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Orson Pratt Brown's Relation through his son Aron Brown's wife Elena Pratt

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Helaman Pratt around 1878

Helaman Pratt's Journal

While traveling from Salt Lake City on a Mission to Old Mexico

Transcribed by Maurine Colgrove

On the 24th of July I received a letter from my brother P.P.Pratt stating that Bro. D.W. Jones wanted one of Father's boys to accompany him on a mission to Old Mexico. Parley asked me how I would like to go. I answered that if called by the proper authority I was willing to go as the spirit had seemed to impress me with a desire to for some time and I requested an answer immediately. I waited some time and got no reply. The spirit worked upon me to such an extent that I could not rest until I started for Salt Lake City to ascertain whether I was going or not. On arriving at Salt Lake City I ascertained that Pres. Young had been to Cash Valley. Bro. Jones was anxious to have me accompany him but it was four day before he could get to see the President. Upon presenting the matter to the President he was well pleased and desired me to go and accordingly appointed me to said mission. I was set apart and blessed by Orson Pratt. I immediately returned to Prattville, Sevier County and arranged my business and moved my family to Salt Lake City to stay while I was absent. It being the 21 of August 1875 when I received my appointment and I started on the my mission on the 15th of September 1875.

A Blessing
Pronounced upon the head of Elder Helaman Pratt by Orson Pratt
August 21, 1875

Brother Helaman Pratt in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon thy head and set thee apart to the mission unto which thou hast been called and appointed to go forth from this place to visit the Lamanites and those who speak in the Spanish language in Old Mexico or whethersoever you and those who accompany you shall be led by the Holy Ghost to bear testimony of truth, to bear testimony of the Book of Mormon of the ancient record of the Nephites and to reason with the people from the scriptures from the prophecies and from the Book of Mormon and from the revelations that God has given, and show them concerning the great and marvelous works which is about to take place and we pray Oh, God, the eternal father that thou wilt bless this thy servant and fill him with the Holy Ghost from the time that he shall leave his home until he shall return again that he may have power to do much good in company with his brethren that he may have influence among the people whither he shall travel, that he may speedily learn their language and that the gift of language may be given unto him by the power of the Holy Ghost in so much that the language shall open up to his view and to his understanding that he shall not have difficulty for him to learn the same, and that he shall speedily learn and be able to converse in the same and I say unto thee trust in the Lord thy God, and in as much as thou shalt meet with difficulties and trials to the discourage thee, we pray to the Eternal Father that he will inspire thy heart that you may not be discouraged that the Lord will open the way before you by pouring out His spirit upon the inhabitants that are honest in heart by giving them visions and dreams and the inspiration of the spirit that they may know of a surety that you and those who accompany you are the servants of the living God and when it is wisdom and you shall find those who are sick and afflicted lay your hands upon them and command them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be made whole and it shall be done according to the words which thou shalt seek, and the Lord shall be with thee and comfort thy heart and open the way before thee that thou shalt not be overcome by the enemies of truth, buy those who would seek to take they life, but the Lord shall deliver thee out of their hands and lead thee in paths where they shalt not be able to find thee, and thine enemies shall be confounded and the angels of the most High God shall be round about thee and the spirit of inspiration shall be in thy heart and thou shalt have power to accomplish a good work and when thou shalt return again thou shalt return in pease and in joy having great joy in the work thou hast performed in the midst of the people, and I say unto thee that all these blessings shalt come upon thee according to thy faith and thy diligence and thy prayer, and thy perseverance, and thy confidence in God, and I also feel at this time to ordain thee to be one of the seventies to go forth and administer in that office and calling and to baptize those who repent for the remission of their sins, and perform all the duties of one of the seventy elders of Israel, that you may have joy in performing the work of this mission among the people and that you may magnify your office and honor the same and that the Lord thy God may go before thy face and be on thy rearward and his angels be round about thee, and when thou hast accomplished and fulfilled thy mission that thou shalt return again in health and peace and safety unto thy family here in these mountain vales. These blessings I feel to confer upon thee with all the blessings pertaining to the calling and priesthood which thou hast received and which is now conferred upon thee by this ordination. I feel to pronounce upon you this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

SEP 15, 1875 - WEDNESDAY - Stopped at Draperville with Bros J. Stewart and Smith, two of our missionaries.

SEP 16 - Stopped at Pleasant Grove with my sister Olivia Driggs. Bro. Stewart's horse fell upon him, but fortunately he escaped with out being much hurt. I was kicked on my left shin by a horse which proved to be very painful for some days.

SEP 17 - Stopped with B.P. Tanner of Payson.

SEP 18 - Traveled to Nephi and boarded at B.P. Grovers, we here counseled with Pres D. W. Jones and his son Wiley Jones.

SEP 19 - SUNDAY - Preached at Nephi

SEP 20 - Packed our effects and adjusted our pack saddles. The people of Nephi gave us a complimentary Ball in the evening which was a great success and all seamed to enjoy themselves hugely.

SEP 21 - Traveled to Lavan, stopped at B.P. Taylors. The distance from Salt Lake City to Lavan is 100 miles.

SEP 22 - Traveled to Scipio and was rather cooley received by B. P. Dan Thompson.

SEP 23 - Arrived at Holden and was very hospitably entertained by B.P. Stephens. Holden ward furnished us with one horse. I went ahead of the party as far a Fillmore where I found six Navajos, one that claimed to be the third man of the nation. They were on their way to visit Pres. Young, returned to Holden and reported to Pres. Jones.

SEP 24 - Pres. Jones and I came over to Fillmore before breakfast and had a talk with the Indian who felt very well pleased to hear of our going among them. The Fillmore people furnished us with one horse.

SEP 25 - My brother, Nephi Pratt, accompanied our party out three or four miles and then he and I returned to attend meeting on Sunday, by request of Bro. Jones. Nephi presented me with a Henry rifle.

SEP 26 - SUNDAY - Attended the meeting at Fillmore and addressed the congregation, was followed by B.P. Colister. There was a subscription raised for our benefit of $66.15 in cash. Traveled to Kanosh.

SEP 27 - Traveled to Cove Creek Fort, was made very welcome by Bro Ira Hinkley and family.

SEP 28 - Traveled to Beaver, stopped at B.P. John Murdock's, held meeting in the evening which was very well attended and was addressed by Bros. Jones, Pratt, Smith, Stewart, Fartheringham, and the Bishop.

SEP 29 - Stopped at Beaver to get our horses shod. Pres. Wells and party from the scout came in the evening.

SEP 30 - Received donation from Beaver of $22.60 in cash. Traveled to Buck Horn Springs.

OCT 1 - Traveled to Parowan. Held meeting in the evening which was addressed by Bro. Jones and myself.

OCT 2 - Parowan donated one pack mule. Traveled to Cedar City and stopped at B.P. Lunts.

OCT 3 - SUNDAY - Attended meeting at 2 p.m. The saints were addressed by Bros. Stewart, Smith, Pratt, and Jones. A Bro. Davies donated a pack mule.

OCT 4 - The people of Cedar brought in about 150 pounds of dried peaches for our use. Traveled to Kanarraville. Stopped with B.P. Rounday.

OCT 5 - Traveled to Toquerville and stopped in the tithing yard was very well entertained at bros. Spillsberry and Ashton, neighbors.

OCT 6 - Traveled to Toquerville while the rest of the party went on the St. George.

OCT 7 - Received a letter from home. Occupied the day in reading, writing etc.

OCT 8 - The brethren returned from St. George. All went to work fitting up.

OCT 9 - Continued our labors on our pack outfit.

