Family Group Record Page 2 of 3 Notes HUSBAND - Robert Raper 22 Oct 2000 The information on Robert Raper is very sketchy. On Esther Jones Raper Brown's headstone she is called Grandma Raper. I (Belva) wondered why we didn't have more information on her. Standing by Esther's grave in Sep I noticed a grave just east of Esthers that says Ann Elizabeth Raper Browning. The Raper caught my eye immediately. I thought they may be related. I (Belva) will give more information about this in notes on Esther's Jones Raper Brown's record. Looking up the obituary of Ann Elizabeth Raper Browning I believe that she is the daughter of Robert Raper and Esther J. R. Brown and they were married before Esther was married to Capt. James Brown. The obituary is recorded in The Ogden Junction Oct 11, 1873 P. 6." DIED In this city, Sep 24th, 1873, of heart disease and dropsy, Ann Elizabeth, wife of J. W. Browning and daughter of Robert and Esther Roper (Raper). Deceased was born in Wythe County, Va., Apr 4th 1837. Her father died when she was two years of age, and her mother then moved to Nauvoo, Ill., with her, in 1842. She came to Salt Lake City in 1847, was baptized the same year, and in 1854 was married. She leaves a husband and seven children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She remained, until death, firm in the faith of the Gospel".. WIFE - Esther Jones The Nauvoo Area marriage records lists Esther as Esther Raper. She was the widow of Robert Raper. The Weber County 1860 Census lists on page 90 Esther Raper age 46, Ellen age 11 and Alice 9. On June 10, 2000 a Mormon Battalion marker was placed at the base of the marker in the Ogden City Cemetery for Esther. Esther is buried as Esther Jones Raper Brown on west end of the cemetery, 3rd Ave. just east of Capt. Brown. Esther is buried next to her daughter Alice Martha Brown who died in 1852 at age 13 lacking 4 months.. It is believed that Robert Raper died before May 1839. 30 Nov 2000 - Esther's life has become more interesting to me (Belva) About 3 months ago my husband (Richard Moyle) and I were taking pictures of Esther's headstone. Headstone says "Grandma Raper - Esther Jones Raper widow of Capt. James Brown born 2 Jan 1811 Surry Co. North Carolina. Died Ogden 6 Oct 1898." On the south side of Esther is the headstone of Martha Alice Brown. "Martha Alice dau of James and Esther Brown born Aug 1, 1852, died 10 Apr 1865". One grave east of Esther is the grave of Ann Elizabeth Raper Browning. After some research I (Belva) have determined that Ann Elizabeth Raper is the dau of Esther Jones Raper and Robert Raper. She came to Utah with her mother and married John Wesley Browning. A copy of her obituary is typed on her family group sheet. Also along 3rd Ave to the north of Esther about 50 feet is the grave of Esther Ellen Brown Dee. This is Esther's dau that married James L Dee. Esther Dee's information is recorded on her family group sheet. At the time of Esther Jones Raper Brown's death both of her married daughters were deceased. Her other children all died at a very young age. Another interesting fact-the Ogden City Cemetery records -- All PC Esther Raper pd by M,S.Browning Oct 19, 1951 $100.00. This indicates a connection between the Raper and Browning families. Semi-Weekly Standard records on Fri. Oct 7, 1898, page l. "Grandma" Raper Dead. Mrs. Esther Jones Raper, known all over Salt Lake and Ogden as "Grandma Raper," died, at her home 2823 Washington Avenue, the residence of W. F. Critchlow, at 2:30 this morning. Her death was caused by old age, she having reached the age of 84 years January last. She had several children, all of whom are dead, but she leaves several grandchildren, great grand children and even great-great grandchildren to mourn her death with a host of friends. She was one of the first children who came to Ogden and lived for a time in Fort Brigham. (She was married when she came to Ogden - She first lived in Brown's Fort. this remark has been added by Belva). The funeral will be held from the residence, 2823 Wash. Ave. