches long and one inch deep. I tied my handkerchief tightly around his leg and helped him to the house, the doctor came and took eight stitches in it, afterward I went and helped to scatter hay.

The next week we spent in helping Uncle Daniel Stephens with his work, and conversing on gospel subjects to as many as we could get a chance to talk to. Sunday Nov. 20th, we went to a Southern Methodist Meeting.

Monday we went Rushville and bought cloth for two shirts and one pair of pants, posted our letters and had our pictures taken. Four of us were taken together, uncle Samuel paying for the pictures. He also treated us to an oyster dinner. We all went back to Uncle Daniels and went hunting possoms.

During the week we visited John Stephens and helped him with such work as he had to do. Sunday No. 27th, we


went with Samuel to a Union Baptist meeting. After meeting we got permission from the directors of the house to hold a meeting there at 6 P.M. A woman objected and said house was open to all denominations except Mormons. We held the meeting just the same. At the appointed time there were about 75 persons to hear what we had to tell them. I spoke to them from the 3rd chapter of 1st Peter, 19th and 20th verses. Otha told them of the travels of the Saints to the Rocky Mountains.

We also have notice that we would hold meeting at the same place next Sunday.

During the next week Uncle Daniel Stephens child died, we were requested to take charge of the funeral.

When Sunday came we held our meeting in Central Hall. About 40 people came to hear us.

We were staying at Uncle Daniel Stephens house for a few days, doing a little work for him and conversing with the family. I read to them, from the Deseret News, about the conference held in Salt Lake City. They all thot (sp) it was good. Cousin Olive made me a pair of


pants and two shirts, I offered to pay her but she would not take it.

Uncle Daniel took us to see his daughter Jane Black. We preached the gospel to them, they said they liked it but did not want polygamy.

We went to the director, and asked to hold meeting in the school house, he said we could and would give notice at school that it would be held at 11 A.M. Sunday.

We visited Otha’s wife’s aunt, Mrs. Cathrine Howard, while there we preached to seven persons. They said if the Bible was true, we were right. We also visited Kendrick Shupe, he went with us to our meeting and said we did fine, only spoiled it all by mentioning Joseph Smith.

After meeting we went to Cousin David Stephens, as it rained all next day we stayed there and I read the key to Theology, half way through to the family.

Dec. 16th we went back to Uncle Daniels, and I picked a bushel of walnuts to send home, but when I got them to the depot I was told it would cost $5.00 to send them to Ogden, so I did not send them.

We stayed in this district for some time visiting amongst our relatives,


helping with their work, and preaching the gospel also reading a great many of the Church works to them. One day we went with John Stephens to an Indian Graveyard and dug up two Indians, one small and the other full grown. Their teeth were as sound as they ever were.

While we were helping Samuel haul logs to the mill, Otha hurt his back with lifting.

I was suffering with the headache a good deal, one night Aunt Rebecca put a mustard plaster on my head and it relieved me considerable, but it still ached next morning. I stayed home while Otha took two bushels of walnuts to Rushville to ship them to Ogden. It cost $3.15.

We were having considerable rain and snow at this time of year, and the weather was cold.

Jan. 9th, we held a meeting at Cousin John Stephens house, with about 30 in attendance. Next we went to Mr. Crows and got weighed. Otha weighed 180 lbs. John 197 lbs. and I weighed 175 lb.

Jan 14th. John took us to Jas. B. Dewitts home. The weather was very bad so we were kept in the house a few days,


we spent the time in explaining the Book of Mormon, reading John Taylor's discussion with four Ministers in France, and a few other works.

When the weather would permit we did a little hunting and helped to folks with their work.

I went to Versaills with Mr. Dewitt and ordered a pair of boots made.

I explained the gospel to Mr. Ransom, then went to the mill for a grist. There I saw, on the wall in a frame, the first prayer that was made in the first Congress of the United States, Sept. 5th 1774. It was made by Mr. Duche, and Episcopal Clergyman. I took a copy of it. We visited Aaron Stinson then went home. Jas. Dewitt told a minister, if he wanted to learn something about the Bible to come over to his house and the Mormon Elders would explain it to him in plainness.

Jan. 23rd, was the coldest day of the season. I wrote a letter to Bishop B.C. Critchlow, and received one from my wife.

We appointed a meeting at Jas. Dewitts for Wed. Jan. 25th. That morning Jas. and his boy went on horses to inform the people of our meeting, but there were only 16 persons came. We commenced at


6:30 P.M. We talked to them on the first principles of the gospel.

The next Sunday we held another meeting at the same place, this time having about 20 of a congregation. We gave them a talk on the first principles of the gospel and the rise of the church. William Boss, a local minister was there but had nothing to say. Martin Hosford asked a few questions which we answered, then dismissed.

During the week I helped Jas. Dewitt saw a good many logs, visited cousin Sarah Newell and cousin Elizabeth Conrad. I received a letter from my brother T. J. Stephens, and a card from Pres. Palmer.

We stayed at Jas. Dewitts for a few days again, traveling around among the people - and getting the geneology of more of my relatives.

I had headache a good deal of the time, and when I was able, I helped James with his work.

I continued my Missionary labors in about the same way. Holding meetings, having gospel conversations, and spreading the gospel generally, trying to get as many as we could to know the right way.


Our labors were intersperced (sp) at times with a little amusement.

After laboring nearly two years in the mission field, Nov. 7th, 1882, I started for home. My wife did not know what day I would get in Ogden, so when I got home, Nov. 9th, at 3 P.M. there was no one at the depot to meet me, and when I got home my wife was not there, having gone to see my mother, but she soon came and it was a joyful meeting.

I found everything very well at home, but my wife was pretty well run down, having had to work so hard while I was away, to support the family and for money to send me for my mission expenses.