OCT 10 - SUNDAY - Attended meeting at 2 p.m. which was addressed by Pres. Jones, H. Pratt, J.Z. Stewart, and R. H. Smith. The people of Toquerville subscribed enough to pay our expenses while there.

OCT 11 - Traveled to Gools ranch, 9 miles, Bro. A. W. Ivins having arrived from St. George and joined our party.

OCT 12 - Traveled to Short Creek, 26 miles, and watered our stock, then went out to where there was grass.

OCT 13 - Traveled to Warrior Castle. 9 miles, and was very will entertained.

OCT 14 - Traveled to Kanab, 20 miles, where we found Bro. A.M. Tenney ready to accompany us on our mission.

OCT 15 - Traveled to Long Valley, 20 miles. Stayed over night with father and mother Billingsly.

OCT 16 - Accompanied Bishop H.O. Spencer to upper Kanab to hold meeting. Stopped over night at Williams's ranch.

OCT 17 - SUNDAY - Traveled from Williams ranch to Kanab and held meeting at 1 o'clock. The meeting was addressed by H. Pratt, J. Allen, and Bishop Spencer. After meeting we traveled back to Orderville. Distance traveled was 40 miles.

OCT 18 - Traveled from Long Valley to Kanab, where the people gave us a dance.

OCT 19 - Worked at fitting up our outfit and wrote home in the evening.

OCT 20 - Our outfit now being complete we traveled 17 miles to the Navajo Wells. The names of the missionaries are Daniel W. Jones, Wiley C. Jones, James Z. Stewart, Robert W. Smith, Anthony W. Ivins, Ammon M. Tenney, and Helaman Pratt. Also Bro. Jacob Hamblin and Thomas Chamberlain will accompany us part way. Our outfit consist of 21 pack animals and 11 saddle animals.

OCT 21 - Camped at Navajo Wells having lost some of our horses.

OCT 22 - Traveled to House Rock Springs, the road across the Buckskins mountains is rather rough. Plenty of grass, no water for 33 miles.

OCT 23 - Traveled 10 miles and camped at Jacob's Pools. House Rock Valley is very well cultivated for grazing purposes.

OCT 24 - SUNDAY - Stayed at Jacob's Pools and studied spanish.

OCT 25 - Traveled to Badger Creek and camped for the night past Soap Creek, 15 miles.

OCT 26 - Traveled to the Colorado River, crossed on the ferry boat kept by Sister Lee. We found Bro. Warren M. Johnson and family living here camped at Navajo Springs, there was 7 Navajos camped with us. Distance 18 miles.

OCT 27 - Camped at Bitter Springs, 10 miles, good grass, water poor.

OCT 28 - Bros. Jacob Hamblin and Thomas Chamberlain returned home. After taking leave of them we traveled 10 miles and watered our animals at Line Store Tanks and then traveled 12 miles and made dry camp.

OCT 29 - Traveled 16 miles to Willow Springs and watered our stock, before leaving camp and in the morning a party of Navajos and a Mexican by the name of Suse over took us. Drove 8 miles farther and camped at the Mouaby, 10 Piutes camped with us. Chief name was Patnish.

OCT 30 - There is water and land enough for 4 or 5 families at Willow Springs and for 5 to 10 at the Mouaby. Traveled 8 miles to Moincoppy where 8 to 11 families might find good land and water. Grass abounds in great plenty all along the road.

OCT 31 - SUNDAY - Rested and studied Spanish.

NOV 1 - Traveled 20 miles on the trail leading to the Moquis Villages, made a dry camp.

NOV 2 - Traveled in a southeasterly direction for 15 miles to the Aribe village where the natives showed a very kind spirit towards us. In the morning before leaving camp, Pres. Jones gave Bro. R.H. Smith a considerable of a going over which was considered uncalled for by all present.

NOV 3 - Remained in camp and talked with the natives. In the afternoon a meeting of the brethren was called and all things made right between Bro. Jones and Smith. Brother D.W. Jones was sustained by the uplifted hands of all brethren as Pres. of the mission and H. Pratt as his councilor and J. Z. Stewart as Clerk.

NOV 4 - Bros. Jones and Tenney went over to the Moquis Villages the rest of us remained in camp.

NOV 5 - We expected to have started on our journey but it set into rain and we concluded to wait until morning.

NOV 6 - Traveled to the Moquis Village, 12 miles, which has about 600 inhabitance. They have built on the point of a high bluff which is perpendicular on all sides and only one way to get up. There is no water in this vicinity except wells that have been dug by the Indians, continued our journey 2 miles east and camped.

NOV 7 - SUNDAY - Traveled south east 8 miles to a Moquis sheep ranch where there was a very good spring which we named Cottonwood Spring. We then crossed the ridge, 2 miles and camped.

NOV 8 - Traveled south 12 miles where we found what we called hidden spring or Tual Jask, went 6 miles farther and came to what we called Willow Springs, continued south east for 7 miles and camped.

NOV 9 - Traveled south 2 miles and came to another spring which we called Twin Butte Spring about 3 miles farther on we passed another spring, called it Cane Spring, continued our journey 25 miles west of south and came to the Little Colorado River. This being one of the finest grazing countries that I ever saw. We saw 4 droves of antelope during the day.

NOV 10 - The river here affords enough water to irrigate 3,000 acres of land. It is a very sluggish stream with a wide quick sand bottom. An abundance of land and plenty of cottonwood for fuel.

NOV 11 - Traveled 7 miles west and crossed the river and camped, we are now traveling on the main road to and from Prescott.

NOV 12 - Traveled 12 miles and came to Heywood's Station, continued our journey 14 miles and made a dry camp.

NOV 13 - Traveled 21 miles south of west the most of the way through a timber country consisting of cedar, pinion pine, oak, and long leaf pine. Camped at Pine Station, no water between stations, an abundance of grass. We had a very heavy wind storm.

NOV 14 - SUNDAY - Rested ourselves and animals, wrote home to my family. Deer and turkey are said to abound in great plenty on the mount, it being so windy we did not see any.

NOV 15 - Traveled 14 miles and camped at Arnold's Ranch on Beaver Creek, part of the road is very rough. In the afternoon we saw numbers of deer but was unable to shoot any.

NOV 16 - Bro. Jones was rather poorly and concluded to rest, all the boys except Tenney went deer hunting. Bro. Stewart killed one.

NOV 17 - Traveled 8 miles and came to the River Verde and camped.

NOV 18 - Occupied the day in writing. Bros. Jones and Stewart went up the river about 8 miles reported that here is quite a number of rancher up the river. This river is about a large as the Sevier River is at Panguitch. About 2 1/2 miles is a U.S. Post called Camp Verde.

NOV 19 - Traveled 12 miles and camped at Seneca Ranch.

NOV 20 - Traveled 12 miles and camped at Ash Creek.

NOV 21 - SUNDAY - Traveled 24 miles and camped at the foot of the Mesa Mountains.

NOV 22 - Traveled 15 miles and camped on New River.

NOV 23 - Bought a light wagon for which we paid $100.00

NOV 24 - Traveled 24 miles and made a dry camp.

NOV 25 - Traveled 8 miles and came to the Rio Salado farming country and camped. This a very fine valley with plenty of water and an abundance of good land.

NOV 26 - Traveled 3 miles and came to the Town of Phoenix, then traveled 9 miles farther up the river and camped at Tempe. The Salt River Valley is a very fine farming country and capable of sustaining many thousand people. The river is estimated to be larger than the Weber River.

NOV 27 - Remained in camp to rest our horses.

NOV 28 - SUNDAY - Occupied the day in writing to my family and posting my journal.