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The place of holding the funeral is at the special request of Mrs. Raper before her death. Semi-Weekly Standard Ogden, Utah Tuesday Oct. 11, 1898 page 1. Funeral of Grandma Raper - Held from the Tabernacle - A large Gathering of Mourning Friends and Relatives. The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Esther Raper Brown were held from the Tabernacle, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and were attended by a very large number of her old-time and late friends. Ex­Bishop Critchlow presided at the services and Elder Joseph Hall offered the opening prayer. C. C. Brown followed with an address on "Grandma Raper," as he had known her for many years, calling attention to her life of good works and the lessons taught during the 84 years of her useful life. Senator Cannon also spoke for some moments eulogizing the deceased. He had known her all his life, and had loved her; knew her worth, and he closed his remarks by reading the 15th chap of the I Corinthians, which he had often read to her in his boyhood days and which she loved to hear. Elder John Pincock offered the benediction, and the cortege formed and wended its way to the last resting place. The grave was dedicated by Elder Charles Welch. Weber County 1860 Census page 90 lists: Esther Raper 46, Ellen age 11 and Alice 9. Note: Surry County, North Carolina was established 1771 from Rowan County CHILD 1 - Ann Elizabeth Raper Headstone of Ann Elizabeth Raper Browning in the Ogden City Cemetery is on 3rd Ave - one grave east of her mother Esther Jones Raper Brown -states Browning Ann E. Raper Apr 4, 1837 - Sept 24, 1873 and John Wesley Mar 7, 1832 - Oct 5, 1913. Also on the headstone it says Elen May & Reuben Jacob are buried on mother's grave. Ogden Junction newspaper Saturday, Oct. 11, 1873, page 5, reports: Died. In this city, Sept 24, 1873, of heart diesease and dropsy, Ann Elizabeth, wife of J. W. Browning and daughter of Robert and Esther Roper (Raper). Deceased was born in Wythe County Va., April 4th, 1837. Her father died when she was two years of age,and her mother then moved to Nauvoo, Ill. with her in 1842. She came to Salt Lake City in 1847, was baptized the same year, and in 1854 was married. She leaves a husband and seven children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She remained, until death, firm in the faith of the Gospel.. Nov 2, 2000 Weber County 1860 census line 28 lists: Jno W. Browning 28 Tenn. Ann E. Browning 22 Ind. Jno W. age 5, Anna E. age 3, and Esther A. 6/12 Browning Raper Brown - states Browning Ann E. Raper Apr the headstone it says Ellen May & Reuben Jacob b Ogden Junction newspaper Sat. Oct 11. 1873, page Page 3 of 3 On the card file of pioneers crossing the plains ( Church Emmigration) one card list: POPER (Raper) Ann Elizabeth (10) Utah Pioneer of 1847. Member of Capt. Daniel Spencer's Hundred (2nd Fifty) which arrived in G.S.L. Valley Sept. 19, 1847. (J.H. June 21, 1847, p.12) P.420 o the DUP "They Cane ín'47" lists First Ten - Isaac Haight, Capt. Brown, Esther age 33, born 7 Jan 1814 in Lyman, No. Carolina and Raper, Ann Elizabeth age 10, born 4 Apr 1837, Wythe Co.,Va. They left Jun 8, 1847 and arrived 3 months later on Sep 19, 1847. Nov 5, 2000 Weber County 1870 census page 7 lists: Browning, J. Wesley 38 Clerk in store " Ann E. 34 f w Keeping house " John W. 15 n w Works in shoe store " Ann E. 12 f w " Esther (Hester) 10 f w " Rose B. 8 f w " Iola 6 fw " James This census was 3 years before Ann Elizabeth died in 1873. She apparently had twins in that tine period. Her headstone says that Ellen May and Reuben Jacob are buried in Mother's grave. The Ogden City cemetery records also Reuben Jacob Browning died Sep 14, 1873 and Ellen May Nov 5, 1873. Ellen May would still have been alive when her mother did on the 24 Sep 1873. Thus the 7 surviving children listed in the obituary. In "The Ogden Junction " Friday, Nov. 7, 1873 it is recorded on page 3 " DIED In this city, on the 4th, Ellen Maay, daughter of J. W. and Anna Elizabeth Browning, aged one month and twenty days." In the obituary for John Wesley Browning it lists the surviving children by married name. This is listed under John Wesley Brown ing's personal information. It also states that he married Capt. James Brown's step-daughter which is another tie that Arm Elizabeth is the dau of Esther and James Brown. 03 Mar 2005 ALL THIS RESEARCH DONE BY BELVA R. MOYLE Additional Sources of Information: Nauvoo Area Marriage Records Ogden City Cemetery Records Semi-Weekly Standard obituary and funeral notices on Fri. Oct. 7, 1898 and Tue Oct 11, 1898 Obituary notices of Ann Elizabeth Raper and John Wesley Browning - Ogden Junction Sat. Oct 11, 1873, Page 6? The Ogden Standard Wed. October 8, 1913, Page 6? Obituary notices of Esther Ellen Brown and James Leech Dee Sketch of the Life of Esther Jones Raper Brown written by Elizabeth Dee Thomas - granddaughter- on file in the DUP Museum in Ogden, Ut. Personal contact with Dale Browning, No. Ogden for Browning information. Personal contact with Betseylee Browning, Mt. Green, Ut for Raper information. History of Captain James Brown by Gladys Brown White Card file of pioneers crossing the plains (Church Emmigration) Mountain View section of Leavitt's Cemetery - Ogden, Utah L.D.S. Ordinance Index.