She had taken care of the farm and she with the children who were old enough to help, had done all the work, and I found every thing in good condition on arriving home. Feb. 1883, I plowed on the hill and planted rye. Oct 13th, 1883, a son was born who we named Joseph Franklin Stephens.

March 13th 1886 my mother [Elizabeth Briggs Stephens] died.

May 6th 1886, while I and all my brothers and sisters, except Thomas Jefferson, were at the Logan Temple, being sealed to our parents, my wife


gave birth to a son who we named Samuel Lehi Stephens.

In 1887 we sold our water to S.C. and W.J. Stephens, then sold our farm to C.C. Richards and bought 43 acres of land in Riverdale, from Thomas Jackson. In 1888 we moved to that place and July 14th another son was born who we called Walter Clark Stephens.

About Oct. I went to Menan, Idaho, to visit my brother A.N. Stephens. Had and enjoyable visit.

In the winter of 1889 and 1890 we had snow two feet deep.

In 1890 I bought the George Heliwell place on 33rd st. and Lincoln Ave. from S.C. and W.J. Stephens. Nov 1st, 1890 we moved into it. Nov. 2nd, 1890 another son was born who we named Aldo Briggs Stephens.

Jan. 12th, 1892, I was called, by the Stake Presidency, to fill a three months Mission in the Mariott and Mound Fort Wards. I was set apart by F.D. Richards, with John Fife as my partener (sp). We held 153 family meetings and were honorably released.

In 1909, I bought, from Mr. Hutchins, a lot 132ft. by 133ft., on Grant Ave. and 33rd St. consideration $1050. In 1909 sold our house and lot in Riverdale to Wm. Allen, for $1200, then built one


four room brick house on 33rd. Street.

In 1910 I bought, from B.H. Goddard a piece of land on Grant Ave., 165ft by 142ft east. The same year we sold our farm in Riverdale for $3500, then built four brick houses on Grant Ave.

In 1910 we sold our place on Electric Alley, to Mrs. D.B. Topham. Took a mortgage and in 1912 traded it to James Ballard for lots 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 of the H.D. Wisc Addition on 26th Street.

April 16th, 1910, our Son Walter C. Stephens went on a mission to the Samoan Islands. After being away three years and seven months, he was honorably released to return home.

I commenced paying Tithing in 1866. Since that time up to Dec. 31st 1917 I have paid $4109.19.

For Fast offerings I have paid $218.50. It has cost me for preaching the gospel about $2000. I have acted as teacher about 40 years, and I don't remember missing a month in all that time, except on account of sickness, up to June 9th, 1913.


I have been baptized for about 75 of my relatives, and Endowed for about 56. Paid for Endowments and Sealings for 146. My wife has been Baptized and Endowed for 56 of my relatives. I have paid about $400 for the erection of meeting houses. About $100 on the Weber Academy. I to July 20th, 1916, through my efforts, I have secured the names of about 1000 of my relatives, on my fathers side, and about 1200 on my mothers side.

We have had nine children, eight boys and one girl, all living, except one boy who died in infancy. Four of my boys have filled missions. All married in the temple. We have 31 grand-children, 27 living and 4 dead. We also have one great grandchild.

Now we say to our dear children be as faithful in keeping the commandments of God as we have been and will have a joyful meeting where God and Christ dwell.

D.M and Mary A. Stephens

Right Click mouse on image - then click on view image - to see enlarged photo

section header - children
Children of Daniel Monroe Stephens and Mary Anne Clark Stephens

1. James Otha Stephens, b. 1 May 1834, Chicago, Brown, Illinois

  2. David Henderson Stephens, b. 22 Oct 1835, , Brown, Illinois

  3. John Cornelius Stephens, b. 4 Jul 1837, , Brown, Illinois

  4. Almira(h) Caroline Stephens, b. 17 Feb 1839, , Brown, Illinois

  5. Alexander Nephi Stephens, b. 11 Dec 1840, , Brown, Illinois

  6. Daniel Monroe Stephens, b. 14 Oct 1842, Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois

  7. Elizabeth Jane Stephens, b. 14 Mar 1845, Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois

  8. Thomas Jefferson Stephens, b. 16 Mar 1847, Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois

  9. Constance Ann Stephens, b. 17 Feb 1849, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa

  10. Solomon Clinton Stephens, b. 1 Sep 1850, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa

  11. William Jesse Stephens, b. 1 Apr 1853, Ogden, Weber, Utah

  12. George Washington Stephens, b. 1 Apr 1853, Ogden, Weber, Utah


PAF - Archer files = Captain James Brown Jr. + Martha Stephens < Alexander Stephens + Mary Polly Daley > John P. Stephens + Elizabeth Briggs > Daniel Monroe Stephens

Biography preserved through efforts of Thomas Lyle Hulsey, a descendant of Daniel Monroe Stephens.

Bold, [bracketed] information, some minor corrections, etc. by Lucy Brown Archer

http://www.lib.co.rowan.nc.us/HistoryRoom/html/stephens_family_materials.htm Edith M. Clark -History Room Finding Aid: Stephens Family Materials MSS #9005

Thanks to Bruce S. Spackman for his further contributions to this biography and photo of Daniel and Mary Stephens, on January 28, 2007 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bspackman/histories/Daniel.htm


Copyright 2001 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org



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... Easter 1986 through October 2005


... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by
Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

... To be Published Soon:

Send Comments and Information to: 




... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

Send Additions and Information to:


...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters


...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

- Captain James Brown 1801-1863

...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

- Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

- Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

(Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

(Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

(Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

(Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

(Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

(Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

(Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

- (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915












Contact Us:
Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
P.O. Box 980111
Park City, Utah 84098-0111