NOV 29 - Spent the day in repairing and oiling harness and studying spanish

NOV 30 - Traveled 22 miles and camped at Morgans Ferry on the Rio Gila. There is quite a number of Maricopa villages in this vicinity.

DEC 1 - Traveled 15 miles up the river at Pima Butte. Pres. Jones appointed a meeting with the head chiefs of the Pimas on the third of Dec.

DEC 2 - Traveled 12 miles and camped at Sacaton Station.

DEC 3 - The meeting appointed by Pres. Jones was attended by about 65 Pimas and 4 chiefs all seemed interested in what was said.

DEC 4 - Traveled 12 miles and camped with a Papago chief by the name of Juan Largo, appointed a meeting for the sabbath.

DEC 5 - About 12:30 o'clock the meeting was opened by Pres. Jones about 110 Indians being present, all seemed much interested in the remarks of Bros. Jones and Tenney.

DEC 6 - I and Bro. Tenney went back 2 miles and found that a Mexican with whom we had left a copy of the Book of Mormon was quite interested in the book and had been reading it to the natives who were very much interested. We explained our principles to him as best we could. He gave us $2.00 to assist us on our mission. We then traveled 14 miles and found camp at Florence.

DEC 7 - Traveled 25 milt to Pichaco, bought water.

DEC 8 - Traveled 27 miles and camped at Desert Station where we had to buy water for our stock.

DEC 9 - Traveled 21 miles and camped within 3 miles of Tucson.

DEC 10 - Brother Jones and I went to Tucson and called on Governor A.P. Safford and was very well received, he gave us an invitation to hold meeting on Sunday, which we accepted.

DEC 11 - Occupied the day in reading and writing to my family.

DEC 12 - SUNDAY - Bro. J.Z. Stewart and I attended the Catholic Church at 10:00 a.m. At 2:00 p.m. held meeting as per appointment. Bro. Jones and I were the speakers.

DEC 13 - Traveled 10 miles and camped at Camp Lowell.

DEC 14 - Bought a light wagon for $140.00 and set of harness for 4 houses for $90.00

DEC 15 - Prepared and oiled our harness and loaded the remainder of our packs into the wagon.

DEC 16 - Traveled 26 miles and camped at Sinace Ranch.

DEC 17 - Traveled 24 miles and camped on the San Pedro River which is a very fine stream and an abundance of grass.

DEC 18 - Traveled 34 miles and camped at Sulphur Springs.

DEC 19 - SUNDAY - Bro. Jones and I left the camp and traveled 34 miles to the Apache Pass for the purpose of talking to the Indians.

DEC 20 - Had a talk with the Indian agent, Jeffords, who gave us permission to talk with the Indians but informed us that their Spanish interpreter was absent and would not be back for 3 days, we then drove back to camp 24 miles.

DEC 21 - Stayed over at Sulphur Springs. Bro. Jones also sold 3 mules at this place for $115.00.

DEC 22 - Traveled 24 miles and stopped at Woods Station, Apache Pass, it being a very stormy night.

DEC 23 - Travelled 20 miles and camped on Samsamon Creek.

DEC 24 - Occupied the day in reading and writing to C. W. Seegmiller.

DEC 25 - My mule kicked me on the head but no serious damage done. Passed the time in reading.

DEC 26 - SUNDAY - Held meeting in Camp and after meeting, being out of meat, it was thought best for Bro. Ivins and I to go hunting. We accordingly went. Crossed the line into New Mexico and killed one deer and one antelope.

DEC 27 - Traveled 30 miles to Ralston.

DEC 28 - Traveled 22 miles and camped at Knight's Station.

DEC 29 - Traveled 16 miles and camped at Davies Ranch where we was invited to hold meeting with Davies and 2 other families which we did.

DEC 30 - Traveled 16 miles and camped at Apachatahoo where there is a very fine spring of warm water.

DEC 31 - Traveled 16 miles and camped at Miembres, which is a very fine stream of water. For the last few days we have seen a great many antelope and Bro. Ivins shot one today. 1876

JAN 1 - Traveled 19 miles and camped at Fort Cummings.

JAN 2 - Traveled 35 miles and camped at Slocomms Tanks, here we had to pay 20 cents each to water our stock.

JAN 3 - Traveled 25 miles and camped on the Rio Grande, near Mesilla which is quite a town.

JAN 4 - Traveled 22 miles and camped at a Mexican ranch where we left one horse which afterwards died.

JAN 5 - Traveled 14 miles and camped at Canatio Ranch where we made arrangements to leave our stock to recoup.

JAN 6 - Traveled 16 miles and came to the town of El Paso, Texas. Bro. Ivins stayed at Canatio with the stock.

JAN 7 - Crossed the Rio Grande to El Paso, Mexico where we rented three room for $8.00 per month.

JAN 8 - Arranged things in our house and prepared to live.

JAN 9 - SUNDAY - Attended Catholic Church and the priest warned the people against us and called us every thing he could think of and wound up by calling us Billy Goats, Billy Goats, etc.

JAN 10 - Studied Spanish.

JAN 11 - Bro. Jones and I went to the town of Sanaces where we talked with several gentlemen and left some books, 12 miles there and back.

JAN 12, 13, 14, 15 - Studied Spanish.

JAN 16 - SUNDAY - Held meeting in El Paso, Texas which was very well attended.

JAN 17, 18, 19 - Studied Spanish.

JAN 20 - Bro. Jones and I went down to Sanaces according to previous arrangement. Bro. Jones had quite a talk to the priest who seemed interested in all he said.

JAN 21 - Bro. Stewart got a position as school teacher in San Elizario, but up on applying at the school he discovered that the feeling was so strong against us that if he accepted his appointment the children would all leave school. Bro. Tenney also went down to Islata to commence business, Islata having quite a number of Indian population.

JAN 22 - Studied Spanish.

JAN 23 - SUNDAY - Held meeting in El Paso, Texas. Bro. Jones returned from Islata and said we would all move there.

JAN 24 - Went to the ranch to get our stock, 16 miles.

JAN 25 - Bro. Ivins returned to El Paso with the stock 16 miles.

JAN 26 - Moved to Islata, 14 miles, read a letter from home.

JAN 27, 28, 29 - Studied Spanish.

JAN 30 - SUNDAY - Held meeting in San Elizario and in Islata in the evening and appointed a meeting for Monday evening, 14 miles.

JAN 31 - Studied Spanish.

FEB 1 - Made arrangements to work for a Mr. Blanchard for my board.

FEB 2 - Started work.

FEB 3, 4, 5 - Work for Blanchard.

FEB 6 - Rested from my labors.

FEB 7, 8, 9 - Resumed work.

FEB 10 - Bro. Stewart and I went to San Elizario, 7 miles and held a meeting in the evening at a Mr. John W. Campbell's house by invitation. All that attended the meeting seemed very well pleased.

FEB 11 - Returned to Islata, 7 miles.

FEB 12 - Traveled to El Paso to bring the captain and boys down, 12 miles.

FEB 13 - Returned to Islata, 12 miles.

FEB 14 - Bros. Tenney and Smith started for Islata, New Mexico where they were appointed to labor.

FEB 15 TO 22 - Studied Spanish.

FEB 23 - Bro. Stewart and I went to San Elizario by invitation of Mr. Campbell where we spent a very pleasant evening and returned home on Thursday the 24th.

FEB 25 - Went to El Paso and returned on Saturday the 26th.

FEB 27 - SUNDAY - Attended Catholic church and was permitted to witness the baptism of two infants.

FEB 28 - Commenced herding horses.

FEB 29 - Continued to herd.

MAR 1 - Coming in after herding horses all night and after we got something to eat, Mr. Campbell came along and invited me to go with him to Hart's Mills, 1 mile above Franklin, as he wished to converse upon and to learn more concerning the principals of our faith. I accordingly consulted with Bro. Stewart who urged me to go, promising to take care of the horses until we returned. I accepted the invitation and on our arriving at El Paso Bro. Jones expressed some little displeasure at my leaving the horses. Mr. Campbell and I conversed much upon our principles and he told me that he and his father and mother believed our testimony, that our principals were true, but that they were not quite ready to be baptized as they wished to investigate a little farther, but he said if it was possible for one of your Elders to stay here and preach and even if he had his family with him I would support you willingly and see that you did not suffer for anything.

MAR 2 - Mr. Campbell and I, after leaving the mill met Pres. Jones in Franklin. He said that he wanted to talk with me. He took me to task for leaving the horses and running around the country with men that I had no business to and that I had betrayed the trust imposed in me and said he, I was told right in Pres. Young office that you would under take to run this mission and that you were a lazy man to which I replied that any one that said I was a lazy man was a liar as I had worked for my living and that any Elder that was sent out to preside over a mission and would drive his brethren as he had would fail to accomplish the end for which he was sent. Some words were said which Bro. Jones said I could return home, but I told him that I did not wish to return but wished to fulfill my mission. We went to Islata where we found Bro. Stewart and the horses all right. Bro Jones said we could move to El Paso as he had not confidence in us to leave the horses in our care. We packed up and came to Franklin that night.

MAR 3 - Crossed the river to El Paso, and in the evening Pres. Jones called a meeting of brethren and told them what I had said, and said he, "if you still entertained those feelings you can return home" and said he, "if I had done as I aught, I would have sent you all back from the Ariba Villages, as you all rebelled against me." There after he had spoken I said that I did make the remark referred to and acknowledged that I had done wrong and asked his forgiveness and said I was willing to forgive him wherein he had a hurt my feelings he remarked that you will wait till I ask won't you, to which I replied that I was willing to forgive him whether he asked me to or not and that I felt to uphold and sustain him in his position and that I desired to continue my labors with him into the interiors of Mexico. He said unless I acknowledged that I never had any cause for such feelings or I had entirely erased the same from my mind that I would be released and that he would give me time to answer and he requested an answer in writing. He said you talk about paying for the horses if any are lost through your neglect, said he, do you not know that you are dependant upon me for the food you eat, why do you not do something to help yourself and said he you have been running after Mr. Campbell on account of his money, and there is more likelihood of you joining him than there is of him joining our church to which I replied that I had never visited Mr. Campbell except by special invitation, and that he had taken great interest in our principles and expressed his belief in the same and he had always treated me very kind. He said that the other brethren (Bros. Stewart and Ivins) had more or less of the same spirit that I had and unless things changed he did not know but we would be sent home. I asked for the privilege to go to San Elizario to attend to some unsettled business which was granted.

MAR 4 - Walked to San Elizario, 25 miles and found all well and glad to see me. I spent the evening in talking upon our principles.

MAR 5 - SUNDAY - Spent the day in conversation and reading to Father and Mother Campbell who were highly interested.

MAR 6 - Finished my business and returned to El Paso.

MAR 7 - Spent the day in writing and in evening I gave my acknowledgement in writing to Bro. Jones the same as I had made verbally and it was accepted on the principle of mercy.

MAR 8 - Spent the day with Mr. Campbell and wife at Hart's Mill (brother to John W. Campbell) who seemed very much interested in our principles.

MAR 9 to 18 - Herded horses.

MAR 19 - SUNDAY - Went to Hart's Mill and spent a very pleasant day with Campbells.

MAR 20 - Having made all things ready we started for the interior of Mexico at noon, traveled 12 miles and camped.

MAR 21 - Traveled 12 miles and camped at Angerstines Ranch.

MAR 22 - Traveled 21 miles to San Ygnacio and was very well entertained by Senor Guadalupe, a Mexican gentleman of considerable note.

MAR 23 - Traveled 18 miles to Los Tankes where we had to pay for what water we used, the name of the proprietor is Roman Aranda.

MAR 24 - Had our horses stolen while Bro. Jones was on guard, but retrieved them in the afternoon.

MAR 25 - Traveled 45 miles and camped at Ojo De Luerio where we paid 25 cents for what water animal and camp use.

MAR 26 - SUNDAY - Traveled 27 miles and camped at Carizal, with a Mr. Tom Collins.

MAR 27 - Stayed at Mr. Collins's until noon (who treated us very kindly) then traveled 18 miles to Marchinaros Ranch.

MAR 28 - Traveled 40 miles to Carmin Ranch, this is a very fine ranch containing about 6 or 7 thousand acres of good farming land, and any amount of grazing, plenty of the best of water, the stream is thought to be as large as Big Cottonwood.

MAR 29 - Rested our stock while we looked around the country a little.

MAR 30 - Traveled 32 miles and watered our stock and continued our journey 20 miles farther and made a dry camp. We saw several large herd of antelope. Went hunting in the evening with Bro. Ivins and wounded a deer but did not get it.

MAR 31 - Traveled 20 miles and took breakfast at Ojo del Sagovna, which is the finest dairy ranch we have seen in our travels, continued our journey 8 miles and camped at some small spring.

APR 1 - Traveled 4 miles and came to the town of Insenos, continued our journey 18 miles to the town of Sauz, traveled 6 miles and made dry camp, went hunting in the evening and Bro. Ivins killed one deer.

APR 2 - Traveled 26 miles and came to the city of Chihuahua where we rented rooms.

APR 3 - Spent the day in visiting the principle places of interest. The city is about two and a half miles long and one wide, and has 10,000 inhabitants.

APR 4 - Continued our sightseeing. Visited the church which is a very nice building over a hundred years old. Has many nice pictures in it and is altogether a very fine building, said to have cost five or six hundred thousand dollars which money was raised by a loss of 2 per cent on silver taken from one silver mine. Immediately in front of the church is the principal Plaza of the city, which is nicely adorned with flowers, shrubs, and shade trees etc., with stone or cement seats all around and a large fountain in the center, which supplies the town with good cold water. The walks are nicely paved with sandstone, flowers are cultivated to a considerable extent in the inner courts of all of the principal houses.

APR 5 - Occupied the day in reading etc. Bro. Jones mailed about 300 copies of the Book of Mormon, to the principal cities of Mexico.

APR 6 - Nothing of importance.

APR 7 - Bro. Jones received permission to hold meeting, gave out an appointment for Saturday evening.

APR 8 - The meeting was attended by about five hundred, all seemed interested in the remarks of Bro. Jones who spoke for about one hour.

APR 9 - SUNDAY - In the morning two gentlemen came to see us, one of them was blind, they had attended the meeting and said they believed the testimony given. They had come from their home in the Sierra Madras Mountains to get permission to preach but they claimed no divine authority, they seemed to be much interested in our mission and said that the people where they lived would receive the gospel as soon as it was preached to them. We attended the Catholic Church.

APR 10 - Nothing of importance.

APR 11 - Loaded our wagon and traveled 10 miles and camped at Tresno Ranch.

APR 12 - Traveled 30 miles and camped at Santa de Isabel which is a very nice little place.

APR 13 - We had to lay over on account of one of our horses being lame with a split hoof. We covered the hoof with rawhide and put a shoe on which effected a perfect cure.

APR 14 - Traveled about 20 miles, passed one town call Curretas.

APR 15 - Traveled about 25 miles and camped at San Antonio, passed a good deal of oak timber and some little walnut, fine grazing and plenty of game.

APR 16 - Traveled 9 miles and camped in a pine grove.

APR 17 - Traveled 35 miles and came to Concepcion.

APR 18 - Rented rooms and stabling from this date to the 22nd studied Spanish.

APR 23 - Held meeting in the afternoon, the room was filled and good attention was given.

APR 24 - Went six miles down the river after corn which cost $100.00 for 140th one fenaga.

Arrived home July, found all well, rented a room near the Florist farm and got things straightened around, and arrangements made to go to work for C.H. Wilcken and had been at home a little over two weeks when I was again called to go south on another mission, in company with Bro. J.Z. Stewart and M.G. Trejo. I immediately set about building a house so that I could leave my family a little more comfortable in my absent. I informed the presidency that I had not sufficient means to fit myself up for the trip but they said I must go and promised that something would turn up to assist me. My brother assisted me to some means to assist in building and Bro. McGee, Whitehead, and others of the Wasatch Factory gave me a suit of clothes and Bro. E. Morse gave me a hat and F. C. Eiser gave me the making of a pair of shoes, and by one and another assisting me I was able to get a good outfit together. I saw Pres. B. Young on or about the 13 of September and told him we were all ready to start on the 15th unless we could get his consent to stay and attend conference. He gave his consent for us to stay and in regard to outfit I told him we had 3 horses and a light wagon. He said we need 4 horses for our wagon and 2 saddle horses. He then told Bro. Sheets to give me 2 of the church horses which he afterwards did. At conference there were 3 more of the brethren called to accompany us, namely I.P. Stewart, George Terry, Lewis Garff, all of Draper we waited until the 17th of October for them to get ready. When I bid my family goodby and again started off to be gone perhaps for years. We had a very pleasant trip down to the Little Colorado River where we found our people feeling well and everything in as prosperous a condition as could well be expected.

NOV 28 - Bro. Lot Smith took Bros. Trejo, Terry, and myself up to Allens Camp and from there up to a Mexicans by the name of Barnardo where we were well received and held meeting in the evening.

NOV 29 - Returned by Lakes Camp were we found all well from there to Sun Set Crossing.

NOV 30 - Traveled from Little Colorado to Prescott where we arrived on the fourth of December and held one meeting, it being the first Mormon meetings ever held in Prescott. We then continued our journey to Phoenix (Salt River) where we arrived on Saturday December 23rd and on December 24th Bro. Trejo and I made arrangements with the school trustees for the use of the school house to hold meetings in and attended Sunday School at 2 p.m. and Methodist meetings in the evening by invitation of parson Herrot. We gave out appointments to hold meeting on Thursday evening for American and Friday evening for Mexicans.

DEC 25 - Spent the day in writing to my family and in the evening received letters from home, all was well for which I felt to thank God.

DEC 28 - Preached to an interagent congregation, the school house being crowded.

DEC 29 - Attended Spanish meeting.

DEC 30 - Traveled 12 miles to Tempe. 1877

JAN 1 - Nothing of importance, three of our party commenced work for Judge Hayden.

JAN 2 - Bro. Trejo and I went about 7 miles up the river to visit some Pima Indians, but were unable to find anyone that could talk sufficient Spanish to converse with then.

JAN 4 - Bro. Stewart and I went to Phoenix and gave out an appointment for a meeting the next evening.

JAN 5 - Visited Parson Herrot and in the evening preached to about 25 people then returned to camp.

JAN 7 - Held meeting at Tempe and after meeting we were requested to speak in the evening on marriage which we did.

JAN 8 - Started for the Gila River arrived at the reservation the next day, we visited the agency for the purpose of seeing the agent but he was not at home, but had a talk with a reverend Mr. Cook, A Methodist minister, who informed us that all christian denominations were at liberty to hold meetings with the Indians on the reservation, but he did not think the Mormons would be aloud that privilege, he had been with the Indians 7 years and had translated a part of the scriptures into their language, but had not been able to make any head way with them in religious matters.

JAN 10 - Traveled 10 miles up the river to a Papago Chief by the name of Juan Largo who lives just off the reservation. Bro. Trejo explained to him what the Book of Mormon was, which seemed to please him very much.

JAN 11 - Held meeting with the Pimas, Juan Largo acting as interpreter.

JAN 14 - Returned to Tempe, read a letter from home and the next day wrote letters home, etc.

JAN 22 - Started for Tucson, arrived at Juan Largos on the 23rd and he thought best not to talk with the Pimas at any more at present. So we continue our journey to Tucson where we arrived on Sunday.

JAN 28 - SUNDAY - In the evening went out for a walk, we found all the drinking and gambling saloons open and in full blast, also a circus and a dance in town and many of the people drunk.

JAN 29 - Visited the Governor and also Chief Justice, French and Associate, Judge C.E. Tweede.

JAN 31 - By an invitation of a Mr. Jones, Bro J.Z. Stewart and I visited the Bishop of the Catholic Church

Visit to the Bishop of the Catholick Church

After being introduced as gentlemen from Utah, something like the following conversation took place.

"B.P. I understand that you wish to be instructed in the principles of Catholicism"

I right that we came to converse with him and to get information regarding their religious views." I asked him where does the Catholic Church get their authority from.

"We get it from the apostles of the New Testament."

"Have you any inspired men among you who stands as a prophet to you?"

"No, we have no prophets but we believe that the Pope is infallible and that in points of doctrine he cannot err, What is the first principle of your faith?"

"Faith in Christ, repentance and Baptism for the remission of sin."

"Can a person who does not believe in the divine mission of Christ be baptized into your church?"

"No, it is necessary to believe. I understand that you baptize infants?"


"What age must they be in order to be fit subjects for baptism?"

"We baptize them from one day old and upwards."

"Now, how is it possible for a little child one day old to know anything about Christ or his divine mission?"

"Oh, they are baptized for the original sin."

"Have you any account in the scriptures of Christ or the Apostles baptizing children?"


"I would be pleased to see it as I have failed to find anything of that kind, but on the contrary St. Mark 19:14,15 Christ says suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven and he laid his hands on them and blessed them.'

The bishop was unable to find anything to substantiate his point and became considerably excited.

"What is the mode of baptizing in your church?"

"We baptize by sprinkling."

"Oh you do not believe what Paul says in Col 2:12? That it is necessary to be buried with him in baptism, where in also ye arisen with him, through the faith of the offering of God up who has raised him from the dead, and also in Romans 6:4. `Therefore are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was risen up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also shall walk in newness of life."

"Oh, Yes, we believe that and in former times baptism was administered three ways in our church, by emersion, by pouring, and by sprinkling, but for reason that I do not wish to explain we have adopted the latter mode."

(This is in fulfillment of the writings of Isaiah, which says they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances and broken the ever lasting covenant.)

"Do you have the power to give the Holy Ghost to the baptized believer, the same as was promised by Peter on the day of Pentecost or the same as was conferred on the Samaritans by Peter and John?"

"Yes, we claim to have that power."

"Would I if I were to become converted to your faith and be baptized by you as B.P. of the Church and have your hand laid on my head receive the Holy Ghost that was spoken by the Prophet Joel, which would cause me to dream dreams or to see visions, or to prophecy?"

The Lord could give you this extra ordinary power if chose but you have no reason to expect to be raised up in the midst of the people as a prophet."

"Would I receive any of the gifts that the savior promised in the last chapter of St. Mark, should follow those who believe and were baptized by the Apostles?"

(The B.P. got considerably excited and asked who do you come here to teach me with your Bible, if you wish to know anything about the Catholic faith, go to the book store and buy a Catechism for twenty five cents and read that and if not you can go into the streets with your Bible and Bible doctrine.

We accordingly excused our selves for having taken up so much of his valuable time. Shook hands with him and departed feeling confident that we had nothing to fear from the Priests as far as argument on the scriptures were concerned.

We visited Judge C.W. Tweede of Prescott, who spoke very highly of our people and said if he could do anything to assist us settling the country he was on hand, he read us the law on polygamy and said if he had the power he would boot to repeal that law as he did not think it was any mans right to make laws to interfere with a man having as many wives as he wished and could get. We next called upon the Sisters of Charity at St. Joseph nunnery and had a very pleasant chat with the Mother of the premises.

FEB 1 - We looked around Tucson for 2 or 3 day not finding anyone that took any interest in Mormonism. We began to apply for work, but failed in getting a job, we accordingly concluded that unless we found work Bro. Terry and I would start for Rio Grande the next day. During the day a gentleman came to us who wished to employ some men to work at a mine about 70 miles south and on the road to Sonora. He said he was employing some Mexican and that there was plenty of grass for our horses. We thought it a good opportunity to replenish our store of provisions, which was almost exhausted and to recoup our horses and also to learn a little of the language by conversing with the people. Four of us started for the mine leaving Bro. Stewart and Trejo to preach. We arrived at the mine on Feb 6 and found everything as well as we could have expected. We worked 4 days in the mine when there came a heavy rain storm which saturated the ground so that great chunks of rock and earth was falling into the mine every few minutes which made it very unsafe to work there longer. One man came near getting killed by falling rocks. We that is Bro. Terry and I accepted an invitation to go over to Sarie, the first town in Sonora with the expedition of going to work on a milk ranch for an American by the name of Noble Colens, who said he had some Mexican families on his ranch, but when we arrived there there was no families on the ranch, and no prospects of any soon. We accordingly stayed with Noble Colens about one week and then returned 6 miles to a place called the Punt de Agua (Point of Water) where we were very well treated until the man of the ranch found out that we were Mormons. He then gave us to under stand that he did not want anything to do with Mormons, refusing to read the Book of Mormon and said he did not want any of his family to read it either. We next returned to a ranch in Arizona called Ara Casa, where we were well treated by the proprietor, American by the mane of Don Pedro Aguirre, who has a very excellent family but are strict Catholics.

MAR 4 - Received word from Bro. Stewart that he and the rest of the brethren were at Tubec. All well and expected to commence baptizing on the 2nd of March.

MAR 19 - We started for Tubec where we arrived in the evening, found all well with the brethren, they had baptized two men and one woman. Many more were greatly interested until the priest came and he soon knocked all Mormonism out of them.

MAR 20 - We read a letter from Pres. Young approving of our labors, advising us to seek for the spirit of God to guide us in our future labors and we should be lead in the paths where we should go. We accordingly met in the evening in council all being present. It was decided to all go to Sonora.

MAR 21 - George Terry and I was to go by way of Sarie and the rest would go to Magdalina and from there it was thought perhaps they would divide and go two and two on different roads.

MAR 22 - Returned to Ara Vaca, the folks being pleased to see us again.

MAR 28 - Came to Sarie, all our friends were gone and the small pox was spreading through the town, we continued our journey to Altar.

MAR 30 - Were we arrived on the 30th of Mar. This is a very nice town of about 2,000 inhabitants, in the afternoon we drove out about 15 miles and made a dry camp. Turned our horses out to feed, when one of them got scared at the rope and stampeded. I immediately started in pursuit on another horse. I followed the track of the rope by moonlight back to Altar, thinking I should surely over take it in the city, but I found it had not stopped, but had gone out of town on a strange road, so I continued to follow for another 15 miles, where I lost the track and was obliged to give up the search for the night and here I was 30 miles from camp tired and hungry. My horse gave out and in a strange land and about 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning. I heard a dog bark a little farther on and resolved to proceed and put my trust in God to direct me to someone who would administer to my wants. I had not gone far when I met some Papago Indians going home from a dance. I was told by them that there was an American living near by the name of Charley Man. I road up to his house called him up told him I wanted something to eat and feed for my horse and I found him a man in nature as well as name our every want was supplies. At daybreak I again started to find the track of my horse, which I found had turned into a side path which lead into the woods. I followed on for another 15 miles (making it all 45 miles I had followed the trail) and found it quietly eating and I then had to ride to Altar having had no breakfast such is life on the deserts. Got back to camp found Bro. Terry all right but quite uneasy about my long stay.

APR 6 - Arrived at Hermosillo. The country over which we passed after leaving Altar is a dry parched desert with very little grass and not much water, but where there is sufficient water for irrigating the soil is very productive and many of the tropical fruits grow luxuriantly. The water is all claimed. We concluded to stay here and study the language and as we were out of money we were obliged to sell our horses and mules, four in number for $91.00. We remained in Hermosillo and was joined by Bros. Trejo and Garff. Held a number of meetings and formed quite a circle of acquaintances, was stoned many times by the boys of rowdies of the town. The priest did about all he could to prevent us from making converts and used all the lies he could invent to prejudice the people against us, but not withstanding this we made friends and learned the language.

MAY 28 - Bro. Terry and I started for Guimas and arrived in the evening after a ride of 108 miles on the coach. Bros. Trejo and Garff returned to Arizona.

MAY 29 - Visited the American Consul, Mr. Willard, and was kindly received. At 11:00 o'clock we started in a sail boat across the neck of the Gulf for the Yaqui River, distance thirty or forty miles. Slept on the boat all night.

MAY 30 - In the morning went up the river about four miles to the house of one of the governors of the Yaqauis. He sent immediately in search of the head man of the nation, Jose Mariah. We find the Indians farming here without irrigating and their crops of corn, beans and melons, and other crops look well. The Captain General sent for our Book of Mormon, and after reading it an hour or two he returned it to us, but the Governor would not tell us where Jose Mariah, the chief was, but said if we would go to the village we would sese him and he volunteered to take us. We accordingly started and when we came to the village we found the Padre from the Guimas was there and the Indians were gathered from all over the country to a big fiesta. I must say that I never saw Catholics until I saw t hem here. they were having their processions, etc. They also have instrument os torture of various kinds. We were marched in the center of these and a counsel of their leading men was held and then we were called to the counsel and asked to state our business. We said we wished to t elk with Jose Mariah and to present him with a book. We were told that he was at the upper village and that we could not see him and were advised to leave and an escort furnished to take us back to the boat that we came in.

After we returned, the captain of our boat told us that he had seen Jose Mariah and was with him while he was reading our book and that he was not at any of the towns but was at a house near us but he did not want to sese us and that t he Indians had purposely led us off the track. We accordingly returned to the mouth of the river.

JUNE 7 - Returned to Guimas, reported to the American consul who was quite astonished when he learned we had been to the River Yaqui and returned safely. He said those Indians are now in a state of rebellion and that it is not considered safe for any one to go among them, and nothing but the power of God could have delivered us. But thanks to Him, we were permitted to return in safety.

On reaching Guimas, we were obliged to lay over two days for the coach, which we spent very pleasantly in conversing with the people and in bathing and walking along the beach. Mr. Willard, the American Consul assured us that if he could be of any service to us he was o n hand at any time. Monday we returned to Hermosilla, stayed all night at the house of Mr. Bernett who w as very kind. The next day visited our friends in the vicinity and fade them farewell and in the evening started on foot for Urace, where we arrived on the 9th of June. Stepped with an american by the name of Favorite until the evening of the 10th when we again took up our line of march for Arispe.

Arrived in Tucson after a long and tiresome journey across the deserts and uninhabitable regions of that country. But I must say that the Lord heard our prayers and strengthened us and put it in the hearts of the people to administer unto our wants to that we did not suffer a great deal but arrived in safety and enjoying good health.

Hottest day I ever experience. Engaged to work for a man by the name of Gardner at a sawmill in the Santa Rita Mountains where we labored for three weeks and then returned to Tucson. Found letters from Pres. Young and my family. We remained a little over a week in Tucson talking to the people. We found a man by the name of Mills who had once been a member of the Church but had wandered off after money. He received us kindly and promised to be rebaptized and do all he could to convert his Mexican family to our faith.

AUGUST 7 - Started for the Rio Grande.

AUGUST 11 - Arrived at Knight's Station, found some of our acquaintances of the year before and conversed with them on the principle of the Gospel.

AUGUST 17 - Met Mr. W. Coner. He said he and his wife were converted to Mormonism and were ready to for baptism. They were desirous of joining with some of those who were living at San Elizario, Texas. we promised to wait at Apache Tahaw for days for them and administer the ordinance, but they failed to connect.

AUGUST 18 - While we were waiting for Mr. Conor to join us Bro. Garff and I visited Silver City and were kindly entertained by a Mr. Tomas J. Davies.

AUGUST 19 - Attended Sunday School conducted by a Rev. Gale, a Methodist minister. After school, we introduced ourselves and asked for t he privilege of holding meeting in the school house Monday or Tuesday evening, which privilege was refused.

AUGUST 20 - Visited a Mr. McGerry and wife who had once been Mormons. Mr. McGerry now professes t o belong to the Josephite Church, however, we were well received by them and spent all this day and part of the next in conversing upon religious subjects.

AUGUST 21 - Called on and introduced ourselves to the Editor of the Grant County Herald and had quite a discussion with him upon the question of polygamy. He undertook to prove by figures that unless the Mormons quit the practice of polygamy, they would over stalk the word with people and thus cause a famine. He said, "I have two children and would consider it a very great calamity indeed to have any more.

I told him that men in our country had from 5 to 20 and were still praying for more, and we expected to still continue to beget children who would in turn assist in peopling this great western land until these wilds and wildernesses would blossom as the rose and that I did not fear a famine, at least from that cause.

Mr. McGerry made us a present of a nice walking stick each and gave us $3.00 in money to assist us in our travels, and invited us to call and stop with him whenever we had occasion. Our friend Davies and family were very much interested and promised to come to Utah and see for themselves.

AUGUST 28 - Arrived at Harts Mill, El Paso Co. where we found Bro., James Z. Stewart, baptized a Mr. John Hamilton and confirmed him.

SEPTEMBER 20 - I baptized Mr. Isaac F. Campbell and wife and we also blessed their two children. We ordained him to the office of Elder and Hamilton to that of Priest.

SEPTEMBER 22 - Bro. Stewart baptized the mother, Nancy Campbell, J.W. Campbell, concluding to take his wife and family to St. George and there receive the ordinances of the Gospel.

OCTOBER 19 - Arrived in Los Lunas, New Mexico. All well except Bro. Terry who has chills and fever.

OCTOBER 20 - Bro. stewart and I walked nine miles to visit the Indians of Ysleta. We found the chief, talked with him and found him to be very bitter in his feelings towards the Mormons. He told us t o get out of his house and go to the priest with our doctrines. Hisi name is Juan Felipe Carpio. we next visited Juan Rey Luthero, the man with whom Bro. Tenney and Smith lived in the spring of 1876. We learned from him that after the brethren left there that there was quite a number of the Indians that believed their testimony, but that the priest had got them to all come to the alter of the church and swear that they would never have anything more to do with Mormons or Mormonism. We found it impossible to do any more with them and were obliged to walk back to camp.

OCTOBER 22 - Started from Los Lunas to visit the Indians between the Rio Grande and the Little Colorado River and also the saints who lived in that country.

OCTOBER 24 - Bro. Stewart and I visited the Indians at the LaGuna Village. The chief called a council of his leading men and we explained to them in Spanish the principles of the Gospel of Christ and also in regard to the Book of Mormon and then told them if they wished, we would continue with them for a few days and instruct them further. They said our talk had been good, but that we could go on as they had not time to meet again with us.

OCTOBER 28 - We arrived at Bro. Hatch's camp and found all well. Quite a number of the saints who had come from Arkansas were with them and also a Bro. L.M. Peterson, who had been laboring in Colorado, and Texas among the Mexicans and had baptized 33 of them. Some of them were living with him and the rest were at Bro Tenney's camp on the Little Colorado. We held meeting with the people in the evening and were invited to come the next day to bro. John Hunt's camp at savoya which we did and held meeting in that place with the saints.

OCTOBER 30 - Bought a span of Bay Mares of Bro. Hunt for which I paid him $150.00 in cash, one pistol and was to pay $50.00 in stock to the tithing office or in donation on the temple at Manti.

NOVEMBER 6 - Arrived at Bro. Tenney's camp and found all well. there was a Mexican family here whom we instructed and comforted in the principles of the Gospel.

NOVEMBER 7 - Came to Bro. Allen's camp found all well.

NOVEMBER 9 - Arrived at Bro. Lot smith's camp, all well.

NOVEMBER 11 - Held meeting in Bro. Smith's camp in the morning and in the afternoon at Bro., Balenger's camp.

NOVEMBER 19 - Received a letter from President Taylor releasing me to return home. Had a very pleasant trip to song Valley where I found my wife Victoria and children all well. Remained here a few days and started for home where we arrived the 17th of Dec 1877. Found all well.

FEBRUARY 14, 1878 - I was elected to act as chaplain of the Council of the Legislature.



PAF - Archer files = Elena Pratt Turley Brown < Harold Wilcken Pratt + Ann Marie Hendrickson < Helaman Pratt + Bertha Christina Wilcken < Parley Parker Pratt + Mary Wood < Jared Pratt + Charity Dickinson : parents of Parley Parker Pratt and also Orson Pratt.

Transcribed by Maurine Colgrove with some additions and corrections by Benson Parkinson. Spelling and layout standardized.

Copyright 2001 www.OrsonPrattBrown.org



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... Easter 1986 through October 2005


... Published December 2007:
By Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published March 2009:
(unfortunately the publisher incorrectly changed the photo
and spelling of Phebe Abbott Brown Fife's name
after it was proofed by this author)
Researched and Compiled by
Erold C. Wiscombe

... Published 2012:
"Finding Refuge in El Paso"
By Fred E. Woods [ISBN: 978-1-4621-1153-4]
Includes O.P Brown's activities as Special Church Agent in El Paso
and the Juarez Stake Relief Committee Minutes of 1912.

...Published 2012:
"Colonia Morelos: Un ejemplo de ética mormona
junto al río Bavispe (1900-1912)"
By Irene Ríos Figueroa [ISBN: 978-607-7775-27-0]
Includes O.P. Brown's works as Bishop of Morelos. Written in Spanish.

...Published 2014:
"The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins 1875 - 1932"
By Elizabeth Oberdick Anderson [ISBN: 978-156085-226-1]
Mentions O.P. Brown more than 30 times as Ivins' companion.

... To be Published Soon:

Send Comments and Information to: 




... Lily Gonzalez Brown 80th Birthday Party-Reunion
July 14, 2007 in American Fork, Utah

...Gustavo Brown Family Reunion in October 2007

Send Additions and Information to:


...... Wives and 35 Children Photo Chart
...... Chronology
...... Photo Gallery of OPB
...... Letters


...... Biographical Sketch of the Life Orson Pratt Brown
...... History of Orson Pratt Brown by Orson P. Brown
...... Journal & Reminiscences of Capt. Orson P. Brown
...... Memories of Orson P. Brown by C. Weiler Brown
...... Orson Pratt Brown by "Hattie" Critchlow Jensen
...... Orson Pratt Brown by Nelle Spilsbury Hatch
...... Orson Pratt Brown by W. Ayrd Macdonald

- Captain James Brown 1801-1863

...... Wives and 29 / 43 Children Photo Chart
...... Captain James Brown's Letters & Journal
...... Brown Family Memorabilia
...... Mormon Battalion 1846-1847
...... Brown's Fort ~ then Brownsville, Utah
...... Chronology of Captain James Brown

- Phebe Abbott Brown Fife 1831-1915

- Colonel William Nicol Fife - Stepfather 1831-1915


- James Brown of Rowan County, N.C. 1757-1823

- Mary Williams of Rowan County, N.C. 1760-1832

- Stephen Joseph Abbott of, PA 1804-1843

- Abigail Smith of Williamson, N.Y. 1806-1889

- John Fife of Tulliallan, Scotland 1807-1874

- Mary Meek Nicol, Carseridge, Scotland 1809-1850 


- Martha "Mattie" Diana Romney Brown 1870-1943

- Jane "Jennie" Bodily Galbraith Brown 1879-1944

- Elizabeth Graham MacDonald Webb Brown 1874-1904

- Eliza Skousen Brown Abbott Burk 1882-1958

- Angela Maria Gavaldón Brown 1919-1967


- (Martha) Carrie Brown (child) 1888-1890

- (Martha) Orson Pratt Brown, Jr. (child) 1890-1892

- (Martha) Ray Romney Brown 1892-1945

- (Martha) Clyde Romney Brown 1893-1948

- (Martha) Miles Romney Brown 1897-1974

- (Martha) Dewey B. Brown 1898-1954

- (Martha) Vera Brown Foster Liddell Ray 1901-1975

- (Martha) Anthony Morelos Brown 1904-1970

- (Martha) Phoebe Brown Chido Gardiner 1906-1973

- (Martha) Orson Juarez Brown 1908-1981

- (Jane) Ronald Galbraith Brown 1898-1969

- (Jane) Grant "Duke" Galbraith Brown 1899-1992

- (Jane) Martha Elizabeth Brown Leach Moore 1901-1972

- (Jane) Pratt Orson Galbraith Brown 1905-1960

- (Jane) William Galbraith Brown (child) 1905-1912

- (Jane) Thomas Patrick Porfirio Diaz Brown 1907-1978

- (Jane) Emma Jean Galbraith Brown Hamilton 1909-1980

- (Elizabeth) (New born female) Webb 1893-1893

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Webb Brown Jones 1895-1982

- (Elizabeth) Marguerite Webb Brown Shill 1897-1991

- (Elizabeth) Donald MacDonald Brown 1902-1971

- (Elizabeth) James Duncan Brown 1904-1943

- (Eliza) Gwen Skousen Brown Erickson Klein 1903-1991

- (Eliza) Anna Skousen Brown Petrie Encke 1905-2001

- (Eliza) Otis Pratt Skousen Brown 1907-1987

- (Eliza) Orson Erastus Skousen Brown (infant) 1909-1910

- (Eliza) Francisco Madera Skousen Brown 1911-1912

- (Eliza) Elizabeth Skousen Brown Howell 1914-1999

- (Angela) Silvestre Gustavo Brown 1919-

- (Angela) Bertha Erma Elizabeth Brown 1922-1979

- (Angela) Pauly Gabaldón Brown 1924-1998

- (Angela) Aaron Aron Saul Brown 1925

- (Angela) Mary Angela Brown Hayden Green 1927

- (Angela) Heber Jedediah Brown (infant) 1936-1936

- (Angela) Martha Gabaldón Brown Gardner 1940


- Stephen Abbott Brown 1851-1853

- Phoebe Adelaide Brown Snyder 1855-1930

- Cynthia Abigail Fife Layton 1867-1943

- (New born female) Fife 1870-1870

- (Toddler female) Fife 1871-1872


- (Martha Stephens) John Martin Brown 1824-1888

(Martha Stephens) Alexander Brown 1826-1910

(Martha Stephens) Jesse Stowell Brown 1828-1905

- (Martha Stephens) Nancy Brown Davis Sanford 1830-1895

(Martha Stephens) Daniel Brown 1832-1864

(Martha Stephens) James Moorhead Brown 1834-1924

(Martha Stephens) William Brown 1836-1904

(Martha Stephens) Benjamin Franklin Brown 1838-1863

(Martha Stephens) Moroni Brown 1838-1916

- (Susan Foutz) Alma Foutz Brown (infant) 1842-1842

- (Esther Jones) August Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Augusta Brown (infant) 1843-1843

- (Esther Jones) Amasa Lyman Brown (infant) 1845-1845

- (Esther Jones) Alice D. Brown Leech 1846-1865

- (Esther Jones) Esther Ellen Brown Dee 1849-1893

- (Sarah Steadwell) James Harvey Brown 1846-1912

- (Mary McRee) George David Black 1841-1913

- (Mary McRee) Mary Eliza Brown Critchlow1847-1903

- (Mary McRee) Margaret Brown 1849-1855

- (Mary McRee) Mary Brown Edwards Leonard 1852-1930

- (Mary McRee) Joseph Smith Brown 1856-1903

- (Mary McRee) Josephine Vilate Brown Newman 1858-1917

- (Phebe Abbott) Stephen Abbott Brown (child) 1851-1853

- (Phebe Abbott) Phoebe Adelaide Brown 1855-1930

- (Cecelia Cornu) Charles David Brown 1856-1926

- (Cecelia Cornu) James Fredrick Brown 1859-1923

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Sarah Brown c. 1857-

- (Lavinia Mitchell) Augustus Hezekiah Brown c. 1859


- (Diane Davis) Sarah Jane Fife White 1855-1932

- (Diane Davis) William Wilson Fife 1857-1897

- (Diane Davis) Diana Fife Farr 1859-1904

- (Diane Davis) John Daniel Fife 1863-1944

- (Diane Davis) Walter Thompson Fife 1866-1827

- (Diane Davis) Agnes Ann "Aggie" Fife 1869-1891

- (Diane Davis ) Emma Fife (child) 1871-1874

- (Diane Davis) Robert Nicol Fife (infant) 1873-1874

- (Diane Davis) Barnard Fife (infant) 1881-1881

- (Cynthia Abbott) Mary Lucina Fife Hutchins 1868-1950

- (Cynthia Abbott) Child Fife (infant) 1869-1869

- (Cynthia Abbott) David Nicol Fife 1871-1924

- (Cynthia Abbott) Joseph Stephen Fife (child) 1873-1878

- (Cynthia Abbott) James Abbott Fife (infant) 1877-1878


- (Diana) Caroline Lambourne 18461979

- (Diana)  Miles Park Romney 1843-1904

- (Jane) Emma Sarah Bodily 1858-1935

- (Jane) William Wilkie Galbraith 1838-1898

- (Elizabeth) Alexander F. Macdonald 1825-1903

- (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Atkinson 1841-1922

- (Eliza) Anne Kirstine Hansen 1845-1916

- (Eliza) James Niels Skousen 1828-1912

- (Angela) Maria Durán de Holguin 1876-1955

- (Angela) José Tomás Gabaldón 1874-1915












Contact Us:
Orson Pratt Brown Family Organization
P.O. Box 980111
Park City, Utah 84098-0111